Showing posts with label Flat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flat. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2014

Finally broke into the 100's with dumbbells

Finally broke into the 100's with dumbbells

Repped 100 3x on flat bench today, I was happy. I broke 90's 3 weeks ago and, on the first attempt, dropped one of the 90lb dumbbells out of my left hand (elbow couldn't take it), picked them up again and repped 4.

I've found it's easier for my elbows to have the weight laying on my chest as I lay down and then use solely my arms to spread out. Before, I was kicking the db's off my thighs as I was laying down and I think the force of slowing the weight down to counter gravity while getting set up was what was fucking with my elbows.

I can shrug 100's

Mystery Guest I can shrug 100's Highest I've gone on shrugs is 90's and I'm good for 5

Are we talking one arm curls or dumbell benching? edit* my guess is benching

7th Ninjai Repped 1000 30x on flat bench today, I was happy. I broke 900's 3 weeks ago and, on the first attempt, dropped one of the 900lb dumbbells out of my left hand (elbow couldn't take it, it snapped, bending backwards, so I took the other dumbell and smashed it back into place), picked them up again and repped 40. Now that's animal intensity, that's animal pride. fixed.

I usually do 70s for incline press after I do BB flat

Opi Are we talking one arm curls or dumbell benching? edit* my guess is benching Benching. One arms curls, I can only do 47.5 on the last set

ralyks fixed. Post more

ChosenGSR I usually do 70s for incline press after I do BB flat I stopped doing barbell indefinitely. My numbers (stopped a ~month or so ago) were 225lbs 5x, 265max on flat. When I first started flat db several months ago, I had trouble with anything beyond 75lbs but I seem to be improving faster as I am focused on it now. My incline is still lacking, I can only get 85 4x on the last set. I tried flat BB last week to see if I had lost strength there, I had trouble pushing 205 6x

7th Ninjai Highest I've gone on shrugs is 90's and I'm good for 5

NoXeN I need to grow some traps

ralyks fixed. animal pak > *

7th Ninjai Benching. One arms curls, I can only do 47.5 on the last set wow... Im using 40 for each arm... I dont feel so shitty anymore

props to that man. too bad my gym doesnt go higher than 100s on DBs, gotta use the bar.

ryazbeck props to that man. too bad my gym doesnt go higher than 100s on DBs, gotta use the bar. Thanks man Mine doesn't either - I guess I'm just going to have to work on increasing reps. I'll be in a new gym this summer, so I guess that will be one of the requirements of wherever I end up.

I finally got the 130's up, maybe by the end of the summer I can have the 150's up!

~stangzorized~ I finally got the 130's up, maybe by the end of the summer I can have the 150's up! 150's What does your gym go up to?

7th Ninjai 150's What does your gym go up to? 150's

in similar news, I broke up in the 100's for incline. about a week ago I jumped up to the 100's on flat, now I do 10x 95, 10x100, 8-10x 100 on flat I think I've almost outgrown the gym at the university.

ManinCamo in similar news, I broke up in the 100's for incline. about a week ago I jumped up to the 100's on flat, now I do 10x 95, 10x100, 8-10x 100 on flat I think I've almost outgrown the gym at the university. I've never tried 100's on incline, but I've done 90's for 6 before. My flat is so much stronger for some reason.

ManinCamo in similar news, I broke up in the 100's for incline. about a week ago I jumped up to the 100's on flat, now I do 10x 95, 10x100, 8-10x 100 on flat I think I've almost outgrown the gym at the university. I started my chest routine with flat this morning: 60x15, 70x12, 80x8, 90x6, and 100x3 I moved to incline db and went 65x10, 75x8, 85x4 I would love to be at 100's for incline, nice work

I usually hold them on the inside of the DB (hands as close as they can be), put the DBs on my knees and roll back so that they are already up in the air.. keep everything as tight as I can and it usually works out fine from there...

Finally broke into the 100's with dumbbells

need some serious help with my diet and lifting

need some serious help with my diet and lifting

ok. ive been lifting steadily for 1 year now. i am 5'9 and weigh 180 lbs. my stomach is some what flat, i have a good amount of muscle considering the time ive been lifting. incorporated cardio in my regiment and im doing good so far. my question i getting enough caloric intake? id estimate according to fitday that my caloric intake is around 2100 calories. ive tried to keep all the proportions correct, protein to fat to carbs. my daily protein intake is 296 grams., fat 50 grams, carbs 139 grams. all that comes to 2099 calories roughly. i feel like im not eating enough? i want to gain my muscle mass but would like to keep it lean. do i need to eat more and where do i need more of? im not getting any bigger or thicker. and my gains are slowing down. any suggestions? im open to anything. my routine involves heavy weights, 4 times a week with 3 days of cardio. 1 day of high intensity, 1 day low intensity and another day just to mess around on the punching bag or outdoors like biking on a weekend. keep in mind that my caloric intake on the weekends is much greater given that igo out and drink and party.


I'm sorry, but, somehow the numbers don't add up properly. Are you female? 2099 calories? What the hell? No, you should be eating more -- but your telling me that you get close to 300g of protein a day, which is good but hard to believe -- Where do you get all your protein from?

Gutrat I'm sorry, but, somehow the numbers don't add up properly. Are you female? 2099 calories? What the hell? No, you should be eating more -- but your telling me that you get close to 300g of protein a day, which is good but hard to believe -- Where do you get all your protein from? i used fitday and inputed all the RDA amounts into the tables. i get all my protein from chicken breasts, protein shakes and cottage cheese. im pulling this straight from the table. im a male. my only problem is if i were to eat more what do i eat more of without getting really fat?

what to eat more of? food. Doesnt matter what for the most part. You arent going to get really fat. Hell you arent going to get *somewhat* fat in a day. Eat more, assess your gains, cut as you feel is neccessary but dont be a pussy if you see a little bit of pudge.

need some serious help with my diet and lifting

Friday, January 24, 2014

ATTN: Timber

ATTN: Timber

What is your ab routine? Right now I am just doing dragon flairs and V sits with shoulders and weighted side bends with arms. I think my routine might need some revision.

ATTN TIZE how many times did your mom drop you on your head?

tize 2x less than you have never been laid

tize 2x less than you have never been laid that was so funny I forgot to laugh

Mike McShit Is this McDermott with a new name?

ACURA TL-S Is this McDermott with a new name? yeah its some dumb main forum shit btw quit quoting Tize, hes on my IL for a reason.

Mike McShit Fazle changed my name. He also did this to 404notfound. Check the archives for details. Were you involved in a thread that may or may not have pertained to a masturbating rat?

ACURA TL-S What is your ab routine? Right now I am just doing dragon flairs and V sits with shoulders and weighted side bends with arms. I think my routine might need some revision. Before this week I rarely did abs. Though most of my abs workouts consisted of variations of straight legged hanging raises. This week I'm doing them with the the back support on the dipping bar, low reps but with isometric holds at various positions. I was pretty much doing alot of pullups, almost always keeping my legs parallel to the floor. What are dragon flairs?

timberwolf Before this week I rarely did abs. Though most of my abs workouts consisted of variations of straight legged hanging raises. This week I'm doing them with the the back support on the dipping bar, low reps but with isometric holds at various positions. I was pretty much doing alot of pullups, almost always keeping my legs parallel to the floor. What are dragon flairs? Intriguing, I might have to do some pullups like that. I am not a big fan of hanging leg raises as they seem to work my hip flexors more than my abs, but I do like supported leg raises (using the dip bar) especially with a DB or medicine ball between my feet. Dragon flairs are kind of tough to explain, but I will try. Lay on a bench and grab hold of it behind your head. Then lift your legs and but and thrust your legs away from your head bringing your legs back to a lying position as slow as possible. So in other words bend at the abs and use the weight and momentum of your legs to do a negative. They hurt like hell and are probably my favorite and the most difficult ab movement. There was a T-mag article a while ago that I got them from, but I can't for the life of me find it.

