Showing posts with label Glutes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glutes. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

well? whats it doing for me...any toning or fat burning?

Any physical activity is better than none Reults depend on if you are trying to speed skate around an ovel for 4 hours or just lazily douching around the park.

rollerblading is a hell of a workout

joy division Any physical activity is better than none Reults depend on if you are trying to speed skate around an ovel for 4 hours or just lazily douching around the park. about an hour of cruising around neighborhoods..going up some hills...going fast....very little lazy douching though

superbri007 no, but I heard that lollarblading is really good

yeees, it gives you nice tone man-glutes

will it burn any body fat, or do any overall toning? or just legs pretty much

it won't burn anything. it'll just give you an onion booty. no but seriously, if you do it with enough intensity, it could be a good cardio activity thats easy on the knees compared to jogging.

Rollerblading is horrible

great workout!

if you have to ask, then no

jackjohnson if you have to ask, then no well its definetely " a workout" since i sweat hard and can run out of breath when im skating hard. jw what it actually does for if it tones or burns any fat.

could be decent cardio.. it all depends on your intensity

I used to be an agro skater. Id skate every day for 6 hours or so in the summer. My legs and abs were crazy Though I doubt youll be jumping onto any rails or crazy business like that.

Do you have to say TONE in every god damn post. NO, it will not TONE your muscle. You will lose weight, uncovering what muscle you may have underneth -- giving the appearence of TONAGE (lol?). It is good cardio though (good on the knees), depending on your entensity.

just go to a damn gym

sr20wop just go to a damn gym I can't stand doing cardio in a gym so I normally rollerblade 2-3 times per week during the summer. Yes it is one hell of a workout if you make it. Actually a girl I work with use to speedskate and her and I would go every weekend and not quit till someone gave up. Some days we would end up doing 20+ miles. If you really want some fun basically skate upright for a couple of minutes and then crouch and try and get as far of a kick as possible for a minute or so and as hard as you can. If you have a friend who bikes try and draft them. Did that with a buddy of mine who raced and I could barely breath after a couple of miles. What muscles you work depend on your stance very similiar to an efx machine. If you are low you are going to notice it more in the whole leg if you are upright more in the middle of your legs.

iwishiwascool I used to be an agro skater. Id skate every day for 6 hours or so in the summer. My legs and abs were crazy Though I doubt youll be jumping onto any rails or crazy business like that. Use to aggressive to and it was amazing how much you really had to stay constrictinged and were squeezing your abs. Especially on rail grinds.

Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using?

Davo Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using? my bauer hockey skates......thats all ive ever used since i was a kid.

I used to go through 2 pairs per season. The set that I ended with were the Razor Cults. They were nice.

Davo Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using? I started rollerblading 12 years ago it was a b-day present from my parents since I wanted something else to supplment my cycling. I basically have sticked with rollerblade brand the whole way. Right now I am on the Rollerblade Aero 2 got an awesome deal on them at a local sporting store that stopped carrying the rollerblade brand. The only problem I have is the boot is uncomfortable and almost makes my foot go numb but after a couple of miles almost like it breaks in and I don't have a problem. I use to have K2 and that was a nice boot. If I could take the Aero 2 skate and add the K2 boot it would have been perfect. What you got?

iwishiwascool I used to go through 2 pairs per season. The set that I ended with were the Razor Cults. They were nice. Even when i was doing agressive I used rollerblade old school with the hard plastic boot. First skate I ever owned. Had a couple sets of wheels and bearing that I would switch depending if I was doing x-training, aggressive, or even playing hockey. God I miss that skate but man it would get hot. Ton of armor on it. Tore through grindplates like it was nothing.

jshively What you got? I have the Rollerblade Lightning 09 2004 model, had them for about a year. They're a five-wheel skate, built for fitness/speed. The boot is amazing, and even after a long (15-20 mile) skate, I hardly feel like I had them on. The only downside to having skates with such a long frame is that you can't do too many 'fun' things, other than going 25-30mph. They just aren't that agile. Plus, you have to pay to play: when my bearings wore out, it cost over $100 to replace them.

You guys are making me miss rollerblading, about 10 years ago I skated just about everywhere

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

How to kick higher?

