Showing posts with label fruit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruit. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

ive been experiencing this weird eating pattern...

ive been experiencing this weird eating pattern...

hey guys ive been working on cutting since late january and ive been seeing some gradual results. ive changed my diet from junk food, to lesser junk foods to a more healthy diet. lately, ive been focusing on keeping things in moderation while trying to maintain my healthy diet. everyday, i eat a cottage cheese and tuna sandwhich for lunch, breakfast is shredded wheat and cottage cheese, a myoplex bar for snack.. soemtimes fruit and trail mix... and then for dinnner, i eat some kind of meat with rice or anything that i can tell wouldnt be too unhealthy for me. this past week or two, my apetite has been changing. every two hours, i get hungry.. like i gotta eat something but i cant eat too much. my stomach shrank i guess and i can only eat so much in one sitting, but after, i get hungry again. and for some reason, i have to walk or do someting after each meal. has anyone experienced this? cliffs: after four months of cutting, my apetite is changing and craving more food.

Whats your body fat? Maybe its your choice of food too. Some types of food aren't as fulfilling.

well.. i started at 29% i havent taken a test since i started so im not sure what im at now. today i woke up kinda late so i couldnt really make my food. but i was able to eat... -a bag of trail mix -one plain tuna and cottage cheese sandwich -rice with some grilled pork and egg (im not sure if this is too bad for you) -vietnamese sandwich - grilled pork

You might not be eating enough. Do you count your calories?

i dont count my calories like i used to.. i figured the meal would work around 300-400 each time.. but youre right, i might not be taking in enough calories?

not enough calories and no "fillers" really. when in doubt up your aqua intake. it may help offset some of your hunger.

aight ill try drinking more water

too many simple carbs.. eat more low GI complex carbs. No white bread on those sandwiches, get ezekiel bread or stone ground whole wheat bread. Dont eat white rice, eat brown rice.. and only in limited amounts etc.

ive been eating the 12 grain breads by orowheat. as for rice, well.. yea i eat white rice

ive been experiencing this weird eating pattern...

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

So you have just woken up, and you NEED to hit the gym right now, since it closes in two hours. You havn't eaten or drank anything since waking up. Do you go to the gym on an empty stomach? or eat some fruit? or some bread? or some protein?

rye bread & raspberry jam & down 30g of liquid protein or so.

dextrose + sucrose + free-form AA's (or whey)

if you are trying to lose weight/fat, then just go.. but make sure you drink water! but if you are trying to bulk up or maintain, then i would drink some protien drink, or eat a fruit..

ANIMALPAK VITAMINS. Thats all you need.

Get some carbs and some protein.

Ceaze dextrose + sucrose + free-form AA's (or whey)

what are you trying to do at the gym? heavy lifting, cardio(for how long), or yoga(empty stomach for sure),.. depends what you are gonna do.

devilangel if you are trying to lose weight/fat, then just go.. but make sure you drink water! but if you are trying to bulk up or maintain, then i would drink some protien drink, or eat a fruit..

tize go back to your myspace forums, did acura give you this address??? im a legit member here. and myspace forum sucks my ass!

tize <3 you mackin on me? hahhaha

prolly a weight gain shake 600 calories + 52 g protien + 15 ounces of water= win

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What do you eat yogurt with?

What do you eat yogurt with?

I eat it with granola or granola cereals. quite tasty.... but I don't want to get tired of it. so what else can i eat it with (besides protein powder)?

Fruit, Bananas are awesome.

A spoon.

Bananas? I got bananas!! I just tried it with dried cranberries. good, very good.

MikeMurder Bananas? I got bananas!! I just tried it with dried cranberries. good, very good. Bananas > cranberries


Ilyusha A spoon. I wanted to say the same thing. But...i like eat my yogurt plain with strawberries?

y0gfx I wanted to say the same thing. But...i like eat my yogurt plain with strawberries? Where in SF do you live?

more yogurt

Ilyusha Where in SF do you live? od->rd conversion in progress

...and do you guys think you're badasses or something saying to eat it plain?