ACURA TL-S Intriguing, I might have to do some pullups like that. I am not a big fan of hanging leg raises as they seem to work my hip flexors more than my abs, but I do like supported leg raises (using the dip bar) especially with a DB or medicine ball between my feet. Dragon flairs are kind of tough to explain, but I will try. Lay on a bench and grab hold of it behind your head. Then lift your legs and but and thrust your legs away from your head bringing your legs back to a lying position as slow as possible. So in other words bend at the abs and use the weight and momentum of your legs to do a negative. They hurt like hell and are probably my favorite and the most difficult ab movement. There was a T-mag article a while ago that I got them from, but I can't for the life of me find it. Isn't that a dragon flag??

timberwolf Isn't that a dragon flag?? Check your pm's

ACURA TL-S Intriguing, I might have to do some pullups like that. I am not a big fan of hanging leg raises as they seem to work my hip flexors more than my abs, but I do like supported leg raises (using the dip bar) especially with a DB or medicine ball between my feet. Dragon flairs are kind of tough to explain, but I will try. Lay on a bench and grab hold of it behind your head. Then lift your legs and but and thrust your legs away from your head bringing your legs back to a lying position as slow as possible. So in other words bend at the abs and use the weight and momentum of your legs to do a negative. They hurt like hell and are probably my favorite and the most difficult ab movement. There was a T-mag article a while ago that I got them from, but I can't for the life of me find it. As I said, before working them out regularly again this week, I had noticed lately my abs being almost constantly sore despite lack of direct work. Only thing I could attribute it too is the pullups and possibly single arm pushups. Once in awhile I did like doing seated straight legged leg raises supersetted with crunches off a bench.

yeah, dragon flags

so you can target lower abs

damn why do i only have lower abs... my top two abs are the smallest... WACK... anyone have any GOOD advice

timberwolf Isn't that a dragon flag?? Damn, no wonder I couldn't find the article.

ACURA TL-S Damn, no wonder I couldn't find the article. Heh. Do you do it from a decline bench or flat? Last time I did it put alot of pain on my elbows.

I need to start whooping more ass in abs... that's a huge problem area for me

ATTN: Timber

Thursday, January 23, 2014

olympic lifting and the vertical jump

olympic lifting and the vertical jump

id say its a direct correlation...if u can snatch 170kg @ 85kg bodyweight... dont know if u can see this if u can o well lol

reminds me of Street Fighter with GameGenie

holy shit.

unfortunately, hes only 4'9, so he has no real use in bball...

spudd web in 86 nba dunk contest..360.... and no pyrros aint 4'9"

Itsa me, luigi.

more: can anyone name this guy:

it looks like he dropped the weight and the floor sprung back, launching him into the air


fuck are those guys lifting on bouncy floor or some shit. those jumps look unreal.

synthetic is just another troll, he was in ceazes vids thread and here he goes again.

kinda ot but where can I buy those flat oly shoes they are wearing? always wanted to try some of those.

olympic lifting and the vertical jump

Saturday, January 18, 2014

chest peck help

chest peck help

k can someone just whip up a quick day at the gym for what they did on chest days, like what are some real good excercises to bulk up in the upper area you know what i mean?

Incline BB or DB Flat BB or DB Dips Flies(if you want) End of workout. SHould take no longer than 45min.

and thats a pretty solid workout for the pecks, fuck i wish i knew all the mumbo jumpo excercise talk to tell you what i was doin, i can only describe them hahaha, ohh fuck mee

dougie090 and thats a pretty solid workout for the pecks, fuck i wish i knew all the mumbo jumpo excercise talk to tell you what i was doin, i can only describe them hahaha, ohh fuck mee There is no K in pecs. Your rep base will be dependent upon your goals.

haha you fucker aright so what do you thinks a good amount of reps, i would normally just do 3 sets of 10??

dougie090 haha you fucker aright so what do you thinks a good amount of reps, i would normally just do 3 sets of 10?? Jesus. You need Jesus.

Im curious to, what is a good way to set up my reps? In highschool 7 years ago they had us doing the same thing 3 x 10

actually the chest peck is a very difficult muscle fiber to train. few are aware that there is such a muscle...but due to VPX's latest research, there is a chest peck. Important: In order to train the chest peck, you have to find the largest black cast iron cauldron and mix the following ingredients: 1 part goat testicle, 2 parts greek alphabet, 3/4 part Abercrombie sexually suggestive shirt, and most imporantly 240c VPX Gangsta Test The chest peck originated in mythology. Zeus (or Jupiter in Roman mythology) would cast down chest pecks from mount olympus at evil doers. Once struck by the chest peck....fuck i dont even know where im going with this...fuck yourself

Silver85327 Im curious to, what is a good way to set up my reps? In highschool 7 years ago they had us doing the same thing 3 x 10 Depending on how often per week you are hitting that muscle. Just do 3x8 for now.

Sgt. Ownage actually the chest peck is a very difficult muscle fiber to train. few are aware that there is such a muscle...but due to VPX's latest research, there is a chest peck. Important: In order to train the chest peck, you have to find the largest black cast iron cauldron and mix the following ingredients: 1 part goat testicle, 2 parts greek alphabet, 3/4 part Abercrombie sexually suggestive shirt, and most imporantly 240c VPX Gangsta Test The chest peck originated in mythology. Zeus (or Jupiter in Roman mythology) would cast down chest pecks from mount olympus at evil doers. Once struck by the chest peck....fuck i dont even know where im going with this...fuck yourself I have the suggestive shirt, it says "geologists make the bedrock"

Neo22 Depending on how often per week you are hitting that muscle. Just do 3x8 for now. Today was my first day working out I plan on going to the gym 5 - 6 times a week. I really need to set up some sort of routine so I dont look like a retard in there.

k thanks neo you sound like you know what your doing, god bless ya

hahahah silver that was some funny shit, i know how you feel though hahah that is fucking hilarious i cant stop laughing, i can picture you just walking around haha fuck me thats funny

Your number of reps should depend on what your goals are (i.e strength, endurance or size) but since you're just starting out you should train your muscles to get used to lifting. I'd suggest doing two sets of about 14 reps to begin with as a warmup and then 3 sets of 12 focusing on form rather than trying to throw the weights up. This will help get your core muscles up to scratch and help you learn the right form to begin with rather than shooting for numbers. If I have a break for more than a couple of weeks I tend to do a week where every day I do an exercise on every muscle group. i.e Monday: Squats x 5 + pec deck x 5 + Seated row x 5 + shrugs x 5 + tricep ext x 5 and standing curls x 5 wednesday: leg ext + DB press + bent over row + military press + skull crushers + preacher curls Friday: hack squats + incline press + wide grip chin ups + lateral raises + dips + bb curls Gets my body back into the swing without hurting myself trying to lift what I did the last time I was in the gym so its probably a good way for you to get yourself into the gym routine without hurting yourself so bad that you don't come back. Not for everyone though

Chalkitup Your number of reps should depend on what your goals are (i.e strength, endurance or size) but since you're just starting out you should train your muscles to get used to lifting. I'd suggest doing two sets of about 14 reps to begin with as a warmup and then 3 sets of 12 focusing on form rather than trying to throw the weights up. This will help get your core muscles up to scratch and help you learn the right form to begin with rather than shooting for numbers. If I have a break for more than a couple of weeks I tend to do a week where every day I do an exercise on every muscle group. i.e Monday: Squats x 5 + pec deck x 5 + Seated row x 5 + shrugs x 5 + tricep ext x 5 and standing curls x 5 wednesday: leg ext + DB press + bent over row + military press + skull crushers + preacher curls Friday: hack squats + incline press + wide grip chin ups + lateral raises + dips + bb curls Gets my body back into the swing without hurting myself trying to lift what I did the last time I was in the gym so its probably a good way for you to get yourself into the gym routine without hurting yourself so bad that you don't come back. Not for everyone though Nice now if I only knew what some of those things were.

Sorry, I know how you feel I read most of the threads in here and they may as well be in japanese so dont be afraid to ask. What in particular don't you know?

yah im not familiar with skull crusher, hack squats, preachers curl im sure i know what they are but i have a differnet name for the fucking thigns

Skull crusher - Lay on the bench on your back and using a barbell and grip with palms facing up (or towards your feet) straighten your arms so that they are perpendicular to your body. Now by bending at the elbow you lower the bar down towards your head. Start off light and try and focus on keeping your elbows neat and together. Hack squats are a machine lift. You begin in a standing position with pads on your shoulders that attach to the "carriage", unlock the carriage and position your feet so that you when you squat you are positioned as if sitting in a chair. Again keep your knees steady and get someone to check that you're going deep enough. Preacher curls - these are an isolated bicep curl where you sit or stand with a barbell or dumbells and the tricep part of your arm is rested on an inclined pad. Now when you curl the pad keeps your elbows in position and you isolate the biceps when curling. This is the type of form that you are aiming for when free lifting where your control muscles keep you in position and lifting the weights rather that swinging them.

ahh yes i know what the preacher curls are now, yah they are harder since you cant swing, good workout, the hack squats i dont know i dont have that machine the gym im at im pretty sure, so for the skull crusher you will kinda loook like an L like your on your back and your then lifting upwards? or are you going out over your head so its just like a straight line you know?

