Showing posts with label protein shake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protein shake. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

having to force down breakfast?

having to force down breakfast?

I have had a hard time eating breakfast lately. Even after a good night's rest, I wake up, get ready and walk to get to the dining hall and thats a good 15-20 minutes after I wake up. I will take like two bites and either feel full or have some stomach pains. Anyone else have this problem? Anything I should do?

i know what you're talking about, it happens to me sometimes, not exactly sure why it is though, i usually wait a little bit and eat, but im also not bulking, if you're bulking i'd consider just forcing that shit down and toughing out the pain and you'll get used to it.

It happens to me alot I get a big glass of water, chew up my eggs and just wash it down

i'm STARVING as soon as i wake up. to the point where i hafta keep a banana close to me to down before i can even move.

happens to me every fucking day I normally just eat Oatmeal and a banana or something and force down my Creatine, glass of water, fish oil and all taht shit then I eat alot more later

i've just been making, skim milk or water, 2 scoops whey, 1/2cup oats, 2 tbsp peanut butter. Goes down quick and easy and that's like 600 cals.

This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down

I used to wake up fucking starving, but my appitite has been fubared for awhile.

i'm like that in the morning too....i just try to compensate by eating more later in the day

Lysine, B12, etc to promote appetite might help

Basically all my life I never ate anything untill noon-3 pm, I was just never hungry...At night I would eat constantly, everything in sight. As long as I don't eat too much at night I'm hungry in the morning

iGNiTE This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down werd, 3 eggs max for me in the morning.

iGNiTE This happens to me on a daily basis as well... fuckin sucks. The texture of eggs gets absolutely nasty when you are literally choking them down wow i could never put that into words until you said it. eggs are the worst thing to try and put down...but the other stuff is a lot easier.

my eggs are incredible

I think im just gonna start blending my entire breakfast into a shake and pounding it 5 minutes after I wake up. Anybody ever try to grind up toast and Vector cereal?

SickLife i'm STARVING as soon as i wake up. to the point where i hafta keep a banana close to me to down before i can even move. oh my god, i thought i was the only one. I wake up, grab the banana that I leave next to my bed and eat it.

i cant eat solid food for my first meal of the day, so i always do a shake. its not hard to crap 800-1000 calories into one, which i think is a pretty good start on the day

Ceaze my eggs are incredible my eggs are incredible edible eggs

I'm the same way, takes me awhile till I can eat... try taking a b vitamin complex... and stretching upon waking up...

jaymode I have had a hard time eating breakfast lately. Even after a good night's rest, I wake up, get ready and walk to get to the dining hall and thats a good 15-20 minutes after I wake up. I will take like two bites and either feel full or have some stomach pains. Anyone else have this problem? Anything I should do? im usually still full from the previous night (when bulking). i always have to wait a bit to eat and when i do its usually beef jerky and/or a protein shake for breakfast.

having to force down breakfast?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I'm looking at some protein shakes/drinks, which would serve a better purpose?

I'm looking at some protein shakes/drinks, which would serve a better purpose?

100% Whey OR Whey protein shake i'm gonna just be carrying a few water bottles filled with this stuff and drinking it throughout the day. do they taste like shit or does it gorw on you eventually?

after a while it just becomes routine

so which one do you suggest?

and you should be taking these shakes while bulking and cutting, right?

go with the ON 100% whey. And yes take them while bulking and cutting.

I'm looking at some protein shakes/drinks, which would serve a better purpose?

Monday, January 20, 2014

What have you consumed today?

What have you consumed today?

Breakfast: 1 cup of oatmeal, 2 slices whole wheat toast, 2 eggs, 3 strips of bacon. snack: scoop of vanilla ON whey and water with half a cup of organic milk lunch: 2 slices of flax bread with natural peanut butter, small spinach salad with crab meat snack: half scoop of vanilla ON whey and half a scoop of RPC and water with half a cup of organic milk dinner: grilled rosemary garlic marinated trout filets, red beans and rice. Water: 48 oz so far how about everyone else?

christophers 4 person boston market meal a beer a bag of m&m's a big skittles a bag of peanut butter m&m's a slurpee a cheesecake i want your diet.

the fatted calf and a pitcher of wine

Salad with turkey and hard boiled eggs at Saladworks, wheat roll. 2 slices dried pineapple. 1 panda licorice bar. 1 sugar-free fudge bar. 3 low-carb pitas with apple butter. 1 apple. I'm slacking

breakfast: 6 egg whites w/ pepper, 2 pieces of toast, cup of brown rice with 3/4 cup of mixed veges lunch: 2 cups brocolli, 3/4 cup oatmeal, 7.5-8oz chicken, natty pb&j sandwich, handfull mixed nuts, handfull golden raisins pre work food: casein protein shake(40g protein), 3/4 cup oats w/ 1 cup fat free plain yogurt and nutrasweet @ work: protein bar(20g) and 2 big ass pieces of birthday cake(boss's b-day) diner: cup of brown rice, 7oz chicken breast, 1.5 cups of brocolli, 3/4 cup of mixed veges all mixed together with some hot sauce, handful of nuts probably going to eat something else before bed. God I love not being on a diet. edit: mom just called and is bringing me home a 4 meat pizza.

According to fit day, not even close to enough Banana, raw 217 1 55 2 Pro Rated Whey Protein: Alpine Vanilla 120 2 4 22 Orange, raw 57 0 14 1 Oats, raw 233 4 41 10 Orange juice, NFS 113 0 27 2 Strawberries, frozen, unsweetened 30 0 8 0 Yogurt, plain, NS as to type of milk 78 2 9 6 Milk, cow's, fluid, 1% fat 306 8 35 33 Chicken, thigh, with or without bone, NS as to cooking method, NS as to skin eaten 347 22 0 35 Rice A Roni: Chicken 180 1 38 5 Corn, raw 66 1 15 2 ARCHWAY Home Style Cookies, Iced Oatmeal 123 5 18 1 Corn dog (frankfurter or hot dog with cornbread coating) 273 18 20 9 Steel Cut Oats 300 4 52 8 Margarine, stick, unsalted 77 9 0 0 Roll, white, soft 103 2 18 3 Totals 2623 77 354 141

8 oz milk + whey + oats eggs + turkey + rice thai bbq chicken + rice another shake

pizza, carrots,corn, turkey, omelet, sausage patties, salad, taco bell bean burritos, ice cream, cake, and some protein

6 wheat bix , just woke up

Peal 6 wheat bix , just woke up what is a wheat bix?

Beef jerky 129 8 3 10 Berries, raw, NFS 45 1 11 1 granola cereal 190 3 44 5 Yogurt, vanilla, lemon, maple, or coffee flavor, lowfat milk 209 3 34 12 Peanuts, roasted, salted 74 6 2 3 Beef jerky 129 8 3 10 Tuna, canned, water pack 132 1 0 29 Salad dressing, KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP LIGHT Dressing 49 4 3 0 Pickle relish, hot dog 14 0 4 0 Bread, whole wheat, 100% 138 2 26 5 Cheese, Swiss 213 16 2 16 Chicken, breast, with or without bone, broiled, skin not eaten 275 6 0 52 Broccoli, cooked, from fresh, fat not added in cooking 43 1 8 5 Carrots, cooked, from fresh, fat not added in cooking 70 0 16 2 Rice, brown, long-grain, cooked 216 2 45 5 Sherbet, all flavors 133 2 29 1 Totals 2060 62 230 157

egg sandwich bagel 3 donuts turkey club can of tuna 2 beefaronis 1 met rx protein bar i worked ~10 hours today so it wasnt all that bad of diet considering

polish hot dog on bun diet pepsi teaspoon of CEE pepper beef on rice and some chow mein some ice cream cottage cheese orange been slacking off today

an ice cube

SpeedyGST what is a wheat bix?

