Friday, January 24, 2014

CEE questions...

CEE questions...

I searched but did not find the answers I was looking for. -Should I take CEE on my off days? -Should I take CEE with water, or with a carb source like OJ? (I don't mind the taste in water). -Should I take it before or after my workout? I am favoring taking it before because it helps with endurance and strength, and those things are key during a workout, not after.

yes, either i believe is fine, i prefer before, some split it before and after

Ive never taken CEE, but ive been tryin to read around and do some research on it, so in my opinion, although i could be wrong -no -carb source isnt important -before

Jeff Coleman Ive never taken CEE, but ive been tryin to read around and do some research on it, so in my opinion, although i could be wrong -no -carb source isnt important -before dont you take mono on both on and off days, so what changed?

ive never heard that you take creatine monohydrate on top of it

The main benefit of CEE over Mono is it's solubility in liquids, and thus easier assimilation into the blood and muscles... less of it sits in your gut causing cramps... Also i reccomend you all to check out the article on Which shatters alot of rumors about creatine...

To answer your questions though: 1) yes 2) doesn't really matter too much (Carbs will cause an insulin response in the blood which will increase absorption, however you can do up a PWO shake with protein and carbs which will work the best) 3) 1 hour before and within 1hour afterwards also you can do a dose in the morning as well... 3 grams should be sufficient in each dose... On off days one maintenance dose of 5 grams in the morning. (this is what I do based on trial and error)

Thank you everyone.

it tastes like shit as well.

CEE questions...

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