Showing posts with label ephedra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ephedra. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

so it's coming back? SALT LAKE CITY - A federal judge Thursday struck down the FDA ban on ephedra, the once-popular weight-loss aid that was yanked from the market after it was linked to dozens of deaths. advertisement The judge ruled in favor of a Utah company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's ban. Utah-based Nutraceutical claimed in its lawsuit that ephedra "has been safely consumed" for hundreds of years. Supplements that included ephedra have been widely used for weight loss and bodybuilding, but have been linked to 155 deaths, including that of Baltimore Orioles pitching prospect Steve Bechler. The FDA ordered the substance off the market in April 2004. .

Now to see if this will be marketed well, challenges before chances of manufacturing, etc...


whats the big deal? ephedrine has been legal all along and I thought that it is better than ephedra, at least in to the degree that the concentration per tab is more uniform.

i read in one of the articles that the ball is in the FDA's court now or something along those lines giivng me the impression that although that judge ruled in favor of the utah company, the fda can still ban it.

meh who gives a shit really....

Dragon whats the big deal? ephedrine has been legal all along and I thought that it is better than ephedra, at least in to the degree that the concentration per tab is more uniform. Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription...

Sgt. Ownage meh who gives a shit really.... no ph no care?

tryfuhl Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription...

gsteclipse97 tryfuhl Tell me how easily you can find ephedrine by itself, without a prescription... can you not read?

tryfuhl no ph no care? nah, just that ephedrine eclipses ephedra in price/effectiveness

mike so it's coming back? it was never really gone

Sgt. Ownage nah, just that ephedrine eclipses ephedra in price/effectiveness Yeah, but if this pans out, we'll be able to get it straight.. and in mixes as a dietary supplement... I don't think that some people are getting that ephedrine can't be in dietary supplements, or sold straight (easily), either

superbri007 1fast400 sells it by itself, last time i checked....but it was out of stock. now, ephedrine with Guaifenesin is another story Yeah, it's been out of stock for years though

spoofy it was never really gone you on the other hand, have been i wouldnt call this out of stock. jeez it was never gone, just the products like stacker and xenadrine were and every one makes to big of a deal of the guaifenesin

gsteclipse97 i wouldnt call this out of stock. jeez it was never gone, just the products like stacker and xenadrine were and every one makes to big of a deal of the guaifenesin I know a pretty good deal about supplements, including herbs, I'm not making a "big deal" out of it. Honestly, have you taken eph with and without guaf?

tryfuhl I know a pretty good deal about supplements, including herbs, I'm not making a "big deal" out of it. Honestly, have you taken eph with and without guaf? yes i didnt notice a difference at all. i the one from 1fast has worked just fine for me

gsteclipse97 yes i didnt notice a difference at all. i the one from 1fast has worked just fine for me Sounds good; but this opens up the door (if all goes through) for more cheap premixes with stuff liek caffeine, etc already thrown in with it...

again that is

tryfuhl Sounds good; but this opens up the door (if all goes through) for more cheap premixes with stuff liek caffeine, etc already thrown in with it... true, but after i never liked xenadrine etc compared to my own stack. xenadrine made me feel like shit and my heart was gonna explode

tryfuhl you on the other hand, have been miss me?

gsteclipse97 true, but after i never liked xenadrine etc compared to my own stack. xenadrine made me feel like shit and my heart was gonna explode we could get good home-mixes from 1fast or something tho, if they choose to do one...

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra!!!1

Sunday, December 29, 2013

I am pathetic

I am pathetic

17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym?


you're about where i started from.. only i was even weaker

Don't get discourage. You complaining is not helping either -- instead, you should do some research ask some questions and set up a routine and better eating habits. We got lots of pros here (Christophers, the most well known, but certainly not the only one), that know alot of stuff.

Lem6687 17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym? Just think, if you start now by the time you are 20 you will be completely changed. If you have the dedication, of course.

no just stay the way you are. it will make me look better.

Grouch no just stay the way you are. it will make me look better. ass lol nah man get on a routine and eat healthier... i mean read the newb guide to fat loss... and stick to it... it'll be hard but it depends how determined and motivated you are.

christophers i would pay money to see you ellipticaling it away The girls at the gym already stuff dollar bills down my gym shorts.

superbri007 yea, they are payin you to get the fuck out hey I'm making money ain't I.

I see you killing yourself within 2 years unless you change at least 3 of those things in your life.

Ilyusha I see you killing yourself within 2 years unless you change at least 3 of those things in your life. good motivation

Yah, tahts where I was a year ago only...I was at 300 tho and im 6'1" tall. I was like fuck this shit, and boom 3 months later 100 pounds lighter, few months after that muscle in places I never had visible muscle before, hehe...Now...Im happy/feel great have girlfriend na dhave other friends that are girls =)

Lem6687 17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym? Post some pics. I can't really remember what Jonno looked like 18 months ago and those would be like perfect before shots.