bowl of fruit 2 MRP shakes bag of beef jerky 6" steak/bbq sandwich bag of doritos 100oz water chicken breast baked potato

SteveO an ice cube fattie

3 slices of mixed grain bread 2 Slices of Mozzeralla 2 eggs 2 egg whites Protein Shake 1/2 a Cup of almonds Couple of Fish Oil capsules

wtf iCe and Chutups, that seems like it would be a inbetween meal snack.

my diet DUDE Meal DP Blizzard w/ butterfuinger and reeses Wendies DBL cheaseburger meal Junir Bacon Cheseburger Lots of cookies more DP

for april 24th 2 scoops of whey, 1 cup of oats, 2 tbs of olive oil, 2 eggs about 15-18 beers a few jellow shots a few strips of beef jerkey a few bites of a turkey sandwich 1/2 lb of shredded brisket, 6 slices of bread, 1/2 cup of potato salad 2 scoops of whey, 1 cup of oats, 2 tbs of olive oil, 2 eggs

yesterday I had jabalaya pasta with blackened chicken/sausage and garlic toast from applebees, 3 chickens strips and some fries off this one bitches plate, an oreo shake, 2 arby bacon cheddar melts, a pound of hamburger, 2 hotpockets, 2 pieces of cherry cobler, a chicken breast, a bowl of cereal, protein shake, 3 fruit and nut trailmix bars, a few handfuls of sunflower seeds and half a piece of some shitty cake

yesterday: Meal 1: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 2 scoops whey protein shake (pre-cardio) Meal 2: 4 egg whites, 3 whole eggs(7), Whole Wheat Bagel Meal 3: 1 chicken breast, brown rice, green beans Meal 4: 2 scoops whey protein shake, almonds Meal 5: 1 chicken breast, noodles, veggie Meal 6: 1 Hemilayan chicken curry, nan bread, white rice Meal 7: 1 sesame chicken breast, rice, from korean resteraunt

What have you consumed today?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Should I start drinking protein shakes? Also, rate my routine and diet.

Should I start drinking protein shakes? Also, rate my routine and diet.

I just started working out again heavily, but I don't know if I should drink protein shakes. I'll give you my routine and my diet, you let me know what you think . Routine - 5 day switch, HIIT Monday - chest Tuesday - shoulders Wednesday - biceps/triceps Thursday - off Friday - back Saturday - legs Sunday - off This is what I eat normally: Breakfast @ 8-9am: 10+10 Trader Joe's Cereal, 10 grams fiber, 10 grams protein (soy), banana, apple Lunch @ 12:30pm: regular turkey avocado from Togo's or something else remotely healthy (I'm trying to get in the habit of making my own sandwiches to take to school with me) Pre-workout ~4-6pm: sandwich, banana Start workout anywhere between 5-7pm, workout for 45 minutes or so and then do 20-30 minutes of cardio Post-workout ~6-8pm: sandwich or tuna on crackers + gatorade 30-45 minutes later I'll eat another small meal of either a sandwich or tuna I drink about 84 fl oz. of water per day (5 water bottles) including one during my workout. Should I start drinking protein shakes and if so, when?

I'm not seeing shoulder work, but I do like the two leg days, I would train legs in a westside manner or at least some type of CP if you are going to do two days.

ACURA TL-S I'm not seeing shoulder work, but I do like the two leg days, I would train legs in a westside manner or at least some type of CP if you are going to do two days. Crap. I only do legs one day on Saturday. Wednesday is shoulders.

diet rating: 3/10 if bulking, 5/10 if cutting looks like you could use a protein shake with breakfast, pre and post workout. edit: I'm assuming your bulking if you're doing HST. Eat more.

hootpie Should I start drinking protein shakes and if so, when? Yes. Whenever you can...mostly before and after workout (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

shastaisforwinners diet rating: 3/10 if bulking, 5/10 if cutting looks like you could use a protein shake with breakfast, pre and post workout. edit: I'm assuming your bulking if you're doing HST. Eat more. I am trying to clean bulk. What kind of protein shakes do you guys recommend?

What kind of protein shakes should I get? Do they replace meals?

if you have a costco membership get the powder there

twofourtysx if you have a costco membership get the powder there I'll check out Costco tomorrow or so. As for flavors, what tends to be the best tasting?

hootpie I'll check out Costco tomorrow or so. As for flavors, what tends to be the best tasting? chocolate they have 6lbs for $20

twofourtysx chocolate they have 6lbs for $20 Cool, thanks for the heads up.

twofourtysx chocolate they have 6lbs for $20 how's the stuff taste? that's a good price

SteveO how's the stuff taste? that's a good price I doubt it tastes like a Dove bar, but it's probably better than drinking fish juice

....personally, I wouldn't want to do shoulders the day after arms... cause if my triceps are sore... it would hinder my shoulder workout... (primarily in overhead press movements), I'd also keep chest and shoulder workouts as far apart as possilbe, or just do'em the same day (NOT split them either as in "AM" "PM" workouts).

is300eater ....personally, I wouldn't want to do shoulders the day after arms... cause if my triceps are sore... it would hinder my shoulder workout... (primarily in overhead press movements), I'd also keep chest and shoulder workouts as far apart as possilbe, or just do'em the same day (NOT split them either as in "AM" "PM" workouts). I don't know what's wrong with me. I totally wrote my workout wrong. Here's the non-crack smoker version: Monday - chest Tuesday - shoulders Wednesday - biceps/triceps Thursday - off Friday - back Saturday - legs Sunday - off

hootpie I don't know what's wrong with me. I totally wrote my workout wrong. Here's the non-crack smoker version: Monday - chest Tuesday - shoulders Wednesday - biceps/triceps Thursday - off Friday - back Saturday - legs Sunday - off Your shoulders aren't taxed from chest day?

Ilyusha Your shoulders aren't taxed from chest day? They are, but not too much to the point where it hinders my shoulder workout. By the way, I solved my headache problem.

hootpie They are, but not too much to the point where it hinders my shoulder workout. By the way, I solved my headache problem. Congrats.

Ilyusha Congrats. was getting VERY bothersome.

Should I start drinking protein shakes? Also, rate my routine and diet.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

whats so good about oatmeal?

whats so good about oatmeal?

why is it part of almost everyone's bulking diet?

Clean carbs? Nutritious at the same time. Ok,I don't know. I just eat what ppl recommend.

StoneCold why is it part of almost everyone's bulking diet? (low gi), cheap, can be mixed in shakes

SteveO (low gi), cheap, can be mixed in shakes Also, pretty calorie dense.

pt used it

ACURA TL-S Also, pretty calorie dense. not really

Ceaze not really Ya, your right, I thought it was something like 600 calories a cup. Thatll teach me to think.

i eat oatmeal frequently, but i'm cutting fat


whats the trick to keeping oatmeal from settleing at the bottom of my protein shake? the last two drinks are always full of oatmeal and it makes me gag.

I can eat a lot of it for 300 calories.

not part of mine

It should be a part of your diet bulking or not

Ero whats the trick to keeping oatmeal from settleing at the bottom of my protein shake? the last two drinks are always full of oatmeal and it makes me gag. Blend the oats into a powder first then add everything else.

its got oats, and its a meal. nice combo in my book! also, unrefined. hard to find that these days.

Oats + Mouth = win. I just eat them raw.

Ero whats the trick to keeping oatmeal from settleing at the bottom of my protein shake? the last two drinks are always full of oatmeal and it makes me gag. Keep shakin it. No matter how fine you blend it, it will eventually settle because it doesn't dissolve. I usually uise 0.5-1 cup of oatmeal per 1.5-2 scoops of protein

i just bought some i'll be eating them in the morning for breafast now with some egg whites.

