Thursday, November 28, 2013

Wish me luck...

Wish me luck...

Well, starting tomorrow Im gonna start hitting the gym hard again. I finally got all my meal replacements, creatine, protein and other supplements in the mail. About this time last year I was a fat fuck, and did the same thing...except didnt use any supplements and didnt know what I was doing, AT ALL... and lost a lil over 100 lbs...Didnt take me but 3 months. Well, I kinda stopped after that cause I was happy, put on muscle and lost a shit load of weight too. Well, now im trying to get bigger and it starts tomorrow. Im very excited and cant wait. Been reading this forum more and more recently for some extra advice and stuff so yeah. Im prolly gonna end up getting a little fatter for a bit, but I know thats normal if you want to get bigger. So anyways, wish me luck and if ya have any advice throw it my way...P.S. Im 6'2, 208

good luck!! keep us updated

gl man =)

i give it a week

sr20wop i give it a week LoL, I have done it before, not like its that hard. I like to work out do it now, just gonna up it now. Screw the haters. Ill keep updated.

GL man!! You should ebter the contest in the sticky at the top of the page for extra motivation

I am not entering, but im gonna take before/after and hopefully will have some diff to show in the thread, lol. Hit the gym good today, got there around 8am, stayed till 930. Worked my upper body, hit bis, tris, pecs, and delts hardest. Yup

Wish me luck...

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