Showing posts with label body. Show all posts
Showing posts with label body. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Creatine + Clen

Creatine + Clen

During the ECY stack I had no concerns with [testing my rats with] CEE. Now that Ive moved [my rats] on to slightly more potent agents, I would rather not risk dehydration or the other assumed risks in the combo. Is is safe or should I hold out on [feeding my rats] the CEE till after the cycle? ib4flames.

i'm no pro, but dont creatine and clen do opposite things? i thought creatine helped retain water, and clen helped get rid of it?

not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. Ack what a nightmare. 1 gram Clenbuterol was obtained, later it was measured and dissolved into water to make the proper amount ratio per ml. But looky here: Some clenbuterol, what seemed to be very little stayed on the tool which was used to move the clenbuterol from one container to another. Hey there (I thought in stuper), why dont I taste the remain and see what happens. (Can you think of something more ingeniues?--looking back, it was one of my most stupid and dangerous decisions of my life) Apparently an amount of approximately 5 - 8 miligram of clenbuterol was sublingually ingested, possibly more. (normal dose is at the microgram area), for those who dont know Clenbuterol is active at even 100 mcg. with the ~5000-8000 mcg that was ingested, some 50-80 times stronger the active dose, some unwanted effects might occur if you plan to live a healthy life, dont mistake where I have. T+30: Strange feeling, as if consciousness had changed, but not similiar to anything I ever felt. T+1h: Feeling somewhat better than normal (if only I would know what was ahead of me....) Is this clenbuterol i thought? T+2h: Heart rate is higher, but not alarming. T+3h: Eyes are open wide, and face is feeling stretched, something is building up, and fast. T+4h: Eyeballs seem to receive some greenish color besides the normal white... and quite amount of axienty had built up, dizzyness and nausea, but somewhat consciousness enhancement, certainly not a good time. T+5h: feeling quite ill, heart begins to speed up, and for the next 24 hours the heart rate stays at a steady alarming 125-135 beats per minute (WHILE LYING DOWN WITH HEAD ON PILLOW), i could hear my heart with my ear as the vains in my head and the entire body are all swallen up and beating, I can feel the blood pumping intensively, and I feel as I am ready to explode. My girlfriend urges me to get an ambulance, but I disagree, hoping its going to be fine and reassuring her i'm 'okayyyy.' My entire body was dancing to the beats of my heart; and it was the worst tune you could ever imagine. T+6h: From here on after for the next 18 hours, intense pressure in my head and limbs had built up, eyes got more wide open, and skin more stretched. T+12h: It feels as if my heart cant take it anymore as i feel it loosens in some fraile way, and begins to irregularly beat, which is extremely uncomfortable, and quite dangerous. T+13h: I get dehydrated rather easily, and my tempeature is 38 degrees celceus. T+15h: for the past hour the tempeature has risen +1 degree. I am now considering the ambulance theory (in my head), as I feel I cant take much more of this. T+16h: The pressure in the head is unbearable and keeps on increasing, the pain arises as if the skull pressures the brain and there is a psychological feeling as if brain fluid is frying the brain, from the temperature T+17h: A cold shower really helped ... ALOT. T+19h: Another shower helped. T+20h: I'm quite tired and exhusted, but in agonizing head pain fearing taking any sedatives since i dont know what interacts with this and how; i take 750mg Paracetamol. T+21h: Feeling a bit better, but still -- headache is anguishing, I am utterly exhusted and afraid to fall asleep, although possibly, i can. T+24h: Heart rate down to 120 per minute, and tempeature had decreased by two degrees the past two hours, a nice opportunity to get some sleep T+32h: Woke up.... (Thank God, I'm alive!) heart rate is still at a steady 120 beats per minute while lying down #!$#!$#!$!% T+42h: heart rate down to a steady 105 beats per minute t+70h: 65 beats per minute, lying down. For the following week, intense vain, skin, and eye pain was felt, besides the utter exhustion and the sharp pain in the center of the head. Thank God, For He saved me from my stupidity That only my faith kept me going, thougout this living nightmare. There were many side effects during the experience, of pseudohallucenogenic nature: closed and open eye visual effects, very hard stimulation; food was tasteless and meaningless, and would result in vomiting; nothing could be drank besides water, or heartburn would occur, and it did, from drinking Cola, alone. Increased sweating, and increased resperation, hard amphetamiine-like jitterness which lasted throughout the entire horryfing experience, highly-extremely increased metabolic rate, tempeature changes, general change in consciousness, ear popping, and some more things. Overall, This was my first experience with this pseudosteroidical substance, which i didnt take seriously, and i paid the price, and i'm lucky i'm alive to report it. Dont be stupid. If you cant measure something properly, and or not sure of its potency - DO NOT DO IT: as tempting or curiousing as it may be, you might not be as lucky as I was. What a nightmare Thank God its over. for your rats sake ;x

Dunken not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. for your rats sake ;x wow i bet your buddy was ripped after that

My rats take it in 20mcg tab form. Not much risk of overdose there. They are at 80mcg today. While in the most general sense they would appear to have opposing impacts, but on a cellular level they have little to do with eachother. My rats are drinking a 1.5-2 gallons of water per day so I think most of the risk is mitigated, but I want to be sure.

IMHO i think that you wont look as good as if you did creatine for like 4 weeks and then ran your clen because w/ clen you are trying to lose bf and look shredded and depending on how you respond to creatine you might have water retention leaving you slightly bloated. cliffsne makes you bigger, the other makes you smaller, so run the big then the small

supposedly that is the advantage of CEE, it eliminates the hydrogen thereby eliminating the water retention. The use would be to retain as much muscle while maintaining a caloric deficit stacked with a potent metabolic enhancer.

iwishiwascool supposedly that is the advantage of CEE, it eliminates the hydrogen thereby eliminating the water retention. The use would be to retain as much muscle while maintaining a caloric deficit stacked with a potent metabolic enhancer. huh i havent done the research on CEE (haha but bought it anyway) well then i guess go for it?

Dunken not that this has to do with your question but i find this story of clen very alarming and interesting. for your rats sake ;x yea that guy was a dope i read that post on another board from him

gsteclipse97 yea that guy was a dope i read that post on another board from him yeah, he admits being an idiot, which i credit him for. but to me, just making that little of a mistake such as, mis measuring, etc and getting thoes sides? its just not worth it to fuck around with in my opinion.

the caffeine is what dehydrates you, not the ephedrine or clen

Dunken yeah, he admits being an idiot, which i credit him for. but to me, just making that little of a mistake such as, mis measuring, etc and getting thoes sides? its just not worth it to fuck around with in my opinion. if you buy the liquid pre diluted instead of makin it yourself then you should have nothing to worry about unless you are a real dope who cant measure correctly. i dont see how anyone could screw it up if you took 10 seconds to measure it and double check

I bought 500g of CEE from bulknutrition today.

How much potassium and taurine are your rats taking?

AznRyda How much potassium and taurine are your rats taking? 5g taurine, just banannas for cramps when I feel them. When I can tell the rats feel them.

i need to supp with magnesium to get rid of the cramps

The first few days were crazy. It wasnt the big muscles... just the lil ones. Id be sitting still for a while and my entire back would cramp up. Or my hands or toes.... ect. I was fine today.

Creatine + Clen

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

well? whats it doing for me...any toning or fat burning?

Any physical activity is better than none Reults depend on if you are trying to speed skate around an ovel for 4 hours or just lazily douching around the park.

rollerblading is a hell of a workout

joy division Any physical activity is better than none Reults depend on if you are trying to speed skate around an ovel for 4 hours or just lazily douching around the park. about an hour of cruising around neighborhoods..going up some hills...going fast....very little lazy douching though

superbri007 no, but I heard that lollarblading is really good

yeees, it gives you nice tone man-glutes

will it burn any body fat, or do any overall toning? or just legs pretty much

it won't burn anything. it'll just give you an onion booty. no but seriously, if you do it with enough intensity, it could be a good cardio activity thats easy on the knees compared to jogging.