I use it when cutting as well

Ero whats the trick to keeping oatmeal from settleing at the bottom of my protein shake? the last two drinks are always full of oatmeal and it makes me gag. thicker shakes. IE = more solid stuffs. but i make fruit shakes, most people round here make milkshakes and shit so i dont know what solids you would add other than peanut butter or more oats.

PurEvl I use it when cutting as well

fiber and it also lowers your cholesterol.. but not those quick instant oatmeals tho(too much sugar), it has to be the old fashioned one..

PurEvl I use it when cutting as well same

1) Very low GI 2) Good for calories 3) Contains GLA 3) Good source of soluble fiber 4) Contains more minerals then many other grains 5) Has atleast a little protein 6) Damn tasty is prepaired right 7) Can be very filling when dieting(a good thing)

whats so good about oatmeal?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Greatest Protein Shake Ever

Greatest Protein Shake Ever

On a cheat day, so what the hell. - low fat cookies & cream ice cream - skim milk - 1 serving of peanut butter - 2 scoops of whey = The hotness.

if its on my cheat day i'd use regular icecream not low fat. but yea, i always use pb, icecream and whey to make shakes when i feel like a treat

i hate pb in my shake

And why can you only have that on a cheat day? Shit, while cutting I'd add a cup of oats to that

that doesnt sound too bad.

3 scoops vanilla ice cream 50g strawberry flavoured whey banana enough 2% milk to fill the rest = Hotness of the sun

eddscat And why can you only have that on a cheat day? Shit, while cutting I'd add a cup of oats to that shadowx On a cheat day, so what the hell. - low fat cookies & cream ice cream - skim milk - 1 serving of peanut butter - 2 scoops of whey = The hotness. .

Zaffir . Why I eat donuts while cutting.

interesting mix

I always add peanut butter when I have a blender. I will have to try it with some ice cream.

Greatest Protein Shake Ever

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

If you know your going to get totally trashed tonight...

If you know your going to get totally trashed tonight...

What would you do? Take a few protein shakes before? I know im going to be drunk tonight

protein shake with 4 tablespoons of olive oil in it, and drink another protein shake after you drink and like 3 glasses of water. you'll be super duper a-okay

just mix 12oz beer with 1 scoop of whey and enjoy x 10 when i get drunk i remember to eat something, usually some cottage cheese or some sort of protien before i pass out, and drink one big glass of water and take another to bed with me.


i wouldnt worry about it.. just get plenty of water before bed. maybe down some milk?

jonno i wouldnt worry about it.. just get plenty of water before bed. maybe down some milk? Im lactose intollerant.... thats why i switched from water to milk for my protein shakes.....

deznutz Im lactose intollerant.... thats why i switched from water to milk for my protein shakes..... scratch that then

honestly... this is all you need to know about hangovers etc.

deznutz Im lactose intollerant.... thats why i switched from water to milk for my protein shakes..... soy milk!

Lots of water while drinking and lots more right before bed. Take 2 advil before you hit the sack as well. One of my most successful drinking nights happened when I was about 18 - I had 2 big macs right before my friend's party, and drank like a fucking beast and felt smooth all night (no crazy spikes and dips in drunkedness) and felt great in the morning. So drink lots of water and eat more than you normally do before the party and you're all set.

Children's Ped-A-Lite. Best stuff ever created for eliminating hangovers. Drink some before going to bed/passing out. Wake up and have some more.

im not worried about hangovers....more about the nutrition aspect... maybe i should eat less for dinner, that way i can have more cals when i drink?

1 beer is barely more alcohol than a shot = 100 - 150 cals 1 shot of liquor is barely less alcohol than a beer = 70cals, 0carbs,0fat,0protein. Alcohol is its own calorie.

I wouldnt even waste my time trying to eat right or goto the gym that night or the next 2 days...its pointless

Smoke a joint in the morning...

I am always fine to work out the day after I drink. Just eat good and drink lots of water and you are perfectly fine.

"Headaches result from dehydration because the body's organs try to make up for their own water loss by stealing water from the brain" man fuck that

Alcohol + Dairy = bad news For me at least

PurEvl I wouldnt even waste my time trying to eat right or goto the gym that night or the next 2 days...its pointless


As an experience alcoholic take my advice- protein slows the synthesis of alcohol, so eat that before you start drinking (usually a bunch of tuna or a steak or some chicken wtfever...). Before you go to bed, and if you are really drunk this can be hard to do, but try to get 4-5-6 glasses of water pounded. Thats all there is too it, if you don't drink the water you are fucked. Eating tons of bread won't soak it up or anything so don't bother. Another thing I found that helps out is to have pre-made healthy foods out for when you get the munchies, with your inhibitions down its easy to want to go grab fast food or something will regret it the next day and feel like a fat ass. Just make something and put it in the fridge so later when you are stumbling around it will seem like a burried treasure and you can devour it

alcohol is 7 calories per gram, but the body doesnt use it for exercise. It's also a diuretic. Being drunk won't do anything do your muscles, just factor in the calories, and make sure you drink water and burn the Cals. eat less today so you are more easily affected by the alch...then eat more tomorrow after you've pissed it out.

joy division As an experience alcoholic take my advice- protein slows the synthesis of alcohol, so eat that before you start drinking (usually a bunch of tuna or a steak or some chicken wtfever...). Before you go to bed, and if you are really drunk this can be hard to do, but try to get 4-5-6 glasses of water pounded. Thats all there is too it, if you don't drink the water you are fucked. Eating tons of bread won't soak it up or anything so don't bother. Another thing I found that helps out is to have pre-made healthy foods out for when you get the munchies, with your inhibitions down its easy to want to go grab fast food or something will regret it the next day and feel like a fat ass. Just make something and put it in the fridge so later when you are stumbling around it will seem like a burried treasure and you can devour it as an experienced alcoholic I can say that just chugging water before bed and not eating anything works just fine. fuck the protein you're body doesnt want to digest MORE while you're sleeping...its already working hard on the alcohol.

Z PYRATE as an experienced alcoholic I can say that just chugging water before bed and not eating anything works just fine. fuck the protein you're body doesnt want to digest MORE while you're sleeping...its already working hard on the alcohol. and when you wake up with piss all over yourself, remember that

if you really care about the nutrition aspect of it, don't drink

If you know your going to get totally trashed tonight...

protein shake and the liver

protein shake and the liver

my friend keeps telling me that its bad for your liver. could he be right? discuss.

Joser could he be right? no

i drink on average 3 shakes a day, 2 scoops each. Ive done this for about the past 2 years. I just got my liver/kidney/cholesterol/blood lipids/blood pressure checked from the doctor, and everything is perfect. Tell your friend not to get his news from the media

Jeff Coleman i drink on average 3 shakes a day, 2 scoops each. Ive done this for about the past 2 years. I just got my liver/kidney/cholesterol/blood lipids/blood pressure checked from the doctor, and everything is perfect. Tell your friend not to get his news from the media ai ai captain

wow i thought my friends were dumb

deznutz wow i thought my friends were dumb probably the same type of kid who gets wasted every week

Joser my friend keeps telling me that its bad for your liver. could he be right? discuss. what is there to discuss? your friend is a fucking idiot.

Ceaze probably the same type of kid who gets wasted every week i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine

mike i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine how do you know? And i wonder why you have low test

mike i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine Liver transplant patients < * They are in the worst condition out of anyone in the hospital. Don't drink 4 times/week dude.

I think alcohol lowers testosteron production. Don't get wasted 4 times a week. What's the point really?

Ilyusha Liver transplant patients < * They are in the worst condition out of anyone in the hospital. Don't drink 4 times/week dude. meh, if that were the case than 50% of college would need a transplant by graduation =p

mike meh, if that were the case than 50% of college would need a transplant by graduation =p Most are white males in their 40's who come from small towns in the northern part of California. Mostly Redding and the areas around there.. it sucks man. Liver transplants are a bitch, and most can thank alcoholism for them.

mike meh, if that were the case than 50% of college would need a transplant by graduation =p i'll be in teh hospital next to you broly

whats with F&N broly's drinking....