Start step 1 Bend your elbows and lower your forearms toward the top of your head. Keep your elbows and upper arms locked in position, and straighten your arms to return to the start position. finish

Hack squats You shouldn't lock your knees out during the exercise so that your quads stay loaded

you need the sex muscles bro

db preachers

For Chest I like something along the lines of Flat BB 10,6,4,4,2 Incline DB 3x6-8 Incline Flies 3x8 Flat Flies 3x8 Then the next week do Incline BB 10,6,4,4,2 Flat DB 3x6-8 Flat Flies 3x8 Incline Flies 3x8

Sgt. Ownage actually the chest peck is a very difficult muscle fiber to train. few are aware that there is such a muscle...but due to VPX's latest research, there is a chest peck. Important: In order to train the chest peck, you have to find the largest black cast iron cauldron and mix the following ingredients: 1 part goat testicle, 2 parts greek alphabet, 3/4 part Abercrombie sexually suggestive shirt, and most imporantly 240c VPX Gangsta Test The chest peck originated in mythology. Zeus (or Jupiter in Roman mythology) would cast down chest pecks from mount olympus at evil doers. Once struck by the chest peck....fuck i dont even know where im going with this...fuck yourself Buy an av, you are

chest peck help

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

I have gotten a bit out of shape, need to lose body fat and put on muscle mass... I'm about 5"10 / 5"11 @ 180-185lbs, not much muscle defintion due to body fat, when I was 165 pounds I have much better defined muscles. Anyways I used to work out every day with random breaks, chest/biceps back/triceps shoulders/legs however I hit a plateau pretty quick because I was overworking myself I've since expiremented with different routines, lately i've been doing 0 legs.. I want to do a routine for 6 days a week... Sundays I work a f'd up schedule and cant make it to the gym. I was considering Day 1 - Chest, biceps, triceps, abs Day 2 - Cardio Day 3- Back, Shoulders, traps Day 4 - Cardio, abs Day 5 - Legs, lower back, abs Day 6 - Cardio Day 7 - Off However i'm a bit edgy on doing a muscle group only once a week so i'm confused and having a hard time figuring out what I should do...... I think a muscle group once a week isn't enough, I like to get really sore then I recover usually on third day so hmmm.... any ideas??? P.S dont gimmi any shit about doing chest with tricep instead of bicep or viseversa, it makes no fucking diff; everyone does it differently and i've tried all combinations finding little difference. before, about 165 pounds now about 180

great, your avatar made me not as hungry.


you gonna get hit wif the sticky stik, boyo

Too much cardio, not enough lift.

~stangzorized~ Too much cardio, not enough lift.


christophers rountine, drop down calories, drop down cardio

Whats wrong with cardio?

nothing, I just think theres a bit to much of it in his routine

hmm so maybe limit cardio to twice a week? or even once a week?

how about a rotation of Day 1 - Chest, biceps, abs Day 2 - Back, triceps, abs Day 3- Legs, Shoulders, Lower back Day 4- Cardio with random days off?

baghrhrg decent, dunno why the hell I wrote descent..

I dunno, I do cardio 3 times a week. But I am just looking for something to do I guess. :-x

Day 1 - Legs Squats Leg Press Quad Extension Hammy Curl Standing Calf Raise Day 2 - Chest/Tri Flat Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Incline Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Pec Deck Dips Tricep Rope Pull Down on Cable Machine Skull Crushers CG Bench Day 3 - Back/Bi Deadlifts Pullups (palms out, wide grip) Bentover BB Rows Seated Cable Rows Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Hammer Curl with Rope attachment on Cable Machine Day 4 - Shoulders DB Press Rear Raises Lateral Raises Shrugs

mike Day 1 - Legs Squats Leg Press Quad Extension Hammy Curl Standing Calf Raise Day 2 - Chest/Tri Flat Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Incline Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Pec Deck Dips Tricep Rope Pull Down on Cable Machine Skull Crushers CG Bench Day 3 - Back/Bi Deadlifts Pullups (palms out, wide grip) Bentover BB Rows Seated Cable Rows Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Hammer Curl with Rope attachment on Cable Machine Day 4 - Shoulders DB Press Rear Raises Lateral Raises Shrugs Thanks, i've however never done deadlifts yet, should I start doing them? Also any advise? Also whats Pec Deck? and Bent over BB rows?

What's your av all about?

Ilyusha What's your av all about? A little sumptin sumptin I did for a uni project... went out on the town scaring the fuck out of people, cars stopped, people crossed the street and tripped over themselves falling, umm no one asked him for any help and did their best to avoid him, wouldn't even let him on the bus. part 2 is coming soon.

chlywly A little sumptin sumptin I did for a uni project... went out on the town scaring the fuck out of people, cars stopped, people crossed the street and tripped over themselves falling, umm no one asked him for any help and did their best to avoid him, wouldn't even let him on the bus. part 2 is coming soon. That's fuckin dope..

If you asked me I would say you should lift more weight less often. What youre doing now obviously isnt working, so how much could it hurt to go 3-4 times a week? When I started doing that I saw instant strength gains because when I was going 6 times a week I was overtraining. Maybe you should cut out some ab stuff as well, some compound movements such as squat will work your abs, so just have an ab day on a different day than your legs day. By the way, make sure you actually have a leg day. In my opinion, probably the most important day. But thats just my opinion.

chlywly Thanks, i've however never done deadlifts yet, should I start doing them? Also any advise? Also whats Pec Deck? and Bent over BB rows? pec deck: bent over row (sorta): do deadlifts.

That bent over row pic sucks ass. The bar is going too high up in the chest area.

ok cool, any good sources on doing a proper dead lift?

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ab help w/newcomer

Ab help w/newcomer

Ive just recently started lifting and brought back my running routine (going on 3 weeks of progress now). I was dormant from the health/fitness routine for about 2 years. Im naturally predisposed to being an athletically built guy, but it seems that even though im down to 166lbs, I cant get my abs back into the shape they once were. Here is a pic of what they look like now. They can be more defined if I flex, but in thier natural state they seem a bit flabby. Im eating about 3k cal per day, working out mildly and downing about 150g of protein. Im not looking to gain alot of muscle mass, but some gains are good. I havent been cutting at all. Is there a good way to get larger abs instead of just losing the weight around them to show them more? On to the pics number 1 show the place that has some def. and good strength (natrual state in pics) Number 2 show area that is flabby and soft. No matter how much I run or how many forms of situps I do, I cant get muscel to form there. Any thoughts?

your abs ahve fat over them, you want em to be more "defined" you are going to have to loose weight, wich is not gonna happen on 3k cals a day.

vettedude your abs ahve fat over them, you want em to be more "defined" you are going to have to loose weight, wich is not gonna happen on 3k cals a day. cal suggestion for a 166lbs 22 year old who works out the basic muscle groups every day? Run about 2 miles ever other day, too. I know you guys are far more informed than I, and im open to suggestions.

notstock93 cal suggestion for a 166lbs 22 year old who works out the basic muscle groups every day? Run about 2 miles ever other day, too. I know you guys are far more informed than I, and im open to suggestions. i suggest reading those majic posts at the top of the forum labbeled stickies and deleating this thread before you get flamed to death, and scared away. or just e-mail that guy named christophers, a hoby of his is making routines and giving out dietign advice, he obnly answers PM's as he is too bussy to post.

vettedude i suggest reading those majic posts at the top of the forum labbeled stickies and deleating this thread before you get flamed to death, and scared away. or just e-mail that guy named christophers, a hoby of his is making routines and giving out dietign advice, he obnly answers PM's as he is too bussy to post. well, I searched under abs, and the threads above deal with general nutrition (which are fantastic threads, BTW) but they are geared more towards the hardcore F&N guy. at any rate, I read the fat loss guide, but im getting conflicting stories from other nutritionists (I work at a gym) about the cal intake.They say 3k calorie intake is pretty much the max for an active guy looking to lose weight, this forum says 11-12x your body waight (no more than 1,900-ish cals for me) Thats why I asked. No need to get hostile. Im already getting everything else pretty much right in that guide (sans a few grams of protein)

notstock93 well, I searched under abs, and the threads above deal with general nutrition (which are fantastic threads, BTW) but they are geared more towards the hardcore F&N guy. at any rate, I read the fat loss guide, but im getting conflicting stories from other nutritionists (I work at a gym) about the cal intake.They say 3k calorie intake is pretty much the max for an active guy looking to lose weight, this forum says 11-12x your body waight (no more than 1,900-ish cals for me) Thats why I asked. No need to get hostile. Im already getting everything else pretty much right in that guide (sans a few grams of protein) uhh well, there stuff is not working, i dont really see how anything up there is hardcore, it is all pretty straitforward and applies to anyone. Your "friends" dont know what they are talkign about.

vettedude uhh well, there stuff is not working, i dont really see how anything up there is hardcore, it is all pretty straitforward and applies to anyone. Your "friends" dont know what they are talkign about. Alright, I didnt post here to for you to condescend to me. I hear one thing, I read another. Just wanted some advice, not someone telling me that its not working. I have a hard time beleiving things that I read on the net and just wanted some informed suggestions.

vettedude is pretty much right. the bottom line here is nothing about your abs, its about the layer of fat over them. now what you knwo you need to do is lose fat, and if you look on the main page it says "Sticky: want to lose fat? L I F T W E I G H T S" and "Sticky: Basic Newb Guide to Fat Loss" so obviously thats where you'd look. if you actually read it you'd know it has everything you need to know and you wouldnt be making this thread

notstock93 well, I searched under abs, and the threads above deal with general nutrition (which are fantastic threads, BTW) but they are geared more towards the hardcore F&N guy. at any rate, I read the fat loss guide, but im getting conflicting stories from other nutritionists (I work at a gym) about the cal intake.They say 3k calorie intake is pretty much the max for an active guy looking to lose weight, this forum says 11-12x your body waight (no more than 1,900-ish cals for me) Thats why I asked. No need to get hostile. Im already getting everything else pretty much right in that guide (sans a few grams of protein) well think about that for a second. does it make sense that a flat amount of 3000 calories would be some kind of special fat-loss limit for any active guy? Why would the numbers be the same for someone who is 150lbs vs someone who is 250? Your calorie requirements are based on your size, and then fine-tuned based on your genetics. So you start at 11-12x bodyweight, track your results, and adjust up or down from there.