Rollerblading is horrible

great workout!

if you have to ask, then no

jackjohnson if you have to ask, then no well its definetely " a workout" since i sweat hard and can run out of breath when im skating hard. jw what it actually does for if it tones or burns any fat.

could be decent cardio.. it all depends on your intensity

I used to be an agro skater. Id skate every day for 6 hours or so in the summer. My legs and abs were crazy Though I doubt youll be jumping onto any rails or crazy business like that.

Do you have to say TONE in every god damn post. NO, it will not TONE your muscle. You will lose weight, uncovering what muscle you may have underneth -- giving the appearence of TONAGE (lol?). It is good cardio though (good on the knees), depending on your entensity.

just go to a damn gym

sr20wop just go to a damn gym I can't stand doing cardio in a gym so I normally rollerblade 2-3 times per week during the summer. Yes it is one hell of a workout if you make it. Actually a girl I work with use to speedskate and her and I would go every weekend and not quit till someone gave up. Some days we would end up doing 20+ miles. If you really want some fun basically skate upright for a couple of minutes and then crouch and try and get as far of a kick as possible for a minute or so and as hard as you can. If you have a friend who bikes try and draft them. Did that with a buddy of mine who raced and I could barely breath after a couple of miles. What muscles you work depend on your stance very similiar to an efx machine. If you are low you are going to notice it more in the whole leg if you are upright more in the middle of your legs.

iwishiwascool I used to be an agro skater. Id skate every day for 6 hours or so in the summer. My legs and abs were crazy Though I doubt youll be jumping onto any rails or crazy business like that. Use to aggressive to and it was amazing how much you really had to stay constrictinged and were squeezing your abs. Especially on rail grinds.

Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using?

Davo Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using? my bauer hockey skates......thats all ive ever used since i was a kid.

I used to go through 2 pairs per season. The set that I ended with were the Razor Cults. They were nice.

Davo Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using? I started rollerblading 12 years ago it was a b-day present from my parents since I wanted something else to supplment my cycling. I basically have sticked with rollerblade brand the whole way. Right now I am on the Rollerblade Aero 2 got an awesome deal on them at a local sporting store that stopped carrying the rollerblade brand. The only problem I have is the boot is uncomfortable and almost makes my foot go numb but after a couple of miles almost like it breaks in and I don't have a problem. I use to have K2 and that was a nice boot. If I could take the Aero 2 skate and add the K2 boot it would have been perfect. What you got?

iwishiwascool I used to go through 2 pairs per season. The set that I ended with were the Razor Cults. They were nice. Even when i was doing agressive I used rollerblade old school with the hard plastic boot. First skate I ever owned. Had a couple sets of wheels and bearing that I would switch depending if I was doing x-training, aggressive, or even playing hockey. God I miss that skate but man it would get hot. Ton of armor on it. Tore through grindplates like it was nothing.

jshively What you got? I have the Rollerblade Lightning 09 2004 model, had them for about a year. They're a five-wheel skate, built for fitness/speed. The boot is amazing, and even after a long (15-20 mile) skate, I hardly feel like I had them on. The only downside to having skates with such a long frame is that you can't do too many 'fun' things, other than going 25-30mph. They just aren't that agile. Plus, you have to pay to play: when my bearings wore out, it cost over $100 to replace them.

You guys are making me miss rollerblading, about 10 years ago I skated just about everywhere

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

Does working legs increase test?

Does working legs increase test?

For example, if one were to only work upper body. Person B would work legs too, and his upper body would be bigger than Person A. Is this true? I've heard it does, but only a very miniscule (and insignificant) amount

oh and i'm looking for a reference to a study too if you hve one

heavy compound movements have been shown to release trace amounts of gh. Very minimal and probably has no effect

heavy amounts of stress on the body such as squats/deadlifts results in an androgen response. (my doc)

well i mean doesnt working out in general do that? so if you're only working out half your body, as opposed to all of your body, wouldnt you get better results from full body?

ryazbeck well i mean doesnt working out in general do that? so if you're only working out half your body, as opposed to all of your body, wouldnt you get better results from full body? i don't know, that's why I made this thread

just do the right thing. work out your legs.

Here is an article that I found about:

Does working legs increase test?

How to kick higher?

How to kick higher?

How does someone train their legs to kick much higher? I am assuming just stretching your legs out and practicing kicking would do it?

Thats one way to do it...alot of it has to do with your hips being too tight. For example if you can do the splits you'll have an easier time kicking high. Dynamic stretching helps a bit as well, but relaxed and other kinds of stretching are just as important.

All about the flexibility.

relaxed stretching first, then with tension. do both kinds of splits (side and middle). do stretch up kicks to loosen the hamstrings. practice your kicks about a million times. I dunno if this attatchment will work right, I just came back to the board, but this is me at about 19.

Maestro Nobones relaxed stretching first, then with tension. do both kinds of splits (side and middle). do stretch up kicks to loosen the hamstrings. practice your kicks about a million times. I dunno if this attatchment will work right, I just came back to the board, but this is me at about 19. That is really impressive. If I want to kick higher, should I do those stretches everyday? Or can I overexert them?

I dunno I developed the ability over about a year's time. Your body should tell you how much pushing yourself is OK. Don't let yourself get comfortable until you are at your desired amount of stretch, but let yourself reach that point gradually; don't force it. If you work for it, it'll come.

I have trained in several martial arts for quite sometime and I always found that easiest way to improve your kicking height is simply practice kicks, and stretch. Stretch not only your legs, but also your groin, hips, glutes, and sides of abs. A combination of both intensive stretches and a lot of kicking practice will get you there.

stretching is one thing, flexibility is another. So yeah, you've gotta be pretty flexible.

3 or 7

VinSVT 3 or 7

hes right. posts 3 and 7. practice and flexibility.

Socrates How does someone train their legs to kick much higher? I am assuming just stretching your legs out and practicing kicking would do it? are you in martial arts or sumpin(serious, not trying to be a dick). cuz if you wanna become an all around better fighter, there is a very slim chance that in a real world fight you will get the chance to kick someone in the face if thats what you are after. if you are lifting at the same time that can be deleterious to your flexability goals. ive lost about 20% of my flexability in the last few weeks

incubimmer deleterious ,., ohh, fancy word...i like that one

incubimmer are you in martial arts or sumpin(serious, not trying to be a dick). cuz if you wanna become an all around better fighter, there is a very slim chance that in a real world fight you will get the chance to kick someone in the face if thats what you are after. if you are lifting at the same time that can be deleterious to your flexability goals. ive lost about 20% of my flexability in the last few weeks Yeah, actually. I grew up wrestling with my older brother, then wrestled in high school a bit. Took some boxing lessons at a gym for a few months, but gave it up pretty quick. I joined up with a MMA training gym (Springfield Fight Club) a couple months back and have been into it ever since. Going to jail for fighting directly after turning 17 got old REAL fast, and I have always been pretty addicted to fighting sports. I'm going to work on getting my martial arts belts through the military (easy to do at the Reserve Center here), and was going to continue training at the MMA gym and hopefully get set up with some good fights. A few of the guys travel around and fight, so I think it will be good teaching. The reason I want to get better at kicking now is because my friends set me up fights with guys from other towns or other guys for $50 a fight, and I can't get over the adrenaline rush from the fight. My kicks are weak, and when I kick someone in the head, it usually isn't very powerful. I figure I shouldn't do too much leg weight training.

