Showing posts with label Techniques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Techniques. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014

Reducing Soreness

Reducing Soreness

Is there any way to reduce the length of soreness after working out?

Work out more.

Eat more. Sleep more. Recovery techniques.

Glutamine seems to help me.

Natezilla Eat more. Sleep more. Recovery techniques.

Reducing Soreness

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My #'s from the circuit line

My #'s from the circuit line

don't laugh this is after not doing anything for like 2 months really Leg Ex - 254 Leg Curl - 284 Pullover - 156 Arm Cross - 126 Chest Press - 180 Lat Raise - 100 Overhead Press - 144 Bicep - 106 Tricep - 114 Leg Press - 240

The circuit line?

7th Ninjai The circuit line? ....yeah I don't do free weights, besides not really knowing how to do it, my gym buddy who was supposed to do it with me.....stopped going to the this is the thing that I can go to the gym, do it in 30 minutes, and be done. I'm going to try to sneak into the UF gym with my friend who is a student there so he can show me how to use the other stuff.

I will cry for you tonight.

ACURA TL-S I will cry for you tonight.

get a PT to show you the basics its not rocket science..

talk to Mcdermott

NoXeN its not rocket science.. it's rocket surgery

jonno talk to Mcdermott i can talk to a lot of people, and i can look at pictures and "kind of" figure it out, but i can't go to the gym they go to (not an UF student) and they can't go to mine (a private gym) this has always just been easier

jonno it's rocket surgery

NoXeN get a PT to show you the basics its not rocket science.. you, gtfo ------------------>

i have no clue what those numbers translate to, if anything

cunninglinguist i have no clue what those numbers translate to, if anything are thise weights? how many reps? WTF

Demize are thise weights? how many reps? WTF weights, it is something MedX came up with, you do as many as you can of each, you want the number to be between 8-12, if you can do more than 12 they up the weight, you do them right after one another w/o any break

so where's the number of reps?

Demize so where's the number of reps? well they change everytime i do it but when i went thursday it was 11 11 9 11 10 9 8 12 12 12

but i am le confused

sr20wop but i am le confused

there are 4 lines, all the same, you go down one

Are these pneumatic machines? There is a place near here that preys on women using techniques such as this.

ACURA TL-S Are these pneumatic machines? There is a place near here that preys on women using techniques such as this. om, define pneumatic

dude... wtf

jonno dude... wtf could you be a little more specific?

good job, if you've made improvements. theres really no way to correlate those numbers to some common denominator though, so theres no way to compare with others here. Are you still losing weight?

SoKo Soko is doing the arm curls in the bottom right corner in case anyone was confused.

My #'s from the circuit line

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Protein debate. Good read if you are interested

Protein debate. Good read if you are interested

When you read all the debates and all sorts of studies and shit, you realize how much of this stuff has been known for so long. People just keep rehashing the same shit over and over and try to make different theories and stuff, but it all boils down to tried and true stuff from a long time ago. Whether it be techniques or nutrition or what not. I guess thats why Lyle doesn't want to keep writing all the time anymore.

Protein debate. Good read if you are interested

Monday, December 9, 2013

So, I think I decided which PE class I'm going to take over the summer :mamoru:

So, I think I decided which PE class I'm going to take over the summer :mamoru:

PER 1862 Volleyball Co-Ed 1 Credit General Education Attributes: 5, 6 Introduction to basic volleyball skills including team positions, rotation, and variations of setting and spiking techniques. Students will demonstrate rules and strategy through class games. Course/lab fees. Should be fun shit. Volleyball is pretty fun, plus volleyball chicks are hot . IBonlyguythere IBthatsnotabadthing

Carnifex Soccer > * It's not offered at my college. Part of what makes this course so attractive is that you can tell just by reading the description it's going to be a total blow-off class.

Are you any good at volleyball?

go_duke21 Are you any good at volleyball? I play a lot of beach volleyball in the summer and I'm one of the better players out of the people that I play with.

xpinchx I play a lot of beach volleyball in the summer and I'm one of the better players out of the people that I play with. Sounds like the class might be too much for beginners then. I don't know about you but I can' handle it when I have to play with people that suck.

what kind of lab fees are necessary for volleyball.

cellout what kind of lab fees are necessary for volleyball. There's a $10 registration fee for pretty much every class.

go_duke21 Sounds like the class might be too much for beginners then. I don't know about you but I can' handle it when I have to play with people that suck. I'm sure there will be some decent players there.


I would take a racquetball class but its only at 9 AM along with all the other sports classes, which is usually about the time I roll out of bed.

ACURA TL-S Weightlifting>*.PE My campus doesn't have a weight training facility, otherwise I'd be all over that shit.

Volleyball chicks are bomb

im taking boxing next year

xpinchx IBonlyguythere IBthatsnotabadthing Watch a buncha guys think that this class is full of girls...and they take up all the spots leading to an all guy class.

