Saturday, January 25, 2014

What's the pro and cons of Powercleaning?

What's the pro and cons of Powercleaning?

I mean, It's like an extended deadlift but all you brolys only do deadlift. Is there a certain reason for this?

i'll go on a limb here and say because it's more form dependent thant just strength... and have you seen how shitty the forms of some deadlifts here? That's a clusterfuck in the works if i've ever seen one.

It also a very explosive lift...which helps those fast twitch muscle fibers. Oh yea, and nothing burns my traps more than 3 to 4 sets of hang cleans/power cleans.

1.8t It also a very explosive lift...which helps those fast twitch muscle fibers. Oh yea, and nothing burns my traps more than 3 to 4 sets of hang cleans/power cleans. I tried to powerclean about 115 on wednesday (my first time) and I got it up but I believe my form was really horrendous

christophers because there's no reason to use a movement that you cannot teach yourself. the vast majority of football/sports coaches in the US cannot properly teach most oly lifts, either. yea, a few of my friends said that I could just fake it for football testing but I actually want to learn it

just use the clean pull

oh, and is it sad that i'm 5'9, 140 max bench that I know of so far is 165x3 and my max squat that I know of so far is 155?

Juke oh, and is it sad that i'm 5'9, 140 max bench that I know of so far is 165x3 and my max squat that I know of so far is 155? it's only sad if it stays that way.

I was lucky enough to have a coach in high school that actually did a bit of O-lifting and knew what he was doing. I did them for football/throwing but I see no reason to continue doing them now. Unless you're planning to olympic lift, in which case you should find a good training center/coach and learn from them.

Undefined it's only sad if it stays that way. Well, I just bumped the bench weight up yesterday...and I haven't done squats in a long time cause I had foot surgery in march

whatever you do don't try to do it on your own, please please please have some experience person who knows what the fuck they are doing help you out...With the proper form you can get some fantastic explosive strength. With the wrong form repeated you can just injure yourself and not even get the best results. I just got done doing my oly day...snatches, clean and jerks weee

Juke oh, and is it sad that i'm 5'9, 140 max bench that I know of so far is 165x3 and my max squat that I know of so far is 155? your squat is sad, id say bench is fine though, but as Undefined said, its only sad if it stays that way.

princess0fdiabl0 your squat is sad, id say bench is fine though, but as Undefined said, its only sad if it stays that way. well, like I stated in a previous post, I had an injury occur on my foot which required surgery

Juke I tried to powerclean about 115 on wednesday (my first time) and I got it up but I believe my form was really horrendous Its all in your form. My weight coach in highschool certainly wasn't an olympic trainer or competitor, but he seemed like he knew what he was doing. We would spend hours working on form w/ just the bar. Even so, my form as far as dropping underneath the weight still sucks. I drop half as far as I should. However, the rest of my form much better. Keeping the weight on the legs to keep from straining the upper back. Roll the bar to your shins and explode upward using your legs as hard as you can. Near the peak of this manuever shrug and pull the weight up as far as you can while trying to keep the weight moving only verticall. From here you drop beneath the weight as fast as possible while letting the bar come down on your delts as you raise your elbows as high as possible. From here, it is nothing but a front squat. I have only been doing hang cleans as of late. I guess the only reason I like them is because I am decent at them. I do 225lbs for 3 sets of 5. It has REALLY helped w/ my upper back developement.

my problem with cleans is that I don't feel like I have my elbows up high enough when I rack the bar onto my shoulders. does anyone have any good animated gifs to show proper form?

What's the pro and cons of Powercleaning?

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