Leo95SE hes right. posts 3 and 7. practice and flexibility. Dang you seriously knew what was going on there.

As long as you continue to train your flexibility separately, leg weight training is fine, how do you expect to kick hard with weak legs? look at cro cop, he ktfo'd so many people with his tree trunk legs... you gotta weight train, just continue to practice your high kicks too!

Maestro Nobones As long as you continue to train your flexibility separately, leg weight training is fine, how do you expect to kick hard with weak legs? look at cro cop, he ktfo'd so many people with his tree trunk legs... you gotta weight train, just continue to practice your high kicks too! I'll make sure to do that then!

How often/ what kind of stretching do you do? Flexibility isn't set in stone, you can change it. There are shitloads of exercises you can do to increase flexibility, especially for legs...your #1 problem is probably your hips being too tight. How far can you go down into the splits? Being able to do the splits isn't necessary for good kicking but it will make it easier.

I should make a pictoral stretch guide

funny you should mention that

nice links

Leo95SE funny you should mention that the second link is not working for me. only part of it comes up

right click, save link as.

Leo95SE ohh, fancy word...i like that one no one smiley posts (had 2 add ome words in )

Socrates Yeah, actually. I grew up wrestling with my older brother, then wrestled in high school a bit. Took some boxing lessons at a gym for a few months, but gave it up pretty quick. I joined up with a MMA training gym (Springfield Fight Club) a couple months back and have been into it ever since. Going to jail for fighting directly after turning 17 got old REAL fast, and I have always been pretty addicted to fighting sports. I'm going to work on getting my martial arts belts through the military (easy to do at the Reserve Center here), and was going to continue training at the MMA gym and hopefully get set up with some good fights. A few of the guys travel around and fight, so I think it will be good teaching. The reason I want to get better at kicking now is because my friends set me up fights with guys from other towns or other guys for $50 a fight, and I can't get over the adrenaline rush from the fight. My kicks are weak, and when I kick someone in the head, it usually isn't very powerful. I figure I shouldn't do too much leg weight training. that makes more sense, shit i fight for free fairly regularly (not set up in advance tho), wish i could get $50 2 do it

How to kick higher?

one of the hotties from my class

one of the hotties from my class

easily one of the top 5 most gorgeous girls ive met in college. pic doesnt do her the justice. kinda sux that her and all her friends, even her sister, are just as jaw-dropping. more to come

hot is relative

hotness not found....i go for blondes...sorry (every man has his own tastes in women)

sorry mang

u guys r haters... She looks fine to me

I'm going to Berkeley in the fall. That's one of the five hottest girls you've met on campus? How's the gym? I'm guessing it does have a GHR or reverse hyper, but it's still good enough?

i have a thing for halfies and brunettes. although theres a really cute blonde frosh u guys might like. barely got to know her tho. oh and in relation to the other thread, this is the only guy from my class that's stronger than me (i think u can see why)

PreemO i have a thing for halfies and brunettes. although theres a really cute blonde frosh u guys might like. barely got to know her tho. oh and in relation to the other thread, this is the only guy from my class that's stronger than me (i think u can see why) LOL at background poster... Dude looks big, makes u look smal mang.

no GHRs or reverse hypers (yet) but we are supposedly getting a new contract with a different manufacturer than cybex who will supply a shitload of new stuff. we'll see.


PreemO no GHRs or reverse hypers (yet) but we are supposedly getting a new contract with a different manufacturer than cybex who will supply a shitload of new stuff. we'll see. That's what I thought. Hopefully, there'll be some new stuff when I get there.

i think she looks good...her body is bangin and ill give you the benefit of the doubt and say the pic just makes her face look weird

after 4 years here at berk, i think its an advantage to have a lack of pretty girls. cuz whenever you venture outside of berkeley, your lowered standards make every girl seem hot

how hot would you rate flavia?

eh well bezerkely is known to have an extreme shortage of good looking girls, so.. anyway, she's a cute girl, but not a "hottie" in my opinion.. not hating, just not my style.

lol, she doesnt do it for me (don't tell her that). i'm really picky and don't really go for hte mainstream type of hotness. in terms of looks, i adore natalie portman, or say kristin kreuk. subtle, but alluring. berkeley scale maybe a 7? other guys i know, former floormates, would rate her higher.

engineering did =! girls

she's "cute" not "hot"

Leo95SE engineering did =! girls i hear this all of my engineering classes are humungoid sausage fests. and the only girl in any of them is not good lookig...I am such an idiot for wastign away all of my core classes

PreemO i just about spit my drink across the room. dude looks like a.c. slater

preemo > *

vettedude i hear this all of my engineering classes are humungoid sausage fests. and the only girl in any of them is not good lookig...I am such an idiot for wastign away all of my core classes I went to an engineering school that practically WAS the "city" it was in. Imagine your engineering classes multiplied across the every piece of land within a 2 hour drive. Yeah, i don't go there anymore.

girls got the same frame

Zaffir I went to an engineering school that practically WAS the "city" it was in. Imagine your engineering classes multiplied across the every piece of land within a 2 hour drive. Yeah, i don't go there anymore. what school? blodes...

vettedude what school? blodes... says someone in texas where the hottest blondes in the world are.

one of the hotties from my class

Well its official...

Well its official...

i am going bald. doc said only thing he would recommend i do if im that attatched to my hair is hair plugs. im guessing the m5aa agravated it and now its on a role. so looks like i will be going to get some clippers soon. fuck it. he said rogain or propecia might help but im not even gonna bother wasting the time and money

Mike McDermott see if you can get steroids for it haha that would be awesome

If you're going bald,just shave off all your hair on your head. I hear women like it.

t3nchi If you're going bald,just shave off all your hair on your head. I hear women like it. thats what i plan on doin, i dont care if the women like it i dont think i will like it though

whaaat, post a pic first

gsteclipse97 thats what i plan on doin, i dont care if the women like it i dont think i will like it though i don't like it but the girls do. you get used to it... and getting checked out more often by girls, especially the cute cardio girls, doesn't hurt. i guess, in the end, all that really matters is that my parents hate it.

Shaved heads > *

Mass whaaat, post a pic first i will later no pics on the comp, its not that noticeable as of now cause i have a thick head of hair but i am losing probably 30-50 hairs a day it looks like when i shower

Ilyusha Shaved heads > * we will see, i know i have a few scars from fights and im white as hell so just another place to add sunscreen

just get on the propecia, if you know where to look you can get it super cheap, like 50 bucks for more than 8 months worth...

Mass just get on the propecia, if you know where to look you can get it super cheap, like 50 bucks for more than 8 months worth... i am mainly losing it in the front, he didnt think propecia would help a ton. i know you can get the powder from ibe. do you know how long it takes to see a difference?

start shaving your chest, and the first thing I noticed was my body hair started growing back at a much slower rate... thats when you know its kickin, for me, took about 3 weeks.

If you have a overseas source, you can get a gram of propecia for 10 bucks... yes thats a 1000 days worth of propecia for 10 bucks

there's very little you can do about hair loss in the front. You can shave it as much as you can and use dht and sebum removing shampoos.

Mass start shaving your chest, and the first thing I noticed was my body hair started growing back at a much slower rate... thats when you know its kickin, for me, took about 3 weeks. the ches tis nice and smooth had it waxed

Mass If you have a overseas source, you can get a gram of propecia for 10 bucks... yes thats a 1000 days worth of propecia for 10 bucks mind sendin me a pm?

how old are you? I started shaving my head a few years ago, I'm 23 now.

