Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Creatine Monohydrate VS CEE?

Creatine Monohydrate VS CEE?

Creatine Monohydrate VS CEE? Can anyone explain the difference and sum up the pro/cons of one vs the other? From here I have read the following so far.. 1. 10x more soluble in water than creatine monohydrate. Therefore, it will absorb from the intestines better, achieving higher blood levels faster and preventing the upset stomach that some people get from monohydrate. 2. It's much more stable, won't degrade into creatinine in the stomach. 3. You bloat with monohydrate and do not with CEE Pardon my lack of intellgence, but what does it look/feel like to bloat? Feels like you have eaten too much? Thanks

What else do you need to know, there are like 11ty billion threads on this topic in this forum alone.

CEE is better than mono because I haven't tried mono and am saying this based only on like 3 weeks of CEE usage and have no other clinical facts to prove this whatsoever. So order CEE today.

wasn't there just a study done showing that the products claiming to be CEE didn't really have much or even any CEE in them?

Grouch wasn't there just a study done showing that the products claiming to be CEE didn't really have much or even any CEE in them? Chris called BS on em.. there was a thread with another link in it proving otherwise or some shit.

Ilyusha Chris called BS on em.. there was a thread with another link in it proving otherwise or some shit. mike at 1fast said he was waiting a month to get back the purity results of the stuff he has in stock, so i'm waiting on that before i order it

CEE is mono that is esterfied. It make the creatine able to dissolve completely in water, making it better absorbed and effective at lower doses. Not many studies have been done on cee...but the results speak for themselves imo. I get mine from customnutritionwarehouse because they test every patch they get for purity, because there has been an issue with fake cee.

evi1eddie mike at 1fast said he was waiting a month to get back the purity results of the stuff he has in stock, so i'm waiting on that before i order it

Higher Power CEE was found to contain approximately 0% CEE

christophers really? considering the only place that has a standard for testing is the place mike goes to, how is it possible to get an accurate result? most labs have no clue what theyre doing wrt to CEE, mike has said this althouh it is quite possible it has none misplaced the 1

Creatine Monohydrate VS CEE?

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