Showing posts with label shape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shape. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2014



Is it me, or is F&N getting a lot of new attention from other members (from OT main)? What changed to make F&N the new hotness?

summertime baby

Mistich summertime baby Figures.


~*Pogovina*~ it's "OMGIGOTTALOSEWEIGHTFAST!!!11ONE" season Yup, you know it Pog.

this should count as forum invasion

evi1eddie this should count as forum invasion

Because we run this bitch.

cavefish Because we run this bitch. word up son!

we've been too nice to the newbs of late, time to start crackin the again

It's like it's a january down the gym. when you have all the new people doing their "new years resolution" to get fit. These people are normally gone by march/april

OMG, everyday it gets worse! Do people actually want to get into shape a couple of weeks before summer?!

Gutrat OMG, everyday it gets worse! Do people actually want to get into shape a couple of weeks before summer?! Like it or not, people honestly believe sculpting a hard body only takes a few weeks. Then it leads to disapointment..then they quit...and then everything is ok again

Gutrat What changed to make F&N the new hotness? My pictures in the other thread.

I think it's funny. A few of my mates are like hey i'm gonna start down the gym and get in shape for summer. I'm like what summer 2006? SIlly people.

its gotten worse since people without subscriptions cant search its harder to tell a newbie off

lol at noobs (like me) hating on other f&n noobs

A conversation between me and a kid (pudgy) at work yesterday: Him: So what sort of pills should I take to get in shape for the summer? Me: Arsenic? Him: No, really. I really want to get in shape for prom (Like, next week), but if there isn't something that can do that, I want to look good on the beach. Me: Well, what about diet and exercise? Him: I've been trying. I switched to light cream cheese and I do curls and walk on my treadmill each night. Me: Definetly go with the Arsenic.

Patrick Bateman :broly:

Le55Than0 A conversation between me and a kid (pudgy) at work yesterday: Him: So what sort of pills should I take to get in shape for the summer? Me: Arsenic? Him: No, really. I really want to get in shape for prom (Like, next week), but if there isn't something that can do that, I want to look good on the beach. Me: Well, what about diet and exercise? Him: I've been trying. I switched to light cream cheese and I do curls and walk on my treadmill each night. Me: Definetly go with the Arsenic.


I would like some advice.

I would like some advice.

Alright, Im 5'7 , 180 pounds, and im 19. Im in horrible shape right now, andI 'm looking to lose weight, and gain strength, but i need some help. What are the best foods to include in a diet? How many calories should i take in a day? Any major tips? My excercise is basically going to be a lot of lifting, and a lot of biking. My diets the biggest part that needs help though, Im a very picky eater, and i've been living off macaroni and cheese lately. Thanks!

read stickies

read the sticky. /thread

I would like some advice.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

starting weight training...

starting weight training...

hey guys, i'm 22, 5'7" and at 140lbs, i've never really done any weight training but i would really like to start...i'm kinda in shape at the moment, i like to run a lot, i do anywhere from 10-15 miles a week...i know it's a long shot but i'm kinda hoping to have the build of a running back or something close... also, what kind of supplements are good for someone starting out? i'm a full time college student so I can't always eat healthy (or eat at all ) thanks guys!

TruBloodTransAm i know it's a long shot but i'm kinda hoping to have the build of a running back or something close... then don't run so much

TruBloodTransAm i'm a full time college student so I can't always eat healthy (or eat at all ) That won't cut it, and it's also not true. A good tupperware set is your best friend. I'm a full-time college student and it can work.

well what kinda routine do you'll recommend for someone starting out?

Ceaze then don't run so much Yeah, focus on speed exercises if you want to be or look like a running back.

speed exercises?

TruBloodTransAm well what kinda routine do you'll recommend for someone starting out? I'd recommend hills or incline treadmill training for the speed, and wind sprints for endurance. If you have access to resistance bands and someone to help you, you can do that as well. That's for the running part, I'll let someone more knowledgable on the weights advise you there.

Davo Yeah, focus on speed exercises if you want to be or look like a running back. He might've meant don't do as much cardio

starting weight training...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

50 cents was working out at my gym...

50 cents was working out at my gym...

Had these two bodygaurds lingering around at all times. He looks in pretty good shape though he had this large shirt on. Works harder than Wahlberg did that's for sure. Goes by 70 cents here in Canada.

Pfft.. 50 Cents... more like a wooden nickel...

dude is one big guy..

J-Unit dude is one big guy.. I wouldn't call him a big guy. Definitely looks in shape. I'm only going by when he lifted his sleeves so...

Did you ask him if hes done with those 50's?

timberwolf I wouldn't call him a big guy. Definitely looks in shape. I'm only going by when he lifted his sleeves so... how tall would you say he is? and how much did it looked like he weighed? when you see him on tv he looks kinda bg ok shape but sometimes it looks like he has bitch tits

Were his bodygaurds lifting too, or were they just obese?

isnt it 50 cent...not cents...that just sounds funny to me

gsteclipse97 how tall would you say he is? and how much did it looked like he weighed? when you see him on tv he looks kinda bg ok shape but sometimes it looks like he has bitch tits Possibly 6 feet tall. I never stood close to him. No idea how his legs look but I would think 190-200 at most. Of course Wahlberg said he weighed 190 at 5'7" and 50 cents does look bigger.

Socrates Were his bodygaurds lifting too, or were they just obese? Just hanging around. These 2 bald white guys.

nic379 isnt it 50 cent...not cents...that just sounds funny to me

how was his form? i always wonder if celebrities really know what they're doing

what was his routine like? was he westsiding, or should I say, east coasting it?

Didn't pay attention too much. Just saw him doing inclines... on the smith machine!

How is he not dead? Worthless waste of space IMO. Oh wells. You should go bust a flex on him. If his guards don't pop you, maybe you could be in the next video with him and whitey.

He has been shot numerous times, I wonder if he keeps his shirt on so nobody will see his bullet scars? (Assuming they edit them out on professional pictures)

Ggggg - Unitttttttttt

trancezj How is he not dead? Worthless waste of space IMO. Oh wells. You should go bust a flex on him. If his guards don't pop you, maybe you could be in the next video with him and whitey. I used to think about that actually. I mean knocking out a celebrity. Since I like living I'll pass on 50 cent and wait for the next one. Might land me a roll like the guy who punched out Van Damme or better yet, a reality show. Of course being on OT this much doesn't make for exciting reality tv.

<--- man boobies?soliddd

i need a necklace like that

yeah he's a gansta all right

ChosenGSR i need a necklace like that Wouldn't need to do shrugs then.

J-Unit dude is one big guy..

neegros with tats is like camo... they look more camofauge(sp?) then they do from the factory.

50 cents was working out at my gym...

