Showing posts with label spice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spice. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Grilled chicken breasts - how do you cook em?

Grilled chicken breasts - how do you cook em?

I'm going to start on a stricter diet today and was thinking I could get away with cooking chicken just once a day. Say, throw 4 breasts onto my Foreman grill, have 2 for lunch, 2 for dinner. Alternate BBQ with other marinades. I wanted to minimize time in the kitchen cooking. I was wondering what you guys do for your meat, whether it is chicken or something else. I am on a strict schedule with work and school and don't have a lot of time to spend in the kitchen.

I cook em' 12 at a time on sunday in the oven, then I'm set for at least 3 or 4 days.

sprite I cook em' 12 at a time on sunday in the oven, then I'm set for at least 3 or 4 days. Hmm, I could do that too. Just mic them for dinner time.

They just taste better baked/roasted to me. Foreman grill seems to dry them out and make them tough. massive thread in the archives with tons of recipes to keep you occupied

with heat

how do you cook grilled chicken breasts? hmm, got me.

you can boil split chicken breasts in a big pot for like an hour and that'll last a few days. the meat just falls off the bone so you have filets pretty much.

can't help, sorry. i only cook uncooked meat

ryazbeck you can boil split chicken breasts in a big pot for like an hour and that'll last a few days. the meat just falls off the bone so you have filets pretty much. thats the best imo. easy as hell and you dont have to spring for bonless/skinless breasts which are expensive as fuck. i get split breasts with skin and bones on em for 99 cents a lb and stock up that way, when boneless skinless is 3 bucks a lb or more.

I sometimes cook a whole 10-lb pack from costco in the oven in a big glass pan; olive oil and pepper, or random seasonings, lasts several days. Lately though I've been cooking extra at dinner for the next tastes a *lot* better when it's not two days old. Today's chicken: pan-seared with white wine worcestshire sauce and dijon mustard. Mm.

i have a broiling pan and do 6 at a time in the oven then i just keep them in the fridge till i need them.

If you guys like to buy whole split chicken breasts than i recomend that you make some Chicken Catchatori !!! You got everything you need, the protein in the chiken, vitamin C and other non-essential vitamins in the Tomato sauce, and of course a ton of carbs in the pasta for energy (if not on strict diet),1-...hatori,FF.html It takes soemtime to cook, but you can cook quantities of it at a time and it'll last you up to 2-3 days. It's a complete meal that will get you away from the usual bland chicken.

So most of you guys bake or broil the chicken instead of grill? interesting...I don't know jack about baking/broilings. Guess I'm going to check out that other thread.

Soak them in italian dressing for 24 hours and then grill on the foreman or if I don't have time to marinate I just put few slices in them and stick a little butter in the slices then cover with some salt and pepper and grill.

Olive oil, salt & pepper, grill it on the foreman. Then I cut them into strips and put it in the fridge. I usually eat the leftovers cold with rice, salad, or in a tortilla

I just put on grill, cook, eat. Not much flavor but fuck it. You get full either way no matter the taste.

Foreman grill- crushed black pepper, real lemon juice and seasoning salt Turkey- ground, add taco seasoning and apply to some romaine lettuce= turkey taco salad with picante sauce as dressing

tize i bake them. right now i have 5lbs of chicken breast marinating in a ziplock with half a bottle of italian dressing Finally tize does something right (Damn you and your bumping myspace threads.)

If you have time, my favorite way is to cube the chicken, the pan fry it in olive oil with a little soy sauce. I usually add some peanut at the end and carmelize them just a little, then eat everything as a chicken ceaser salad. Sooo good.

i used to buy tons of foster farms chicken breast from costco. they are precooked, so i just microwave them....

knowledge If you have time, my favorite way is to cube the chicken, the pan fry it in olive oil with a little soy sauce. I usually add some peanut at the end and carmelize them just a little, then eat everything as a chicken ceaser salad. Sooo good. I do something similar, but I just go ahead and make it stir fry.

broil them. Cover them in your favorite spice, throw it all in the oven and watch it as it cooks- only takes 10 or so minutes on as many as you can in there.

Coat in Cajun spice and pan fry with a little olive oil.

Grilled chicken breasts - how do you cook em?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Best OTC Antiperspirant?

Best OTC Antiperspirant?

Well ever since I have started my E/C stack a few weeks ago I have started to sweat pretty heavily under my I was wondering what everyone recommends for the best anti-perspirant. I currently use Degree, but it doesn't work well at all. Didn't want to post this in the main forum because of all the douchebags there and I would just get flamed more than actual advice, thanks.

Right Guard with the Power stripe works well. The key is to get anti-persperant and deoderant. Deoderant just covers the smell.