MikeMurder od->rd conversion in progress Fuck yeah.

I live near the Mission and Geneva area...Actually I go to SJSU right now and I'm in San Jose (weekdays) living across the street from the campus.

it tastes fine all by itself

what kinda yogurt you are eating, that is the question.. blueberries are great, i used to spread the yogurt on my wheat bread... yum!

plain or with cottage cheese

with my tuna

cottage cheese + yogurt = teh win


dump oats in there.

Ilyusha A spoon. Damn, I was gonna say the same thing. I usually just eat a big ole thing of vanilla yogurt.

Mike McDermott plain yogurt = crap by itself sugary yogurt = good by itself Yeah, I guess I should mention that I eat plain yogurt (which isn't horrible by itself, but can use some help.) BTW, I'm eating it with bananas right now. It's so-so. It needs too much banana to drowned out the taste of plain yogurt, though.

y0gfx I live near the Mission and Geneva area...Actually I go to SJSU right now and I'm in San Jose (weekdays) living across the street from the campus. I tried answering your PM but your PM inbox is full.

a spoon

On my cheatdays I'll make a parfait. Granola, honey, strawberries, and blue berries or mangos. If I'm eating clean then I'll add a scoop of whey protein.

What do you eat yogurt with?

Monday, January 20, 2014

What have you consumed today?

What have you consumed today?

Breakfast: 1 cup of oatmeal, 2 slices whole wheat toast, 2 eggs, 3 strips of bacon. snack: scoop of vanilla ON whey and water with half a cup of organic milk lunch: 2 slices of flax bread with natural peanut butter, small spinach salad with crab meat snack: half scoop of vanilla ON whey and half a scoop of RPC and water with half a cup of organic milk dinner: grilled rosemary garlic marinated trout filets, red beans and rice. Water: 48 oz so far how about everyone else?

christophers 4 person boston market meal a beer a bag of m&m's a big skittles a bag of peanut butter m&m's a slurpee a cheesecake i want your diet.

the fatted calf and a pitcher of wine

Salad with turkey and hard boiled eggs at Saladworks, wheat roll. 2 slices dried pineapple. 1 panda licorice bar. 1 sugar-free fudge bar. 3 low-carb pitas with apple butter. 1 apple. I'm slacking

breakfast: 6 egg whites w/ pepper, 2 pieces of toast, cup of brown rice with 3/4 cup of mixed veges lunch: 2 cups brocolli, 3/4 cup oatmeal, 7.5-8oz chicken, natty pb&j sandwich, handfull mixed nuts, handfull golden raisins pre work food: casein protein shake(40g protein), 3/4 cup oats w/ 1 cup fat free plain yogurt and nutrasweet @ work: protein bar(20g) and 2 big ass pieces of birthday cake(boss's b-day) diner: cup of brown rice, 7oz chicken breast, 1.5 cups of brocolli, 3/4 cup of mixed veges all mixed together with some hot sauce, handful of nuts probably going to eat something else before bed. God I love not being on a diet. edit: mom just called and is bringing me home a 4 meat pizza.

According to fit day, not even close to enough Banana, raw 217 1 55 2 Pro Rated Whey Protein: Alpine Vanilla 120 2 4 22 Orange, raw 57 0 14 1 Oats, raw 233 4 41 10 Orange juice, NFS 113 0 27 2 Strawberries, frozen, unsweetened 30 0 8 0 Yogurt, plain, NS as to type of milk 78 2 9 6 Milk, cow's, fluid, 1% fat 306 8 35 33 Chicken, thigh, with or without bone, NS as to cooking method, NS as to skin eaten 347 22 0 35 Rice A Roni: Chicken 180 1 38 5 Corn, raw 66 1 15 2 ARCHWAY Home Style Cookies, Iced Oatmeal 123 5 18 1 Corn dog (frankfurter or hot dog with cornbread coating) 273 18 20 9 Steel Cut Oats 300 4 52 8 Margarine, stick, unsalted 77 9 0 0 Roll, white, soft 103 2 18 3 Totals 2623 77 354 141

8 oz milk + whey + oats eggs + turkey + rice thai bbq chicken + rice another shake

pizza, carrots,corn, turkey, omelet, sausage patties, salad, taco bell bean burritos, ice cream, cake, and some protein

6 wheat bix , just woke up

Peal 6 wheat bix , just woke up what is a wheat bix?