ACURA TL-S Weightlifting>*.PE .

hmm, at osu we have an advanced strength and conditioning class, but it says you need to be experienced and have instructors permission do you guys think 2 years is enough experience?

sans_pants hmm, at osu we have an advanced strength and conditioning class, but it says you need to be experienced and have instructors permission do you guys think 2 years is enough experience? i dont know if time is a good measure of how experienced you are with lifting. i lifted for 2+ years since i was 15. i'm 17 now. lifting with the right knowledge? maybe a few months for me.

Atenza6i i dont know if time is a good measure of how experienced you are with lifting. i lifted for 2+ years since i was 15. i'm 17 now. lifting with the right knowledge? maybe a few months for me. well ive been lifting smart for like 8 months and ive got good form on most exercises, i dont know what id need to know for this class

xpinchx My campus doesn't have a weight training facility, otherwise I'd be all over that shit. pussy college is you ask me

So, I think I decided which PE class I'm going to take over the summer :mamoru:

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Martial Arts help

Martial Arts help

Ok, I'm looking to do some discipline of martial arts but I don't know which one to do. I want something that isn't too hard, so I'm looking at Aikido, but I also want something that attacks (from what people have told me all Aikido is, is defensive moves). I've been told to do jujitsu and I'm looking into that but are there any other "effective" martial arts that aren't hard to learn?

Muay Thai is very simple to learn, and very effective. If by simple you mean easy to learn, and not easy to go to class without working hard. It is one of the quicker styles to be effective in. You won't have to go to a years worth of classes before learning everything you need to be productive.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai

Section 8 Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai could also substitute Jeet Kune Do in there (encompasses both to at least some degree), but for the most part a combination of those two will make you a monster

what are your goals? to be a tough ass or develop mentally spiritually as well?

From an offensive point of view, I've found the combo of Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to be the most effective. If you can find a Vale Tudo gym near you, you're set (it's a Brazilian hybrid of both styles). This is my personal favorite. If you want something more defensive, aikido or Krav Maga are good choices. Aikido relies more on bodily harmony, while Krav Maga is quick, brutal and effective. If you're a sadist and want to get your ass kicked, try Tae Kwon Do or Shotokan Karate.

What about some good ole boxing?

Just do mix martial arts. Find a instructor who can teach you the basics of a few different ones. My instructor teaches arnese ( filipino knife/stick fighting ) JKD, Samba ( grappling ) and basic 1 on 1 stand up fighting techniques. Maritals Arts is great for cardio workout. Running and biking gets boring real fast but martial arts is fun and interesting.

thawk408 What about some good ole boxing? That's fine. Try kickboxing too.

How do you think boxing would do in a street fight scene?

depends, alot of BJJ schools flaunt the police report saying that 95% of all street fights go to the, i havent seen this report and often wonder about its validity, two, ground fighting is ONLY good in a one on one fight with no weapons.....whereas boxing keeps you on your feet and gives the ability to stay aware of those around you (if your clear enough mentally while fighting) and allows you to run when needed.....but limiting youself to just boxing makes you vulnerable in other boxer has ever faired well in an NHB match (no holds barred)....simply cuz in a one on one fight it does go to the ground nearly every time.....muay thai fighters do well because of the clinch as well as cross training in jits.... in other words, focusing on only boxing, will hurt you when you get tackled by a wrestler.....and tackling someone to wrestle them will only work until their buddy punts you in the face

get in over a 100 fights bouncing, you get good at lots of styles

What is the martial art that bruce lee made up?

Aikido is defiently worthwhile, it teaches you the importance over balance and accuracy over power, it also teaches you very quickly how to break fall as from your first lesson you will be flat on your ass. I do a style called tomiki aikido which is sport aikido, I'm not sure how well it would all apply in the real world but a lot of people who do aikido take other arts such as Judo or Ju-jitsu as Aikido is a development of these arts. Personally you may find Kempo Ju-jitsu enjoyable, or if you are interested in aikido then the Tomiki style is certainly one to pursue as it is very effective. MY instructor is a 5th dan however who has been doing it for over 30 years and trains local law enforcement arrest techniques, it defiently helps to have an experienced trainer. The philospophy of aikido is to show an attacker the error of his ways by disarming but not injuring permently. Of course due to the nature of its locks and grips it is extremely easy to break peoples arms, wrists, strike blows to the head and other nerve points of the body. Personally I love aikido, but would like to investigate Kempo Ju-jitsu at a later date. Also aikdio is not easy to learn, your movements and grips and locks have to be very accurate in order to be effective, you have to have good coordination of hand and feet and be prepared to get hurt. If you are looking for the best defensive art in the world then take up Track Sprinting if you are looking for the best Offensive art in the world go buy a sniper rifle . I hope that helps someway

thawk408 What is the martial art that bruce lee made up? Jeet kune do. It's not a martial art, it "became" one after he died and people tried to cash in on his legacy. JKD is really just an ideal or outlook on martial arts. The first "mixed martial arts" approach.

superbri007 Wushu Kung Fu, i'll be taking that in the next month or so looks really challenging! bad example but i think thats the art they modelled after in the movie kill bill.

superbri007 Aikido sucks cock, don't take it. Take TKD /Kung-fu/ Kickboxing over aikido not true, aikido is very difficult, just not as much 'anger' as other arts, for lack of a better term. makes a great supplementary art..

learn everything there is that u can! mwahahahah...nice suggestion there on the BJJ and muay thai as an awesome practical starting point

Martial Arts help

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Best power lifting techniques

Best power lifting techniques 

Best power lifting techniques

To train for speed and power you should train like a sprinter. They do a lot of power lifting techniques and plyometrics in the offseason.