I dont drink like that anymore but first, the gains ive seen by stopping have been less then spectacular, and two, I'd be lying bad if i said i don't miss those days.

smoke weed!!!1! no calories+no side effects+no addiction+much better, non hungover feeling-the price(for non growers)=teh win.

incubimmer smoke weed!!!1! no calories+no side effects+no addiction+much better, non hungover feeling-the price(for non growers)=teh win.

mike i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine why would you drink that much if your were truly serious about training, especially when compounded with low test?

incubimmer smoke weed!!!1! no calories+no side effects+no addiction+much better, non hungover feeling-the price(for non growers)=teh win. not too mention, its a great aid for bulking

HYEEEEYEYEYYEYEYE smoke weed every day.

Dragon not too mention, its a great aid for bulking and it makes you stupid as fuck (no offense)

SteveO and it makes you stupid as fuck (no offense) For.. like.. 2 hours bro.

Ilyusha For.. like.. 2 hours bro. right.. everyone I know that smokes is stupid as shit. Most people will say the same except for the ones that smoke it, and don't actually see the handicap setting in because it's a slow process

SteveO right.. everyone I know that smokes is stupid as shit. Most people will say the same except for the ones that smoke it, and don't actually see the handicap setting in because it's a slow process I got my best best marks at university the last 2 years when I smoked regularly, and I'd now consider my sucessful engineer doing what I love. I've also know engineers who were 'A' students through HS and university who were regular smokers. So please don't generalize just because you know a couple of people who got stupid

protein shake and the liver

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Need some advise about drinking creatine.

Need some advise about drinking creatine.

Should I drink my creatine all before I workout or should I drink some of it then the rest during my workout. I"m thinking maybe if I drink alittle in the begining and then the rest during my workout I'll have energy all throughout my workout.

Creatine = STEROIDS!!!!!

After your workout, tho i take it during and after

cbrpimp [img]images/smilies/gtfo2.gif[/img] you suck at the image linking. But anyways.. I take my creatine about 30min before my workout

mtnbike4522 you suck at the image linking. But anyways.. I take my creatine about 30min before my workout Cool. I just want to know what other poeple do. I don't want to run out of energy so that why I started taking some before my workout and some during.

If you don't want to run out of energy so bad, work out more.

I drink it during

Isnt it best to drink some before, and some after the workout? This way you have the muscles being able to regenarate faster during the work out, and after your done they heal super fast.

damiand Isnt it best to drink some before, and some after the workout? because of all the conflicting information, that's what i do.

Drink it immediatly after. Along with a Protein shake. And eat too. Heres some info. Research it yourself.

im pretty sure the creatine isnt going to give you energy on the spot bro. i take mine after.

i dunno but once when i took creatine it made me an angry person! but other times i was perfectly fine. dont take any advice from me though =p

i take mine before my 7 am work out and after my night work out

I drink it immediatly after. Follow up with a protein shake and food. Dont forget the food. Your body will absorb all that shit because it needs to be re-fuled.

I take it about 45minutes before. AmCo i dunno but once when i took creatine it made me an angry person! but other times i was perfectly fine. dont take any advice from me though =p

Need some advise about drinking creatine.

Sunday, December 29, 2013



lately it seems like no matter what i what i eat, from as simple as an apple to a protein shake mix, i feel bloated constantly.... suggestions



Saturday, December 28, 2013

Most disgusting thing happened today *pool incident*

Most disgusting thing happened today *pool incident*

at least it didn't happen to me 10 laps: everything is fine 20 laps: I see my lane mate going slower 30 laps: I can hear our coach yelling but I'm not giving a fuck about it, I'm not 16 anymore 38 laps: I accidentally hit my lane mate because he's all over the place so I stop, ask him if he's ok (he's looking a bit pale but he says he's fine) and just when I'm about to drag him to the edge he kinda passes out so I hurry the fuck up and drag him out of the pool and when I'm about to lift him out of it he pukes, all over my arm (at this point I felt like joining him ) and into the pool everyone rushed out of the pool like those "Mu" things you see in Discovery channel it was ungodly funny to see What happened? He took his protein shake and oats 15 minutes before going to the pool he cut his digestion process and could have died (either from an Embolism or drowned) That's all, it was a rather interesting afternoon

Isn't that whole digestion thing a bit of a myth?? Not saying he didn't have a problem today!! Just that it was unlikely it was due to swimming after eating.

RenaultFreak What happened? He took his protein shake and oats 15 minutes before going to the pool he must be under pt's tutelage

Elfling Isn't that whole digestion thing a bit of a myth?? Not saying he didn't have a problem today!! Just that it was unlikely it was due to swimming after eating. myth or not it doesn't seem unreasonable to wait or at least try a smaller size snack if you are going to swim right afterwards

RenaultFreak myth or not it doesn't seem unreasonable to wait or at least try a smaller size snack if you are going to swim right afterwards I've experienced it

did you eat it? thats wasted protein

Ceaze he must be under pt's tutelage ahahahahaha is he fat at 205?

PurEvl ahahahahaha is he fat at 205? any updates on this guy?

Do what?

Filmboy44 did you eat it? thats wasted protein I nearly died from the stench in my arm, let alone sucking all the vomit in the edge/pool/arm I don't see you sucking your own sperm when you masturbate, that's also wasted protein

RenaultFreak I nearly died from the stench in my arm, let alone sucking all the vomit in the edge/pool/arm I don't see you sucking your own sperm when you masturbate, that's also wasted protein

RenaultFreak I nearly died from the stench in my arm, let alone sucking all the vomit in the edge/pool/arm I don't see you sucking your own sperm when you masturbate, that's also wasted protein Best quote EVAR!

cut his digestion process.... he should have tried interorectogestion.

Elfling Best quote EVAR! maybe filmy does, who really knows?

you know what really sucks, is the pool has to be drained and refilled before anyone is allowed to swim in it again = at least by our university rules. maybe your's will just skim the chunks out and also, whats with that massive distance?? surely not everyone on your team is a distance swimmer. 1900+ yards is a lil extreme for anyone in one setting.

don't let those calories get away

kronik85 you know what really sucks, is the pool has to be drained and refilled before anyone is allowed to swim in it again = at least by our university rules. maybe your's will just skim the chunks out and also, whats with that massive distance?? surely not everyone on your team is a distance swimmer. 1900+ yards is a lil extreme for anyone in one setting. I regularly do 1500 metres which is about 1630+ yards, must guys there can easily double me 1900 yards doesn't sound a lot to them. edit: and no, there is no need to drain the whole pool, they just "catch" the "big chunks" with some sort of vaccum tool then change the 6 filters, run the pumps for 24 hours (enough to filter the whole pool twice) then replace the filters, stabilize PH levels, add chlorine and check for bacteria/organisms with one of those kits in 6 different points. The pool will be ready next friday. You swim in filthier places most times but since this is a specialized swimming center it needs to meet international standards of sanity and water quality. Oh I asked about this a lot

Most disgusting thing happened today *pool incident*

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Question about creatine ethyl ester

Question about creatine ethyl ester

I just started taking cee about a week ago. I am taking it in the recommended dosage, 2 teaspoons (5g) per serving once a day. Or should I be doing 1 teaspoon twice a day? I find that when I take it on off days it seems like I just shit it right out. Are you supposed to take it right after/before a meal? Also, is it okay to take it with my protein shake in a glass of milk?

i searched and couldn't find much, any help?