Gym goers urged to drink beer

Gym goers urged to drink beer Thought it was interesting

Sign me up

Clearly this is a fucking joke -- or prank.:weaksauce:

im a member KEKEEKKE OMGZ

you son of a bitch, i already made this thread

I'm in

in a campaign launched by the nation's main association of producers of the alcoholic beverage. heh this isn't biased at all

i'll drink to that

it says it helps prevent dementia not in me it doesn't

I've got a friend of portuguese ethnicity. He works out and eats healthy and is in great shape and still has a 'portuguese' gut

Gym goers urged to drink beer

Sunday, January 19, 2014

So i did my first day of HIIT

So i did my first day of HIIT

A 15 minute cycle is going to be roooough. I did my 4 minute first day cycle today, and i'm decently in shape, but wow my sprint became only a tid bit faster than my jog. I was surprised it was that difficult.

what the gay?

More detail?

I am in moderate shape, the I had to put off hiit till i got in better shape. Smoker of almost 10 years it was just too hard on my lungs. I got to where I run about 2 miles a day and walk one. still not good, but atleast I can do the hiit program better now,. I also put down smoking, its fuckign hard but i feel 100x better

keep up the good work.

you should jog slower and sprint faster because if those speeds are close that's not HIIT

So i did my first day of HIIT

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Most effective way to do HIIT while running?

Most effective way to do HIIT while running?

How can i burn the most fat possible while doing HIIT running? I've read numerous articles, websites, and threads, but i'm confused. One site for example said: 5 minute jog (warmup), run 90-95% max speed for 1 minute, slow down to jog until you can do it again. another said to do the same thing except only sprint for 20 seconds... a third of what the first site said. Others still said sprint then walk, compared to a jog. I'm just confused! someone point me in the right direction please. again my goal is just to burn as much fat possible, while increasing stamina/endurance.

My understanding was that HIIT is supposed to be most effective doing sprint/jog splits of about 30 seconds each, but I haven't done it so I can't tell you based on experience. I'm inclined to say that it really doesn't matter as far as burning more fat. Fat loss is 99% diet, and doing cardio isn't the magic fat burner that everyone makes it out to be. Read the fat loss sticky 2nd from the top for good info.

ah ok cool thanks. anyone have any advice from experience? I'm by no means out of shape i can jog 4-5 miles without stopping or being too dead at the end. I'm about 195lb at 6"0 right now and want to get down to 180-185.

unless you specialize in the 400m it's going to be pretty hard to run 90% for a minute. even 30 seconds is unrealistic if you follow up with a 50% jog. you want to be at about 70% for the sprint and 30% for the jog.

t-nation had a good article, but now the link seems to be dead. I have the chart printed out on how to follow hiit. I can scan it if anyone wants.

superbri007 i jog for 45 seconds to 60 seconds, then all out sprint balls to the wall for about 15 seconds that's about what I do. 45 second jog followed by 15 seconds of all out run for your life sprinting.

45 jog/15 sprint: After the 15 seconds of sprinting do you go back to 45 seconds of jogging and then repeat? or go even slower.. or what. and for how many minutes do you do this for?

i go back to jogging. Its hard at first but you slowly build up a longer time that you can do it. Bush77 45 jog/15 sprint: After the 15 seconds of sprinting do you go back to 45 seconds of jogging and then repeat? or go even slower.. or what. and for how many minutes do you do this for?

superbri007 good shit huh? especially when its summer time, 90 degrees and humid do i actually burn more calories/fat when it's hot out? i jogged 10km today (not HIIT) and it was 27* celsius... i was dripping.

unrealii t-nation had a good article, but now the link seems to be dead. I have the chart printed out on how to follow hiit. I can scan it if anyone wants.

thanks alot edmang

I just mix it up to not get bored. My partner and me went to the field and basically found a midpoint in it and sprinted to it then jogged to the end and then sprinted back so it alternated sprint jog same distance. Another that I think it good to do is sprint backwards and sideways. I read an article that said you burn more calories going backwards and sideways basically cause your muscles were not as efficent at it. Makes me feel like more of an athlete also.

thanks alot for the help/advice guys. i'm in a 10km race a week from this sunday and after that i'll start the 8 week program in the "Good Shape" row. Hopefully see a noticable improvement by the time i'm done in july. So a routine like that, mixed with a decent diet i'll be burning fat and building up stamina/endurance?

Most effective way to do HIIT while running?

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

I have gotten a bit out of shape, need to lose body fat and put on muscle mass... I'm about 5"10 / 5"11 @ 180-185lbs, not much muscle defintion due to body fat, when I was 165 pounds I have much better defined muscles. Anyways I used to work out every day with random breaks, chest/biceps back/triceps shoulders/legs however I hit a plateau pretty quick because I was overworking myself I've since expiremented with different routines, lately i've been doing 0 legs.. I want to do a routine for 6 days a week... Sundays I work a f'd up schedule and cant make it to the gym. I was considering Day 1 - Chest, biceps, triceps, abs Day 2 - Cardio Day 3- Back, Shoulders, traps Day 4 - Cardio, abs Day 5 - Legs, lower back, abs Day 6 - Cardio Day 7 - Off However i'm a bit edgy on doing a muscle group only once a week so i'm confused and having a hard time figuring out what I should do...... I think a muscle group once a week isn't enough, I like to get really sore then I recover usually on third day so hmmm.... any ideas??? P.S dont gimmi any shit about doing chest with tricep instead of bicep or viseversa, it makes no fucking diff; everyone does it differently and i've tried all combinations finding little difference. before, about 165 pounds now about 180

great, your avatar made me not as hungry.


you gonna get hit wif the sticky stik, boyo

Too much cardio, not enough lift.

~stangzorized~ Too much cardio, not enough lift.


christophers rountine, drop down calories, drop down cardio

Whats wrong with cardio?

nothing, I just think theres a bit to much of it in his routine

hmm so maybe limit cardio to twice a week? or even once a week?

how about a rotation of Day 1 - Chest, biceps, abs Day 2 - Back, triceps, abs Day 3- Legs, Shoulders, Lower back Day 4- Cardio with random days off?

baghrhrg decent, dunno why the hell I wrote descent..

I dunno, I do cardio 3 times a week. But I am just looking for something to do I guess. :-x

Day 1 - Legs Squats Leg Press Quad Extension Hammy Curl Standing Calf Raise Day 2 - Chest/Tri Flat Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Incline Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Pec Deck Dips Tricep Rope Pull Down on Cable Machine Skull Crushers CG Bench Day 3 - Back/Bi Deadlifts Pullups (palms out, wide grip) Bentover BB Rows Seated Cable Rows Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Hammer Curl with Rope attachment on Cable Machine Day 4 - Shoulders DB Press Rear Raises Lateral Raises Shrugs

mike Day 1 - Legs Squats Leg Press Quad Extension Hammy Curl Standing Calf Raise Day 2 - Chest/Tri Flat Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Incline Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Pec Deck Dips Tricep Rope Pull Down on Cable Machine Skull Crushers CG Bench Day 3 - Back/Bi Deadlifts Pullups (palms out, wide grip) Bentover BB Rows Seated Cable Rows Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Hammer Curl with Rope attachment on Cable Machine Day 4 - Shoulders DB Press Rear Raises Lateral Raises Shrugs Thanks, i've however never done deadlifts yet, should I start doing them? Also any advise? Also whats Pec Deck? and Bent over BB rows?

