Thursday, January 30, 2014

How do I permanently remove a hair?

How do I permanently remove a hair?

I wasn't sure exactly where to post this question but i figure this forum is the most appropriate where I may get serious replies. I basically have this one single hair growing on my right arm that is long. My arms are generally hairless, but i got this one hair that just keeps growing back. it is very unsightly. It is actually white colored hair (im asian) and it grows about one inch in length. Everytime i cut it or tear it out, it just grows back. It's ugly! Im afraid to cut it or pull it again cuz im afraid it might grow back thicker and thicker and become one of those nasty big thick hairs that can be seen a mile away. I seen on a TV infomercial before that there is this electronic device where you clamp over a piece of hair and you activate it to send a pulse and it supposedly sends an electronic pulse down to the root of hte hair and prevents it from growing back. So basically, my question is, how do i kill this fucker and prevent it from growing back?

just keep plucking it or shaving it. hair doesnt grow back thicker, it's a myth..that's not how your endocrine system works. just keep cutting it


superbri007 electrolysis, or laser sugery, i believe. But very very expensive. Save your hairs, I bet we'll have an Ice Age in our lifetimes hippy

I keep gettin some random hairs that grow what seems like a inch over night

Electrolysis/lasers. It's one hair, shouldn't be too expensive. See a dermatologist or even a plastic surgeon.

Burn yourself to kill your hair follicle and create forever ingrown hair?

mtnbike4522 I keep gettin some random hairs that grow what seems like a inch over night those monsters started popping up on my shoulders

just wax it/pluck it, you pussy.

~*Pogovina*~ just wax it/pluck it, you pussy. this isnt about the pain. i plucked it a few times and it just grows back. my entire arm is bare except for this one lone hair which makes me look like a freak. i want to remove it permanently.

is it that tought to just pluck it out every other week?

Phlab is it that tought to just pluck it out every other week? for the rest of my life, yes.

I believe scar tissue does not grow hairs, so you can just cut yourself. Just remember it's down the road, not across the street. Or you can just pass a razor over it everytime you take a shower, it can't be that much of an inconvenience. EDIT:If it's white, then it should not be that noticeable anyways.

How do I permanently remove a hair?

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