How to kick higher?

How does someone train their legs to kick much higher? I am assuming just stretching your legs out and practicing kicking would do it?

Thats one way to do it...alot of it has to do with your hips being too tight. For example if you can do the splits you'll have an easier time kicking high. Dynamic stretching helps a bit as well, but relaxed and other kinds of stretching are just as important.

All about the flexibility.

relaxed stretching first, then with tension. do both kinds of splits (side and middle). do stretch up kicks to loosen the hamstrings. practice your kicks about a million times. I dunno if this attatchment will work right, I just came back to the board, but this is me at about 19.

Maestro Nobones relaxed stretching first, then with tension. do both kinds of splits (side and middle). do stretch up kicks to loosen the hamstrings. practice your kicks about a million times. I dunno if this attatchment will work right, I just came back to the board, but this is me at about 19. That is really impressive. If I want to kick higher, should I do those stretches everyday? Or can I overexert them?

I dunno I developed the ability over about a year's time. Your body should tell you how much pushing yourself is OK. Don't let yourself get comfortable until you are at your desired amount of stretch, but let yourself reach that point gradually; don't force it. If you work for it, it'll come.

I have trained in several martial arts for quite sometime and I always found that easiest way to improve your kicking height is simply practice kicks, and stretch. Stretch not only your legs, but also your groin, hips, glutes, and sides of abs. A combination of both intensive stretches and a lot of kicking practice will get you there.

stretching is one thing, flexibility is another. So yeah, you've gotta be pretty flexible.

3 or 7

VinSVT 3 or 7

hes right. posts 3 and 7. practice and flexibility.

Socrates How does someone train their legs to kick much higher? I am assuming just stretching your legs out and practicing kicking would do it? are you in martial arts or sumpin(serious, not trying to be a dick). cuz if you wanna become an all around better fighter, there is a very slim chance that in a real world fight you will get the chance to kick someone in the face if thats what you are after. if you are lifting at the same time that can be deleterious to your flexability goals. ive lost about 20% of my flexability in the last few weeks

incubimmer deleterious ,., ohh, fancy word...i like that one

incubimmer are you in martial arts or sumpin(serious, not trying to be a dick). cuz if you wanna become an all around better fighter, there is a very slim chance that in a real world fight you will get the chance to kick someone in the face if thats what you are after. if you are lifting at the same time that can be deleterious to your flexability goals. ive lost about 20% of my flexability in the last few weeks Yeah, actually. I grew up wrestling with my older brother, then wrestled in high school a bit. Took some boxing lessons at a gym for a few months, but gave it up pretty quick. I joined up with a MMA training gym (Springfield Fight Club) a couple months back and have been into it ever since. Going to jail for fighting directly after turning 17 got old REAL fast, and I have always been pretty addicted to fighting sports. I'm going to work on getting my martial arts belts through the military (easy to do at the Reserve Center here), and was going to continue training at the MMA gym and hopefully get set up with some good fights. A few of the guys travel around and fight, so I think it will be good teaching. The reason I want to get better at kicking now is because my friends set me up fights with guys from other towns or other guys for $50 a fight, and I can't get over the adrenaline rush from the fight. My kicks are weak, and when I kick someone in the head, it usually isn't very powerful. I figure I shouldn't do too much leg weight training.

Leo95SE hes right. posts 3 and 7. practice and flexibility. Dang you seriously knew what was going on there.

As long as you continue to train your flexibility separately, leg weight training is fine, how do you expect to kick hard with weak legs? look at cro cop, he ktfo'd so many people with his tree trunk legs... you gotta weight train, just continue to practice your high kicks too!

Maestro Nobones As long as you continue to train your flexibility separately, leg weight training is fine, how do you expect to kick hard with weak legs? look at cro cop, he ktfo'd so many people with his tree trunk legs... you gotta weight train, just continue to practice your high kicks too! I'll make sure to do that then!

How often/ what kind of stretching do you do? Flexibility isn't set in stone, you can change it. There are shitloads of exercises you can do to increase flexibility, especially for legs...your #1 problem is probably your hips being too tight. How far can you go down into the splits? Being able to do the splits isn't necessary for good kicking but it will make it easier.