What's your av all about?

Ilyusha What's your av all about? A little sumptin sumptin I did for a uni project... went out on the town scaring the fuck out of people, cars stopped, people crossed the street and tripped over themselves falling, umm no one asked him for any help and did their best to avoid him, wouldn't even let him on the bus. part 2 is coming soon.

chlywly A little sumptin sumptin I did for a uni project... went out on the town scaring the fuck out of people, cars stopped, people crossed the street and tripped over themselves falling, umm no one asked him for any help and did their best to avoid him, wouldn't even let him on the bus. part 2 is coming soon. That's fuckin dope..

If you asked me I would say you should lift more weight less often. What youre doing now obviously isnt working, so how much could it hurt to go 3-4 times a week? When I started doing that I saw instant strength gains because when I was going 6 times a week I was overtraining. Maybe you should cut out some ab stuff as well, some compound movements such as squat will work your abs, so just have an ab day on a different day than your legs day. By the way, make sure you actually have a leg day. In my opinion, probably the most important day. But thats just my opinion.

chlywly Thanks, i've however never done deadlifts yet, should I start doing them? Also any advise? Also whats Pec Deck? and Bent over BB rows? pec deck: bent over row (sorta): do deadlifts.

That bent over row pic sucks ass. The bar is going too high up in the chest area.

ok cool, any good sources on doing a proper dead lift?

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

Has being in good shape helped you get ahead in life?

Has being in good shape helped you get ahead in life?

Lets face it, we are all human, and if we were a manager at say....hardees (god forbid), any normal guy would hire an attractive girl over an average/ugly one. (Obviously they also hire based on hygiene, but I mean just because the employer is attracted to the girl) Have you had any situations like this? Been hired on because of your physical appearance? A cop let you off of a ticket? Played in 2 episodes of Kojak? Any of these things happen to you?

it's hired. and lol@ the Kojak

Well unless you're working some manual labor job, I think being able to spell "hire" would help you get a job over your looks

Socrates Played in 2 episodes of Kojak? i wish,, my looks have gotten me nowhere

When I worked in a grocery store, I was put up front where most of the people entered, so I could smile and say hello.

My boss is a balding fat-ass

PNHWrestler it's hired. and lol@ the Kojak Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. When I worked at Best Buy they only hired attractive people. Next time you're at Best Buy, look for a few ugly people. Hard to find! (Maybe just my manager's bias)

helped me pick up some girls but now im just a fatass.

Socrates Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. Haha watch the bunhole

Socrates Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. When I worked at Best Buy they only hired attractive people. Next time you're at Best Buy, look for a few ugly people. Hard to find! (Maybe just my manager's bias) Yeah the girls that work in the videogame section of mine seem abnormally hot. You may be on to something there.

cavefish Yeah the girls that work in the videogame section of mine seem abnormally hot. You may be on to something there. lol, our store only had guys doing the nerdy stuff. Hot girls were at the front! (When I said hot, I should have said they made some exceptions for guys)

Socrates Lets face it, we are all human, and if we were a manager at say....hardees (god forbid), any normal guy would hire an attractive girl over an average/ugly one. (Obviously they also higher based on hygiene, but I mean just because the employer is attracted to the girl) Have you had any situations like this? Been hired on because of your physical appearance? A cop let you off of a ticket? Played in 2 episodes of Kojak? Any of these things happen to you?

being in shape helped me run from the cops

its helped be get some head, not ahead

Being in shape makes women more forgiving when they have to be the one to pay for dinner.

Socrates Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. When I worked at Best Buy they only hired attractive people. Next time you're at Best Buy, look for a few ugly people. Hard to find! (Maybe just my manager's bias) Not at my BB we have a fair amount of ugly people.

It has given me a lot more self confidence, so I think it's helped me a lot indirectly.

PNHWrestler Haha watch the bunhole sorry to get offtopic does your name mean parkway north high? just wonderin, i went to south myself

I was fat last year. Decided I wanted to be better lookin. Took 3 months, lost 100 pounds, so finally I could see my mucles ( I was pretty buff from sports, but just fat) and also added on to the muscle...After that I had a GF in like 2 weeks...Broke up w/ her tho after a while, have another one now going on 6 months. It makes you more confident/happy about yerself, so I would say its getting me ahead in life for now.

just being more confident overall is benefit enough.

Socrates Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. When I worked at Best Buy they only hired attractive people. Next time you're at Best Buy, look for a few ugly people. Hard to find! (Maybe just my manager's bias) what about that thread in OT where the guys roomate is a 300lb messican that works at best buy?

i was hired to be the cute little girl that stood in front of a place handing out flyers in the mall... then my boss realized I was a fatty and made me manager instead

It is going to help me tenfold when getting a job. I have noticed an increase in my fire skills.

My health is tied directly to my happiness. Took me 3 years of decaying to realize that. Now i'm getting back on track.

Socrates Lets face it, we are all human, and if we were a manager at say....hardees (god forbid), any normal guy would hire an attractive girl over an average/ugly one. (Obviously they also hire based on hygiene, but I mean just because the employer is attracted to the girl) Have you had any situations like this? Been hired on because of your physical appearance? A cop let you off of a ticket? Played in 2 episodes of Kojak? Any of these things happen to you? Working out and looking good will help you in virtually every facet of life in some way, shape or form. Period.

Has being in good shape helped you get ahead in life?

Friday, January 17, 2014

Progress Pics

Progress Pics

Just a little background... 3 months ago i was 235lbs with about 33% BF. I met one of the most beautiful girls in the world and decided i was tired of being fat. 3months later i am 225 with 3x the muscle i had when i started. I had no muscle, no strength, could barely do 2 pushups. I am now doing close grip sets of 10 without really struggling. I dont eat perfect, but i cut out soda, candy, fast foods, greasy foods and eating in the middle of the night. I also do HIIT 3x a week and lift 3x a week. I lift very hard, ive never had so much drive in my life. If i can do it, honestly anyone can people. You need to WANT to do it. You say you do, but saying is much easier then doing. Yes it hurts.... Trust me there were days where i couldnt bend my arms, or even walk. I would break down in tears sometimes. This all gone. When i lift a fire burns in my eyes that makes me want to push even harder, i love the pain, i love the feeling, i love the adrenaline. Here are some pics (not that great) but they will do: before: after:

Cant tell any difference

Platinum Cant tell any difference

good progress broly

eliktronix good progress broly thanks

hard to see man... you need to do pics of full body before then after to get full comments. but what i can see... nice progress

Bad ass progress for only 3 months. "This all gone. When i lift a fire burns in my eyes that makes me want to push even harder, i love the pain, i love the feeling, i love the adrenaline." Hell yeah, me too. keep it up.