Chris3G well think about that for a second. does it make sense that a flat amount of 3000 calories would be some kind of special fat-loss limit for any active guy? Why would the numbers be the same for someone who is 150lbs vs someone who is 250? Your calorie requirements are based on your size, and then fine-tuned based on your genetics. So you start at 11-12x bodyweight, track your results, and adjust up or down from there. THAT is the kind of answer that makes sense to me. I have no nutritional background, so the things that are painfully obvious to everyone here dont even occur to me. Thank you very much for helping me see. Im going to start on a 1,900 cal/day diet and continue my current "mild" routine.

you could crank up that "mild" routine to "vigorous" and burn more calories!

ryazbeck you could crank up that "mild" routine to "vigorous" and burn more calories! I may do that, but right now im audtioning for a part that requires me to not be overtly athletic looking. I don't want to endanger my chances of landing a part if I can help it.

Ab help w/newcomer

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

shin splints

shin splints

I play basketball and I've had shin splints for a while now. I stretch, ice them, take anti-inflammitories, whatever. even after I rest for a week or two and they go away, they always come back after a couple more times of playing. what more can I do to treat the shin splints? what exercises/stretches can I do to prevent them?

do you have flat feet? don't ice them!!! if anything, you want to add some heat to relax the muscle!!! looks like this is a defintely a WARM UP issue! if it does get better when you rest and it happens when you start playing again, you defintely need to wark up properly.. warm up first, and stretch gently before you start your actual game... that helps.. im assuming you also started to play basketball... its not like you were playing basketball all these time and all of a sudden your get shin splits! eventually, you won't need to do stretching and the shin stretching goes away.. but ur legs have to get used to it first... a lot of my clients suffer from this once they start running, jogging, etc, etc.. and most of the time, its from not warming up properly or they have flat feet, etc, etc my suggestion to you is to properly warm up and gently take time to stretch b4.. if you give me detail info, i can give u more suggestion........

I get the same thing when running. What do you mean by flat feet?

maybe you need more cushioned shoes

look at your shoes, get some more cushioning inserts

is the pain on the front or inside part of the shin?

I saw some McDavid neoprene braces specifically for that. Maybe you shoudl try it out.

wood is the pain on the front or inside part of the shin? inside most of the time

I got some insoles for my old shoes, that didn't help, so I got new shoes. these ones are cushy and feel fine.

devilangel do you have flat feet? don't ice them!!! if anything, you want to add some heat to relax the muscle!!! looks like this is a defintely a WARM UP issue! if it does get better when you rest and it happens when you start playing again, you defintely need to wark up properly.. warm up first, and stretch gently before you start your actual game... that helps.. im assuming you also started to play basketball... its not like you were playing basketball all these time and all of a sudden your get shin splits! eventually, you won't need to do stretching and the shin stretching goes away.. but ur legs have to get used to it first... a lot of my clients suffer from this once they start running, jogging, etc, etc.. and most of the time, its from not warming up properly or they have flat feet, etc, etc my suggestion to you is to properly warm up and gently take time to stretch b4.. if you give me detail info, i can give u more suggestion........ my feet are pretty flat icing them is the one suggestion I've gotten from everyone I know who has had shin splints (people who play basketball and people who play other sports). I always stretch my calves before playing. not sure what stretch I'd need to do to prevent the shin splints. MikeMurder I saw some McDavid neoprene braces specifically for that. Maybe you shoudl try it out. where could I get one? there's a GI Joes around my house that would probably have them, but I don't know of any places like that around school.

devilangel don't ice them!!! if anything, you want to add some heat to relax the muscle!!! Shin splints are on the bone, not any muscle.

You gotta do these walk exercises. Get an area where you can walk like 20 feet back and forth. Do each one of these walks back and forth: walk on your heals walk on your tip toes walk on the inside of your feet walk on the outsides of your feet We used to do them in track practice all the time for shin splints. They work great. You might feel a little weird doing them though.

Davo Shin splints are on the bone, not any muscle. No.

Davo Shin splints are on the bone, not any muscle. I decided to look it up: "Treatment for shin splits includes rest, massage, ice, stretching, and strengthening." I guess I'll keep icing them

Gamblor You gotta do these walk exercises. Get an area where you can walk like 20 feet back and forth. Do each one of these walks back and forth: walk on your heals walk on your tip toes walk on the inside of your feet walk on the outsides of your feet We used to do them in track practice all the time for shin splints. They work great. You might feel a little weird doing them though. does it matter if I have shoes on?

on the bone? Hell no.

raded inside most of the time this is most likely caused by overpronation (foot rolls inward). first thing you will want to do is get a shoe and/or orthotic that will support your arch and help keep your foot from rolling inward. do you have flat fleet or low arches?

Ilyusha No. Still considered a bone injury. Regardless, heat is not a good treatment.

wood this is most likely caused by overpronation (foot rolls inward). first thing you will want to do is get a shoe and/or orthotic that will support your arch and help keep your foot from rolling inward. do you have flat fleet or low arches? my feet are pretty flat. I'm going to go out and look for some orthotics later today.

do it without shoes on

we used to do then with a mat on the floor too

rest and better shoes.

Carnifex Shin splints can be caused by the separation of your calf from the muscle in front, generally because the calf is much stronger, so walk on your heels or find something to strengthen the muscle of the shin. It could also be micro fractures but it doesn't sound like it in your case. Also, it could just be shitty shoes / lack of proper stretching and warm up. thank you! thats exactly what i mean on my original post... proper stretching, warm up, building necessary muscles, proper shoes, etc.. about the iceing... if you gonna do that, you have to alternate with heat as well, the more blood goes through the problem area, the better off you will be.. but since i really dont' know the exact detail of your problem and how and when it all started and goes away, etc.. so you figure out accordingly with the information below... generally:Ice treatment is most commonly used for acute injuries. If you have a recent injury (within the last 48 hours), where swelling is a problem, you should be using ice treatment. Ice packs can help minimize swelling around the injury. Decreasing swelling around an injury will help to control the pain. Ice treatments may also be used for chronic conditions, such as overuse injuries in athletes. In this case, ice the injured area after activity. Never ice a chronic injury before activity. Heat treatments should be used for chronic conditions to help relax and loosen tissues, and to stimulate blood flow to the area. Use heat treatments on chronic conditions, such as overuse injuries, before participating in activities. Do not use heat treatments after activity, and do not use heat after an acute injury. good luck!

I've been looking into calf/shin braces. are there specific ones I could wear while playing or could I use any of them while playing?

raded where could I get one? there's a GI Joes around my house that would probably have them, but I don't know of any places like that around school. any sports/atheltic store.

shin splints

Friday, January 10, 2014

what you all rep at when it comes to bench with dbs..

what you all rep at when it comes to bench with dbs..

I use 70 pounds 6 times... easy...

100 on incline for 6-8 a couple sets

Reppin 70s, 150lbs@5'8"

reppin 80's, 85's next week

95 did it 5 times , next week 100

90's, lifting for ~6.5 months.

My gym doesn't go over 100, so I'm stuck with those. I suck at DB anyway.


lurker#99 95 did it 5 times , next week 100 You probably wont put those up..


eh well... its good to see that people are still doing dbs

cavefish My gym doesn't go over 100, so I'm stuck with those. I suck at DB anyway. What kind gym does'nt have Db's over 100 lbs...Curves?

Dr. Feel Good What kind gym does'nt have Db's over 100 lbs...Curves? The YMCA.