MikeTheVike1 how old are you? I started shaving my head a few years ago, I'm 23 now. 23

MikeTheVike1 how old are you? I started shaving my head a few years ago, I'm 23 now. wow, at what age did you start shedding?

evi1eddie i guess, in the end, all that really matters is that my parents hate it. that's clearly the most important thing

Invest in razors and a hat gsteclipse97 i will later no pics on the comp, its not that noticeable as of now cause i have a thick head of hair but i am losing probably 30-50 hairs a day it looks like when i shower Supposedly on average a human sheds 100 hairs from their head a day, the bald people are the ones that don't grow it back.

disblohs that's clearly the most important thing i was kidding

Mass wow, at what age did you start shedding? not really sure, but i thappened pretty quickly. I had a full head of hair when I started goigng out with my ex g/f, and by the time the 8 month relationship was over, I was using a mach 3 on it. I still have hair on the top, but I have a "culdesac" thing going. I also think its thinner than normal in the back. My dad started going bald at an early age also. He hasn't really lost much more since then, so hopefully I'll be the same.

evi1eddie i was kidding

Well its official...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Here is what happens when you squeeze a beer can too hard.

Here is what happens when you squeeze a beer can too hard.


Shaolin_sword36 pg1 that shits real ghey Are those finger holes in the side grouch? also, did it just bust all of a sudden, or tear?

what if you cut your hand on it?

vettedude that shits real ghey Are those finger holes in the side grouch? also, did it just bust all of a sudden, or tear? it just burst all of a sudden, this one went really fast too, like 10-15 seconds. Might have been because i did it bare handed, I ended up getting lkike 5 little slices on my fingers

the new gripper

Take a picture of your hand and post

is that bloodon the counter after you sliced your hand open?

make a video of it =)

Filmboy44 is that bloodon the counter after you sliced your hand open? no thats just dirt. the cuts wern't to bad. kinda like when you slice yourself on a shaving razor

tize those jesus strong men POWERTEAM > you I know.

did you shake it first?

tryfuhl did you shake it first? That one fell out of my 12 pack so i didn't have to. But normally yes. It's much more of a stupid party trick than a feat of strengh. I think most people with a strong overall upper body could do it without much trouble.

Grouch That one fell out of my 12 pack so i didn't have to. But normally yes. It's much more of a stupid party trick than a feat of strengh. I think most people with a strong overall upper body could do it without much trouble. this fat football player friend of mine was doing it at a cottage party last summer with like 8 beer cans in a row....I didn't give 2 shits because I didn't drink/buy the beer...but you can imagine he was the party favorite for wasting beer

Here is what happens when you squeeze a beer can too hard.

ive been experiencing this weird eating pattern...

ive been experiencing this weird eating pattern...

hey guys ive been working on cutting since late january and ive been seeing some gradual results. ive changed my diet from junk food, to lesser junk foods to a more healthy diet. lately, ive been focusing on keeping things in moderation while trying to maintain my healthy diet. everyday, i eat a cottage cheese and tuna sandwhich for lunch, breakfast is shredded wheat and cottage cheese, a myoplex bar for snack.. soemtimes fruit and trail mix... and then for dinnner, i eat some kind of meat with rice or anything that i can tell wouldnt be too unhealthy for me. this past week or two, my apetite has been changing. every two hours, i get hungry.. like i gotta eat something but i cant eat too much. my stomach shrank i guess and i can only eat so much in one sitting, but after, i get hungry again. and for some reason, i have to walk or do someting after each meal. has anyone experienced this? cliffs: after four months of cutting, my apetite is changing and craving more food.

Whats your body fat? Maybe its your choice of food too. Some types of food aren't as fulfilling.

well.. i started at 29% i havent taken a test since i started so im not sure what im at now. today i woke up kinda late so i couldnt really make my food. but i was able to eat... -a bag of trail mix -one plain tuna and cottage cheese sandwich -rice with some grilled pork and egg (im not sure if this is too bad for you) -vietnamese sandwich - grilled pork

You might not be eating enough. Do you count your calories?

i dont count my calories like i used to.. i figured the meal would work around 300-400 each time.. but youre right, i might not be taking in enough calories?

not enough calories and no "fillers" really. when in doubt up your aqua intake. it may help offset some of your hunger.

aight ill try drinking more water

too many simple carbs.. eat more low GI complex carbs. No white bread on those sandwiches, get ezekiel bread or stone ground whole wheat bread. Dont eat white rice, eat brown rice.. and only in limited amounts etc.

ive been eating the 12 grain breads by orowheat. as for rice, well.. yea i eat white rice

ive been experiencing this weird eating pattern...

Post-bulking *PICS* of me v.imnowfatlikechristophers

Post-bulking *PICS* of me v.imnowfatlikechristophers

Ok, these first pics are from October, I was about 200lbs (6'1"). This was after about 5 months of cutting. I have been bulking hardcore since then and am now at 230 lbs. I'm taking next week off for Spring Break then dieting all spring and summer. Here are pics taken today. So there they are. Being thsi fat gives me plenty of motivation to cut. I can't wait to get back to eating healthy, mixing in more physical activity, and overall just feeling better.

live strong! Nice gains Post your very very very starting pic for some motivation to the light weights here

Excellent Work Werdna. Excellent gains. I admire people like you who can bulk and cut with hard work.

How long have you been training?

shit, ur still thin even in the bulking pictures, i need to post some of my fat ass whenb i weighed 265...

you should stay fat for awhile before cutting

I would have been happy with the body you had in the first picture, damn.

get fatter

wow, quite a difference, how have your numbers changed?

holy shit. good bulk

you got you some love handles like me

Welsh0913 live strong! Nice gains Post your very very very starting pic for some motivation to the light weights here

Ceaze you should stay fat for awhile before cutting why?

Your teeth are very very white

Werdna why? More fat = more gains

Welsh0913 Your teeth are very very white Poor photoshopping. I do it all the time!

nice progress broly

amazing, are body types are so much alike. I look like your current pics right now as well. You don't look like you have a lot of fat around your waist, but its there isn't it? Thats how I am. Looks like your neck/chin area got a little fat on it, thats the only thing pissing me off about bulking.

SickLife holy shit. good bulk .

What are you gonna cut back down to?

i have those same board shorts good job bulking

any gains on your lifts?

Woah.. nice work, fatmo.

Good Job on gaining but like you said you don't look 230

have your gains gone up respectively? if not, hang out at fattyville for a while

Post-bulking *PICS* of me v.imnowfatlikechristophers



Is it me, or is F&N getting a lot of new attention from other members (from OT main)? What changed to make F&N the new hotness?

summertime baby

Mistich summertime baby Figures.


~*Pogovina*~ it's "OMGIGOTTALOSEWEIGHTFAST!!!11ONE" season Yup, you know it Pog.

this should count as forum invasion

evi1eddie this should count as forum invasion

Because we run this bitch.

cavefish Because we run this bitch. word up son!

we've been too nice to the newbs of late, time to start crackin the again

It's like it's a january down the gym. when you have all the new people doing their "new years resolution" to get fit. These people are normally gone by march/april

OMG, everyday it gets worse! Do people actually want to get into shape a couple of weeks before summer?!

Gutrat OMG, everyday it gets worse! Do people actually want to get into shape a couple of weeks before summer?! Like it or not, people honestly believe sculpting a hard body only takes a few weeks. Then it leads to disapointment..then they quit...and then everything is ok again

Gutrat What changed to make F&N the new hotness? My pictures in the other thread.

I think it's funny. A few of my mates are like hey i'm gonna start down the gym and get in shape for summer. I'm like what summer 2006? SIlly people.

its gotten worse since people without subscriptions cant search its harder to tell a newbie off

lol at noobs (like me) hating on other f&n noobs

A conversation between me and a kid (pudgy) at work yesterday: Him: So what sort of pills should I take to get in shape for the summer? Me: Arsenic? Him: No, really. I really want to get in shape for prom (Like, next week), but if there isn't something that can do that, I want to look good on the beach. Me: Well, what about diet and exercise? Him: I've been trying. I switched to light cream cheese and I do curls and walk on my treadmill each night. Me: Definetly go with the Arsenic.