2 tsp != 5g you should not shit out cee. personal preference. though your muscles are primed for nutrient intake post workout. i take it after, nothing wrong with it in protein shake but i put oj in my mouth and just toss the dose in. i always feel like i'm losing all the shit stuck on the glass when im done with my shake

maniak I just started taking cee about a week ago. I am taking it in the recommended dosage, 2 teaspoons (5g) per serving once a day. Or should I be doing 1 teaspoon twice a day? I find that when I take it on off days it seems like I just shit it right out. Are you supposed to take it right after/before a meal? Also, is it okay to take it with my protein shake in a glass of milk? From what I have found on the internet, take it with just water. I take my creatine with water. The best way I have found it to boil about 3oz of water and then spoon in the CEE. Then pour that in your water bottle. This way you get all the CEE.

I just mix it and the di-arg malate with orange juice and chug it 15-30 minutes before each workout.

cavefish I just mix it and the di-arg malate with orange juice and chug it 15-30 minutes before each workout. I thought that Orange Juice was something that you definitely shouldn't drink it with?

There's nothing wrong with taking creatine with any kind of juice, why would you think otherwise?

cavefish There's nothing wrong with taking creatine with any kind of juice, why would you think otherwise? People said that with creatine monohydrate because the acidity will make it degrade to creatinine faster....but the stomach is a hell of a lot more acidic than some fucking OJ. CEE doesn't have the problem with degradation.

I take it preworkout too.

cavefish I just mix it and the di-arg malate with orange juice and chug it 15-30 minutes before each workout.

aenz 2 tsp != 5g you should not shit out cee. personal preference. though your muscles are primed for nutrient intake post workout. i take it after, nothing wrong with it in protein shake but i put oj in my mouth and just toss the dose in. i always feel like i'm losing all the shit stuck on the glass when im done with my shake I was just going by what it says on the bottle. I got it from BAC and it says 2 level teaspoons has 5g of cee. I don't think I am absorbing all the cee when I notice my bowels. Should I take less, maybe 1 teaspoon or break up the dosage, maybe twice a day instead of once?

From what I understand 5g a day isnt really necessary. My canister says 1/4tsp = 550mg of CEE. I just eyeball 1 teaspoon and it seems to work fine.

cavefish From what I understand 5g a day isnt really necessary. My canister says 1/4tsp = 550mg of CEE. I just eyeball 1 teaspoon and it seems to work fine. Thanks. Yea, I am gonna try and lower the dosage. Because a lot of it is obviously just passing through my system now.

How is it that you know that you're shitting out CEE?

Ilyusha How is it that you know that you're shitting out CEE?

lol, pics?

kronik85 lol, pics? you are a sick person...

tize ... ban

Are you trying to get banned tize?

cavefish Are you trying to get banned tize?

Cavefish Do it one more time, I dare you. I double dare you motherfucker, post NWS material one more goddamn time. Calm down, big man.

Ilyusha Calm down, big man. Someone needs to watch Pulp Fiction

cavefish Someone needs to watch Pulp Fiction

Don't be too sure.

Question about creatine ethyl ester

Monday, December 23, 2013

Damn it I did it again (cutting)...

Damn it I did it again (cutting)...

I always do this, started cutting again today seriously after 2 weeks of cheating, started the day off right, 2 eggs +1 white and 1 cup of oats, then a tuna wrap and then a 55g protein shake and a burger patty w/o bun, then... I just went off and in the last 2 hours I've eaten 2 Cinnebon cinamon buns, a frosted chocolate cupcake (very big), 3 oreos, a piece of banana bread and some other crap.... anyone else have a LOT of trouble sticking to a clean diet?

You need to learn self control say to yourself 'Will i fell good about this an hour from now?' Remember food is fuel not fun.

Really fucking weaksauce.

There's this vending machine at my work that has these Skippy Peanutbutter Snackbars. They're like pure peanut butter with rice krispies on the inside. Absolutely delicious. In front of me was my plain chicken berast-on-cardboard sandwich, some cottage cheese, a yogurt, and some reheated brown rice. I ate all my food just fine, but I was still a *little* bit hungry. You have no idea how hard it was for me to sit in front of that fucking vending machine and not get a peanut butter bar. In reality, that bar isn't too bad for my diet. But alas, I made a commitment to eat nothing but healthy, clean foods. You just have to look at what you're doing. Eating all that not-so-great tasting foods just so you can better your health. So, why go through all the trouble eating all that healthy shit if you're just going to waste any profit gained from eating healthy by binging on a bunch of junk food. It's all about self-control. Learn it.


You can't even make it one day? Jesus. I won't tell you how many calories are in those cinnabon things...but let's just say you really, really have to cut that shit out. Have you tried starting small (very little sugar, diet sodas only, no candy, chips, etc) instead of diving straight into an egg white and oats diet? Baby steps...sounds like you need to ween yourself off of the trash.

Wow you really suck at dieting

Alt+F4 You can't even make it one day? Jesus. I won't tell you how many calories are in those cinnabon things...but let's just say you really, really have to cut that shit out. Have you tried starting small (very little sugar, diet sodas only, no candy, chips, etc) instead of diving straight into an egg white and oats diet? Baby steps...sounds like you need to ween yourself off of the trash. I think it would be more helpful to him if we told him. Cinnomin roll x 2: 1480 calories Oreo x 3: 160 calories Banana Bread x 1: 185 calories Large frosted cupcake x1: ~150 calories (or more) So that little binge costed you more than 2000 calories because you probably didn't list everything you ate. You need to seriously reevaluate why you're doing this and how important it is to you. If you're trying to lose weight, 2000 calories is probably all you should eat/drink (of clean foods) throughout an entire day. So fix your diet before you come here looking for sympathy.

i just ate half a pizza =(

You have no self controll, you can eat that shit, just not that much... My cutting diet today BOB mcdonalds

vettedude You have no self controll, you can eat that shit, just not that much... My cutting diet today BOB mcdonalds this coming from someone at what weight and body fat? You simply don't eat that shit when you're cutting. Useless calories, and see the post on 'Insulin', you might learn something.

SteveO this coming from someone at what weight and body fat? You simply don't eat that shit when you're cutting. Useless calories, and see the post on 'Insulin', you might learn something. well, i am still loosing weight eating whatever the fuck i want, until this stops, i will continue to do it.

I wish I could get good results fucking around and eating whatever. When I put time and effort in something I want good results fast, so I try not to cheat. I value my time too much. i'd rather spend more time eating and getting stronger than feeling lethargic cutting.

seriously you suck at dedication and fitness

I find it easy to eat clean. I've been eating almost the same stuff everyday and I'm not getting bored at all. If I do have a cheat day I'm going to work it off to limit its effects

Soularis I find it easy to eat clean. I've been eating almost the same stuff everyday and I'm not getting bored at all. If I do have a cheat day I'm going to work it off to limit its effects I just love eating a ton of food. My cheat day is eating a ton of clean food. fuck variety!

I don't think cutting is that bad if you eat the right things. I don't really get that hungry even when I was cutting since I was still eating like 6x a day. You just have no motivation and a weak sense of self control.

D-GUy I don't think cutting is that bad if you eat the right things. I don't really get that hungry even when I was cutting since I was still eating like 6x a day. You just have no motivation and a weak sense of self control. whats your body fat and are you taking any supplements? I think about food a lot more nowadays then I used too.