I should make a pictoral stretch guide

funny you should mention that

nice links

Leo95SE funny you should mention that the second link is not working for me. only part of it comes up

right click, save link as.

Leo95SE ohh, fancy word...i like that one no one smiley posts (had 2 add ome words in )

Socrates Yeah, actually. I grew up wrestling with my older brother, then wrestled in high school a bit. Took some boxing lessons at a gym for a few months, but gave it up pretty quick. I joined up with a MMA training gym (Springfield Fight Club) a couple months back and have been into it ever since. Going to jail for fighting directly after turning 17 got old REAL fast, and I have always been pretty addicted to fighting sports. I'm going to work on getting my martial arts belts through the military (easy to do at the Reserve Center here), and was going to continue training at the MMA gym and hopefully get set up with some good fights. A few of the guys travel around and fight, so I think it will be good teaching. The reason I want to get better at kicking now is because my friends set me up fights with guys from other towns or other guys for $50 a fight, and I can't get over the adrenaline rush from the fight. My kicks are weak, and when I kick someone in the head, it usually isn't very powerful. I figure I shouldn't do too much leg weight training. that makes more sense, shit i fight for free fairly regularly (not set up in advance tho), wish i could get $50 2 do it

How to kick higher?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Stiff leggs vs regular deadlifts?

Stiff leggs vs regular deadlifts?

Which one is better for the nube? How much should i start out with, I have no spot.

killerZees Which one is better for the nube? How much should i start out with, I have no spot. Why would you need a spot on either of those?

Make sure you get someone knowledgeable to show you good form. My lower back joints hurt like crazy until I realized my form was shitty.

both.. and wtfspot

So whats a good weight to start with?

killerZees So whats a good weight to start with? Start with the bar to get the form right.

sldl's twice a week. deads maybe twice every other month.

Its hard to get good form with just the bar though. He should start with a weight that feels somewhat heavy, but not too heavy. Something like half of what you think your 1 rep max might be. Erroring on the side of too light is better than too heavy of course, but I wouldn't use just teh bar for more very long

KetchupKing Its hard to get good form with just the bar though. He should start with a weight that feels somewhat heavy, but not too heavy. Something like half of what you think your 1 rep max might be. Erroring on the side of too light is better than too heavy of course, but I wouldn't use just teh bar for more very long I was saying just the bar for sldl's.

SickLife sldl's twice a week. . NO

tize why not? im doing them 3x a week I do them two times a week as well. I don't see why not.

i do sumo dead lifts... high weight low reps .. anyone got beef with doing those?

Hip Hippo I do them two times a week as well. I don't see why not. What is the purpose of doing them twice a week? Your legs are how big?

Neo22 What is the purpose of doing them twice a week? Your legs are how big? Well stiff leg deadlifts normally work my back more than my legs.

Hip Hippo Well stiff leg deadlifts normally work my back more than my legs. then your lower back is weak and/or your form is incorrect

Hip Hippo Well stiff leg deadlifts normally work my back more than my legs. YOu need to work on your form then. More then likely you arn't keeping your chest out with an arc in your back like you should.

SLDLs are a hamstring movement primarily

Neo22 YOu need to work on your form then. More then likely you arn't keeping your chest out with an arc in your back like you should. I guess I have been doing them wrong all along.

knees should be slighty bent too

What are some other good lower back exercises?

cbrpimp good mornings edit: Those are mainly for your hamstrings and glutes, I thought.

Hip Hippo Those are mainly for your hamstrings and glutes, I thought. is this a joke?

Hip Hippo Those are mainly for your hamstrings and glutes, I thought. no, the SLDLs worked my back alot when i first started doinng em, and they still work it some. Pullthroughs are another back exercise that are verry nice. AND WTF at only once per week...

SLDL's and DL's are two different movements. One is primarily for legs, other is primarily for [lower] back, so don't just do one, do both since they are working two different muscle groups. I do each once a week... or maybe SLDL's twice a week (one heavy, a few days later I lift lighter)

both, SLDL's on leg day, DL's every 2 weeks

Stiff leggs vs regular deadlifts?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

front squats vs regular squats

front squats vs regular squats

i've been doing front squats alot.. i love them discuss

Mike McDermott define "regular" squats bar on back. stance wider than shoulders

back squats > front squats at least in terms of comfort and the amount of weight I can use. When I first started they were almost the same but now I can almost back squat twice as much as my front squat.