Patrick Bateman :broly:

Le55Than0 A conversation between me and a kid (pudgy) at work yesterday: Him: So what sort of pills should I take to get in shape for the summer? Me: Arsenic? Him: No, really. I really want to get in shape for prom (Like, next week), but if there isn't something that can do that, I want to look good on the beach. Me: Well, what about diet and exercise? Him: I've been trying. I switched to light cream cheese and I do curls and walk on my treadmill each night. Me: Definetly go with the Arsenic.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Fast food diet?

Fast food diet?

I usually eat 1-2 meals per day and usually unhealthy(burgers etc). What are some ok places for a picky eater to try and change up my mentality.

The grocery store. 'Nuff Said.

Honestly, if you want a healthy place to eat and you're picky (I'm assuming you're wanting to lose weight) you have no other choice than to make a life change and start learning how to cook and eat healthy.


walmart, they sell a good size rotisseri wow i suck at spelling chicken for $3.99

subway, jambajuice

Subway is terrible. Whats up 3,500mg of sodium per sub.

Phlab Subway is terrible. Whats up 3,500mg of sodium per sub. that's what deli meat does for you

salt isnt bad for you, never has been, i eat so much god damn salt its insane, i have my whole life, i love it and its never hurt me.

christophers whats wrong with some sodium, its actually beneficial to athletes/bb'rs pre contest diet guru scot abel suggested 2g per liter of water consumed daily it strongly varies by person. If you were to eat a couple of those subs a day that would add up quick, + all the sodium from the other BS. Not everyone on here the lifts is an athlete. Some might lift and sit in a office all day, therefore not needing the surplus of sodium

ryazbeck salt isnt bad for you, never has been, i eat so much god damn salt its insane, i have my whole life, i love it and its never hurt me. victim #1 of hypertension

I know there are benefits of it, I've always put around 500mg in my PWO shake.. but too much, like anything - is not a good thing

I'd love to know how it doesn't create hypertension, because there are many studies out there that would definately say otherwise


I don't have any reputable places to search. I searched yahoo for some links, there's tons of newspaper articles and shit, but no studies to back it. For the average person though, that much sodium is entirely too much. Maybe just because I'm a little bias because hypertension is quite common in my family.. I'm actually borderline to hypertension, 135-140 depending on the day and my sodium intake is fairly low

so basically it's saying if you're active consume lots of salt. If you're not, then don't

here is my bacon cheese burger body Ive been eating like crap for years, somehow my cholesterol was ok @ last check, but when Im not flexing after a full meal, the 8 pack is fading away

basically acclude, what you need to do is stop being lazy, go to the grocery store, buy tons of healthy food, and buy some of those cheap tupperware to take along and make meals, lots of them at night and bring food with you in a plastic sack. i do it everyday as well as many people on this board do.

The Acclude here is my bacon cheese burger body Ive been eating like crap for years, somehow my cholesterol was ok @ last check, but when Im not flexing after a full meal, the 8 pack is fading away 8 Pack? At most I can see a 2 Pack with two 1/2 packs... You need to bulk, just healthier.

Idyfohu 8 Pack? At most I can see a 2 Pack with two 1/2 packs... You need to bulk, just healthier. used to be

ha, i love how everyone is convinced salt will kill you. i've always been active. honestly the only problem salt has ever given me is a little diarrhea. thats because your kidneys flushes that shit right out.

The Acclude I usually eat 1-2 meals per day and usually unhealthy(burgers etc). What are some ok places for a picky eater to try and change up my mentality. i like McD's salads and yogurt parfaits

ryazbeck ha, i love how everyone is convinced salt will kill you. i've always been active. honestly the only problem salt has ever given me is a little diarrhea. thats because your kidneys flushes that shit right out. i dont like salt because it makes me retain water.

Idyfohu Honestly, if you want a healthy place to eat and you're picky (I'm assuming you're wanting to lose weight) you have no other choice than to make a life change and start learning how to cook and eat healthy. This is true. I bring a cooler to work with me every day with my simply do better if you know exactly what's in your lunch.

subway is about the best of the bunch. i get a footlong turkey (double meat usually) on wheat and make 2 meals out of it. togos tuna sammich is also good

Fast food diet?

Had a fascinating lecture today in Nutrition of Aging class...

Had a fascinating lecture today in Nutrition of Aging class...

We talked about calorie restriction and it's relation to life span. Apparently there are monkeys and mice on restricted calorie diets that live 2-4x longer than regular monkeys. Low cal/high nutrient diet drastically slow down the aging process, but the reasons are unknown. I suggested to my teacher it was because hormones like testosterone and IGF are lower in a caloric deficit, and she didn't even know that happened. You guys heard anything about it? Any opinions, reasons why it exists? I found it a pretty interesting lecture whereas I usually fall asleep in class.

Is it the same study that had monkeys and mice eat only every other day?

I thought it was something about free radicals

similarly why vegans/vegitarians tend to live longer, they consume less calories.

I actually heard about this a year or two ago, but it was people not mice who were experimenting on themselves. Quite frankly, they may live longer but they sounded a bit depressed about having to eat so little. Perhaps less calories=slower metabolism=less work on internal organs and such=longer life?

I was watching Penn & Teller Bullshit the other day, and they had on a guy that was on a big caloric deficit (or at least really low cal)...he was starting to get osteoperosis

I blame it on mcdonald's I blame it all on mcdonald's

i think when one of my profs covered it, he mentioned the reduced reproductive capability on caloric restriction. because energy isn't diverted to reproductive systems, things are easier for the body.

tize who wants to live to 100 anyway i would. if i were healthy.

Werdna We talked about calorie restriction and it's relation to life span. Apparently there are monkeys and mice on restricted calorie diets that live 2-4x longer than regular monkeys. Low cal/high nutrient diet drastically slow down the aging process, but the reasons are unknown. I suggested to my teacher it was because hormones like testosterone and IGF are lower in a caloric deficit, and she didn't even know that happened. You guys heard anything about it? Any opinions, reasons why it exists? I found it a pretty interesting lecture whereas I usually fall asleep in class. The authors of that study should have some discussion on the result

evi1eddie i think when one of my profs covered it, he mentioned the reduced reproductive capability on caloric restriction. because energy isn't diverted to reproductive systems, things are easier for the body. we're going to die sooner if we more? shit i hope I survive into my 30s

Had a fascinating lecture today in Nutrition of Aging class...

GNC Super Whey...

GNC Super Whey...

Is it any good? I am currently taking it. Its some blue berry flavor. It really tastes good. I just take it an hour after working out. It says I should be getting about 40g of protein. Should I take more throughout the day? Thanks for any info.

How much does it cost?

Draco How much does it cost? like $35 for 14 servings (the small tub) but i like the flavor so much, i might go back and buy the big tubs "Mega WheyT combines 40 grams of whey protein per serving with 5 grams of glutamine and 3 grams of branched chain amino acids BCAA. "

deznutz thanks for the input...

i picked some of it last month when GNC was having a big sale... I take it about an hour before my lift and about 30 minutes after... i got the multi berry flavor, or whatever... it was 26 bucks for the 5 pound jug... pretty much the only reason why i got it... i hate GNC

and how much do you way? you should be getting about 1.5-2g's of protein per pound of body weight

MaineSucks and how much do you way? you should be getting about 1.5-2g's of protein per pound of body weight i weigh about 180-185 lbs

illustrious like $35 for 14 servings (the small tub) but i like the flavor so much, i might go back and buy the big tubs " Bleh, way to much $.

