Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How long have you been in the game?

How long have you been in the game?

This june will mark my 10th year of working out competitively for bbing in general. What are your gains since you started myself, I've grown 2 inches and gained over 120lbs I was 5'8 116lbs when I started.

ive been reppin compton for about 15years

Just over 3 months now. 6'3" 190 when I started - 6'3" 224 now

Filmboy44 This june will mark my 10th year of working out competitively for bbing in general. What are your gains since you started myself, I've grown 2 inches and gained over 120lbs I was 5'8 116lbs when I started. fuuuck you doubled in weight how old were you when you started? or just tell me how old you are now and ill subtract 10 for you

i started lifitng and controlling my diet a little over a year ago again after not working out or exercising since high school basically. last year i was about 240-250 and at least 30%bf if not more. i got down to about 190 and now i am at 215 and 14% at the moment and dropping. edit - and i regret letting myself go for so long. so anyone young that reads this dont do what i did. i would be so much farther along than what i am now if i had those 2-3 years extra under my belt

far too long for what I've gotten too. I need to scan some pictures of at 6-0 175lbs though.

Undefined fuuuck you doubled in weight how old were you when you started? or just tell me how old you are now and ill subtract 10 for you I am going to be 26 in June...was 16 when I started

7 months. People say I look bigger and more like someone who works out rather than just a "big guy." Whatever, I'm very far from where I want to be.

About 5 years total over a span of 10 years.

just about 1 year

Soularis About 5 years total over a span of 10 years. Is that the Iceman in your av?

offically about 17 months started 6'4" 165 now am 6'4" 225

I started about 4 months ago. I was 6'4" 178 lbs when I started and now I'm 6'4" 201 lbs

almost 3 years seriously after one year of dicking around

15 years, started about 5'2" 119 and pudgy, im 5 9ish and 260 in the offseason and compete about 215

PurEvl 15 years, started about 5'2" 119 and pudgy, im 5 9ish and 260 in the offseason and compete about 215 your interview was praised among the other guys hats off to you

almost 2 years

2.5 months gained 10 lbs newb gains so most of my went up by 1.5x or 2x

somewhere in the neighborhood of a year 6'1" 170 6'1" 230

Filmboy44 your interview was praised among the other guys hats off to you really? thanks man, I really enjoyed talking about bb'ing, it helped alot in the current state im in. Always helps me remember why i do it

PurEvl really? thanks man, I really enjoyed talking about bb'ing, it helped alot in the current state im in. Always helps me remember why i do it where is this interview you speak of i wanna see

gsteclipse97 where is this interview you speak of i wanna see seconded

gsteclipse97 where is this interview you speak of i wanna see i agree

it was a speakerphone convo with more then one person, I did it for justing and his documentry. I was very honored as well, it was nice of him to include me, he didnt have too

so, we are all gonna have some sor tof access to this documentary right?? I hioope so

How long have you been in the game?

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