Mystery Guest Right Guard with the Power stripe works well. The key is to get anti-persperant and deoderant. Deoderant just covers the smell. this stuff smells good too

I went to Kroger the other day and saw this stuff called Mitchum...I thought I overheard somebody saying something good about it. I might go try and pick that up today.

Old Spice Red Zone has always worked for me.

red zone sucks, axe stick sucks, right guard sucks, speed stick sucks, mitchum is good...

While on the discussion of anti-perspirants, I have a few questions as well. I find that I sweat quite a bit even if I'm not physically active. My right armpit sweats sometimes for no reason at all. And when I'm at work (truck unloader) I get really bad swamp ass. Is there like some kind of pill I can take that will lower my overall perspiration because it's embarassign.

I use old spice soft solid. The green solid type red zone caused me to have a horrible burning when ever I put it on though, so I stay away from that.

ACURA TL-S I use old spice soft solid. The green solid type red zone caused me to have a horrible burning when ever I put it on though, so I stay away from that. That means it's working. When i went to a Doctor about my perspiration problems he prescribed me a product called Drysol that I'm supposed to put on my underarms before I go to bed, and rinse off in the morning. It's extremely itchy and burning, but that's normal. After 3 days of use my underarm perspiration completely stopped.

xpinchx That means it's working. When i went to a Doctor about my perspiration problems he prescribed me a product called Drysol that I'm supposed to put on my underarms before I go to bed, and rinse off in the morning. It's extremely itchy and burning, but that's normal. After 3 days of use my underarm perspiration completely stopped. Holy shit, I gotta look into that! I have same probs as you. Just sitting around doing nothing at all my pits start to sweat like mad, and I get swamp ass real easy....But thats normal, cause its Az and its fucking hot. But hate my pits sweating in the winter while watching TV. My undershirts go bad real fast. It sucks

xpinchx That means it's working. When i went to a Doctor about my perspiration problems he prescribed me a product called Drysol that I'm supposed to put on my underarms before I go to bed, and rinse off in the morning. It's extremely itchy and burning, but that's normal. After 3 days of use my underarm perspiration completely stopped. had the same problem, bought some drysol from an online pharmacy for $20 and apply it weekly, problem solved

White Holy shit, I gotta look into that! I have same probs as you. Just sitting around doing nothing at all my pits start to sweat like mad, and I get swamp ass real easy....But thats normal, cause its Az and its fucking hot. But hate my pits sweating in the winter while watching TV. My undershirts go bad real fast. It sucks Yeah, I rotate my white t-shirts every few months. I need to get some more drysol because the cold sweating is coming back . Read more about it here: and here: Note that 1/4 of the people on that website are pussies. After you put it on just suck it up and go to sleep and it'll be fine in teh morning. Nothing works nearly as good as Drysol, trust me. Ask your Doc about it.

++ to that Certain Dri stuff. It works like Drysol; you put it on at night before bed. It works really, really well. I used to live in a swamp (Houston), had horrible armpit sweat, but Certain Dri solved everything. Plus it's only like $6 too. Should be fairly common at local pharmacies.

Is there something that can be done about yellowing shirts? Not to worried about it on my regular t-shirts but my nice ones seem to get ruined quickly.

jshively Is there something that can be done about yellowing shirts? Not to worried about it on my regular t-shirts but my nice ones seem to get ruined quickly. Get this spot shot stuff, dont know what its called =/ but spray it on pits before put in wash, works wonders.

axe cause the ladies love it

jshively Is there something that can be done about yellowing shirts? Not to worried about it on my regular t-shirts but my nice ones seem to get ruined quickly. Yeah that's why I never really buy white shirts...they go bad after like 4-5 months, so it's not even worth it to me. My undershirts are horrible.

i use degree but I'm a pussy girl so who cares

i have to switch every 2 months or so, otherwise i start getting irritated..

I'm gonna try drysol, I sweat like crazy all the time.

cavefish Old Spice Red Zone has always worked for me. l

Ones that don't make you itch.

Soularis axe cause the ladies love it yeah they also love 8 inch diameter pit stains

bigbadben this is similar to what a friend of mine in england told me about last week. its called triple dry. im a bit nervous with the aluminum chloride in it. ive heard ppl getting cysts and stuff from it. although, it works great. i hate having sweat circles when i wear dress shirts.

Best OTC Antiperspirant?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hard Boiled Eggs

Hard Boiled Eggs

This is like the next best thing! I just have them lined up in the fridge -- when I get hungry crack one open and eat it. How much protein is in these babies? Anyone else do this? They are the perfect snack! Googled it and eggs have approximently 6.25g of protein each...does sound reasonable?

perfect snake?

Oh god...i'm laughing so hard...i'm crying...

mmm, i love them, I cook them and just eat the whites though

tize I think they are nasty, try getting an acceptable amount of protein from them at once.... I do..I eat 6 egg whites a day

egg whites..sure. the protein is in the whites, the cholesterol is in the yolks...

make deviled eggs for spice. damn they are good.

