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Showing posts with label exhaust. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2013

Feel Great After Your Workout

What to do so You Feel Great After Your Workout

Feel Great After Your Workout

Exercise should, technically, make you feel more energized, toned and fit -- not tired or sore. And while a little bit of fatigue and aches are normal, if you feel awful after you workout it's a surefire way to quickly give up your routine. Here are 14 simple tips that you can use before, during and after your next workout to make sure you feel the way exercise is intended to make you feel: great!

1. Make sure your body has fuel. Eating a small snack about an hour before your workout may help give you energy.
2. Get enough sleep. If your body is truly tried, your workout will only exacerbate this feeling.
3. When you start a new exercise routine, or increase intensity/duration, do so gradually.
4. Take a few minutes to warm-up before your workout.
5. After you workout, stretch your muscles.
6. Don't exhaust yourself. If you're feeling completely out of breath or extremely fatigued, decrease the intensity of your workout.
7. Give yourself time to recover. Avoid training the same muscle groups two days in a row.
8. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can lead to fatigue.
9. Eat something after your workout. Eating a mixture of protein and complex carbs within 90 minutes of working out will help repair your muscles and give you energy. Some great snack ideas include nuts and fruit, yogurt or cheese and whole-grain crackers or a tuna sandwich on whole-wheat bread.

If you've already worked out and now feel sore, here's what you can do to soothe your achy muscles:

10. Massage the area.
11. Apply a cold pack to the area.
12. Use BlueStop MAX Arthritis Pain Gel, a natural, proven topical gel that will relieve your pain in minutes.
13. Give it time. Muscle soreness should go away on its own in a few days.
14. Do some low-impact exercise. This increases blood flow to your muscles and can help to relieve soreness.

What to do so You Feel Great After Your Workout

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