Incline, 80s for 15 reps as of last week...

flat - 65x3 (this is after BB flat bench though) incline - 60x6 or 7 (also after BB flat)

Dr. Feel Good What kind gym does'nt have Db's over 100 lbs...Curves? My university gym? A lot of gyms don't go over 100 actually.

flat 130x3, incline 115x4 (assist on first rep)

60x5, im weak 50x5 incline

Flat 60x3 barely. That's after a few other sets though but I'm still a weak sonofabitch.

55 x 5, Still haven't seen anyone use the 200's in my gym

NickStam 55 x 5, Still haven't seen anyone use the 200's in my gym and you more than likely never will

up the weight then if its easy

Ilyusha The YMCA. my ymca has 130s...

only at the 70's which is the max that my DB handles will hold....gonna have to start going to the UH gym on chest days i guess

what you all rep at when it comes to bench with dbs..

Need suggestion...

Need suggestion...

Alright i'm pretty out of shape right now so tomorrow im going to purchase a membership to my old gym. Now one problem i've always had where my shoes. I normally wear New Balance when i run but they seem to suck. Can anyone suggest a good brand even model shoe for running? The cost isnt a factor if im going to be comfortable. I will be using the shoes both on a treadmill and at a local track. Thank for any advice.

your going to join a gym for the treadmill ?

rhino Alright i'm pretty out of shape right now so tomorrow im going to purchase a membership to my old gym. Now one problem i've always had where my shoes. I normally wear New Balance when i run but they seem to suck. Can anyone suggest a good brand even model shoe for running? The cost isnt a factor if im going to be comfortable. I will be using the shoes both on a treadmill and at a local track. Thank for any advice. My advice to you would be go to a local running store and get properly fitted. When it comes to working out and shoes, they know whats best.

Silver85327 your going to join a gym for the treadmill ? not just for a treadmill, but to lift as well. im just wanting a suggestion for a good running shoe.

rhino not just for a treadmill, but to lift as well. im just wanting a suggestion for a good running shoe. Ive been seeing some comercials for shoes called Z Coil I dont know if they are good or not but they look comfortable.

Silver85327 Ive been seeing some comercials for shoes called Z Coil I dont know if they are good or not but they look comfortable. WTF? Pretty crazy looking.

I use Nike shoes with the Shox technology. I'm flat footed and these shoes don't hurt my feet at all. They have a lot of models too and are always on sale. Hope that helps.

thanks guys. i guess i will stop by local foot store and see what they suggest and try some shox. much appreciation.

rhino WTF? Pretty crazy looking. They look comfy dont they...

Silver85327 They look comfy dont they... actually yes they do. the closest retail store is 2 hours away from me though. maybe next time i'm near the retail store i will go try a pair on.

rhino actually yes they do. the closest retail store is 2 hours away from me though. maybe next time i'm near the retail store i will go try a pair on. Let me know what you think. I havent had a chance to go to the store here and try them on yet.

Silver85327 Let me know what you think. I havent had a chance to go to the store here and try them on yet. it wont be for awhile but when i do try them, i will post it up in F&N.

Need suggestion...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I bet you can't make a workout for me.

I bet you can't make a workout for me.

I need a workout that is a 3 to 4 day split. I need compound exercises. This workout needs to focus on muscle tone more than actual mass.

you're right, i can't

day 1: upper body 1) flat bench- 4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) heavy triceps - 4-6 sets of 5-8 reps 3) barbell rows-4-6 sets of 8-10 reps 4) rear/side/front raises-4-5 sets of 10-15 reps 5) biceps - pick a movement and do 4 sets of whatever reps day 2: lower body 1) full squats-4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) romanian deadlift-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps 3) reverse hypers, pull through's, or back raises-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 4) heavy ab work 5) optional extra quad movement if you want "burn", but 100% not neccesary day 3: upper body #2 1) dumbell bench-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 2) volume triceps-pick an extention, 1/4 dips, etc-4-5 sets of 10-12 reps 3) chin ups/pullups-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps, weighted or not 4) overhead pressing once every 2 weeks-3-5 sets of 6-10 reps 5) biceps, pick one movement for 4-5 sets day 4: lower body #2 1) deadlifts or sumo deadlifts - 5-6 sets of singles, or triples. dont deadlift every single week. for those weeks you don't, take it easy. 2) step ups, single leg squats, lunges-3-5 sets of 8-12 reps 3) leg curls-3-6 sets of 10-12 reps 4) heavy abs

What's a reverse Hyper? Wouldn't that be almost like a situp?

TrickyDick8806 What's a reverse Hyper? Wouldn't that be almost like a situp? No.

Nevermind i just looked reverse hypers up, anyway to do that without a machine?

Ceaze you're right, i can't haha. muscle tone.



Ilyusha day 1: upper body 1) flat bench- 4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) heavy triceps - 4-6 sets of 5-8 reps 3) barbell rows-4-6 sets of 8-10 reps 4) rear/side/front raises-4-5 sets of 10-15 reps 5) biceps - pick a movement and do 4 sets of whatever reps day 2: lower body 1) full squats-4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) romanian deadlift-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps 3) reverse hypers, pull through's, or back raises-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 4) heavy ab work 5) optional extra quad movement if you want "burn", but 100% not neccesary day 3: upper body #2 1) dumbell bench-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 2) volume triceps-pick an extention, 1/4 dips, etc-4-5 sets of 10-12 reps 3) chin ups/pullups-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps, weighted or not 4) overhead pressing once every 2 weeks-3-5 sets of 6-10 reps 5) biceps, pick one movement for 4-5 sets day 4: lower body #2 1) deadlifts or sumo deadlifts - 5-6 sets of singles, or triples. dont deadlift every single week. for those weeks you don't, take it easy. 2) step ups, single leg squats, lunges-3-5 sets of 8-12 reps 3) leg curls-3-6 sets of 10-12 reps 4) heavy abs What the fuck are you doing? Don't give him shit. For one thing, he said 'tone'. He doesn't know any exercises and he'll probably end up hurting himself anyways. If he really wanted our help, he would ask F&N PROPERLY instead of " " I bet you can't ... "

Now that I think of it. I feel like an idiot because this is probably a parody or something. Right?

OH NOES!!!11 Your advanced reverse psychology is too advanced for our feeble meathead minds.... clever boy!

Gutrat Now that I think of it. I feel like an idiot because this is probably a parody or something. Right? no, the guy just wants a brad pitt look

TrickyDick8806 Very tasteful. i will shit on your chest

SteveO no, the guy just wants a brad pitt look What? Brad Pitt? Well, then he'll have to get a leg double also.

Sgt. Ownage i will shit on your chest cleavland steamer style ??

Sgt. Ownage i will shit on your chest

Gutrat What the fuck are you doing? Don't give him shit. For one thing, he said 'tone'. He doesn't know any exercises and he'll probably end up hurting himself anyways. If he really wanted our help, he would ask F&N PROPERLY instead of " " I bet you can't ... " Yeah, lets treat every new person like shit.

oh.. if you want to tone just do 63 reps of every exercise

By the way, for the record, he edited his post after I replied. If I saw the whole toning thing in there, I wouldn't have helped.

Ilyusha day 1: upper body 1) flat bench- 4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) heavy triceps - 4-6 sets of 5-8 reps 3) barbell rows-4-6 sets of 8-10 reps 4) rear/side/front raises-4-5 sets of 10-15 reps 5) biceps - pick a movement and do 4 sets of whatever reps day 2: lower body 1) full squats-4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) romanian deadlift-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps 3) reverse hypers, pull through's, or back raises-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 4) heavy ab work 5) optional extra quad movement if you want "burn", but 100% not neccesary day 3: upper body #2 1) dumbell bench-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 2) volume triceps-pick an extention, 1/4 dips, etc-4-5 sets of 10-12 reps 3) chin ups/pullups-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps, weighted or not 4) overhead pressing once every 2 weeks-3-5 sets of 6-10 reps 5) biceps, pick one movement for 4-5 sets day 4: lower body #2 1) deadlifts or sumo deadlifts - 5-6 sets of singles, or triples. dont deadlift every single week. for those weeks you don't, take it easy. 2) step ups, single leg squats, lunges-3-5 sets of 8-12 reps 3) leg curls-3-6 sets of 10-12 reps 4) heavy abs I was wondering why not DL every week?

jonno oh.. if you want to tone just do 63 reps of every exercise and make sure you keep track, any more or less and teh workout will be worthless because of over/under training

Day 1: 1 hour of elliptical Day 2: 1 hour of running on treadmill Day 3: 1 hour of running outside Day 4: 1 hour of HIIT running outside Day 5: 1 hour of running long jump exercises Day 6: 1 hour of running through the sand on a beach Day 7: 1 hour of jumping off highest building you can find Make sure to take 7200 steps (2 per second) to get maximal toneness, there's your weekly routine, repeat as needed. edit: Oh damn you're a tricky one mr dick.

ralyks Day 1: 1 hour of elliptical Day 2: 1 hour of running on treadmill Day 3: 1 hour of running outside Day 4: 1 hour of HIIT running outside Day 5: 1 hour of running long jump exercises Day 6: 1 hour of running through the sand on a beach Day 7: 1 hour of jumping off highest building you can find Make sure to take 7200 steps (2 per second) to get maximal toneness, there's your weekly routine, repeat as needed. edit: Oh damn you're a tricky one mr dick. I hope your not being serious.