QBoost Controllers I always do this, started cutting again today seriously after 2 weeks of cheating, started the day off right, 2 eggs +1 white and 1 cup of oats, then a tuna wrap and then a 55g protein shake and a burger patty w/o bun, then... I just went off and in the last 2 hours I've eaten 2 Cinnebon cinamon buns, a frosted chocolate cupcake (very big), 3 oreos, a piece of banana bread and some other crap.... anyone else have a LOT of trouble sticking to a clean diet? well, this is why moderation is so important to most people. i mean, if you are strong enough to stay clean 100% on your diet, then sure, nothing will ever distract you.. but if you are just like the rest of us, you have to slowly change your diet, gradually.. when you cut all the junk dramatically, in your head, you are depriving, and as a consequence, you will binge on junks the very next second comes by... the worse thing is that the more you eat junk, the more you crave them so its just a vicious cycle you go through... instead of thinking you are dieting(restricting), think that you are actually eating better food and enjoying them.. i know it sounds hard, but the first 3-4 days are the hardest.. but i promise that after that, you won't even miss the junk.. it takes about 3-4 days for your body to completely get rid of sugar & junks.. good luck.

AznRyda whats your body fat and are you taking any supplements? I think about food a lot more nowadays then I used too. No clue what my bf%, but my cutting calories was around 1800(11x165). Mainly ate oatmeal, chicken breasts, tuna, wheat bread, veges, and took my whey protein after working out. You just have to get used to eating less, it's all in your head.

D-GUy No clue what my bf%, but my cutting calories was around 1800(11x165). Mainly ate oatmeal, chicken breasts, tuna, wheat bread, veges, and took my whey protein after working out. You just have to get used to eating less, it's all in your head. That's the fucking truth. Just look at that junk food in front of you and ask yourself - am I really hungry? Is this really worth it? Most the time I find myself about to eat some junk food I find that I'm really not hungry at all. It's just a mental thing. I feel like I should always be eating.

xpinchx That's the fucking truth. Just look at that junk food in front of you and ask yourself - am I really hungry? Is this really worth it? Most the time I find myself about to eat some junk food I find that I'm really not hungry at all. It's just a mental thing. I feel like I should always be eating. I think that only works up to a certain point. I think its fairly easy/straightforward going to average body fat levels.

well I at too clean and not enough cals so I lost alot of my bulking gains.

AznRyda I think that only works up to a certain point. I think its fairly easy/straightforward going to average body fat levels. Yeah. My mom jumped on the Atkins bandwagon and she lost something ridiculous like 20 lbs in 3-4 weeks and she looked great. But after that she didn't lose any weight at all so she got discouraged and stopped the diet. She blew back up like a baloon. I wish people would just eat healthy.

I have been cutting for about 12 weeks now and have never had problems like that. Some people call my diet shitty but it's incredibly clean compared to yours. I think you need to practice some self control. without that, you may as well get your stomach stapled, it'd be the only way for you to limit your caloric intake and still eat as much as you want/could.

Damn it I did it again (cutting)...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Zero carbs?

Zero carbs?

I cant seem to find anything on zero carbs on offtopic because of the millions of threads returned when searching for zero carbs and google doesnt return much either. Going to do a zero carb diet for 3 weeks, mostly protein and some clean fat. After 3 weeks go up to 5g for a week then 10g for a week etc. Anyone ever done an absolute 0 carbs per day diet? like only chicken, egg whites, tuna, pure protein shake in water, and a few select cheeses, etc.?

Wouldn't that like kill your energy? I get tons of energy from my morning protein shake, but I figured carbs would load you up on energy.

ryazbeck I cant seem to find anything on zero carbs on offtopic because of the millions of threads returned when searching for zero carbs and google doesnt return much either. Going to do a zero carb diet for 3 weeks, mostly protein and some clean fat. After 3 weeks go up to 5g for a week then 10g for a week etc. Anyone ever done an absolute 0 carbs per day diet? like only chicken, egg whites, tuna, pure protein shake in water, and a few select cheeses, etc.? I use it all the time when competeing, what do you look like? How much muscle you got, zero carbs isnt for normal everyday gym people. You will piss through muscle like water, unless your really fat

0 carbs for 3 weeks? you're going to last a few days then give up. you will feel like complete shit. why not just go on a normal diet?

jonno 0 carbs for 3 weeks? you're going to last a few days then give up. you will feel like complete shit. why not just go on a normal diet? Does 0 carbs make you lose a lot of energy?

6'1.5" about and 214lb. i'd say about 12-14%BF. i've dieted before, 800 - 1200 cals a day like 10 - 15g of carbs and about 5 - 10g of fat. with one cheat day a week for like 5 weeks before and went from 18% to 12% bf. i know what its like to have no energy and have to struggle through the day because of a hardcore diet. damn i thought the good thing about zero carb was that you wouldnt lose lots of fat.


look up my diet, I posted i a few days ago, get an idea from that

thats not too low carb though. i swear i've read in many places theres benefits to low carb or zero carb diets, i could make my own diet fine and do high carb, i've done it plenty, but im interested in zero carb. does anyone have any input on zero carb?

ryazbeck thats not too low carb though. i swear i've read in many places theres benefits to low carb or zero carb diets, i could make my own diet fine and do high carb, i've done it plenty, but im interested in zero carb. does anyone have any input on zero carb? 60 carbs 5 days a week? umm ok good luck

You'll find it extremely difficult to find things that are zero carb. Why would you want to do zero carb?

Davo You'll find it extremely difficult to find things that are zero carb. Why would you want to do zero carb? not really eat boiled chicken with brocolli all day, zero carbs, broc is fiberous doesnt effect you the way rice would

search for ketosis or keto diet

I've gone on near 0 carbs for weeks if not months. I was okay on it or at least I thought so. Though now that I go for a little higher carbs (50-100g) I realize the difference energy wise and in my workouts. Lose weight abit slower but probably maintain more muscle.

so you actually do lose a fair amount of muscle on 0 carb? I bulk really easy. and i've done 2 low cals diets, 800 - 1200 cals one was 5 - 15g carbs a day and i barely lose any muscle. i suppose i could just try it and after 1 week and 2 weeks see how much muscle i've lost. i think i may workout not so hard when im on this diet as well. and there are plenty of 0 carb foods, nothing wrong with eating lots of chicken breast and clean steak, egg whites, and muenster cheese.

KingGargantuan search for ketosis or keto diet this is what made me decide to do 0 carb diet.

timberwolf I've gone on near 0 carbs for weeks if not months. I was okay on it or at least I thought so. Though now that I go for a little higher carbs (50-100g) I realize the difference energy wise and in my workouts. Lose weight abit slower but probably maintain more muscle. wow. i could never go on near 0 carbs for months.

i read some guy's account about how he did 0 carb for 4 months and lost 60 pounds.

ryazbeck i read some guy's account about how he did 0 carb for 4 months and lost 60 pounds. he probably also weighed 300+

I don't see the point of zero carbs, especially if you live a fairly active lifestyle. Just eat fewer calories and you'll lose weight.

i like to experiment with different diets and shit, its fun and educational and i like to do it. i posted this thread to get feedback on the idea and i get criticized, and people saying dont do that blah blah NIIICE

ryazbeck i like to experiment with different diets and shit, its fun and educational and i like to do it. i posted this thread to get feedback on the idea and i get criticized, and people saying dont do that blah blah NIIICE Same way here bro. I think 1200 cal is way to low for someone your size though. But commend the attempt in the spirit of experimentation.

ryazbeck i like to experiment with different diets and shit, its fun and educational and i like to do it. i posted this thread to get feedback on the idea and i get criticized, and people saying dont do that blah blah NIIICE If you are experimenting, then why do you need information? At the end of the experiment, you should see the results and be able to deduce whether or not it was a good idea in the first place.

hell yeah 1200 is way too fucking low for me, but i wanted to see how hardcore i could do it. i always try to find the fastest ways to lose fat but i do it kinda sloppy sometimes, like i did that and then just quit the diet cold and went back up to like 3k and barely gained any fat, its weird, my body is weird. i lost hardly ANY muscle at all on my 1200 cal diet either.

Zero carbs?