Beef jerky 129 8 3 10 Berries, raw, NFS 45 1 11 1 granola cereal 190 3 44 5 Yogurt, vanilla, lemon, maple, or coffee flavor, lowfat milk 209 3 34 12 Peanuts, roasted, salted 74 6 2 3 Beef jerky 129 8 3 10 Tuna, canned, water pack 132 1 0 29 Salad dressing, KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP LIGHT Dressing 49 4 3 0 Pickle relish, hot dog 14 0 4 0 Bread, whole wheat, 100% 138 2 26 5 Cheese, Swiss 213 16 2 16 Chicken, breast, with or without bone, broiled, skin not eaten 275 6 0 52 Broccoli, cooked, from fresh, fat not added in cooking 43 1 8 5 Carrots, cooked, from fresh, fat not added in cooking 70 0 16 2 Rice, brown, long-grain, cooked 216 2 45 5 Sherbet, all flavors 133 2 29 1 Totals 2060 62 230 157

egg sandwich bagel 3 donuts turkey club can of tuna 2 beefaronis 1 met rx protein bar i worked ~10 hours today so it wasnt all that bad of diet considering

polish hot dog on bun diet pepsi teaspoon of CEE pepper beef on rice and some chow mein some ice cream cottage cheese orange been slacking off today

an ice cube

SpeedyGST what is a wheat bix?

bowl of fruit 2 MRP shakes bag of beef jerky 6" steak/bbq sandwich bag of doritos 100oz water chicken breast baked potato

SteveO an ice cube fattie

3 slices of mixed grain bread 2 Slices of Mozzeralla 2 eggs 2 egg whites Protein Shake 1/2 a Cup of almonds Couple of Fish Oil capsules

wtf iCe and Chutups, that seems like it would be a inbetween meal snack.

my diet DUDE Meal DP Blizzard w/ butterfuinger and reeses Wendies DBL cheaseburger meal Junir Bacon Cheseburger Lots of cookies more DP

for april 24th 2 scoops of whey, 1 cup of oats, 2 tbs of olive oil, 2 eggs about 15-18 beers a few jellow shots a few strips of beef jerkey a few bites of a turkey sandwich 1/2 lb of shredded brisket, 6 slices of bread, 1/2 cup of potato salad 2 scoops of whey, 1 cup of oats, 2 tbs of olive oil, 2 eggs

yesterday I had jabalaya pasta with blackened chicken/sausage and garlic toast from applebees, 3 chickens strips and some fries off this one bitches plate, an oreo shake, 2 arby bacon cheddar melts, a pound of hamburger, 2 hotpockets, 2 pieces of cherry cobler, a chicken breast, a bowl of cereal, protein shake, 3 fruit and nut trailmix bars, a few handfuls of sunflower seeds and half a piece of some shitty cake

yesterday: Meal 1: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 2 scoops whey protein shake (pre-cardio) Meal 2: 4 egg whites, 3 whole eggs(7), Whole Wheat Bagel Meal 3: 1 chicken breast, brown rice, green beans Meal 4: 2 scoops whey protein shake, almonds Meal 5: 1 chicken breast, noodles, veggie Meal 6: 1 Hemilayan chicken curry, nan bread, white rice Meal 7: 1 sesame chicken breast, rice, from korean resteraunt

What have you consumed today?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A gainer shake i dont mind taking....

A gainer shake i dont mind taking....