XsLiCk hard to see man... you need to do pics of full body before then after to get full comments. but what i can see... nice progress Im sorry, i was so ashamed of myself before that i never ever really took before pics...

I can't see any difference at all. The pics you took are awful. You need to take pics doing the same pose in the same light to judge progress.

dmaestro I can't see any difference at all. The pics you took are awful. You need to take pics doing the same pose in the same light to judge progress. this was more of a pep post for people who want to stop being out of shape ...

Look at how fat his gut is in the first pic.

dirtysouthboy Look at how fat his gut is in the first pic. bingo ! i was twice as thick

momoarrowz bingo ! i was twice as thick Yeah, i can totally tell a difference.

here is a pic from last october

is that the beautiful girl you met in the first pic? if so, she is hot.

Good job.

dirtysouthboy is that the beautiful girl you met in the first pic? if so, she is hot. haha no thats some random girl i met on new years Here is my honey..

tize so you were 100x better before?? ?!

well, GJ on the honey, she is verry cute... and i can see some progress, keep it up

vettedude well, GJ on the honey, she is verry cute... and i can see some progress, keep it up Thanks man its not insano progress, but i am very satisfied.

nice you have a G35? I noticed your avatar.

I can definately tell a difference after you posted that beach pic. Great Job and keep up that attitude.

Hot gurls.

hot she into you? and nice progress, keep it up

350GT nice you have a G35? I noticed your avatar. Yes sir. 2003 g35c 5AT w/ all options and nav

Progress Pics

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Basketball Shape?

Basketball Shape?

I don't know how many of you play basketball, but I'm curious if anyone could give some good advice for getting in shape for basketball. More specifically, being able to jump higher and run faster. I know you'll all say, well go out and run or jump rope. But are there any tricks of the trade or routines you could offer. Thanks in advance

Play basketball as much as you can. There are several exercises you can do that will help your vertical that don't require any extra equipment, you can do a Google search for those. As for running faster, run hills. Wind sprints will help you get conditioned right for basketball. But the best way to get in overall basketball shape is to play basketball.

i dont remember what the exercise is called, but what you do is you take a step pad, and jump over it side to side like 20 times. every time you finish a set, stack another step pad onto it until you cant jump over it anymore. jump rope would help too i guess. wind sprints are always good. you can work out and shit, but i think the physical activity of ballin will benefit you the most.

I play recreationally, about 4-5 times a week, 2-3 hours per those days that I do play. I do notice I slowly get a higher vertical and can play longer and run faster. But I'd like to speed up the process. Playing for my school wouldn't be entirely outta the question if I was in shape. I find it's mostly people are faster than me and jump higher. I'm not that tall (5'10"), so I need to find other ways. I also tried looking up stuff on google, i mostly got sites that are selling some tapes. But I know people already know this stuff. Just curious if anyone had anything they do to get in shape. Yes, stronger would be good to get steals and rebounds. Edit: I know diet is crucial too, anything in particular?

bunny hops > *

sorry for ignorance... wind sprints?

Yeah I play a bit, but my diet pretty much counteracts that. Shooting and dribbling I don't really have a problem with. I'm actually considered one of the "shooters" on the courts. So, it's really running faster, jumping higher, keeping it up the whole game. I feel I have excellent court awareness, but I can't always act on it cause I can't act in time. By the way, thanks for all the advice guys.

Playing yourself into shape is not bad. If you want do sprints where you start at the end line, go to the free thow line and back, go to the mid court line and back, go to the far free throw line and back and then go end line to end line. If it is on a large basketball court and takes you longer than 28seconds to do then you are slow. Just keep practicing. *edit* hops are overrated, they are nice to have but you can be just as good a player without them

i remember reading something in an interview with dennis rodman when he was like, the leading rebounder in the nation. he said his key was a rock solid mid section, all power is derived from a solid core of muscle. you said you were looking for some key tricks of the trade, that was one that stuck with me. learn how to box out, if a guy can jump higher than me and is taller than me, excellent boxing out will eliminate his advantage. develop your fast twitch muscles, when you're not the tallest guy.. this'll help you get around them or shoot over them.

go_duke21 *edit* hops are overrated, they are nice to have but you can be just as good a player without them Hops can help every aspect of your game. If they don't, then you aren't a good basketball player. Only in serious cases (John Stockton, for example) will an ability to jump be obsolete. I don't think the starter of this thread is John Stockton.

smoke menthol cigs

Read this article:

Mike McDermott Nah, that's more about doing well on a VJ test. Check out this article instead: I'm sure a VJ test program will help with the "hops" that someone here was mentioning..

teamelement3 I don't know how many of you play basketball, but I'm curious if anyone could give some good advice for getting in shape for basketball. More specifically, being able to jump higher and run faster. I know you'll all say, well go out and run or jump rope. But are there any tricks of the trade or routines you could offer. Thanks in advance well heres a few far as jumping higher, concentrate on workouts that improve your calves...every once in awhile throw in some quad workouts. calf raises, go to a gym and use their calf raising machines, and just do run and sprints, taht works out all aread of your legs. for getting faster just run period: sprints, suicides, skips, etc. and while your at it sprint with a basketball for better handling skills. good luck to you

If you want to run faster, do sprints 10-30m, working on driving off the blocks and then finishing strong. For quickness look into plyometrics. They teach you how to explode and recruits fast twitch fibers. To jump higher do box jumps with a medicine ball. And it'll help to do some weight lifting like squats and good mornings. As for lasting longer in a game, try running the court counting down from 10-0, make a layup, and then 9-0, all the way down to 2. Rest and repeat 5 more times. My stamina has improved quite a bit since I started that. That's a total of 1 mile running.

christophers "Calves have as much to do with vertical as the color of your hair" -Joe Defranco IBincessantracismtofollow

Mike McDermott all wrong, except for sprints roighttttttt............

Davo Hops can help every aspect of your game. If they don't, then you aren't a good basketball player. Only in serious cases (John Stockton, for example) will an ability to jump be obsolete. I don't think the starter of this thread is John Stockton. Like I said, obviously they are nice to have, but you dont need them to be a good player, most people can't jump 40 inches so if you work on lateral quickness, shooting, etc you will be just as well off. Too many people just concentrate on trying to dunk and they don't practice everything else enough, that was all I was alluding to. And I don't see how sprints are bad, wouldn't it be just like HIIT? I mean there are tonnes of ways to get in good shape, sprints worked well for me in high school, my team was always in better condition than the teams we played against.