Lem6687 17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym? Wow dude you're a loser

jonno ^^ jonno pics of how you look now?


Did you fill that hoodie, or was it baggy on you?

Ilyusha Did you fill that hoodie, or was it baggy on you? sleeves are obviously baggy.. middle wasnt really tight but not loose either

Looks pretty filled

jonno sleeves are obviously baggy.. middle wasnt really tight but not loose either no you have fucking 500lb woman arms..

White Yah, tahts where I was a year ago only...I was at 300 tho and im 6'1" tall. I was like fuck this shit, and boom 3 months later 100 pounds lighter, few months after that muscle in places I never had visible muscle before, hehe...Now...Im happy/feel great have girlfriend na dhave other friends that are girls =) how in the fuck did you lose 100 lbs in 3 months?

nic379 how in the fuck did you lose 100 lbs in 3 months? I had a friend who did something similar, Starvation and Ephedra were what helped him.

jonno what were you eating? i'm cutting right now. i just had a snack. a small peach and 16oz of ice water. needless to say, i'm still hungry. it looks like a chiggin' wing. yum.

I am pathetic

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra"

"Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra"

SALT LAKE CITY - A federal judge Thursday struck down the FDA ban on ephedra, the once-popular weight-loss aid that was yanked from the market after it was linked to dozens of deaths - including that of Baltimore Orioles pitching prospect Steve Bechler. advertisement The judge ruled in favor of a Utah company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's ban. Utah-based Nutraceutical claimed in its lawsuit that ephedra "has been safely consumed" for hundreds of years. Supplements that included ephedra have been widely used for weight loss and bodybuilding, but have been linked to 155 deaths. The FDA ordered the substance off the market in April 2004. Judge Tena Campbell's ruling sends the matter back to the FDA "for further rulemaking consistent with the court's opinion" and keeps the agency from enforcement action against the companies. What does this mean for us?

it means you shoulda scrolled down a bit and joined teh thread that is already going



"Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra"

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Best Ephedra substitute on the market?

Best Ephedra substitute on the market?

I'm just curious if any products on the market have matched what Ephedra did. I highly doubt it, but what's the best thing out there now the Ephedra has been banned

looks like you might not have to settle for a subsititute as a result of this case:

tofu that's for asthma and stuff Isn't ephedra for weight loss only. That wouldn't achive any of that, would it?

same stuff for both

the active ingredient in ephedra = ephedrine all the good stuff, none of the bullshit

Hark that's for asthma and stuff Isn't ephedra for weight loss only. That wouldn't achive any of that, would it? you're joking right?

shastaisforwinners you're joking right? no i'm really not. I don't know jack shit about supplements. Will taking that "asthma" supplement have the same affect of the same products that were originally on the market a few years ago?

Hark no i'm really not. I don't know jack shit about supplements. Will taking that "asthma" supplement have the same affect of the same products that were originally on the market a few years ago? read your own thread you nitwit.

dank read your own thread you nitwit.

Yes it will achieve weight loss. In fact Ephedrine HCL > Ephedra

Hark ephedrine hcl = best ephedra substitute on the market do an archive search for stacking/dosing guidelines

Hark no i'm really not. I don't know jack shit about supplements. Will taking that "asthma" supplement have the same affect of the same products that were originally on the market a few years ago? Im pretty sure you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and are asking about ephedra/ephedrine because you treat it like a magic pill and have a complete lack of willpower.

Is ephedra really banned?? Cause when I was in walmart about a month ago I read the Trim Spa box and sure enough it said ephedrine wheich is the same as ephedra.

It probably had pseudoephedrine. Different stuff. Incidently ephedra is unbanned now I think I saw.

