Sunday, January 26, 2014

:wtc: I love meat...but...

:wtc: I love meat...but... I do feel bad.

eat eggs

But eggs come from chickens with large talons that get beat and mistreated also!

y0gfx But eggs come from chickens with large talons that get beat and mistreated also! True Story. Can you be a body builder that only eats veggies?

hah i wonder if there are any BB vegetarians

eh whatever. animals are meant to be slaughtered.

cavefish never seen that one


suck it up... just be thankful you don't have to kill it yourself. shit like that is made to toy with your emotions... no one had a problem with it when they were hunting buffalo with a musket and having to pull dozens of lead balls from the meat as they ate... indians never once had a problem with it because they never wasted any part of the animal... why the fuck should pussy americans have a problem with it? (other than the fact that they're pussies). if they didn't do half that shit, the meat wouldn't taste as good as it does

<<< puts movie on pause, and goes to get said beef and pultry productrs to eat whil;e movie is playing I feel no remorse for cattle, i would kill them myself, and eat them, and not bat an eye.

superbri007 im eating a slim jim right now i dunno if i would classify that as a meat product.... maybe a fat product... shits nasty bro...

superbri007 things in moderation are good my broly, in moderation i dunno dude, i would rather go with pop tarts, or soem skittles...

Wait, they have vegetarian "starter kits" ?!?! Goddamn I need to get in on this. I'll start selling my own vegetarian starter kit that'll just contain a piece of paper that says "GO THE FUCKING GROCERY STORE AND BUY CARROTS, BITCH!!!!" I'll make millions.

Bill Pearl was a vegetarian?

:wtc: I love meat...but...

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