Mike McDermott how deep? parallel

KetchupKing back squats > front squats at least in terms of comfort and the amount of weight I can use. When I first started they were almost the same but now I can almost back squat twice as much as my front squat. yeah i only get 150x5 on front squat.. going slightly below parallel

Mike McDermott so a PL squat? yes.

front seem to hit teh glutes better

Mike McDermott i'll utilize chris's sister's glutes

Mike McDermott i'll utilize chris's sister's glutes ohsnap!

I do back squats to parallel with a wide stance. I do front squats to below parallel with a narrow stance. Fronts seem to hit my quads more and toast my lower back.

Mike McDermott damn, too late to edit

Mike McDermott do front squats all the way down, ya homos what do you front squat? ibmorethanme

no ATF squats no care.

Mike McDermott i haven't done them in awhile 275? i don't remember jesus

did front squats this week as opposed to rear, was a good change. I feel more comfortable with front squats(form wise) than rears.

you guys use pads for front squats? the bar hurts the shit outta my shoulders with just 135 if i dont

No pad on front squats. I'll admit to wrapping a towel around the bar for heavy Zercher squats though

a pad would make it feel really akward for me

pads are awkward front squats is a machien right? if so they dont have them where i go. either squats, or plate loaded squat machine which is kinda like a leg press, but its on a hinge, not a straight bar going up and down. hack squat too.

christophers we use a front squat harness so haw haw Lucky . My gym sucks.

i dont rest the bar on my shoulders when i do them, i actually hold the bar with my hands, wrist pain? hell yes 111x3 best. (kg) i guess i formed it as a habit doing power cleans instead of squat cleans.

oh front squats is where hold the bar on your shoulders in front of your face right? i like those.

Mike McDermott damn, too late to edit Its ok, what is that babyfaced, gaming nerd gonna do?

front squats vs regular squats

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Need some exercise help! Wanna get into a bikini quickly...

Need some exercise help! Wanna get into a bikini quickly...

Please give me advice on some good exercises to do. I also have changed my eating habits. I only eat fruit in the morning and fresh veggies for lunch, then not too big of portions of regular dinner. thanks for the help! Pics of exercises also helpful (I always feel like I dont know what Im doing)

newb thread in archives stickies

are you the same faithless with the pieced boobs? Cause you sure as shit look fine to me

Faithless Pics of exercises also helpful (I always feel like I dont know what Im doing) Pics of you to fully evaluate the situation would be helpful.

dread Pics of you to fully evaluate the situation would be helpful. it's funny cause its true

for pics of exercises check out and as for excercises, check the stickies at the top of the page and in the archives. A good combo of compund exercises and a proper diet (calories ~Body weighth x 12 to start and adjust from there) will be you best bet to losing fat and minimizing muscle loss, though it may take some time.

PurEvl are you the same faithless with the pieced boobs? Cause you sure as shit look fine to me What he said.

hey faith Last time i saw pics of you, you were in a bikini... so I'm not sure what you're looking for exactly improvement-wise. I'm gonna guess abs though, since that's what most women fuss over when it comes to bikinis. I am currently doing these exercises for my belly and it is shrinking fast: edit: otherwise, I'm doing a ton of various exercises, based on what muscle group I'm working for that day, and I do Cardio (elliptical or swimming) 3x a week.

Perplexed None of those exercises are making your belly shrink. no, but the other exercises she does, bench, dip, etc, do help. and once it has shrunk, she'll have abs

Perplexed None of those exercises are making your belly shrink. that's what you think. they are tightening my abs, which were previously quite stretched out from 3 pregnancies.

eat protein

PurEvl Cause you sure as shit look fine to me

Also there is no quick fix it takes time and motivation so if you go out and expect to be super thin in a week quit now otherwise do it and stick with it so that your body stays the way you want it

are you saying the bikini you wore from last year no longer fits? You were doing good on your own with working out. What's going on now?

pics pls

so like, wheres the pics /OT

Girl_Next_Door are you saying the bikini you wore from last year no longer fits? You were doing good on your own with working out. What's going on now? it does, but I wasnt really comfortable in it last year either.