basketball shape = round. /thread

christophers "Calves have as much to do with vertical as the color of your hair" -Joe Defranco i dont remember if you're quoting this from memory or you actualy found it somewhere, but that's not quite the quote i found which. i found "Big calves have as much to do with vertical as the color of your hair" - Joe Defranco in a Q&A on his website. Questioner and Joe Defranco " Q: What are the best exercises for increasing calf strength and size? I do a lot of standing and seated calf raises, but I was wondering if there is anything else I'm missing? I'm about 2" away from dunking a basketball and I'm looking for an edge. Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. John A: Big calves have about as much to do with how high you can jump as the color of your hair. Sure, there's nothing wrong with doing some calf raises in your training routine, but they shouldn't be the focus of the routine. As I've said time and time again, the "posterior chain" (spinal erectors, gluteals and hamstrings) makes up around 70% of the musculature that is responsible for your jumping ability. Squat and deadlift variations, Olympic lifts and good mornings will give you the best "bang for your buck" with regards to improving your vertical jump in the weight room. There is another very interesting factor that plays a large role in how high you can jump. I've had the pleasure of working with over 2-dozen athletes who can jump over 35" and, besides being very strong in the posterior chain, they had something else in common. The one thing they all had in common are what I call "high cut" calves. What I mean by this is that the calves have an insertion point very high on the lower leg. This usually means a longer Achilles tendon. A longer Achilles tendon can store more elastic energy, which translates into more explosive jumps." -Joe Cliffs : big calves dont help you jump, what helps you jump are a powerful "posterior chain" (spinal erectors, gluteals and hamstrings). also a high calf muscle insertion (people with calves way up near their knees) cause they have long achilles tendons, and there's not much you can do about that (genetics).

KingGargantuan basketball shape = round. /thread sweet, i'm in basketball shape.

tize i hate how basketball players look

Didn't know this thread was still alive... Would ankle weights add anything? I heard they could be harmful? I'll read those links for more..

Mike McDermott how do you know so much, you ever play for a team?

Basketball Shape?

n00b needs advice on supplements

n00b needs advice on supplements

Alright, I'm trying to get in shape for the summer; loose fat primarily, since i want to get 'toned' more then I want to gain large muscle mass. Right now I do lifting 3 times a week and cardio 4 times a week. I'm pretty okay with that, but was asking for advice on supplements. (Also, I am taking a complete multivitamin) Here is what I'm thinking about getting... LIPO-6 (750mg) x 6 daily Flax Oil (1000mg) x 9 daily Fish Oil (1000mg) x 20-30 daily Amino 2222 ??mg x ??? daily For the Amino2222, it isn't clear how often I should be taking that, but I'm sure the bottle will specify. Is this too much, not enough, enough but of the wrong stuff?

wow, thats an awesome amount of fish oil.

chocolate syrup

blueapple Alright, I'm trying to get in shape for the summer; loose fat primarily, since i want to get 'toned' more then I want to gain large muscle mass. Right now I do lifting 3 times a week and cardio 4 times a week. I'm pretty okay with that, but was asking for advice on supplements. (Also, I am taking a complete multivitamin) Here is what I'm thinking about getting... LIPO-6 (750mg) x 6 daily Flax Oil (1000mg) x 9 daily Fish Oil (1000mg) x 20-30 daily Amino 2222 ??mg x ??? daily For the Amino2222, it isn't clear how often I should be taking that, but I'm sure the bottle will specify. Is this too much, not enough, enough but of the wrong stuff? I'm more of a simple person when it comes to cutting. In my opinion if I were trying to lose weight I would go for the following: EC = for me it was twice a day, but I guess others could do it 3x Fish oil X 9 Calcium = 2000 mg Multi Other things that some people like:Sesathin Lean Extreme If you know what the fuck you are doing:Clen DNP Bromo I don't know, I think its mostly diet. But I don't know much.

blueapple i want to get 'toned' more then I want to gain large muscle mass. btw go cubs

n00b needs advice on supplements

Ab help w/newcomer

Ab help w/newcomer

Ive just recently started lifting and brought back my running routine (going on 3 weeks of progress now). I was dormant from the health/fitness routine for about 2 years. Im naturally predisposed to being an athletically built guy, but it seems that even though im down to 166lbs, I cant get my abs back into the shape they once were. Here is a pic of what they look like now. They can be more defined if I flex, but in thier natural state they seem a bit flabby. Im eating about 3k cal per day, working out mildly and downing about 150g of protein. Im not looking to gain alot of muscle mass, but some gains are good. I havent been cutting at all. Is there a good way to get larger abs instead of just losing the weight around them to show them more? On to the pics number 1 show the place that has some def. and good strength (natrual state in pics) Number 2 show area that is flabby and soft. No matter how much I run or how many forms of situps I do, I cant get muscel to form there. Any thoughts?

your abs ahve fat over them, you want em to be more "defined" you are going to have to loose weight, wich is not gonna happen on 3k cals a day.

vettedude your abs ahve fat over them, you want em to be more "defined" you are going to have to loose weight, wich is not gonna happen on 3k cals a day. cal suggestion for a 166lbs 22 year old who works out the basic muscle groups every day? Run about 2 miles ever other day, too. I know you guys are far more informed than I, and im open to suggestions.

notstock93 cal suggestion for a 166lbs 22 year old who works out the basic muscle groups every day? Run about 2 miles ever other day, too. I know you guys are far more informed than I, and im open to suggestions. i suggest reading those majic posts at the top of the forum labbeled stickies and deleating this thread before you get flamed to death, and scared away. or just e-mail that guy named christophers, a hoby of his is making routines and giving out dietign advice, he obnly answers PM's as he is too bussy to post.

vettedude i suggest reading those majic posts at the top of the forum labbeled stickies and deleating this thread before you get flamed to death, and scared away. or just e-mail that guy named christophers, a hoby of his is making routines and giving out dietign advice, he obnly answers PM's as he is too bussy to post. well, I searched under abs, and the threads above deal with general nutrition (which are fantastic threads, BTW) but they are geared more towards the hardcore F&N guy. at any rate, I read the fat loss guide, but im getting conflicting stories from other nutritionists (I work at a gym) about the cal intake.They say 3k calorie intake is pretty much the max for an active guy looking to lose weight, this forum says 11-12x your body waight (no more than 1,900-ish cals for me) Thats why I asked. No need to get hostile. Im already getting everything else pretty much right in that guide (sans a few grams of protein)

notstock93 well, I searched under abs, and the threads above deal with general nutrition (which are fantastic threads, BTW) but they are geared more towards the hardcore F&N guy. at any rate, I read the fat loss guide, but im getting conflicting stories from other nutritionists (I work at a gym) about the cal intake.They say 3k calorie intake is pretty much the max for an active guy looking to lose weight, this forum says 11-12x your body waight (no more than 1,900-ish cals for me) Thats why I asked. No need to get hostile. Im already getting everything else pretty much right in that guide (sans a few grams of protein) uhh well, there stuff is not working, i dont really see how anything up there is hardcore, it is all pretty straitforward and applies to anyone. Your "friends" dont know what they are talkign about.

vettedude uhh well, there stuff is not working, i dont really see how anything up there is hardcore, it is all pretty straitforward and applies to anyone. Your "friends" dont know what they are talkign about. Alright, I didnt post here to for you to condescend to me. I hear one thing, I read another. Just wanted some advice, not someone telling me that its not working. I have a hard time beleiving things that I read on the net and just wanted some informed suggestions.