Draco Bleh, way to much $. so whats a better alternative?

illustrious so whats a better alternative? optimum nutrition

aenz optimum nutrition dot only reason I bought the GNC whey is that it was on sale... and my parents gave me a GNC gift card for Christmas. I hate GNC. online store = your friend. best tasting protein IMO is ProLab's Advanced Whey... tastes like Chocolate cotton candy and only has 3g's of carbs, only 25g's per scoop, tho and its usually cheap... the Vitamin Shoppe by my house had 5lbs for 26 bucks...'s store is selling a 2lb jug for 18 right now. do some research on the net, there are so many protein companies/flavors/options out there. trail and error

best times to take are in the morning, since your body is depleted, and after your workout. if the protein is an isolate it will release throughout the day and you can take your whole server in the morning, then one after your workout. if it isnt an isolate you might want to take the servings in a broken up manner. i think the average person can make use of about 25g of protein per hour.

MaineSucks dot only reason I bought the GNC whey is that it was on sale... and my parents gave me a GNC gift card for Christmas. I hate GNC. online store = your friend. best tasting protein IMO is ProLab's Advanced Whey... tastes like Chocolate cotton candy and only has 3g's of carbs, only 25g's per scoop, tho and its usually cheap... the Vitamin Shoppe by my house had 5lbs for 26 bucks...'s store is selling a 2lb jug for 18 right now. do some research on the net, there are so many protein companies/flavors/options out there. trail and error does the pro lab's advanced whey mix well? this mega whey mixes so well with water, i dont have to add anything at all.

GNC Super Whey...

Sunday, January 26, 2014

My shins and knee

My shins and knee

Ok, so for the past 1.5 years I've been practicing brazilian jiu jitsu pretty intensely, 4 times a week and for maybe 2-3 hours each time. Bjj = submission wrestling. So as of late, I've noticed more and more pain coming to my left knee and shin until now its just unbearable to even touch the skin. When i am actually grappling, I hardly feel the pain, but before and after the practice it kills. Any advice as to what I should do?

Take a week off from grappling and let it heal.

Being in BJJ myself (With a patella kneebrace), i'd do as Lurker says and stay out for a week, and wear a basic knee brace/wrap to keep it compressed and see what happens.

have to rest and take a break! you are getting signals and warnings from your body for no reason. if taken care properly, you are gonna be good after, so please be patient for your body to heal. and i suggest when you get back, do proper warm up and stretches before.

I have a kneepad with a gel on it, but still it hurts! I don't think I can have any time off, because I'm training for a tournament in july.

brolli I have a kneepad with a gel on it, but still it hurts! I don't think I can have any time off, because I'm training for a tournament in july. Your choice. Take a week off now with still over 2 months of training time left or keep on with an injury, possibly having to take a break to heal close to the tournament and really lose out on valuable practice time. Even worse would be to develop an injury that takes you completely out of it so that you can't compete in the tournament at all because you didn't want to give your body a chance to heal.

you dont' respect your body, then its over! when it comes down to it, is the tournament more important than your body???

dingo Being in BJJ myself (With a patella kneebrace), i'd do as Lurker says and stay out for a week, and wear a basic knee brace/wrap to keep it compressed and see what happens. is a patella kneebrace just the thin strip that goes accross the knee? what is the purpose/how does it work?

you will have many tournaments ahead, but you only have one patella, knee, etc.

My shins and knee

:wtc: I love meat...but...

:wtc: I love meat...but... I do feel bad.

eat eggs

But eggs come from chickens with large talons that get beat and mistreated also!

y0gfx But eggs come from chickens with large talons that get beat and mistreated also! True Story. Can you be a body builder that only eats veggies?

hah i wonder if there are any BB vegetarians

eh whatever. animals are meant to be slaughtered.

cavefish never seen that one


suck it up... just be thankful you don't have to kill it yourself. shit like that is made to toy with your emotions... no one had a problem with it when they were hunting buffalo with a musket and having to pull dozens of lead balls from the meat as they ate... indians never once had a problem with it because they never wasted any part of the animal... why the fuck should pussy americans have a problem with it? (other than the fact that they're pussies). if they didn't do half that shit, the meat wouldn't taste as good as it does

<<< puts movie on pause, and goes to get said beef and pultry productrs to eat whil;e movie is playing I feel no remorse for cattle, i would kill them myself, and eat them, and not bat an eye.

superbri007 im eating a slim jim right now i dunno if i would classify that as a meat product.... maybe a fat product... shits nasty bro...

superbri007 things in moderation are good my broly, in moderation i dunno dude, i would rather go with pop tarts, or soem skittles...

Wait, they have vegetarian "starter kits" ?!?! Goddamn I need to get in on this. I'll start selling my own vegetarian starter kit that'll just contain a piece of paper that says "GO THE FUCKING GROCERY STORE AND BUY CARROTS, BITCH!!!!" I'll make millions.

Bill Pearl was a vegetarian?

:wtc: I love meat...but...

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Flax or Fish Oil

Flax or Fish Oil

what up.... Ok I've been reading a lot about both fish and flaxseed... their benefits and what not. It goes back and forth saying flax is better...and fish is better... In your experience's what do you like better fish or flax... both health and cutting results.

take both

fish is higher omega 3 levels flax is more balanced 3,6,9

SteveO fish is higher omega 3 levels flax is more balanced 3,6,9 taking both at same time or alternate it....

Like christophers said if you HAVE to pick one make it Fish Oil, if not take both.

what about them fish burpss

QuePuto what about them fish burpss take em before bed

QuePuto what about them fish burpss or freeze them

QuePuto what about them fish burpss The ones I get have this special coating on them so they don't completely disolve until they reach the lower intestine (supposidly). I forget the name of the coating, but I got this big bottle of them at Sam's Club. Although I never had any fish stank from the uncoated capsules.

Draco The ones I get have this special coating on them so they don't completely disolve until they reach the lower intestine (supposidly). I forget the name of the coating, but I got this big bottle of them at Sam's Club. Although I never had any fish stank from the uncoated capsules. I get the enteric coated ones at Sam's Club, too.

CrackSeed I get the enteric coated ones at Sam's Club, too. the enteric coating smells kinda like marshmallows but i buy the omega complex from Sam's club: Borage, Flax, Fish, and Safflower Oils all in one capsule I take two in the morning and two before bed, i usually get one or two fish burps about 30 minutes after taking em

CrackSeed I get the enteric coated ones at Sam's Club, too. Sam's club eh... damn pay for another membership....hmmm

christophers if you pick one, then fish oil

Been on Fish oil for almost a month now and have yet to get these "fish burps"

Im new to this fish/flax is this for the good balance of intake... take 6 fish gelcaps and 6 flax caps daily... too little too much.