I bet you can't make a workout for me.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Critique my workout plz

Critique my workout plz

Mondays-Biceps/Legs alternating curls 4x10 preacher curls 4x10 hammer curls 4x10 squats 3x10 leg press 3x10 stiff-legged dead lifts 3x10 (we're REALLY weak on legs, once they get built up more, we'll be doing 4 sets 10 times) Wednesdays-Triceps/back Tricep pushdowns 4x10 reverse pushdowns (same thing but pulling down with my hands facing up) skullcrushers 4x10 overhead extensions Tate press Decline bench 4x10 Lat pull-downs 4x10 Seated rows 4x10 Deadlifts 3x10 T-bar rows 4x10 Friday-Chest/Shoulders Flat bench DB press 4x10 Incline bench 4x10 Deltoid Flys 4x10 Shoulder press 4x10 Shrugs 4x10 I increase weight after each set. Am I pretty much covering everything adequately? I know I need to start doing cardio really bad....

It would help if you said how many sets and reps you are doing of each exercise. I can see a few flaws, such as having more bicep work than tricep work, and only having one true shoulder movement.

How about you work legs before bi's and back before tri's...

Natezilla How about you work legs before bi's and back before tri's... Does it matter? We usually do a bicep/tricep workout then a leg/back workout and go back and forth. Is it better to do all the workouts for say...legs together?

TQ Does it matter? We usually do a bicep/tricep workout then a leg/back workout and go back and forth. Is it better to do all the workouts for say...legs together? Big muscles first, small muscles last.

Ilyusha It would help if you said how many sets and reps you are doing of each exercise. I can see a few flaws, such as having more bicep work than tricep work, and only having one true shoulder movement. Thats weird. My triceps are f-ing huge compared to my biceps. The guy I go to the gym with lifts the same as me on biceps but 30lbs less on triceps. What other should movements can I do?

TQ Does it matter? We usually do a bicep/tricep workout then a leg/back workout and go back and forth. Is it better to do all the workouts for say...legs together? I don't understand any of that.

Ilyusha Big muscles first, small muscles last. So I should do all my leg work first AND together? right?

TQ Thats weird. My triceps are f-ing huge compared to my biceps. The guy I go to the gym with lifts the same as me on biceps but 30lbs less on triceps. What other should movements can I do? Tate press, close grip bench, skullcrushers, rope pushdowns, overhead extensions, etc.

TQ So I should do all my leg work first AND together? right? Not necessarily. Before doing my current 4 day split, I was doing: M: Chest/Tris W: Back/Bis F: Legs/Shoulders Listed in order of body part done.

Natezilla I don't understand any of that. ok.... I do one leg workout then I do one bicep workout then I do another leg workout then another for biceps.... get it?

Ilyusha Tate press, close grip bench, skullcrushers, rope pushdowns, overhead extensions, etc. shit, i forgot about overhead extensions.... I already do skullcrushers and well as reverse pushdowns

TQ shit, i forgot about overhead extensions.... I already do skullcrushers and well as reverse pushdowns Tate Presses > * x11tybillion It's a trade secret, but I'm letting you in on it..

Ilyusha Tate Presses > * x11tybillion It's a trade secret, but I'm letting you in on it.. unfortunately I have no clue what tate presses are. edit: i figured it out through google

TQ unfortunately I have no clue what tate presses are.

so generally I getting a good balanced workout? my gym buddy seems to think we don't do chest/arms often enough

Ilyusha wow those look good i just added them to my routine

TQ so generally I getting a good balanced workout? my gym buddy seems to think we don't do chest/arms often enough nah i'd say yur chest/bi has enough volume... but then again im a noob broly

sr20wop wow those look good i just added them to my routine Just watch the weight you start with.. they are surprisingly difficult.

anything else I should add?

Ok just for reference....why exactly do I need to work the bigger muscles first?


TQ bump ummmm... big > small

sr20wop ummmm... big > small well is my routine adequate or what? I wouldn't bump my thread if my questions were answered

TQ Mondays-Biceps/Legs alternating curls 4x10 preacher curls 4x10 loose one of these hammer curls 4x10 squats 3x10 leg press 3x10 stiff-legged dead lifts 3x10 (we're REALLY weak on legs, once they get built up more, we'll be doing 4 sets 10 times) Go heavier, a few more sets, less reps Wednesdays-Triceps/back Tricep pushdowns 4x10 reverse pushdowns (same thing but pulling down with my hands facing up) skullcrushers 4x10 board press, lockouts, and CG bench/ maybee decline would be good here too overhead extensions Tate press Lat pull-downs 4x10 Seated rows 4x10 BB/DB rows would be another good exercise, along with hypers Deadlifts 3x10 Friday-Chest/Shoulders Flat bench DB press 4x10 Incline bench 4x10 Decline bench 4x10 maybee better on tricep day Shoulder press 4x10 Shrugs 4x10 I increase weight after each set. Am I pretty much covering everything adequately? I know I need to start doing cardio really bad.... if u are bulking u dont have to do cardio, although it is not a bad idea, be sure to eat mroe. I would change the reps up some, and ad abs, u do not have one ab exerciser there. change ur shit up to something like this legs/shoulders Chest/tris back/bis and start with movements liek Squat Deadlift, Benchpress Compund>>> accesory

Critique my workout plz

Friday, December 27, 2013

found an old picture of me :wtc:

found an old picture of me :wtc:

Damn I was huge(FAT). I went form 240 to 180, from there I hovered around 185-190 for a while. I've been bulking and I'm at 200 right now. I decided I'm at a good size so I'm going to try and get to about 8-10% bf @ 190. I would try and get larger but with my future career ahead of me, I'm not going to be able to maintain a large size. This was me, about is July 2002 - 240 lbs and this is me recently at 185lbs This is me now at 200lbs, cold yes yes, the angle is odd on the last one. Its not that flattering taking a front shot Maybe I'll post again when I get to around 10% bf Now-a-days I workout 5-6 times a week. Couple weeks ago did a 7 mile run. I've gone through military training, I have a new girlfriend/fiancee. Sure beats sitting around eating cheezits and moutain dew all day. in other news, I put up 100lb DB's on incline today for the first time, 8 times

no chest no care. pics! Looking great though! Looks like a new person.

Socrates no chest no care. pics! Looking great though! Looks like a new person. My chest is the best part of me, except for the fatty lower pec Yes, I know I am teh suck at posing. I was just goofing around with my fiancee when these pics were taken - a few weeks ago.

worst chest shot, redo that shit yo

lol yeah horrible chest shot

ryazbeck worst chest shot, redo that shit yo show me a proper pose, and maybe I'll do it

ManinCamo show me a proper pose, and maybe I'll do it Sorry, I figured you would figure out on your own that a good chest show is NOT having your hands in front of your chest. Also, unless your boobs droop down like that, don't push your bicep up with it.

Socrates Sorry, I figured you would figure out on your own that a good chest show is NOT having your hands in front of your chest. Also, unless your boobs droop down like that, don't push your bicep up with it. I'll get on that pic in a few minutes don't laugh at the fat!

ManinCamo I'll get on that pic in a few minutes don't laugh at the fat! Trust me, if you've seen my picture, you would know I have no room to laugh at anyone.

Good stuff.

ManinCamo show me a proper pose, and maybe I'll do it anyposethatbicepsdontblockthechest.jpg

yea, my traps need some work suggestions? comments?

240, that top pic is about as fat as I got went form wearing XL shirts to mediums and from 36" pants to 30-32" pants

Mike McDermott congrats nice bod on her thanks and she has a smokin body, visible abs, nice muscle tone. She ran XC in high school, but doesn't run anymore due to two knee surgeries She still maintains her weight with ease AND her mom is attractive and looks younger than she really is = my fiancee will maintain the hotness

tize link for nonblues? I did that on purpose i posted a pic of her in the main forum a week or two ago.

I dunno, you tell me. Two blondes walk into a bar... You would have thought at least one of them would have seen it. ok, no not terribly funny. We just get along very well.

tize i smiled so how long you think until she cheats on ya? you know they all do that DIAF hopefully never

I'm off to bed. I await broly responses when I awake

good shit. keep it up

tize id bone her; you must be funny or something

okay, hmm, you got good arms, but you could definately work those delts and your chest. and i dunno about your lats but i bet they are lacking like your shoulders. arent you going into the air force soon? do you have time to do some bulking?