vettedude is pretty much right. the bottom line here is nothing about your abs, its about the layer of fat over them. now what you knwo you need to do is lose fat, and if you look on the main page it says "Sticky: want to lose fat? L I F T W E I G H T S" and "Sticky: Basic Newb Guide to Fat Loss" so obviously thats where you'd look. if you actually read it you'd know it has everything you need to know and you wouldnt be making this thread

notstock93 well, I searched under abs, and the threads above deal with general nutrition (which are fantastic threads, BTW) but they are geared more towards the hardcore F&N guy. at any rate, I read the fat loss guide, but im getting conflicting stories from other nutritionists (I work at a gym) about the cal intake.They say 3k calorie intake is pretty much the max for an active guy looking to lose weight, this forum says 11-12x your body waight (no more than 1,900-ish cals for me) Thats why I asked. No need to get hostile. Im already getting everything else pretty much right in that guide (sans a few grams of protein) well think about that for a second. does it make sense that a flat amount of 3000 calories would be some kind of special fat-loss limit for any active guy? Why would the numbers be the same for someone who is 150lbs vs someone who is 250? Your calorie requirements are based on your size, and then fine-tuned based on your genetics. So you start at 11-12x bodyweight, track your results, and adjust up or down from there.

Chris3G well think about that for a second. does it make sense that a flat amount of 3000 calories would be some kind of special fat-loss limit for any active guy? Why would the numbers be the same for someone who is 150lbs vs someone who is 250? Your calorie requirements are based on your size, and then fine-tuned based on your genetics. So you start at 11-12x bodyweight, track your results, and adjust up or down from there. THAT is the kind of answer that makes sense to me. I have no nutritional background, so the things that are painfully obvious to everyone here dont even occur to me. Thank you very much for helping me see. Im going to start on a 1,900 cal/day diet and continue my current "mild" routine.

you could crank up that "mild" routine to "vigorous" and burn more calories!

ryazbeck you could crank up that "mild" routine to "vigorous" and burn more calories! I may do that, but right now im audtioning for a part that requires me to not be overtly athletic looking. I don't want to endanger my chances of landing a part if I can help it.

Ab help w/newcomer

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

In terms of muscle formation, ease of building it, etc. For example, if you notice, a lot of Asian people have massive calves. I don't lift my calves at all but they're still pretty big and defined. My arms and chest on the other hand I work at but gains are very minimal and small.


that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition

my arms don't get any bigger

talksick that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition yeah, right. Every asian I know is strong as hell

bruce lee? or was he part asian, part freak?

SteveO yeah, right. Every asian I know is strong as hell too much starcraft but seriously... i heard we lack the natual creatine that other races have more naturally

talksick too much starcraft but seriously... i heard we lack the natual creatine that other races have more naturally I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too?

i guess we all have our pros and cons one the great things about being broly is when asian twigs see this 6'2'' monster walking by.. they just stare at me with this look in a way it's a good thing to be the stereotypical small size imaged race

I think asians generally have the worse genes in terms of bodybuilding. Higher estrogen levels for one... I recall reading something like that before. Of course there are always exceptions.

Gutrat I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too? blacks actually have been shown to have higher natural test levels than most white males.

timberwolf I think asians generally have the worse genes in terms of bodybuilding. Higher estrogen levels for one... I recall reading something like that before. Of course there are always exceptions. and a small... aren't you asian?

SteveO and a small... aren't you asian? Yep.

just look at the penis size black >

longest study ever

Gutrat I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too? black people tend to have more fast twitch fibres and thinner hips

talksick that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition I have a decent amount of strength and definition...just no bulk.

bioyuki I have a decent amount of strength and definition...just no bulk. how many cals a day

Yeah, but they dont have an extra muscle... do they?

I build strength and muslce easily and have long sexy legs.

I believe that they are somewhat genetically predetermined, but I've seen that it's the easiest to defy genetics during the period where your body grows the most: puberty. If you start lifting around 15-16 and develop good habits and discipline, the results seem like they're easier to obtain since you're training your body while it's still taking shape and before it's fully developed. Plus metabolism is usually better around those years for most people. I could be wrong It just seemed that way to me when I was playing sports.

The more I eat, the better my genetics get. Something along those lines.

Shaolin_sword36 how many cals a day he's a swimmer (and gay ), which gives reason to him being so.....defined.

while determining whos got the best/worst genetics, you can use that time to make the best out of it i know my being a smartass here, but i believe everyone has at least one good gene to work with..

devilangel while determining whos got the best/worst genetics, you can use that time to make the best out of it i know my being a smartass here, but i believe everyone has at least one good gene to work with..

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

Friday, January 10, 2014

question about muscles and their development

question about muscles and their development

i read one of christophers sticky posts and it was stated that muscles dont really tone...they either grow or shrink. how come guys who work out alot have hard muscles as to some guys who have really soft muscles that are small. shuoldnt they all be hard then? also, take a big guy who doesnt work out...just a big boned guy. if he shredded up would look just as developed as a guy who is 20 lbs lighter and is shredded? his muscles would be smaller but more developed. so isnt there such thing as muscles changing shape?

How can a muscle be "smaller but more developed?" This thread makes me want to cut my wrists the long way.

what did you say? anyone is hard at a low body fat

I think my head is going to explode

COULD THIS POSSIBLY BE A NEW TSHIRT IDEA? front: OT logo back: "if he shredded up would look just as developed as a guy who is 20 lbs lighter and is shredded? his muscles would be smaller but more developed. so isnt there such thing as muscles changing shape?"

Atenza6i COULD THIS POSSIBLY BE A NEW TSHIRT IDEA? front: OT logo back: "if he shredded up would look just as developed as a guy who is 20 lbs lighter and is shredded? his muscles would be smaller but more developed. so isnt there such thing as muscles changing shape?" Wait does OT have tshirts?

Opi Wait does OT have tshirts? Yeah the no gym for home one

Atenza6i COULD THIS POSSIBLY BE A NEW TSHIRT IDEA? front: OT logo back: "if he shredded up would look just as developed as a guy who is 20 lbs lighter and is shredded? his muscles would be smaller but more developed. so isnt there such thing as muscles changing shape?" so true

Michael Yeah the no gym for home one dont lie to me

Opi dont lie to me honestly. if you've read the F&N forum for more than a few weeks you'll see

Opi dont lie to me um, we're not lying.

Atenza6i um, we're not lying. link to shirt

Michael honestly. if you've read the F&N forum for more than a few weeks you'll see yeah yeah im a n00b to the forum

Opi link to shirt

Ceaze How can a muscle be "smaller but more developed?" This thread makes me want to cut my wrists the long way. ive worded this completely the wrong way and i apologize. let me ask another question... they say that muscle doesnt change shape right? it either grows or shrinks. larger muscles smaller muscles. now correct me if i am wrong. does that mean that higher rep exercise just makes those muscles bigger via sarcoplasmic whatever and lower rep just makes you stronger? so if a person is shooting for size dont they want to do higher rep?

muscle maturity?