Elektra egg whites..sure. the protein is in the whites, the cholesterol is in the yolks... there is protein in the yolk too

DEF there is protein in the yolk too That may be but I sure don't want that cholesterol...the whites are all protein and no fat.

Elektra That may be but I sure don't want that cholesterol...the whites are all protein and no fat. why not?

pokesteve i think there are more than 6 grams of protein per egg, i can't eat 10 jumbo eggs without being really full... thats only 60 grams of protein? impossible. i can eat 2 cans of tuna no problem. gram for gram of protein, their is about 20-25X the amount of fat in eggs as there is in tuna

About half the protein is in the whites,about half in the yolk.

Dragon gram for gram of protein, their is about 20-25X the amount of fat in eggs as there is in tuna and?

SteveO and? no and. My point was, he feels fuller on the 60g of protein from eggs because of the fat in the eggs that is not present in the tuna

tize that's like 18grams of protein...chump change not for me

Dragon no and. My point was, he feels fuller on the 60g of protein from eggs because of the fat in the eggs that is not present in the tuna well u can't eat tuna every meal of the day because of the mercury content, so you need other alternatives. There's nothing wrong with consuming whole eggs

SteveO well u can't eat tuna every meal of the day because of the mercury content, so you need other alternatives. There's nothing wrong with consuming whole eggs I'm not saying you should. pokesteve i think there are more than 6 grams of protein per egg, i can't eat 10 jumbo eggs without being really full... thats only 60 grams of protein? impossible. i can eat 2 cans of tuna no problem. I was merely out out to Poke that the reason he feels more full from the eggs than he does from the tuna (with an equivalent amount fo protein) is mainly due to the extra fat in the eggs. I wasn't sugegsting that he (or anybody) should only be eating tuna all meals of the day or that there is anything wrong with eating eggs.

Elektra That may be but I sure don't want that cholesterol...the whites are all protein and no fat. cholesterol in eggs is not bad for you. Recent studies have shown this and there have been threads on here stating that it isnt bad for you either.

blood cholesterol is mainly a function of genetics. Dietary cholesterol plays only a very minor part.

Eggs are good for you:View this and become enlightened.

stealthrapt0r why not? Because everybody produces all the cholesterol that the body requires to function. Anything more is just extra. You won't find it in the plant world...none at all ever. Cholesterol Content of Common Foods --John Robbins

BuckNut cholesterol in eggs is not bad for you. Recent studies have shown this and there have been threads on here stating that it isnt bad for you either. If it's not too much trouble could you give me a reference? I'd like to know more....

That was great.

what the mother fuck was that?

that was pretty funny.

Hard Boiled Eggs

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

So what do you guys think of this split?

So what do you guys think of this split?

Day 1: Chest/Tris/Abds Inclinde DB bench 3x10, 1x6, 1x4 CG bench 2x10, 6x1, 4x1 Superset: DB flies & DB bench press 3x8 Decline Weighted Situp 3x10, 2x6 Day 2:back/bis Wide Lat pull downs 3x10, 1x6, 1x4 Pull ups 2x10 DB Shrugs 3x12 DB curls 3x10, 1x6, 1x4 DB Hammer curl 3x10, 1x6, 1x4 Day 3: legs/shoulder Squat 2x10, 1x6, 1x4 Deadlift 4x6 Good Morning 2x10 BB militiary press 3x10, 1x6, 1x4 Superset: DB lateral raise & Rear delt flies 3x10 About 20-22 sets a day. day 4 is rest, and day 5 starts all over, so this is done twice every 8 days. It's template of what i'll be doing for the last few months, except I'll be alternating between (2-3x10, 1x6, 1x4) with (3-4x6, 2x10) every month to spice things up.

What is with the 1x4 and 1x6?

to maintain the strength at 4 and 6 rep range.

personally I prefer the higher burnout sets at the end you might want to add BB bench and dips

Why bother with the 10 rep sets then? If you want to maintain strength and LBM, 4-6 reps should be right up there

Elfling Why bother with the 10 rep sets then? If you want to maintain strength and LBM, 4-6 reps should be right up there then i wouldn't be builing up my strength in the 10 rep range, and i wouldn't be in the optimal hytrophy rep range.

i dont even think youll be tired from that. let the 2nd and third sets follow the first. even if you lower th4e weight on the 3rd set, it gives you something to strive for next time around. also squat dead and gm on the same day is rough. do gms first, then squat to tire the muscle. alternate every few weeks b/t squat and dl. well, looking at the whole thing, just follow a max-ot program or something. itll be easier. why do CG bench b4 db bench? why superset with flies? also on back day, add a mid back movement.

So what do you guys think of this split?

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