Friday, November 22, 2013

what do my shoulders need?

what do my shoulders need?

so i dont do much overhead pressing, cuz chris said its not neccessary. my strength sucks, i tried to do overhead db press the other day and i could only get like the 40s for 8-10 reps. i do plenty of cuff work and rear delt shit but how often should i do overhead movements to maintain strength? size is fine and i dont really care anyway but i feel my lacking shoulder strength might be hindering my bench...

size18boarder so i dont do much overhead pressing, cuz chris said its not neccessary. my strength sucks, i tried to do overhead db press the other day and i could only get like the 40s for 8-10 reps. i do plenty of cuff work and rear delt shit but how often should i do overhead movements to maintain strength? size is fine and i dont really care anyway but i feel my lacking shoulder strength might be hindering my bench... if you are doing bench pressing you should maintain your strength.

Neo22 if you are doing bench pressing you should maintain your strength. Reading comprehension and basic grammar own you. You should be working your shoulders once a week, probably in the range of 4-8 instead of 8-10. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

What do you do for rear delts?

ralyks Reading comprehension and basic grammar own you. You should be working your shoulders once a week, probably in the range of 4-8 instead of 8-10. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. You are a fucking idiot. I haven't done shoulder presses in over 7 months and not LOST any strength. He was asking about pressing. So the only person that needs to learn how TO read would you be you.

rear raises for posterior delts.

what do my shoulders need?

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