Saturday, January 25, 2014

Tricep/Shoulder exercises with a broken wrist?

Tricep/Shoulder exercises with a broken wrist?

Are there any decent tricep or shoulder exercises with minimal/no wrist involvement? Ive got a broken wrist so i dont want to put any unnecessary pressure on it, but i want to keep the tris & shoulders progressing...

kekekekekeke. no. well theres this machine where the pads rest on your elbows and work your side delts. example:

You could do the same with bands if your gym doesn have machines

Keep working your uninjured arm

Ceaze Keep working your uninjured arm !!

ryazbeck !! Training the uninjured arm helps to maintain strength and size in the injured arm. It's called the cross-training effect.

hise shrugs upper body sled dragging (you wont have to support the weight) other than whats been mentioned, use this as a time to develop something that you usually neglect, ie neck, balance, cardio, whatever.

Tricep/Shoulder exercises with a broken wrist?

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