Honestly... Pics would help, because it makes what your problems are more clear. I can understand if you dont' want to post them for this pack of wolves, but it would helpl. What time frame are you looking at here?

trancezj Honestly... Pics would help, because it makes what your problems are more clear. I can understand if you dont' want to post them for this pack of wolves, but it would helpl. What time frame are you looking at here? Definitely get more replies if you post pics. Not that the replies would necesserily all be constructive. 70-80% of them would be ... or Jonno does the latter even in my journal.

trancezj Honestly... Pics would help, because it makes what your problems are more clear. I can understand if you dont' want to post them for this pack of wolves, but it would helpl. What time frame are you looking at here? Amen, I 2nd that.

timberwolf Definitely get more replies if you post pics. Not that the replies would necesserily all be constructive. 70-80% of them would be ... or Jonno does the latter even in my journal.

trancezj Honestly... Pics would help, because it makes what your problems are more clear. I can understand if you dont' want to post them for this pack of wolves, but it would helpl. What time frame are you looking at here? well, in about a month

this was me last year. I have lost a little weight since then, in fact, about 10 lbs, but I still have this weird area under my breasts that pokes out (where my ribs are, and my stomach isnt flat yet either.

You look fine. If anything I'd suggest that you get a new diet, 40/40/20 ratio perhaps, and hit the gym. I like girls with a bit of muscle on them so I'd suggest getting some weight training in. It'll take work but you look great now so any improvements would be a bonus.

If I'm not mistaken I think she's worried more about her abs and glutes.

Need some exercise help! Wanna get into a bikini quickly...

Friday, November 22, 2013

strained glute?

strained glute?

well in my wisdom I was seeing how high I could jump, just out of the blue started jumping. my glutes hurt like all fuck, I was on the ground. Now when I get into a squat position the right one hurts a lot. I iced them immediately. what should I do....see how it feels tomorrow?

A friend of mine was squatting on the smith machine and pulled his glute as well. Now I think that squatting on a smith is a bad idea in the first place... but anyways he took a long break from working out legs. I don't know if it really hurt him that bad or if he used it as an excuse to not work out his legs...

There's a condition that is similar, I forget what it's called it was posted a few days ago.

it feels better this morning , I wonder if I can squat tomorrow, fuck I hope so.

strained glute?

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Glutes (buttock) The Best Exercise for Women

Glutes (buttock) The Best Exercise for Women

Glutes (buttock) The Best Exercise for Women

The best exercise for men and women the glutes is the hip thrusts or hip bridging. Most of us have "gluteal amnesia," where the glutes do not turn on. This one is tricky to do without activating the hamstrings. Lie flat on your back with your palms down and arms out to the side on the floor. Keep your natural lordotic curve in the spine. Brace or stiffen the core. Squeeze your gluteal fold as if there is a coin between your butt cheeks. Externally rotate your knees. Raise your toes off of the ground to get rid of the dominant hamstrings if they are activated - else you can keep them flat. You can also palpate the quadriceps (have a friend do it for you) and have the hamstrings relaxed. Your friend can touch them to see if they're switched off - they'll wiggle if they are off and become stiff if they're turned on. Next, you rise from the hips and hold for a 10 count and repeat. When you get more advanced you can go off of one leg - but that takes weeks of conditioning.

Stretching the hip flexors:

  • You can do a psoas stretch and palpate the psoas to feel it activate. You stand in a staggered stance and opposite of lead leg - that arm is up and back. The arm closest to lead leg reaches over and palpates the psoas. Hard to describe with words - pictures do it justice.
  • Another stretch for the hip flexors is going down on one knee and having the opposite arm to lead leg lift upwards and stretch out the psoas. This targets the psoas from the iliacus during hip flexor stretching. Hip extensor patterns are simultaneously trained on the opposite side of the body. You can also perform this exercise in walking steps - or walking lunges. But keep that opposite hand held up high

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