Friday, December 20, 2013

I went running today

I went running today

I'm going to start going in the mornings now, becuase it's getting too hot, even at 5pm, to go running at night at a reasonable time. Ran between 4 and 5 miles (don't know for sure, it isn't measured) in about 35 minutes. My late June 10k goal time of 40 minutes is within reach

i went for a run yesterday also. got a nice tan its best to do cardio in the morning on an empty stomache anyway.

jonno i went for a run yesterday also. got a nice tan its best to do cardio in the morning on an empty stomache anyway. Very argumentative.

I do cardio on an empty stomach (well except for the morning vitamins and HEAT stack) and then later in the evening a few hours after lifting. I just tend to walk an hour at a time though as opposed to running long distances.

I get a much better workout if I have eaten something for energy

Ran again this morning, and both mornings on an empty stomach. When I'm training, I usually wake up and, less than 20 minutes later, I'm running, so I don't worry about empty stomach. The morning before a race, though, I usually have some toast and a banana or something to give me a little extra energy while still being easy on the ol' stomach. NEVER have pancakes before a race, though. (Learned that the hard way...)

I wish I had never stopped running. I find it hard to get myself back into the grind of things, but the New England weather seems to be very demotivational when it comes to wanting to go out in the cold. I'm heading to boot in Parris Island in September though and want to have a good endurance base. Right now I'm only at about 3-4 mile runs. It's a good feeling though.

40 minutes for a 10k? That's a mean pace man, good luck Something very relaxing about running. When I need to think about things or relieve stress, nothing really does it for me like just going for a smooth 5 miler and letting my mind wander wherever it needs to.

how much do you guys weight...after i passed ~175 lbs running became so hard

christophers eating before hand = better performance = moe calories burned. it doesn't have to be a huge meal. thats what my swim coach used to say..before 5:30am practice i would eat a plain bagel and sometimes a protein shake...the days i did that i had a much better workout than the days i didn't eat anything.

willg133 how much do you guys weight...after i passed ~175 lbs running became so hard 5'9" 182 give or take a few, haven't done shit for awhile but in the past couple weeks I've done a few 2.5-3 milers no problem at all

toconnx 40 minutes for a 10k? That's a mean pace man, good luck Something very relaxing about running. When I need to think about things or relieve stress, nothing really does it for me like just going for a smooth 5 miler and letting my mind wander wherever it needs to. My 10k PR from high school is 38:37 I'm just trying to get back into the groove after my freshman year of college, not eating very often and not working out. Running most definitely does it for me (relieves stress). willg133 how much do you guys weight...after i passed ~175 lbs running became so hard I'm 155 lbs at 5' 11.5". I got down as low at 145 during my freshman year, but have gained almost 10 lbs since the beginning of May. Running has brought my appetite back. Well, that and home-cooked meals

I'm 6'1" 190lbs. I've been picking up my running in prepartion for the Army. I can do about 4.2 miles in the 36min range. Its not too bad. It's a fairly hilly route. If you run enough weight is gonna play a smaller role. I'm sure there are 200+ lb guys that can run sub 6min miles. My MOS is 18x which is Special Forces Recruit. The SF guys are incredible shape. I got much room for improvement.

Well... I ended up running that race in 41:53 I had shin-splint problems and wasn't able to run much in the weeks leading up to the race. I AM, however, planning to run the race again this year, and based on recent workouts, I will be aiming for the 38 minute range

warm Well... I ended up running that race in 41:53 I had shin-splint problems and wasn't able to run much in the weeks leading up to the race. I AM, however, planning to run the race again this year, and based on recent workouts, I will be aiming for the 38 minute range still a decent time, 10k is like 5 miles right?

SteveO still a decent time, 10k is like 5 miles right? 10k is 6.2 miles. I ultimately want to get down to below 36 minutes so that I can join the cross country team at Georgia Tech when I go back this fall, but we'll see. Baby steps.

I'm 205 lbs and can still bust a sub 6 minute mile. It felt a little easier when I was 165 lbs through high school though. I think I'm around 9% bodyfat but I think I'd like to drop to about 185 lbs this summer. For what I like to do I think being thinner would be better even with losses in muscle mass.

I went running today

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Help with diet, please

Help with diet, please

I won't have access to a gym to start lifting for about another week. I'm trying to get my diet set. I'm basically having the same thing everyday. Could someone please let me know what changes I need to make? Also, I'm still low on my fats. Everything I'm eating has very little fat, so I'm under 20% from the looks of it. Can anyone recommend what to do to get my fats up? Tablespoon of Olive Oil by itself? 5'11" approx. 205 lbs. I'd guess about 23% bf current diet (started Monday), about 2400-2500 cal. *Correct me if that should be different. 1 cup Grape Nuts (no sugar added) 1 1/3 - 1 1/2 cups skim milk (in cereal) 1 banana (about 7") 2 slices whole grain bread (plain) 1 cup oatmeal (2 cups water, butter added and sometimes honey) 1 can of tuna (plain/out of can) 2 tablespoons peanut butter (regular/non-natural) 32 oz. protein shake (2 16 oz. per day) 1 glass skim milk (about 10 oz.) 1 cup Grape Nuts and milk (like above) for dinner I just bought a ton of chicken, so I'll be cooking that up tonight. Also, taking a multivitamin, Omega-3 suppliment for DHA/EPA, and CLA (it was free with the protein mix). Any help would be appreciated. If you need any additional info, let me know. Thanks in advance.

Help with diet, please

Help with diet, please

Monday, December 16, 2013

for those taking CEE

for those taking CEE

what other supplements are you cycling in?

Protein, multi-vitamin, and fish oil.

i thought everyone was taking this stuff....

scivation xtend

16mg of ephedrine and tyrosine pre workout.

Ceaze scivation xtend That stuff actually works?

heh ceaze, is that cause you got 100grams of cee free from 1fast400?

test cyp dbol eq steel cut oats ZMA

di arg malate weight loss shit as seen in training log

How do you guys stomach that sour ass taste? I basically just use gatorade in the quantity of a shot glass and hold my nose. man that stuff is SOUR

cavefish steel cut oats

taqman15 How do you guys stomach that sour ass taste? I basically just use gatorade in the quantity of a shot glass and hold my nose. man that stuff is SOUR try it in orange juice

taqman15 How do you guys stomach that sour ass taste? I basically just use gatorade in the quantity of a shot glass and hold my nose. man that stuff is SOUR i bought the capsules

size18boarder i bought the capsules I regret not making that decision now

some people in here need to man the fuck up, its not that bad

Mistich some people in here need to man the fuck up, its not that bad its beyond sour. but you gotta do what you gotta do

taqman15 its beyond sour. but you gotta do what you gotta do yeah it was in the beginning, but i got used to it and its fine now

i just take it with my protein shake, its not that bad after a week or so of taking it.

deznutz i thought everyone was taking this stuff.... i heard it's like creatine and it helps you recover faster ? care to correct me or add to my post ?

jj1njja i heard it's like creatine and it helps you recover faster ? care to correct me or add to my post ? Creatine Ethyl Esther

di-argenine malate is supposed to work well with it. 1400 sells it as a stack. Basically you get the CEE for free when you buy the stack.

i started taking this stuff yesterday - Omega Cre-ethyl Thunder - based on positive reviews. the list of supplements included are Creatine Ethyl Ester HCL 2400mg Glycerol Monostearate 2000mg Glucuronolactone 800mg Potassium Phosphate 400mg Sodium Phosphate 280mg Methylxanthines 112mg Niacinamide 80mg Pyrodoxine HCL 8mg

for those taking CEE

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Is this good for post workout

Is this good for post workout

2 scoop protein shake of designer whey (strawberry yuk) in skim milk slice of garlic bread.

That's fine.

so-so.... at best.