synephrine Utah Judge Strikes Down Ephedra Ban Fri Apr 15, 8:44 PM ET Health - AP By MARK THIESSEN, Associated Press Writer SALT LAKE CITY - A federal judge has struck down the FDA ban on supplements containing ephedra, a weight-loss aid linked to dozens of deaths, but it's too early to tell whether the product will be back in stores anytime soon. The judge Thursday ruled in favor of a Utah supplement company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's year-old ban. Nutraceutical claimed that ephedra has been safely consumed for hundreds of years. Research shows that the amphetamine-like herb can speed heart rate and constrict blood vessels even in seemingly healthy people, but it is particularly risky for those with heart disease or high blood pressure or who engage in strenuous exercise. Among the deaths linked to the substance was that of Baltimore Orioles pitching prospect Steve Bechler, who collapsed and died during spring training two years ago. The judge's decision was seen by some anti-ephedra advocates as falling short of an outright reversal of the ban, though a Nutraceutical lawyer declared flatly, "the ban is gone." The company said it is too soon to say whether it will put the product back on shelves. Industry groups said supplements that included ephedra were once used by 12 million people. Judge Tena Campbell's order prevents the FDA from stopping Nutraceutical from selling its product and sent the case back to the FDA for a determination of what are safe and dangerous levels of ephedrine. The FDA was evaluating the ruling, but Health and Human Services spokesman William Pierce said the agency "made the right decision from the standpoint of science and our statutory authority. This is exactly when the dietary supplement law should apply." Health officials and Justice Department lawyers are looking at the ruling to determine the next step, Pierce said. Campbell agreed with Nutraceutical that ephedra was wrongly being regulated by the FDA as a drug and not a food. She said a 1994 federal dietary supplement law places more restrictive rules on the FDA in determining whether to ban foods as opposed to drugs. The judge said the law requires the FDA to prove that a dietary supplement is harmful, rather than having the manufacturer prove it is safe, as is required with drugs. "The (FDA's) statement that a safe level cannot be determined is simply not sufficient to meet the government's burden," Campbell wrote. Nutraceutical President Bruce Hough said the lawsuit had little to do with ephedra and more to do with forcing the FDA to follow the rules Congress set down for it. "This is a great affirmation for the system, that the court goes back and says, 'This is Congress' intent,' and follow it," he said. Ephedra opponents said the language in the order applies only to a very specific, lower-dosage segment of the market. The ruling's final page prohibits the FDA from enforcing the ban on Nutraceutical's supplements containing 10 milligrams or less of ephedra. Ten milligrams per day was the dosage of Nutraceutical's products. "No one - not the FDA, the supplement industry, nor the public - has been satisfied by how ephedra has been regulated," said Sen. Orrin Hatch (news, bio, voting record), R-Utah, who helped write the 1994 law that also deregulated the supplement industry. "Millions of people have used the product with satisfaction, but there is no doubt the product has had some serious problems," he said. Illinois Democratic U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, a frequent ephedra critic who worked for the ban, said the ruling underlined the need for "a mandatory and uniform system of reporting adverse health events that result from use of certain dietary supplements."

vXSevenXv Is ephedra really banned?? Cause when I was in walmart about a month ago I read the Trim Spa box and sure enough it said ephedrine wheich is the same as ephedra. Ephedrine HCL and ephedra are not the same thing.

GilgaMesH Yes it will achieve weight loss. In fact Ephedrine HCL > Ephedra .

Best Ephedra substitute on the market?

Monday, December 2, 2013

So real ephedra may be back on the market again soon.

So real ephedra may be back on the market again soon.

beaten to death yesterday

11teenth post.

Seeing as how it was banned for a reason, is getting ephedra back on the market a good thing?

there will still be idiots using it, and people abusing it.... so i just give it some more time before the media demonizes it again and it becomes illegal again... btw.. does that judges ruling mean it iwll be legal again? or is it just a smallstep?

dunfieldc Seeing as how it was banned for a reason, is getting ephedra back on the market a good thing? they banned it since you can't outlaw stupidity

the ruling doesn't necessarily mean it will be back on the market

the FDA can still reban it, they just need to find new language that won't get struck down

So real ephedra may be back on the market again soon.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

ECY and sleep patterns

ECY and sleep patterns

After doing a lot of research, I began taking ECY yesterday and I've had trouble falling asleep. How long does it typically take before the sleep patterns return to normal?

What time did you take it? I had trouble sleeping for a day or two.

edmang What time did you take it? I had trouble sleeping for a day or two. YC morning EC afternoon EC night (about 4 hours before I sleep) but I plan on adding one more EC around early evening in a few days. I want to take it slow and see how my body reacts.

Jago YC morning EC afternoon EC night (about 4 hours before I sleep) but I plan on adding one more EC around early evening in a few days. I want to take it slow and see how my body reacts. thats why yc at 8-9 am ec 11-12 pm ec 1-2 pm ec 3-4 pm

tize 12-14 days Wow, much longer than I thought. I'm worried about crashing in the middle of the day from fatigue (though I haven't felt any yet).

Jago YC morning EC afternoon EC night (about 4 hours before I sleep) but I plan on adding one more EC around early evening in a few days. I want to take it slow and see how my body reacts. Lyle McDonald In general, you should make sure your last dose of ephedrine comes no later than about 6 hours before your normal sleeping time (i.e. no later than 4pm if you normally go to sleep at 10pm); the stimulant effects keep many people up. So you might take a dose at 8am upon awakening, at 12 pm, and again at 4pm (assuming a 10pm sleep time). Just spread the three doses throughout the day, assuming you can tolerate all three. Note again that the stimulant effects tend to decrease with regular use (so do the appetite blunting effects, unfortunately) but the calorie burning effects continue unabated with at least one study suggesting that they increase with regular use. My last dose is usually at 4 pm.