Fruit Blast Isolate Gainer. I was sick of the same old Vanilla/Choc/Straw/Banana options, so i opted out and spent a bit more on the Fruit Blast. this shit is awesome, i actually look forward to taking the shakes. Per 152g serving (4 scoops) Calories - 600ish(cant remember exactly) Fat - 5g Carbs - 78g Protein - 58g if you gag almost everytime you take your shake, i highly recommend this one.

OR make this 24 oz of milk, 2 scoops whey, 1 cup oats, 2 tbsp natty PB, banana

i have a retarded metabolism, you got numbers for that shake? also, i read that taking protein with water increases the rate at which it is assimilated into the body

superbri007 i just bought some Cytosport Cytogainer strawberry, and 100 grams of 1fast400 cee should be here today the last gainer i had was strawberry, from HDT, i didnt mind that one

superbri007 this is by the makers of muscle milk, so it should taste excellent nice, hows the price on that the fruit blast was ~80 canadian for a 10 pounder

superbri007 $29.99 for 6 lbs, 18 servings, 4 scoops a serving. 37.64 for you Hosers up there in Canada eh? thats a good price, ill check that one out once im done this one thanks dude

A gainer shake i dont mind taking....

Monday, January 13, 2014

Look what I got...

Look what I got...

Makes everything alot easier and it tastes better now

cup + fork = win

how much u pay for it? and wheres u get it?

XsLiCk how much u pay for it? and wheres u get it? $39.95 at SAMS

jonno cup + fork = win thats crazy

fuck i like that nozzle

Blenders take too much time and are a pain in the ass for me. Shaker cup or hand blenders are the shit. Then again I'm just mixing whey and water. If I took the time to make badass shakes with fruit and other shit that thing looks pretty sweet.

cavefish Blenders take too much time and are a pain in the ass for me. Shaker cup or hand blenders are the shit. Then again I'm just mixing whey and water. If I took the time to make badass shakes with fruit and other shit that thing looks pretty sweet. Today I put bananas in it and it ate it up in like 3 seconds

Look what I got...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Is this diet even going to do anything for me?

Is this diet even going to do anything for me?

I am currently 162 lbs about 6'1" and fed up with it. So I am fully commited to put some weight on. I have tried before, I lifted for 8 months really hard, I got stronger, but only a couple pounds bigger, I'm hoping because I never really added to my diet. So here is what I'm starting on now: Morning:25g protien shake 25g can of chicken breast Oatmeal or cream of wheat, a bagel, some fruit, whatever the caffeteria has Lunch:Whatever school is serving, usually a decent meal, hamurger or something. Dinner:Again whatever school is serving, pasta, pizza, chicken, whatever it is I can eat a lot of it. 50g protien shake Obviously I will be lifting throughout the week, I feel I have a good workout that gets my full upper body and some legs throughout the week. I am not worried about putting on fat, in fact I would welcome a few % more body fat. So if anyone has anymore suggestions on what I should be doing that would be great. Thanks for the help.

If you wanna gain weight stop eating like a pussy and start downing more than 2000 calories.

I'm pretty sure I get more than 2,000 a day. I eat tons for dinner, but thats really the only time I can eat till I can't eat anymore.

If you're a hardgainer you may have to take up to 4000-7000 calories a day, depends on your metabolism, start your calories out at 3500-4000 and eat that amount for a week and see if you gain any weight, if you dont, add another 500 everyday for another week and repeat the process until you start gaining, it ain't rocket surgery

Wow, 3 meals a day... try 6 or 7 full course meals.

That's a great meal plan for losing weight

Well its hard while living on a school campus. I have about 35 hours of classes a week, no fridge, and minimal food storage. I'm eating everything in sight though. I figure I'm doing about 3500 every day this last week. I just don't know what to eat, besides massive amounts of PB&J sandwiches.

...i'm pretty sure I'm no expert in bulking(trying to cut) but eat anything and're trying to get BIGGER...go stuff your mouth with burgers or something?