Sarcoplasmic whatever? What's that? U mean hypertrophy?

no gym for home?

question about muscles and their development

Need suggestion...

Need suggestion...

Alright i'm pretty out of shape right now so tomorrow im going to purchase a membership to my old gym. Now one problem i've always had where my shoes. I normally wear New Balance when i run but they seem to suck. Can anyone suggest a good brand even model shoe for running? The cost isnt a factor if im going to be comfortable. I will be using the shoes both on a treadmill and at a local track. Thank for any advice.

your going to join a gym for the treadmill ?

rhino Alright i'm pretty out of shape right now so tomorrow im going to purchase a membership to my old gym. Now one problem i've always had where my shoes. I normally wear New Balance when i run but they seem to suck. Can anyone suggest a good brand even model shoe for running? The cost isnt a factor if im going to be comfortable. I will be using the shoes both on a treadmill and at a local track. Thank for any advice. My advice to you would be go to a local running store and get properly fitted. When it comes to working out and shoes, they know whats best.

Silver85327 your going to join a gym for the treadmill ? not just for a treadmill, but to lift as well. im just wanting a suggestion for a good running shoe.

rhino not just for a treadmill, but to lift as well. im just wanting a suggestion for a good running shoe. Ive been seeing some comercials for shoes called Z Coil I dont know if they are good or not but they look comfortable.

Silver85327 Ive been seeing some comercials for shoes called Z Coil I dont know if they are good or not but they look comfortable. WTF? Pretty crazy looking.

I use Nike shoes with the Shox technology. I'm flat footed and these shoes don't hurt my feet at all. They have a lot of models too and are always on sale. Hope that helps.

thanks guys. i guess i will stop by local foot store and see what they suggest and try some shox. much appreciation.

rhino WTF? Pretty crazy looking. They look comfy dont they...

Silver85327 They look comfy dont they... actually yes they do. the closest retail store is 2 hours away from me though. maybe next time i'm near the retail store i will go try a pair on.

rhino actually yes they do. the closest retail store is 2 hours away from me though. maybe next time i'm near the retail store i will go try a pair on. Let me know what you think. I havent had a chance to go to the store here and try them on yet.

Silver85327 Let me know what you think. I havent had a chance to go to the store here and try them on yet. it wont be for awhile but when i do try them, i will post it up in F&N.

Need suggestion...

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Training for endurance instead of strenght and mass?

Training for endurance instead of strenght and mass?

I'm new to the world of training but after getting back on my dirtbike today for the first time since winter I realized how completely out of shape I am. I am plenty strong and already pretty thin with little to no fat on me. My question is what kinds of exercises should I do to build Endurance instead of strenght and mass. I know that with more strength comes endurance, but in the sport of motocross it pays to be as light as possible. My plan is to just do 30-45 minutes of cardio every single day wearing all of my riding gear to simulate the extra weight and also heat retention. I plan to do my cardio on a Healthrider machine (Don't laugh, it's all i've got, and 30 minutes on it when it's 90 outside will put a workout on you) but I was also wondering what kind of exercises besides cardio I can do to help out with endurance in my arms/wrists/fingers as these are the first parts of my body to wear out. It actually gets to the point that I can't even pull in my clutch lever no matter how bad I want to because my whole arm is numb. My fingers and wrists go completely numb to the point that it hurts to move them at all for about 5 minutes after I pull off the track. Any ideas on how to improve forearm endurance without adding mass, because adding mass will actually cause my arms to pump up quicker.

ibgrouch COC grippers will help you

Training for endurance instead of strenght and mass?

Need Help Gaining Weight and Muscle

Need Help Gaining Weight and Muscle

Okay here is my problem I'm a 28 year old male and I'm skinny as all hell. I could pass for 16 probably to be honest. I have tried and tried to gain weight but just can't. I eat and eat and eat and nothing really. I don't really have access to a gym so I have to make do with those weight benches you buy from the store to work out with. This is all good and fine but all it's doing is toning me out not really gaining any mass or muscle. It's downright embarassing to be as skinny as I am and I was curious if anyone knows of any products or excersises or something I can do to get some meat on my bones? I don't want to be like friggin Hulk Hogan or anything but to be in shape and not a twig would be really nice. Thanks for any help you guys can offer without flaming the shit out of me lol.

You THINK you eat a lot. Trust me, I did too. Eat at least 5-6 times a day, REAL food. Chicken, pastas, fish, lots of protein. And you're not going to get big if you don't lift hard. Period. Look around, there are some good writeups. Also, check your PMs

get into competitive eating

Thanks for the help guys. I really appreciate it.

Fabian You THINK you eat a lot. Trust me, I did too. Eat at least 5-6 times a day, REAL food. Chicken, pastas, fish, lots of protein. And you're not going to get big if you don't lift hard. Period. Look around, there are some good writeups. Also, check your PMs how much muscle gain

strangerthanfiction how much muscle gain A lot man I"m 5'9 weight abotu 120 if that. I need to gain some weight and some muscle. I just u kno a slender man's build but healthy you know?

Need Help Gaining Weight and Muscle

Saturday, January 4, 2014



I would post my "sex muscle" but I don't want to get banned for NWS images.

cavefish I would post my "sex muscle" but I don't want to get banned for NWS images. post it up, link. I'll post my other sex muscle too

it's too hot for OT

tize heres a pic of me at 4 1/2 months

tize heres a pic of me 4 1/2 months ago .

tize heres a pic of me at 4 1/2 months what the picture doesn't show, is that the duck had a small 1" hole in it. and tize never outgrew that toy until he was seventeen.

That's fucking hot And my sex muscle is in pretty bad shape right now, I need to start working out my core more so no pics

the eff is a sex muscle

Opi the eff is a sex muscle inguinal crease i beleive is what it's actually called. it's that little V thing that runs down, everyone around here calls them devil's horns? wtf

i have stubborn fat in that area

tize you never fail to amuse me

oh.. and looking good chris

fucking gayness. go to body mods or something. damn.

Dragon . what's with naked pictures and stuff covering your penis? First a hat, now a duck?

inset gut here --| |----

fat boy

Carnifex Oh shit, they're on to us: i bet they are watching me right now.... ...

sorry for the blur, but you get the idea.

christophers i dont give a holy fuck if it's linked. keep cock pics out of F&N. seriously. if you don't define what a "sex muscle" is, that's what you're gonna get.

sure, why not. taken about 6 months ago


Monday, December 30, 2013

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Finally got back in the groove the last couple days of playing (I've played like 7 days in a row). I've got my swing back to where I need it to be and was simply smashing today. Up 4 times, had a triple, single, and two bombs (one was like 325 feet and one was like 385). If I keep playing consistently, I really wouldn't mind playing organized baseball again. I know I could play at a lot of lower division/ junior colleges but since I'm chilling at D1 OSU, I don't know whether they'd give me a chance. In any case I'm getting bigger/stronger as well so it shouldn't be more than 6 months before that 385 foot bomb turns into 400+. By the way, baseball= best sport ever. IBhaters

But right on nonetheless.. Edit: @ edit.

