Monday, January 27, 2014

4.7.05 1rm - Squat 315lbs

4.7.05 1rm - Squat 315lbs

Passed my goal of 300!!!!! Anyone care to post their 1rm on Squat?

Mine is a little more than that now. Good job 3 wheels feels good huh?

Neo22 Mine is a little more than that now. Good job 3 wheels feels good huh? yeah it does...i was so pumped just putting them on

305 - I want to make it the three 45s. Soon enough!

335 baby, one step ahead!!

Nice, I have been battling a fever and bronchitis all week and went in and did 275 x 5, I was pretty impressed.

christophers 695 Weak sauce.

christophers 695 Nuthin but a peanut

christophers 695 100 bucks says you can do 700

just curious but why the hell do you people do this 1 rep shit?

PurEvl just curious but why the hell do you people do this 1 rep shit? I never maxed out on Squat's before so i thought id give it a try, im going to go back to 300lb or less and work my way up.... Plus we have a strongman competition at the university...i might enter myself

295 i think. Thats from pyramiding up

last time i maxed i got 245 up

PurEvl just curious but why the hell do you people do this 1 rep shit? it make me feel like a big man

Jeg1983 it make me feel like a big man your a pl'er your not trying to get bigger, correct?

christophers pl'rs are always trying to get bigger but stay in their weight class, more muscle = helpful either way you slice it but not in a vanity way. I didnt think dez was trying to be a pl'er? Noobs hammering big weight for 1 rep maxes is nothing more then a recipe for injury.

PurEvl but not in a vanity way. I didnt think dez was trying to be a pl'er? Noobs hammering big weight for 1 rep maxes is nothing more then a recipe for injury. Agreed plus I have lost a bit of size since going pure pling

435 beginning of march. i never do maxes during my workout. i only did it that one time b/c it was a powermeet and i just wanted to see where i was.

PurEvl but not in a vanity way. I didnt think dez was trying to be a pl'er? Noobs hammering big weight for 1 rep maxes is nothing more then a recipe for injury. negative, not going the pl'er way....

Good job. I don't do 1RM's anymore, just rep a bunch at 225, but my previous max was 405.

I think im going to try that 20 rep squat routine

more than you, less than chris

335. but i was about 160 at the time. too heavy for 148 & too light for 165. heh.

deznutz negative, not going the pl'er way.... exactly, he's saying quit risking injury with the 1rm crap

Ed Goan never 1RM'd in the gym btw. His totals were something like 2200lbs which was a record in his class that stood for 17 years

4.7.05 1rm - Squat 315lbs

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