Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I'm so damned sore today

I'm so damned sore today

had my max effort squat on monday and it finally caught up to me sitting in class in those little uncomfortable desks for 2 hours felt like hell

sans_pants had my max effort squat on monday and it finally caught up to me sitting in class in those little uncomfortable desks for 2 hours felt like hell just wait till u try MES Good morinings that always puts me into a new wold of pain

vettedude just wait till u try MES Good morinings that always puts me into a new wold of pain

vettedude just wait till u try MES Good morinings that always puts me into a new wold of pain Never tried max effort on good mornings, but just training lower back in general gives me a horrible feeling while walking back home.

i did legs today and im having probs goin up and down stairs..

I'm so damned sore today

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