Baseball is fun. But track is the greatest sport ever.

Ilyusha But right on nonetheless.. Edit: @ edit.

I baseball.

I used to be good at it. ended up droping baseball for racing mountain bikes..

superbri007 are you a sprinter? Do you pay attention to anything I ever post?

superbri007 well, i figured your slow as fuck from all this crunking and what not and farmers walks, and DL's, etc. What do you run a 100 in? ib 13 I was running high 12s 2 years ago. In flats even.

superbri007 playing ultimate frisbee all the time and doing a couple sessions of HIIT this past summer has made me soooo much faster. Frisbee is great for building speed, because its not boring to try and sprint after a frisbee that is far out of your reach. Its quite a goal, and having something to chase after makes you all that much faster without having to think about it. now I understand why they have the fake rabbits at dog tracks Goddamn I hate frisbee. Why the hell would you dick around with something homo-riffic like that when you can play football and still keep your balls? Football>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ultimate frisbee

superbri007 I never said frisbee was better then football, i fucking love football. Too bad no one ever wants to play here at my school. They enjoy masturbating, playing wiffle ball, drinking, and occasionally playing b-ball. when I play frisbee, its either, for a pass and I still sprint. or its actually a pretty hardcore game of just pure sprinting up and down the field. damn your school sucks

superbri007 no, the people here suck. They are like zombies. There are plenty of athletes, but everyone else is just disgusting fat bodies who drink all the time and sit around like turds. /rant i wanted to try out for baseball this year for my university, but Its a bit too late for that now, and plus i'm a junior. Not so sure I could compete at the college level Yeah there are plenty of lazy asses around here too. "Hey you wanna play baseball?" "No i uhhh...just don't want to" I mean wtf. If I improve my defense and get up to 240 I am going to try-out next year when I'm a sophmore. I only wish that I had like a real trainer person to help out rather than just doing this shit myself.

It's the only organized sport I was ever good at. God I wish I kept playing. No one plays baseball though, it's always fucking softball. It's a bunch of fat drunks just smashing the ball. Actually, hell you'd think I'd fit right in.

trancezj It's the only organized sport I was ever good at. God I wish I kept playing. No one plays baseball though, it's always fucking softball. It's a bunch of fat drunks just smashing the ball. Actually, hell you'd think I'd fit right in. Same here. In fact we were kicked off our field because some stupid ass softball game was about to take place. I don't even understand why guys would ever want to play a girls sport. And the older dudes get so into it. Talk about

Here are a list of tips that should help you out. First and foremost I always look at the muscles that are the most important for a particular sport and the muscles most likely to get injured. As a baseball player you must always work to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. Since everything you do in baseball is in front of you so to speak, and you are always internally rotated you need to work the opposing muscle groups. Aside from the external rotators, you must focus on upper back, rhomboids, lower traps, etc. Lats are the most important upper body muscles involved in hitting and of course you should work on forearm strength. Rotational ab work is also of enormous benefit for baseball players. But here is something that you don't regularly hear: A baseball player usually bats either righty or lefty. That player swings in one direction an inordinate amount of times. This can lead to imbalances and problems. Back pain can result because of this. What I recommend is that baseball players swing the bat in the opposite direction as much as they can so as not to develop these kinds of problems. Also during the season, we will focus more of our rotational work in the opposite direction of the way they swing. You always hear about golfers getting back pain and this is the reason why. I think the reason why you don't hear as much about it in baseball is because baseball players tend to be quite a bit more muscular and in shape than golfers. However, there is always that risk, and if it doesn't rear it's head at the current time it will sometime down the road as you get older. As far as being "speed oriented'" goes, you have to focus on improving the strength of your posterior chain and work on running mechanics and multidirectional speed drills. Although the basepath dictates that you run in somewhat of a straigh line, the ability to rapidly change directions when running the bases or trying to steal, and also to react to where a ball is hit when you are playing defense is of the utmost importance. To improve your throwing power from the outfield, you have to do the same thing you have to do to improve your speed- strengthen your posterior chain and torso strenth. That is where all your power comes from, not your arm. -Jason Ferruggia

Ceaze Here are a list of tips that should help you out. First and foremost I always look at the muscles that are the most important for a particular sport and the muscles most likely to get injured. As a baseball player you must always work to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. Since everything you do in baseball is in front of you so to speak, and you are always internally rotated you need to work the opposing muscle groups. Aside from the external rotators, you must focus on upper back, rhomboids, lower traps, etc. Lats are the most important upper body muscles involved in hitting and of course you should work on forearm strength. Rotational ab work is also of enormous benefit for baseball players. But here is something that you don't regularly hear: A baseball player usually bats either righty or lefty. That player swings in one direction an inordinate amount of times. This can lead to imbalances and problems. Back pain can result because of this. What I recommend is that baseball players swing the bat in the opposite direction as much as they can so as not to develop these kinds of problems. Also during the season, we will focus more of our rotational work in the opposite direction of the way they swing. You always hear about golfers getting back pain and this is the reason why. I think the reason why you don't hear as much about it in baseball is because baseball players tend to be quite a bit more muscular and in shape than golfers. However, there is always that risk, and if it doesn't rear it's head at the current time it will sometime down the road as you get older. As far as being "speed oriented'" goes, you have to focus on improving the strength of your posterior chain and work on running mechanics and multidirectional speed drills. Although the basepath dictates that you run in somewhat of a straigh line, the ability to rapidly change directions when running the bases or trying to steal, and also to react to where a ball is hit when you are playing defense is of the utmost importance. To improve your throwing power from the outfield, you have to do the same thing you have to do to improve your speed- strengthen your posterior chain and torso strenth. That is where all your power comes from, not your arm. -Jason Ferruggia Thanks. I need to work on my core more

I'm not going to brag, but I couldn't list all the amazing shit I did. Get me drunk and I'm fucking Al bundy talking about the glory days. Oddly enough, I wasn't a power hitter. I hit a few out, but they were few and far between.

my baseball coach got murdered

i suck but i also havent played in years

Playing baseball is sweet...i can't stand watching it though I've played back when I was 8 and just quit last year for one plays anymore. like someone said, it's all slow-pitch one plays fastball anymore... psst...pitcher= best position ever...curveballs fucked up my arm though when I was young...

I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer

GilgaMesH baseball= best sport ever. now if only my Oakland A's could of started the season off better

im so in this crew

Jeff Coleman now if only my Oakland A's could of started the season off better And the Indians

drunknmunky I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer bahaha, did your team happened to get called a bunch of faggots yesterday?

drunknmunky I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer you should quit that shit and join the baseball league we are starting

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

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