Showing posts with label Diet Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diet Tips. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

I started this new job about 3 months ago and just tried to keep a quiet cool attitude and not really discuss my outside interests too much because I really am more of a quiet person... anyways...the pregnant woman openly asked me about diet tips and exercises she can do to help with her pregnancy and weight gain. So...there were 6 girls around when they heard this..and the one girl asked me if I was a PT or certified or something. I said just "no" and the other girl stood up and said I am a bodybuilder. So thats all they needed to hear when they came around and started firing off all types of questions about weight loss and even weight gain. So I'm just spinning my head about all this and don't know who's talking about what. so shit I told them if they wanted 'personal attention' to talk to me later about it too bad I don't run this as a business...I'd clean up

Filmboy44 too bad I don't run this as a business...I'd clean up Start one on the side, contract yourself out to a gym or something.

tell them about a great form of cardio where you don't even need to leave the bedroom, as long as you have a workout partner

its a small office too...there are a few that I'd off the "personal" service too "lets work that fat off honey"

christophers i play PT for a lot of people and dont ask anything for it. for some reason i just like helping people. although i get stuff for it all the tme, including money. i'm not going to say no. 4 tubs of muscle milk + 150$ came today from someone i helped lose 25 lb's and get to 8% i actually woulda rather just had cash instead of that muscle milk but oh well thats rather generous. Most of the time my advice isn't they keep comin back. they don't want to hear dieting isn't easy and they actually have to work at it for a while before they see results. I don't mind. I like talking about it and helping them. THey aren't hurting me any by not listening so whatever

cavefish Start one on the side, contract yourself out to a gym or something. oh and don't forget to contact the IRS to report any extra income.

evi1eddie tell them about a great form of cardio where you don't even need to leave the bedroom, as long as you have a workout partner I think the pregnant woman figured that one out all by herself

cunninglinguist I think the pregnant woman figured that one out all by herself

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

Monday, July 15, 2013

Great body without using any chemical substances

How to have a great body without using any chemical substances

Great body without using any chemical substances

To get the body you dream of you need dedication and determination. You need to be open-minded and accept that the greatest things in life, like a great physique, take a lot of time and a lot of effort. To be honest, it usually takes a year to 2 years of really hard training, eating, sleeping and cardio to get a chiseled physique if you're starting from nothing.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Easy Fat Burning Tips

Easy Fat Burning Tips

Easy Fat Burning Tips

Please do NOT follow this tip if you: suffer from depression and/or taking anti-depressants; diagnosed with ADHD; or have any heart aliments.

Before I do my workout I take:
48 mg of Ephedrine (4, 8 mg tabs)
200 mg of Caffeine
1 A.L.A. (Alpha Lipoic Acid) capsule, 100 mg
1 teaspoon of L-Glutamine powder

Friday, June 28, 2013

Feel Great After Your Workout

What to do so You Feel Great After Your Workout

Feel Great After Your Workout

Exercise should, technically, make you feel more energized, toned and fit -- not tired or sore. And while a little bit of fatigue and aches are normal, if you feel awful after you workout it's a surefire way to quickly give up your routine. Here are 14 simple tips that you can use before, during and after your next workout to make sure you feel the way exercise is intended to make you feel: great!

1. Make sure your body has fuel. Eating a small snack about an hour before your workout may help give you energy.
2. Get enough sleep. If your body is truly tried, your workout will only exacerbate this feeling.
3. When you start a new exercise routine, or increase intensity/duration, do so gradually.
4. Take a few minutes to warm-up before your workout.
5. After you workout, stretch your muscles.
6. Don't exhaust yourself. If you're feeling completely out of breath or extremely fatigued, decrease the intensity of your workout.
7. Give yourself time to recover. Avoid training the same muscle groups two days in a row.
8. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can lead to fatigue.
9. Eat something after your workout. Eating a mixture of protein and complex carbs within 90 minutes of working out will help repair your muscles and give you energy. Some great snack ideas include nuts and fruit, yogurt or cheese and whole-grain crackers or a tuna sandwich on whole-wheat bread.

If you've already worked out and now feel sore, here's what you can do to soothe your achy muscles:

10. Massage the area.
11. Apply a cold pack to the area.
12. Use BlueStop MAX Arthritis Pain Gel, a natural, proven topical gel that will relieve your pain in minutes.
13. Give it time. Muscle soreness should go away on its own in a few days.
14. Do some low-impact exercise. This increases blood flow to your muscles and can help to relieve soreness.

What to do so You Feel Great After Your Workout

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Protein Supplements How It Helps ?

Protein Supplements How It Helps ?

Protein Supplements How It Helps ?

Protein supplements will provide the right amount of protein to your muscles once they have been worked out. A muscle is ripped once it has been worked out good with weights, and in order to repair itself it needs protein. Once you drink a protein shake or a protein rich meal, your muscles use this protein to rebuild themselves and grow stronger and bigger.

Creatine increases ATP production which helps the muscles during a workout, but also creatine causes sometimes water to be drawn from some parts of the body into the muscle tissue which then causes dehydration, and then in a long run some say causes health problems.

I have been working out for 3 years, I don't use creatine because I dont find it to be safe, some even say its like a legal steroid, so I stay away from it. I only use protein supplements and that works for me. Also creatine does not work for some people, some people see absolutely no results from it, and some loss muscle density from it, while others benefit from it.

Protein supplements how it helps ?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Man Boobs How to reduce Tips and Tricks

Man Boobs How to reduce naturally?

Just to let you know my friend, the man boobs that you have are not going to disappear even if you lose weight. You more then likely have gynecomastia, which caused either by hormonal imbalance, overweight or a combination of both. Gynecomastia is a gland that forms on the male chest, and its similar to the female gland, boobs start growing and then stop at a certain point. The only way to treat gynecomastia is through surgery. I myself have it, I just dont have Boobs, when you look at mine you can notice I have extra fat on my chest. I am having my surgery sometime this winter coming up since it has been a huge impact on my life, Im sure you know what I mean. Also gynecomastia tends to give you puffy nipples, so your nipples wont be stiff but puffy much like a females nipple after pregnancy. If you want to know more about this condition and stuff PM me I got some cool site I can share that helped me out a lot. But remember working out or losing 110% body fat is NOT going to get rid of man boobs (gynecomastia) sadly lots of people with this condition think the way you did or are thinking now, that if they work out they can close it but sadly that's not the case. In face if you do chest exercises you will build muscle under the gynecomastia and push your boobs out even more.

As for getting into shape, I suggest you start your diet first in the kitchen, eliminate all the bad stuff you are eating now. Like white bread, white rice, fried chicken, friend foods, foods cooked on oil, sodas, sugar drinks, energy bars filled with sugar and switch to whole wheat bread, rice, water, vegetable meals, fruit salads and protein rich foods. SInce you want to lose weight first, I suggest you go on a diet, and eat 5 times a day but small and non fat meals. Things like whole wheat rice with boiled chicken breast, a tuna sandwich but without the mayonnaise. Join the gym, start doing cardio, at least 45 min a day of mixed exercises like running, jump rope, bicycle. Once you lose the amount of fat you wanted start you weight training, and then once you are about to start like I told many guys here download the ebook "The Truth Behind Muscles

Man Boobs How to reduce Tips and Tricks

Saturday, April 21, 2012

How to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches

How to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches

how to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches. Right now it is impossible to target fat loss in one specific area. My waist is 32 inches and I'm 6'6". You have a trainer and you do a lot of Olympic training. I'm guessing your cardio is sport specific, you run the field, laps around the track, plyometric endurance, etc.

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