Thanks guys, I'll try spacing the doses closer together (and all before 4 PM) and see how it works for me.

The only thing that makes my sleeping patterns fucked up is because I have to wake up so early to take yohimbine. Since its stacked with caffeine I can't fall back asleep. Since I can't eat anything I am hungry as shit. Hope its worth it!

Could it possibly have to do with the 25mg of E 4 hours before bed? I would take your first dose 45 minutes before lunch and your second dose 45 minutes before dinner. Although I still don't condone ECY due to its effect on the body and willpower.


AznRyda willpower? It makes you think that you can eat more because you are taking a magic pill.

ACURA TL-S It makes you think that you can eat more because you are taking a magic pill. the appetite suppressant effect keeps that from entering my mind

ACURA TL-S It makes you think that you can eat more because you are taking a magic pill. I've actually been eating less than I should since starting the stack.

I don't notice appetite suppressent effects, but I do eat a little cleaner because I want to make use of the benefits of the yohimbine. A lot of stuff on avant's board is against taking oral yohimbine, so I want to maximize effect and not need to take it for so long.

Lyle doesn't seem to be too enthralled with it either. But I have so many bottles, so I might as well use it. Damn stubburn fat.

I began adding a 3rd EC dosage today as planned and I felt slight chest pains afterwards. My heart rate was at 80 bpm though. I was kind of nervous about adding the dosage so I'm guessing it might have just been brought on by anxiety. Is this normal for the first few days with the additional dosage or should I go back to just 2 EC dosages a day? At this point, my plan is to try the 3 dosage EC schedule again tomorrow. If my body doesn't like it, I'm going back to just 2 EC dosages a day. On a related note, in the last 4 days I have lost 5 lbs. and a half inch off my waist. My energy level has been great and I don't feel fatigued or lethargic like I used to. My appetite has been much more suppresed that I had thought it would be on the stack. Believe it or not, I have to consciously remember to eat, I'm just so focused on work now I can easily forget to eat a meal since I don't really feel any hunger. Honestly, it's a little scary how effective ECY is.

Jago I began adding a 3rd EC dosage today as planned and I felt slight chest pains afterwards. My heart rate was at 80 bpm though. I was kind of nervous about adding the dosage so I'm guessing it might have just been brought on by anxiety. Is this normal for the first few days with the additional dosage or should I go back to just 2 EC dosages a day? At this point, my plan is to try the 3 dosage EC schedule again tomorrow. If my body doesn't like it, I'm going back to just 2 EC dosages a day. On a related note, in the last 4 days I have lost 5 lbs. and a half inch off my waist. My energy level has been great and I don't feel fatigued or lethargic like I used to. My appetite has been much more suppresed that I had thought it would be on the stack. Believe it or not, I have to consciously remember to eat, I'm just so focused on work now I can easily forget to eat a meal since I don't really feel any hunger. Honestly, it's a little scary how effective ECY is. ibwaterweight. your energy level isn't b/c of proper nutrition or improved metabolism. its b/c caffeine and ephedra are stimulants. of course they'll give you more "energy" personally for me, im not going to take ECY until i can keep a clean and successful cutting diet consistent for at least a few months. then the next time around, i'll know i have enough discipline to do it without ECY. good look anyway bro.

Atenza6i ibwaterweight. your energy level isn't b/c of proper nutrition or improved metabolism. its b/c caffeine and ephedra are stimulants. of course they'll give you more "energy" personally for me, im not going to take ECY until i can keep a clean and successful cutting diet consistent for at least a few months. then the next time around, i'll know i have enough discipline to do it without ECY. good look anyway bro. Oh yeah, I definitely think it's mostly water weight I'm losing right now. Just my body becoming adjusted to the stack. I've been on a cutting diet for a few weeks now. I just need to find more time to hit the gym to really feel the full effects. I've had a very inconsistent schedule for the last few months.

I still love my baton..

Jago Oh yeah, I definitely think it's mostly water weight I'm losing right now. Just my body becoming adjusted to the stack. I've been on a cutting diet for a few weeks now. I just need to find more time to hit the gym to really feel the full effects. I've had a very inconsistent schedule for the last few months. yeah, its tough but it'll become more routine the longer you do it. make sure you put up some progress pics in a bit.

Ilyusha I still love my baton.. Atenza6i yeah, its tough but it'll become more routine the longer you do it. make sure you put up some progress pics in a bit. Update, took 3 dosages today and no pain. Must have been anxiety last night.

ECY and sleep patterns

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