Thursday, January 23, 2014

A slow absorbing protein blend?

A slow absorbing protein blend?

I read a good suggestion somewhere and I can't for the life of me find it. Something like this: ? With a 60:40 blend? ? Like this? Or just drinking whey with milk to have it absorb slower? Any recommendations?

whey with milk and cottage cheese, throw in blender, mix till smooth

SpeedyGST whey with milk and cottage cheese, throw in blender, mix till smooth yeah I was thinking of doing that to save money. Getting cassein protein powder is more expensive. But cleaning a blender all the time sucks. I wonder if I can shake the shit out of the cottage cheese in a shaker.

AznRyda yeah I was thinking of doing that to save money. Getting cassein protein powder is more expensive. But cleaning a blender all the time sucks. I wonder if I can shake the shit out of the cottage cheese in a shaker. get a hand blender (motor boat as emeril calls it) so much easiar to clean Wonder if this can chop ice.

If you want a slow absorbing blend get a casein based protein.

cavefish If you want a slow absorbing blend get a casein based protein. bingo

cavefish If you want a slow absorbing blend get a casein based protein. Yeah. The ones I linked are casein based. I was just wondering what the optimal mix was and/or if there was anything I could do with normal whey protein to make it absorb slower so I could save money.

if you feel like wasting money, muscle milk is slow absorbing

y0gfx if you feel like wasting money, muscle milk is slow absorbing and heavenly

casein protein = slow burning. example: cottage cheese whey protein is the fastest absorbant protein that i would only take rite after the workout or during they day with some snacks. not for the night time protien.

devilangel casein protein = slow burning. example: cottage cheese whey protein is the fastest absorbant protein that i would only take rite after the workout or during they day with some snacks. not for the night time protien. milk + whey changes absorbtion rate. thats why I mentioned it.

you can pretty much take any protien as long as you somehow slow down the absorbtion in any way, for example, you can take any whey with any fiber rich food (oat meal, whole wheat, sweet potatoes, etc), then its all good..

AznRyda yeah I was thinking of doing that to save money. Getting cassein protein powder is more expensive. But cleaning a blender all the time sucks. I wonder if I can shake the shit out of the cottage cheese in a shaker. cottage cheese is more expensive than cassein blends though isnt it?

Undefined cottage cheese is more expensive than cassein blends though isnt it? Sure is. but sometimes I like eating real food.

I just use milk protein isolate. Its like 60% casein / 40% whey. They claim each portion digests independently, so you get the quick spike from the whey, and the prolonged release from the casein. I got it from TrueProtein, like $6/lb... which is a bit cheaper than either of the sources you posted...

i have milk protein isolate from allthewhey

tastes like ass, though. i may go back to whey + milk

A slow absorbing protein blend?

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