MikeMurder so-so.... at best. What would u recomend?

more carbs

have some oatmeal or something instead of garlic bread

get about 75-80g of carbs with that shake

Is this good for post workout

Saturday, December 14, 2013

main forum mofrackin train wreck

main forum mofrackin train wreck holy, fucking... shit...

Van Damme isnt even that big, he's ripped and fit. Even with 35 lbs you could but it will take a year or 2. Shut up man, dont be stupid. You know Ryan Reylonds gained 20 lbs of muscle in 6 months with diet and excessive working out? now what he looks like. Like i said, things takes time you piece of shit.

Tony Montana Van Damme isnt even that big, he's ripped and fit. Even with 35 lbs you could but it will take a year or 2. Shut up man, dont be stupid. You know Ryan Reylonds gained 20 lbs of muscle in 6 months with diet and excessive working out? now what he looks like. Like i said, things takes time you piece of shit. you know its stupid to read about how celebs gained X amount of weight in X months and thinking you can do the exact same thing right?

DCCapen Hey dont destroy his motivation, that wil happen naturally when he quits after a week because he is no closer to being Van Damne too true... applies to like 90% of the people I know.

Damn.. You beat me to posting that thread

DCCapen Jean Claude Van Damne with 20s, HAHAHA even 35s, HA no you read that wrong. 20's for JCVD but 35's for the arnold look

i'm sorry but everyone in OT:MAIN is misinformed about exercise and muscle building...not that i'm good or anything...but better then those peeps.

i have a question. why do they make 45 lb dumbbells when arnold only needs 35s?

nonplus i have a question. why do they make 45 lb dumbbells when arnold only needs 35s? the 45s are for Ronnie Coleman

Where can I get some energy cookies? Might have to add energy cookies and redbull to my pre workout meal, well when I really blast those biceps! Wooooo what a workout. And since I walk I am just going to stop working my legs.

Gutrat i'm sorry but everyone in life is misinformed about exercise and muscle building...not that i'm good or anything...but better then those peeps. . a few gems from tony: "Who said that? yeah i do and i dont think im plannin to work out my legs cuz im already running." "whats the site to F&N? and why should i check it b4 bodybuilding? The body im probably going for is Van Damme, a mix of perfection. Fit and Ripped without looking so big, like one of those 300 lbs bench pressers." ahahaha as I read on it just gets more and more hilarious

arnold and jean claude built their physiques by drinking a protein shake once a week and lifting 20 pounds per arm for three years...i mean nothing happens for 2 years and 364 days, but on that last day you become fucking BROLY!!

Tony Montana Van Damme isnt even that big, he's ripped and fit. Even with 35 lbs you could but it will take a year or 2. Shut up man, dont be stupid. You know Ryan Reylonds gained 20 lbs of muscle in 6 months with diet and excessive working out? now what he looks like. Like i said, things takes time you piece of shit. wanna see progress pics between a period of 3 months? I put on more than that in that time period... idiot

DoublasM2 arnold and jean claude built their physiques by drinking a protein shake once a week and lifting 20 pounds per arm for three years...i mean nothing happens for 2 years and 364 days, but on that last day you become fucking BROLY!! actors get paid millions to gain muscle for particular roles. hell, if someone told me to lose 30lbs of fat and gain muscle for $10,000,000 you wouldn't see me on OT wasting my time. id live at a gym for half a year.

Geiger I suggest you stop being such a faggot i actually laughed out loud at that first response.

Atenza6i i actually laughed out loud at that first response. Yeah I was hoping that everyone would've bandwagon quoted that, so that I could do the same

35 for 10 huh...

Holy Shit

main forum mofrackin train wreck

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Make Oats Taste Better

Make Oats Taste Better

I bought some Rolled Oats (all my store had ) yesterday and cooked them in microwave with water like it said and ate them. Man, they are nasty. Any ideas to make them taste better? How do you guys eat your oats?

I throw in some sliced almonds and a bit some cinnamon and sugar. Various fruit is good too.

I have Whey Protein Shake(chocolate) too. What do you guys put in those to make them taste better. Apparently Blender works best, but I'm not sure what to throw in with it.... maybe fruit?

rebel I have Whey Protein Shake(chocolate) too. What do you guys put in those to make them taste better. Apparently Blender works best, but I'm not sure what to throw in with it.... maybe fruit? banana yoghurt natural pb olive oil ramen . . .

water or milk, 2 scoops chocolate whey, 1 banana, cup of oats, and 1-2 tbsp peanut butter. Obviously you'll need a blender for this, should taste pretty decent.

1.5 packets of splenda and a little vanilla flavoring. it won't taste good, but it will be tolerable

i just put a teaspoon of sugar, it's bearable.

rebel I bought some Rolled Oats (all my store had ) Such as Quaker? that big ass can? What is the issue with rolled oats?

mattyballgame72 Such as Quaker? that big ass can? What is the issue with rolled oats? Most people say Steel Cut Oats is better. I looked for 10 minutes It's a 2lb bag. I gotta start somewhere

Orange Juice Strawberries Bananas 1/4 Cup Whey Protein In Blender Tastes pretty damn good. I guess I could've added ice and it would've tasted a little bit better. edit: maybe I should add Oats next time?

rebel Orange Juice Strawberries Bananas 1/4 Cup Whey Protein In Blender Tastes pretty damn good. I guess I could've added ice and it would've tasted a little bit better. edit: maybe I should add Oats next time? of course it tastes good, you basically made a fruit smoothie with a bit of added protein use more whey, 1/4 cup isn't even 1 scoop of most proteins.

i chop up a banana, and put some cinnomon and 1 packet sucralose. Taste good.

i use very little water. I cant stand it all soupy, ugh

infinite loop 1.5 packets of splenda and a little vanilla flavoring. it won't taste good, but it will be tolerable you got it, sometimes i use raisins

TheMentor i just put a teaspoon of sugar, it's bearable. im gonna give that a shot

so many threads about oats must kill self

grind up oats in mini food processor (could just use a blender) until they are a fine powder, put that + natty PB +banana + ice + 2 scoops chocolate ON whey in a blender, blend, enjoy

jonno so many threads about oats must kill self

I just pour in water. I literally gag uncontrollably and have to stop eating rolled oats after half a serving or I will puke. I can eat steel cut oats all day long. I think it goes back to my boy scout days and the endless week-long camping/backpacking trips where oatmeal was a staple of our diet and I hated it . Wish I had known about steel cut oats when I was 14 .

Chris3G of course it tastes good, you basically made a fruit smoothie with a bit of added protein use more whey, 1/4 cup isn't even 1 scoop of most proteins. Hmm.... should I boost up to like 1/2 cup? or a whole cup? I got ripped on this protein stuff. I got like a pound...maybe less for $15. Bullshit. HEB sucks. Where can I get cheaper Whey Protein? Where can I buy Steel Cut Oats?

rebel Hmm.... should I boost up to like 1/2 cup? or a whole cup? I got ripped on this protein stuff. I got like a pound...maybe less for $15. Bullshit. HEB sucks. Where can I get cheaper Whey Protein? Where can I buy Steel Cut Oats? Yeah $15 for a pound is pretty bad. Optimum Nutrition whey is pretty popular around here because it's decent nutritionally and it's pretty cheap, even it if it isnt the best tasting..around $30 for 5lbs. I just took a scoop of ON and put it in a measuring cup and 1 scoop is about 1/3 cup...most people use 2 scoops per shake so that's around 2/3 cup assuming the stuff you have is similar. Do you have any serving size/nutritional data?

in for where to buy steel cut

Vitamin cottage (not sure if its local to colorado only ) has steel cut oats for $2 for 24 oz.

Opi in for where to buy steel cut Local healthfoods store Local grocery store Cook them if possible.

pt Local healthfoods store Local grocery store Cook them if possible. I checked the local Giant (grocery store) they only had rolled I guess I need to try the healthfood store

Make Oats Taste Better

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