Cleans and jerks
Bench press
Military press
Box jumps
Depth jumps

For endurance I employ what's known as power endurance. I do this with the mma fighter that I trained. It's a form of Tabata cardio on the treadmill. There are 5, 3 minute rounds in mma. So we train with 3 minutes on, 1 minute off at 80% power in the sprint. Most humans just can't handle this.

You can also do 1 minute on at 90% intensity and 1 minute off.

Making use of speed ladders, mini hurdles, shuttle sprints and plyoball slams are all great too.

Having big muscles isn't great for functional sports. Look at American Gladiators - they were always outsmarted by real athletes. 

Best power lifting techniques

Sunday, June 9, 2013

How To Make Big Stomach Flat

Routine for making a big stomach Flat
How To Make Big Stomach Flat

When we put on weight our bodies heat up internally and our metabolism slows down because it doesn't need to be running hot. But, one caveat: the larger the animal the higher its metabolism. Me at 6'6" has a higher metabolism than your girlfriend at 5'5" - no matter how thin or obese either of us become. So, high metabolism is one of those issues I always have to discuss with a bit of physiology behind me. Why does metabolism slow down when we put on body fat? Simple. Surface area increases by 2X while body mass increases by 3X. This causes a lot of internal heat and it gets trapped inside. Ever wonder why heavy people sweat like marathon runners when they do very little? They're running on hot - but not running on high metabolism. When metabolism slows down it becomes harder to lose the weight.

With you putting on 51 lbs your metabolic rate has slowed.

What to do to rev it up?

Revving up metabolism comes from:
  • lowering your BMI 
  • exercising 
  • putting on muscle 
When you lower your BMI your metabolism increases
When you exercise you're revving it up and burning calories - anaerobic or aerobic
When you put on muscle they use up a lot of calories to stay functional - plus high protein - both spike your metabolism while burning fat

At that assumes two things that will lose your 51 lbs.
  • Eat nutritionally good foods 
  • Add cardio after or before your workouts 
On exercise training. Stuart McGill has just come out saying that athletes and people who train should take time off depending upon the level of intensity they train. So, if you're a weak, discogenic person who suffers from back pain - the prescription is to diagnose the symptoms and workout every 15 minutes for just a few minutes. While, a powerlifter (on the other spectrum) should workout every other or every 2 other days. The body needs lots of rest. We as a society put too much emphasis on training everyday - me included. Rather, it's getting in the right workouts and eating nutritionally. Calories determine, ultimately, how we look (unless you're doing as much cardio as Michael Phelps).

Bodybuilding 4-5 times a week, breaking up body parts is still a good strategy if you're a bodybuilder. Fitness models, same. Powerlifters: 3-4 times a week. MMA and Track and Field - it's trickier because some of the training happens outside of the gym.

Anyways: to lose that gut. Eat clean: high protein, low carbs (who should be low glycemic and fibre based), lots of greens and water.

Workouts: train balance and keep the core stiff when you train. With proper techniques you can lift more effectively and thus put on more muscle. Hope this helps. Don't neglect your cardio post workout - that really burns the calories.

Routine for making a big stomach Flat

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Abdominal (Abs) Exercises Techniques

Abdominal (Abs) Exercises Techniques

 McGill crunches, Side bridge/plank, Dead bug, Stirring the pot

Abs Exercises Techniques

  • McGill crunches: fascia "raking" can be employed upon more advanced routines. The second phase is breathing deeply during the concentric phase and holding for up to 5 seconds. When you crunch: both hands and tucked under your sacrum (where the small of your back is - that natural lordotic curve); your tongue is pushed up to the roof of your mouth to activate your sternocleidomastoid (thus keep pressure off of your cervical vertebrae); finally, you image a string pulling your chest off of the ground while stiffening the core and crunching a few inches off of the ground. 
  • Walkout holds (get in the upright plank/pushup position and walkout with your hands and hold for up to 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times. By using electromyographic we've been able to observe FULL abdominal rectus activation!!) 
  • Side bridge/plank: commonly prescribed as just an oblique exercise. It's the only exercise that hits the QLs as well. I can't stress often enough that the body has to be flat like a board when you turn and your feet turn - don't stack them up 
  • Dead bug: great exercise for working the core hoop. You can turn it into a plyometric exercise when more advanced 
  • Stirring the pot: get a stability and get in the plank position. Use your elbows as the fulcrum point and stir the ball clockwise and the next set counterclockwise. You can make the exercise easier by having your feet further apart or harder by keeping closer 
  • Pike or Jackknife off the stability ball

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