Sunday, January 26, 2014

damn blenders own

damn blenders own

so I drink my shakes usually by mixing them with a spoon, I've thrown up while drinking shakes but I sitll do it to tuff it out, they taste like shit, clunky, etc well today I tried a blender...holy shit, went down smooth and it was good

My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on.

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. I have a rival

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. I think my gf has one of those? The dolphin or the rabbit?

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. do they use it on their teeth or their pussy?

Mass I think my gf has one of those? The dolphin or the rabbit?

Abit My shaker bottle went to shit and my roomate had one of these. Alot easier and quicker clean up than a blender. I think I'll just use it from now on. Thats the one I have and I love it. Especially the grinding attachment, works great on oats

i plan to pick up a blender today

Get 1 of those Magic bullets from Tv. I been using it for like 9 monthes. The other day it broke and they sent a new one in le a week. They have a lifetime warrenty.

I got one of them...slightly different great

sounds like too much cleanup on all of those... i usually pound my shakes in about 2 min, quick rinse out my shaker and go.

deznutz did it have the word pocket in it?

Mass I think my gf has one of those? The dolphin or the rabbit? my g/f bought her sister a dolphin for x-mas

Looks like a corndog stick to me!

AznRyda Looks like a corndog stick to me! yea, wtf?

WTF is that?

yeah i don't understand why everyone doesn't use a blender. i got one for $20, one the best purchases i've made. It takes seconds to clean too if you have one of those hand-spray things in your sink.

meh. i have a nalgene bottle. get water from the refrigerator dispenser, measure to 12oz on the side markings, 2 scoops on whey, close, shake, chug, rinse, done. easy enough for me.

J Shmoke WTF is that? .

i have a cuisinart

Ceaze i have a cuisinart my mom uses those to cut up ingredients for the korean foods she pine nut and vinegar sauce for jellyfish, or spinach or carrots. that thing is huge... over kill for a few ounces of a proteinshake?

sounds like the picture used to be that of a vibrator... and then got edited to a picture of a corndog stick =) i just use this cheapo shaker cup that i got from bulk nutrition.

ACURA TL-S I have a rival that skinny stick is your rival? owned

Atenza6i my mom uses those to cut up ingredients for the korean foods she pine nut and vinegar sauce for jellyfish, or spinach or carrots. that thing is huge... over kill for a few ounces of a proteinshake? I used to bust out the blender each time i wanted a shake, now i just grab the shaker, pour in water, powder, maybe a strawberry or two and shake the hell out of it

i have never used a blender for a shake. i do use a coffee grinder for my oats though

damn blenders own

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