Much improved.

someone get this man some decline presses! chest looks weird but arms look good to me, not that I know shit or have any room to comment.

1. you REALLY need to learn how to pose better 2. Say "fat" not "huge", huge imply big. 3. Build more muscle. 4. you fiancee has a nice ass 5. good work

Maestro Nobones someone get this man some decline presses! chest looks weird but arms look good to me, not that I know shit or have any room to comment. I do decline just as much as flat and incline, with similar weight. what else can I do besides decline press and decline butterfly to target my lower pecs? Even when I was 180 I still had gyno type fat. My chest really is my strong point, in person at least.

found an old picture of me :wtc:

Help with my routine

Help with my routine

This is what I do now. What can I add I have been doing this workout since November. Thanks. I don't know what other information you need. I am 5'6 -5'7 122 -125LBS Also I do cardio occaisionally because I am not trying to lose weight. Chest & Tri's Flat bench benchpress 3 x 10 Incline Benchpress 3 x 10 Decline Benchpress 3 x 10 Flys 3 x 10 Pulldowns two different kinds 3 x 10 Kickbacks 3 sets as many as I can do Back and Biceps Seated rows 3 x 10 Preacher Curls 3 x 10 or crazy 8's lat Pulldowns 3 x 10 Dumbells 3 x 10 reverse flys 3 x 10 Legs and Shoulders Squats 3 x 10 Leg Press 3 x 10 Calve presses 3 sets as many as I can do 2 others I am blanking on their names Shoulder raises 3 x 10 Shoulder Press 3 x 10 Shrugs 3 sets of as many as I can do Thanks

Joe Canada Chest and Tri Flat bench benchpress Incline Benchpress or Decline Benchpress Flys French Press Back and Biceps (might as well add abs) Deadlift BB rows lat Pulldowns Preacher Curls or Hammercurls crunches leg raises Legs and Shoulders Squats Calve presses 3 sets as many as I can do Leg Curls Leg Extensions DB shoulder presses Upright Rows Side Raises Shrugs 3 sets of as many as I can do fixed in general imho 10-8-8-6 > 3 x 10

FredBull fixed in general imho 10-8-8-6 > 3 x 10 Thanks, I will switch to the 10-8-8-6

When I said I do cardio occaisionally it is very seldom.

Joe Canada When I said I do cardio occaisionally it is very seldom. Drop it all together. For a long, long time.

tize team no-cardio! Sadly, I do cardio now..

any help from the daytimers?

Joe Canada This is what I do now. What can I add I have been doing this workout since November. Thanks. I don't know what other information you need. I am 5'6 -5'7 122 -125LBS Also I do cardio occaisionally because I am not trying to lose weight. Chest & Tri's Flat bench benchpress 3 x 10 Incline Benchpress 3 x 10 Decline Benchpress 3 x 10 Flys 3 x 10 Pulldowns two different kinds 3 x 10 Kickbacks 3 sets as many as I can do Back and Biceps Seated rows 3 x 10 Preacher Curls 3 x 10 or crazy 8's lat Pulldowns 3 x 10 Dumbells 3 x 10 reverse flys 3 x 10 Legs and Shoulders Squats 3 x 10 Leg Press 3 x 10 Calve presses 3 sets as many as I can do 2 others I am blanking on their names Shoulder raises 3 x 10 Shoulder Press 3 x 10 Shrugs 3 sets of as many as I can do Thanks I notice a general trend. You need to tailor fit the rep scheme to the exercise and fit it with the rep schemes of other exercises that work the same group. For example if one week I do 8,6,4,4,2 on flat bb bench then I will usually do something like 3x6-8 on db incline bench and 3x8-10 for flies. EDIT: Oh and if you are 122, you DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, ever need to do cardio. In fact anytime the thought pops into your mind go to your kitchen, get a plate, pile as much food as humanly possible on that plate, and sit there until you eat it all.

Ya I follow you. I am not sure what you mean by rep scheme's? Do some excersices have more importance in the scheme? Thanks for your help.

Joe Canada Ya I follow you. I am not sure what you mean by rep scheme's? Do some excersices have more importance in the scheme? Thanks for your help. A little off topic, where in Canada do you live?

Montreal, but I have been in Sacramento California since 01 going to school.

eating chicken breasts should be your new cardio

Joe Canada Montreal, but I have been in Sacramento California since 01 going to school. Cool, where in Montreal? South Shore or directly in Montreal?

what are your goals, build mass, or keep toned?

also, how old are you?

My parents live off the Island of Montreal in Pincourt. When I last lived there we lived in the Hudson area. I am 22 and I want mass and strength.

Joe Canada Ya I follow you. I am not sure what you mean by rep scheme's? Do some excersices have more importance in the scheme? Thanks for your help. Compound movements (ie. bench, squat, DL, rows) are usually done in the lower rep range although it is important to vary the reps to get a wide variety and increase strength and hypertrophy. Accessory movements (ie. flies, curls) are usually done in a slightly higher rep range.

Do this routine and eat a lot. Then eat some more. I'm 5'7" and started at 125. Now up to 145

Help with my routine

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

inner chest

inner chest

Are there any exercises that work the inner chest more? I'm lacking in that department. Am i forgetting something? chest day flat 4x10 incline 4x10 db flys 4x10 cable crossover 4x10

STOP. There's no inner chest

Strangely, according to Arnold and his encylcopedia, there is.

Ilyusha Strangely, according to Arnold and his encylcopedia, there is. Honestly, i'm just going from what i've read in this forum repeatedly

im guessing my question won't get answered til christophers gets in here?

christophers arnolds book is good for motivation or what not but it's honestly a very poor display of knowledge of human physiology/anatomy. people take it as the word of god unfortunately. You have a point.. the exercises that he devotes to the so called inner and outer chests are just exercises that I do anyway, without trying to target either region specifically.

so my chest day routine looks fine?

yo nizzle so my chest day routine looks fine? Yes.

inner chest

Hm..explanation on this?

Hm..explanation on this?

I do chest + tris once a week...I did it last week (monday) but that was the only day I worked out. Had knee surgery so I was stuck at home the whole week Anyways, at the gym today, I did BB 155x10, 165x8, 165x6. Last week when I did it I could only get about 4 or 6 on the last two sets. The week before, I got 4 on the 165 sets. Explanation for this? Is it possible that the week "off" from everything else let my muscles recover?


Wouldn't doubt it..but still, sad if that's so.

knucks Wouldn't doubt it..but still, sad if that's so. Well then there's your answer. You aren't giving your muscles enough time to recover. I had the same problem with DB shoulder press a few months ago.. after not pressing for 2 weeks, I came back 10lbs stronger per DB.

How is a week not enough time to recover? Nothing going well for me in life.

knucks How is a week not enough time to recover? Nothing going well for me in life. What kind of volume are you doing per day/week, and how many times per week are you working your chest?

Ilyusha What kind of volume are you doing per day/week, and how many times per week are you working your chest? Not sure what you mean by volume..but I do this/similar to this once a week (Monday): flat bench (bb or db. i change it up here and there) incline bench (db) decline (smith) dips incline wide grip(machine) flys (once in a while..not really consistent with them)

knucks Not sure what you mean by volume..but I do this/similar to this once a week (Monday): flat bench (bb or db. i change it up here and there) incline bench (db) decline (smith) dips incline wide grip(machine) flys (once in a while..not really consistent with them) That looks like too much already.. how many sets/reps do you do per exercise?

3. today was a crappy day for me as I didn't want to over-do it on the first day back: flat bench (bb): 155x10, 165x8, 165x6 incline bench (bb..i hate doing this but my wrist has been bothering me): 95x10, 105x10, 105x8 decline (smith): 25s x 10, 30s x 10, 40 x 8 incline (machine): 60 (on each side) x 8, 60 x 8, 60 x 10, 60 x 10 i usually do 4 or 5 exercises for chest

I would do no more than 3-4 exercises with 3-5 sets each per week.

Hm..explanation on this?

My rib cage protrudes quite a bit.

My rib cage protrudes quite a bit.

Is this normal? It's most noticeable if I'm laying down, especially if I have my back somewhat arched. I can take a picture if you guys don't know what I'm talking about. You can't see individual ribs or anything, it's just the ends of the rib cage that protude. Maybe it's my lack of adbdominal muscles .

Bird chest.

my gut protrudes

I had the same thing, I learned to pull my rib cage in to be flush with my body, just takes a bit of abdominal exercise/training.

ralyks I had the same thing, I learned to pull my rib cage in to be flush with my body, just takes a bit of abdominal exercise/training.

xpinchx Is this normal? It's most noticeable if I'm laying down, especially if I have my back somewhat arched. I can take a picture if you guys don't know what I'm talking about. You can't see individual ribs or anything, it's just the ends of the rib cage that protude. Maybe it's my lack of adbdominal muscles . i'm not sure if it's normal, but i'm the exact same way. when i lay down, there is a severe drop off from ribcage to stomach

I gots it too.

we knew this guy who was like that, you could see his ribs and also he had big areolas, we called him BCP for birdcage peppas, peppas = pepperonis = big areolas.