Flax Seed Benefits vs. Fish Oil Benefits Flax seed oil benefits are numerous, and as such flax seed has been recommended in recent years as an essential part of a healthy diet. However, new evidence has emerged that although flaxseed is important, fish oil might be an even better source of Omega-3 fatty acids. What are flax seed oil benefits and how can it help you? Flax seed, also known as linseed, is an ancient crop that has been harvested all over the world. Its therapeutic properties have long been touted, as ancient peoples used it to soothe abdominal pains and aid digestion. Flax seed oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which have incredible immunity boosting qualities, meaning they can help your body fight off illness and disease. They also contain anti-inflammatory properties which may help manage depression, cancer and even slow the aging process. Most people are Omega-3 deficient, which is why it is so important to supplement your diet with them. The main flax seed oil benefits lie in its ALA fatty acid content. However, in order to be optimally effective ALA must be converted to long-chain Omega-3 fats in the body, and many people, especially the elderly, do not have efficient internal mechanisms to achieve this. What is a better source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids? Recent studies have shown that fish oil may be a better source for the Omega-3 fatty acids that your body needs. Fish oil, harvested from cold water fish, contains the fatty acids DHA and EPA. Research points to the fact that DHA and EPA have more therapeutic value than ALA found in flax seed oil. Also, DHA and EPA do not have to be converted, as they are already long-chain Omega-3 fats and are easily absorbed in the body. So the Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are better for your health than those found in flax seed oil, because they are more easily utilized by your body and are more powerful and therapeutic. You can increase flax seed oil benefits by substituting or adding fish oil to your diet. How Can You Find A High Quality Fish Oil Product? Only fish oils contain the special benefits of DHA and EPA Omega-3 fatty acids. So it's important that you find a high quality fish oil product so you can get the maximum health benefits. Some things to keep in mind: 1) Natural fish oils are oftentimes contaminated with heavy metals such as mercury. 2) Most fish oil in capsule form does not come from the country where it is harvested, meaning there are often additives to make sure it stays fresh through all the extra handling and processing. 3) Many fish oils contain low levels of DHA, which is the most important component. Therefore, you need to find a pure fish oil product that does not have any of the drawbacks mentioned above.

Flax or Fish Oil

Tricep/Shoulder exercises with a broken wrist?

Tricep/Shoulder exercises with a broken wrist?

Are there any decent tricep or shoulder exercises with minimal/no wrist involvement? Ive got a broken wrist so i dont want to put any unnecessary pressure on it, but i want to keep the tris & shoulders progressing...

kekekekekeke. no. well theres this machine where the pads rest on your elbows and work your side delts. example:

You could do the same with bands if your gym doesn have machines

Keep working your uninjured arm

Ceaze Keep working your uninjured arm !!

ryazbeck !! Training the uninjured arm helps to maintain strength and size in the injured arm. It's called the cross-training effect.

hise shrugs upper body sled dragging (you wont have to support the weight) other than whats been mentioned, use this as a time to develop something that you usually neglect, ie neck, balance, cardio, whatever.

Tricep/Shoulder exercises with a broken wrist?

Friday, January 24, 2014

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

I know it's a topic here every day but i wanted to get some advice. I'm doing good with my cut but would like to do better. :impatient: I think i have my diet done pretty well. im getting 2000-2500 cal a day 200-300g protein and about 70%/30% carbs/fat. I lift MWTF and 7 days befor i hit the same groop cardio on that days off and nothing on sunday, i also cheat for sunday dinners. is the stack going to help me alot of am i doing enough as is? again im happy with the results but if the stack is going to speed it up considerably ill try it. what do ya guys think? clifffs for the lazy: my diet/workout is good, is the stack worth it?

im saying if im getting my 2-3 pounds a week, is this going to increase that by any real amount?

Demize im saying if im getting my 2-3 pounds a week, is this going to increase that by any real amount? 2-3 pounds sounds a bit ghigh, the ECY does not burn the fat so much as it decreases hunger...

i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE

wtf dude

Demize i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE i went with vasapro, Mistich recomended it, alot of people are out of it ATM, I went with yohimbine from bulk nutrition, and cafiene from them aswell.

Demize i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE Clcik here

Demize I know it's a topic here every day but i wanted to get some advice. I'm doing good with my cut but would like to do better. :impatient: I think i have my diet done pretty well. im getting 2000-2500 cal a day 200-300g protein and about 70%/30% carbs/fat. I lift MWTF and 7 days befor i hit the same groop cardio on that days off and nothing on sunday, i also cheat for sunday dinners. is the stack going to help me alot of am i doing enough as is? again im happy with the results but if the stack is going to speed it up considerably ill try it. what do ya guys think? o clifffs for the lazy: my diet/workout is good, is the stack worth it? How much do you weigh? How much carbs and how much fat do you have per day?

I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein.

well i ate some pizza today lol weight= 190

just stick with your diet..

Neo22 I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein. I don't think he has *too much* protein at all.

should i do some e just to get bonkers on the weights once a week? one week i go bonkers on arms/abs next week legs etc ect. @ once a week will i build a tolerance?

i love teh protein, eat some raw eggs and red meat, flip out and kill some weight!

GilgaMesH I don't think he has *too much* protein at all. Compared to his fats and carbs he does.

Neo22 I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein. he's right, this will be an unsuccessful cut without dietary changes. you may find that you end up with less lbm/fat mass. according to your fitday log, your ratios are 10%fat, 27%carb, and 63% protein. if you're adding protein powder on top of that, the ratios are more skewed with way too much protein. you need more carbs and fat if you want to lose fat instead of muscle. even with that much protein, your body will be burning it as the primary fuel instead of releasing fat to burn.

i think you're asking for low blood sugar problems and i'd be surprised if you can maintain your current lbm thru this cut with the thermo

Well today im going to add some home made cookeis to my diet infact im eating one right now! would adding some friut and nut throughout the day get my carb/fat levels where they should be?

Demize Well today im going to add some home made cookeis to my diet infact im eating one right now! would adding some friut and nut throughout the day get my carb/fat levels where they should be? I'd go for between 60-80g of fat daily. YOU need fat when you are cutting. It should be around 25% of your intake.

vettedude 2-3 pounds sounds a bit ghigh, the ECY does not burn the fat so much as it decreases hunger... it increases lipolysis

Ceaze it increases lipolysis

Neo22 I'd go for between 60-80g of fat daily. YOU need fat when you are cutting. It should be around 25% of your intake. are you serious? for women too? i'm taking lipo 6 and i've been more concious about eating more protein and cals...but i'm still trying to cut down on my carbs/ fat. is this wrong? god im so confused

BrickTamland i started it today im pretty fucking jittery from the last 200mg of caffeine but i'm supposed to take another 200mg with ephedrine now give it a few days. my first day i was cracked out. now i can feel the energy, but i dont feel the sides at all.

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

Is all natural a thing of the past?

Is all natural a thing of the past?

It seems like so many people are using stuff now days. I never took anything, not even creatine. I dunno, I guess Id rather get there without using anything ya know? Im sure there are a ton of people out there who DONT use anything, it just seems like most are, ya know?

a lot of people are all natural, a lot of people juice.... either way their results are more directly correlated with their motivation and knowledge so i dont see what the big deal is

im guessing youve never used protein either and you weigh 140

Actually im 6', 220. all natural.

i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural?

Widowmaker Actually im 6', 220. all natural. % body fat?

XsLiCk i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural? you also eat food with creatine in it

XsLiCk i consider protein to be natural... i mean... you eat food with protein in it... so how is that not natural? well your body produces creatine, and testosterone, just not in the same levels as you get from supplements.

protein is something you need to build muscle, regardless if it is "natural' in your any pics?

Honestly never check it. I can post my pic if youd like. My maxes are... Bench:260 ( i suck at bench) Squat: 450 Dead: 505

out. i routinely take bcaa's, and cycle creatine and ecy stacks here and there.

infinite loop out. i routinely take bcaa's, and cycle creatine and ecy stacks here and there. Then you still are natural

Best pic I got...

Video of 500 deadlift?

And please dont think Im knocking people who do use them or anything cuz im not.

I don't consider creatine/protein as "not natural". roids i would consider cheating.

Hip Hippo Video of 500 deadlift? This is just like racing huh, no timeslip, no care. Sorry no vids, I THINK i have one of 405 somewhere lol. But that's a far cry. I dont expect yall to believe me.

If it doesn't change hormonal levels to unhuman levels then it is natural to me and on that note, I am all natural.