I have a similar problem as well.

i gots that, too. i can pull it flat but why do it unless it's for showing off abs. i like it. seems like it adds a lot of size to my frame.

ryazbeck we knew this guy who was like that, you could see his ribs and also he had big areolas, we called him BCP for birdcage peppas, peppas = pepperonis = big areolas. you could be talking about me

aenz you could be talking about me haha, BCP probably weighs like 115 @ 5'10".

dirtysouthboy haha, BCP probably weighs like 115 @ 5'10". ok maybe not

i think you just need to bulk

xpinchx Is this normal? It's most noticeable if I'm laying down, especially if I have my back somewhat arched. I can take a picture if you guys don't know what I'm talking about. You can't see individual ribs or anything, it's just the ends of the rib cage that protude. Maybe it's my lack of adbdominal muscles . Everyone I've seen with that bird cage chest is a helluva runner.

My rib cage protrudes quite a bit.

Monday, December 23, 2013

how much weight on dips?

how much weight on dips?

just curious what everyone is doing here. i do mine pretty wide and can do about 5 or 6 reps with 3 plates (135 lbs). my roommate doesnt believe i can do that much weight though, ha.

don't like to do them

I usually do 4 sets of 6-10 reps: body weight, bw+25, bw+35, bw+45.

i have a hard time believing that as well but awesome if you really can.

That's quite a bit of weight.

at my gym, you have to go to the bloody front desk and sign out the belt to attach the plates to. Cant be bothered so I just do body weight only.

45 8 reps 70 8 reps 90 6 reps 90 5 reps

i can do 2 plates for sets of 6-8 pretty easily.

how far down do you go? i just do bw dips..first set is usually 14 fairly deep

aenz i have a hard time believing that as well but awesome if you really can. i used to do that much.....i can't do dips right now though cause of the cyst in my wrist

Ceaze i used to do that much.....i can't do dips right now though cause of the cyst in my wrist That sucks what you gonna do about it?

NoXeN how far down do you go? my upper arms go to parallel with the floor. so 90 degrees at my elbows

ryazbeck just curious what everyone is doing here. i do mine pretty wide and can do about 5 or 6 reps with 3 plates (135 lbs). my roommate doesnt believe i can do that much weight though, ha. thats pretty impressive if true. I do sets with the 45 pound plates... wide grip and leaned forward on shoulder day, and closer grip vertical on tricep day.

Ceaze i used to do that much.....i can't do dips right now though cause of the cyst in my wrist how weird, my wife just had an mri for that last week and today they shot some roids into it...shes in agony

PurEvl how weird, my wife just had an mri for that last week and today they shot some roids into it...shes in agony yeah i got it from doing rack hasn't stopped me from working out but i have to wear wrist wraps to take some pressure off my wrist

my body weight = 200 lbs. I'll do like 25,15,15

I use my bodyweight...

I usually get under big guys doing dips and get them on my shoulders and start dipping them.

135? post up some pictures of you are you doing them on a flat bench (with the weight on your lap) or an actual dip bar?

using a dip bar with a weight belt and 3 plates on it. pics here:

ryazbeck using a dip bar with a weight belt and 3 plates on it. pics here: well more power to you if you actually can. me and you are very similar sized, and you do a shitload more weight. What are you putting on BB bench?

Max I've tried years ago was 60lb dumbell held between my legs for 5-6 reps. Haven't tried weighted dips too often...

Ceaze i used to do that much.....i can't do dips right now though cause of the cyst in my wrist i didn't mean i don't think it's possible. i meant based on his pics i wouldn't have guessed he could do that much.

SteveO well more power to you if you actually can. me and you are very similar sized, and you do a shitload more weight. What are you putting on BB bench? dips and bench don't have much correlation

Ceaze dips and bench don't have much correlation I'm just curious of the chest numbers he's putting up. I wish I could do that kinda heavy weight like you guys, but wrist injuries and shoulder injuries really hurt my benching

how much weight on dips?

Friday, December 20, 2013

ATTN: Flat-footed Crew :sadwavey:

ATTN: Flat-footed Crew :sadwavey:

My feet are terribly flat-footed. I'm not exactly sure why I made this thread, maybe a support group kind of thread? I don't know, but do you guys have problems with running or injuries? What shoes fit you best? etc etc etc

Im flat footed as well

same here

I use the elliptical when I do any cardio, running on the treadmill makes my feet hurt.

New Balance makes good running shoes for flat footed people. I've also heard good things about Asics but I haven't tried them. I wear New Balance and I also have a set of athletic insoles because I'm extremely flat flooted.

I have flat feet, I wear a size 14-15. I don't have any problems with them

Have a pretty good flat foot also. Nick is right about Asics, thats all I used for anything distance in Track and Field. My sprint spikes were always Nike and distance shoes were always Asics.

I have collapsing arches...ended up getting some custom orthotics and some neutral shoes, still doesnt help out my shin splint and arch pain problems

in... brooks beasts are my best friends

not in booyah!

wood in... brooks beasts are my best friends WERD. brooks beast > flat feet

I'm in also

You all only *think* you're flat footed. I really am though Went in for a flight phsyical and the doc was like...." hmm you have flat feet - that used to be a disqualifier - but now its just a 'variation of normal'" my arches are non-existant

I'm in. I almost got kicked out of boot camp for having flat feet.

In I've got insoles molded to fit my feet... still have knee pains

ATTN: Flat-footed Crew :sadwavey:

Pics of [what I use at] my gym...

Pics of [what I use at] my gym...

Backsville (you can see all the newb machines in the background): Latsville: The Bars (got some flat, incline, decline and shoulder): Dumbbells (stop at 100 ): Cables (one of two): Teh Cages (I like how the newbs used them for curls and didn't re-rack): Hammer Strength: Hammer Strength: Upstairs is cardio and aerobics area. I go up there to stretch, do crunchies and take a walk around the track to see if any scenery is on the treadmills.

I wish they had a dip station at my gym. I always go to a leg machine (where you tie a cable to your leg at the ankle) which has two parallel bars for people to stabilize themselves and I do dips off of those. Atleast my gym does have DBs up to 150 (or 140...I haven't really looked at the biggest ones yet).

those 100 lb DB's look giant, those compare to the 200s (in size) at my gym

Shaolin_sword36 says a lot about that gym

SteveO those 100 lb DB's look giant, those compare to the 200s (in size) at my gym Rubber crap. I shouldn't complain though coz rubber doesn't hurt as much during a failure. As for the gym, it's in a very rich area of the southwestern suburbs. Some of the older men are quite built or healthy, but we don't have many brolies. Mostly yuppies in the weight rooms and baby boomers and attractive older golddiggers upstairs. Occasionally there will be some hotties and cool guys my age. The gym just west of the city has a better crowd, and I'll be there soon enough since I'm moving. FYI, this gym is the best Bally's in Minneapolis, and I'll miss it.

Mugwump Rubber crap. I shouldn't complain though coz rubber doesn't hurt as much during a failure. Maybe its just consistency, but the rubber ones feel solid enough that I can go 5 lbs more without even noticing the difference.

Shaolin_sword36 We have those same god damned cages at my gym. They suck cock because the holes for the catches are so far apart. And don't lie, you're the one that was doing the curls.

I use the EZ bars (15 lbs less than the regular barbells).

those cages blow..


Mugwump y? pin layout is awfull

Fuck, nice ballys, ...My Ballys fuckin sucks nuts. Its half of half of that. Jesus its pathetic.

White Fuck, nice ballys, ...My Ballys fuckin sucks nuts. Its half of half of that. Jesus its pathetic. Like I said, it's the nicest Bally's here. We have several of them, and there are some bad ones.

vettedude those cages blow..

They get the job done. Post a pic of a good cage. I'd like to see what I'm missing.

Mugwump They get the job done. Post a pic of a good cage. I'd like to see what I'm missing. for squats / GMs they are fine...

No deadlift platform, no care! Seriously it looks pretty good :P

happens all the time in my school gym

Elfling No deadlift platform, no care! I have to take the bar from the shoulder press bench and do my deadlifts there (barbell shoulder press isn't very popular for some reason). It's kinda sad, but I usually have lots of space.

Thats a nice fucking gym.

damn, that's a nice ballys. all the ballys here in NoVA are prolly 1/4 that size, no lie. well, the weight area is 1/4 that size. the rest is taken up by a pool, indoor track, etc.

looks pretty nice.

Pics of [what I use at] my gym...

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