Widow you are naturally big which is cool for you. A lot of people are naturally very skinny or small so its much harder to get as big as someone who has better phsycial genetics. My brother and I are opposites. We come from the same parents except he got certain traits that I didnt. He is taller, and can build muscle mass extremely quickly. He sees almost double the gains I see on the same workout programs. I have a runners body while he has a bulkers/bodylifter body. For me to see the same gains he gets I need to take in more protein and stuff like that. Also my metabolism is insane which means its very hard for me to keep any fat or weight gain while him on the other hand will keep all of his weight gain. If your body was of different gentics you would understand why people take supplements.

guestDJ Widow you are naturally big which is cool for you. A lot of people are naturally very skinny or small so its much harder to get as big as someone who has better phsycial genetics. My brother and I are opposites. We come from the same parents except he got certain traits that I didnt. He is taller, and can build muscle mass extremely quickly. He sees almost double the gains I see on the same workout programs. I have a runners body while he has a bulkers/bodylifter body. For me to see the same gains he gets I need to take in more protein and stuff like that. Also my metabolism is insane which means its very hard for me to keep any fat or weight gain while him on the other hand will keep all of his weight gain. If your body was of different gentics you would understand why people take supplements. he probably eats more than you

jonno he probably eats more than you not really. I was illustrating how some people may need more intake depending on their metabolism mainly. I need to eat 3 bigmacs while my bro needs only one type of deal.

to each their own speaking of car racing is nos cheating? what about slicks? or what about stripping the car, or what about... you get the point to each their own, I take protein now, might take creatine in a couple of month

Just do your own thing and dont care about anyone else's biznass.

personally, its natural if I can get it in my diet, , ie protein, creatine, etc. I'm pretty sure I can't get steriods or prohormones from my diet

Mass Just do your own thing and dont care about anyone else's biznass. exactly

Is all natural a thing of the past?

I am immune to cutting. :wtf:

I am immune to cutting. :wtf:

I have been cutting for 2 weeks now. I have about one cheat meal per week (usually when I am out with my gf). I have had 2 alcoholic beverages in these 2 weeks. Out of the 14 days, I have been at 2500 calories/day +/- 200 calories. My diet has been basically 40-50% protein, 25% fat, and the rest carbs. I haven't lost a fucking pound. This doesn't make sense..

Ilyusha I have been cutting for 2 weeks now. I have about one cheat meal per week (usually when I am out with my gf). I have had 2 alcoholic beverages in these 2 weeks. Out of the 14 days, I have been at 2500 calories/day +/- 200 calories. My diet has been basically 40-50% protein, 25% fat, and the rest carbs. I haven't lost a fucking pound. This doesn't make sense.. how much cardio are you doing?

ummm your body wont even start to lose until its adjusts to the diet, it takes me 4 weeks to get into the burning zone. Also you have been cheating your first two weeks in and drinking? Ummm let us know when you start cutting for real

gsteclipse97 how much cardio are you doing? 1-2 times/week, ~20 mins each time. I'm easing into it..

PurEvl ummm your body wont even start to lose until its adjusts to the diet, it takes me 4 weeks to get into the burning zone. Also you have been cheating your first two weeks in and drinking? Ummm let us know when you start cutting for real I thought that as long as I keep my calories at ~12x body weight, I should be fine. That's what I've been doing, and my cheat days haven't been very bad at all (maybe 3500 calories, or maintenance). What should I do?

Ilyusha 1-2 times/week, ~20 mins each time. I'm easing into it.. i didnt see anything till i was doing at least 4 days at 30 mins. now after about 6 weeks of 5 days 30 mins weight loss has slowed. up the cardio, drop the cheat meals and alcohol if you really wanna see results. if i can do it you can, i havent drank but once this year

Ilyusha I thought that as long as I keep my calories at ~12x body weight, I should be fine. That's what I've been doing, and my cheat days haven't been very bad at all (maybe 3500 calories, or maintenance). What should I do? i would suggest lowering your cals. but thats just my opinion

gsteclipse97 i didnt see anything till i was doing at least 4 days at 30 mins. now after about 6 weeks of 5 days 30 mins weight loss has slowed. up the cardio, drop the cheat meals and alcohol if you really wanna see results. if i can do it you can, i havent drank but once this year Hmm.. well the reason I had alcohol and one of the 2 cheat days is because I had my 4 year anniversary this past weekend.. I will try and up the cardio. I haven't even had that "water weight" dramatic loss that everyone says they have in the first couple weeks.

lower callories more

vettedude lower callories more That's gonna suck.

Ilyusha Hmm.. well the reason I had alcohol and one of the 2 cheat days is because I had my 4 year anniversary this past weekend.. I will try and up the cardio. I haven't even had that "water weight" dramatic loss that everyone says they have in the first couple weeks. i didnt have any dramatic loss at all when i got goin steady, just 2lbs a week or so. try to go at least 2-3 weeks with no cheating to see if the diet etc is working correctly.

Ilyusha That's gonna suck. indeed

gsteclipse97 i didnt have any dramatic loss at all when i got goin steady, just 2lbs a week or so. try to go at least 2-3 weeks with no cheating to see if the diet etc is working correctly. Alright, I'll see if I can do that. I was aiming at 1.5-2lbs/week loss.. and I didn't even get that. It's disheartening..

Ilyusha That's gonna suck. i wouldnt lower them yet, i have been cutting at 12xbw for 6 weeks and its been fine. i think if you up the cardio to at least 30 mins 4-5 days and no cheating you will see results

Ilyusha Alright, I'll see if I can do that. I was aiming at 1.5-2lbs/week loss.. and I didn't even get that. It's disheartening.. you will if you do that, i have been except for the last 2 weeks but that was after a 12lb or so loss. liek i said if i can do it you can i have never been a lean guy and i am on my way.

gsteclipse97 i wouldnt lower them yet, i have been cutting at 12xbw for 6 weeks and its been fine. i think if you up the cardio to at least 30 mins 4-5 days and no cheating you will see results how much do u weigh? u clould be leaner than him, I am at about 228, and i dont think i am eating 2400 cals a day..

gsteclipse97 you will if you do that, i have been except for the last 2 weeks but that was after a 12lb or so loss. liek i said if i can do it you can i have never been a lean guy and i am on my way. I didn't think cardio was as important as diet, if I was pretty serious with the diet (which I think I was). I guess I have to rethink how to lose this excess weight..

Ilyusha I didn't think cardio was as important as diet, if I was pretty serious with the diet (which I think I was). I guess I have to rethink how to lose this excess weight.. i rarely do cardio...

vettedude how much do u weigh? u clould be leaner than him, I am at about 228, and i dont think i am eating 2400 cals a day.. i was at close to 230 when i started now around 215. i have been eating close to 2600+- cals a day. i didnt think the cardio was as big of deal either till someone gave me some insight and next thing you know big difference. i went from 18 to 14% bf in like 6 weeks

i am just recommending what i am doing because from seeing you it seems like you have a little more muscle mass than me but similar amount of fat and body type

gsteclipse97 i was at close to 230 when i started now around 215. i have been eating close to 2600+- cals a day. i didnt think the cardio was as big of deal either till someone gave me some insight and next thing you know big difference. i went from 18 to 14% bf in like 6 weeks I was quite a bit higher than 18% when i started...

vettedude I was quite a bit higher than 18% when i started... so was i, i was at least 30%

gsteclipse97 i was at close to 230 when i started now around 215. i have been eating close to 2600+- cals a day. i didnt think the cardio was as big of deal either till someone gave me some insight and next thing you know big difference. i went from 18 to 14% bf in like 6 weeks I'm ~235 right now, closer to 230. I'll keep going with the diet and try to add in more cardio and see if that helps.

once you get going if you have to cheat once i a while ok, but i would try very hard to not for the first 2-4 weeks so that your body can adjust

Lower calories. or Increase cardio. And what exactly are you eating? Are you keeping a food log or are you just guessing?

I am immune to cutting. :wtf:

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