FlameBox Well its hard while living on a school campus. I have about 35 hours of classes a week, no fridge, and minimal food storage. I'm eating everything in sight though. I figure I'm doing about 3500 every day this last week. I just don't know what to eat, besides massive amounts of PB&J sandwiches. unless you have been counting calories for a while you dont have an accurate gauge as to "how many calories you ate." believe me, its very easy to stuff your face multiple times a day and be barely breaking 2k calories. find nutrition labels, get on fitday, whatever you have to do in order to track caloric intake. get familiar with the nutrition content of foods you eat daily and keep a list. gaining weight can be laborious but if you put in the time you will see results. good luck!

35hrs of class? How? How many credits is that? You are going to need to eat a lot more than that. Buy canned foods and keep your room stocked. If you want it bad enough you will make it work.

Going to school? Get a George Foreman grill and a membership to Costco. Boneless, Skinless chick breasts are you friend. While you're at it get some burgers, too.

do you feel hungry at any time of the day? if so, you could be eating more

xpinchx Going to school? Get a George Foreman grill and a membership to Costco. Boneless, Skinless chick breasts are you friend. While you're at it get some burgers, too. Like I said, no fridge room, so that means no freezer room. No where to even use a grill. But thanks for the help guys, I got some good ideas on what to be working on now.

FlameBox Like I said, no fridge room, so that means no freezer room. No where to even use a grill. But thanks for the help guys, I got some good ideas on what to be working on now. George Forman grill...Its tiny.

FlameBox Like I said, no fridge room, so that means no freezer room. No where to even use a grill. But thanks for the help guys, I got some good ideas on what to be working on now. can you take extra food fro the cafeteria? i mean say you go at alot..and take a plate to go for your next meal. then t dinner eat alot..and take another plate to go.

FlameBox Like I said, no fridge room, so that means no freezer room. No where to even use a grill. But thanks for the help guys, I got some good ideas on what to be working on now. You can get a moderate-sized Foreman Grill for around $10-$15 that will easily fit anywhere in your dorm. You can cook your shit on your computer desk if you want to. As for no room for a fridge, just how small is your dorm? Pics? IMO that would be most beneficial for you if you could eat in your dorm. It'd be better than the crap they serve at the cafeteria. Probably cheaper, too, but I don't really know.

Is this diet even going to do anything for me?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

whats so good about oatmeal?

whats so good about oatmeal?

why is it part of almost everyone's bulking diet?

Clean carbs? Nutritious at the same time. Ok,I don't know. I just eat what ppl recommend.

StoneCold why is it part of almost everyone's bulking diet? (low gi), cheap, can be mixed in shakes

SteveO (low gi), cheap, can be mixed in shakes Also, pretty calorie dense.

pt used it

ACURA TL-S Also, pretty calorie dense. not really

Ceaze not really Ya, your right, I thought it was something like 600 calories a cup. Thatll teach me to think.

i eat oatmeal frequently, but i'm cutting fat


whats the trick to keeping oatmeal from settleing at the bottom of my protein shake? the last two drinks are always full of oatmeal and it makes me gag.

I can eat a lot of it for 300 calories.

not part of mine

It should be a part of your diet bulking or not

Ero whats the trick to keeping oatmeal from settleing at the bottom of my protein shake? the last two drinks are always full of oatmeal and it makes me gag. Blend the oats into a powder first then add everything else.

its got oats, and its a meal. nice combo in my book! also, unrefined. hard to find that these days.

Oats + Mouth = win. I just eat them raw.

Ero whats the trick to keeping oatmeal from settleing at the bottom of my protein shake? the last two drinks are always full of oatmeal and it makes me gag. Keep shakin it. No matter how fine you blend it, it will eventually settle because it doesn't dissolve. I usually uise 0.5-1 cup of oatmeal per 1.5-2 scoops of protein

i just bought some i'll be eating them in the morning for breafast now with some egg whites.

I use it when cutting as well

Ero whats the trick to keeping oatmeal from settleing at the bottom of my protein shake? the last two drinks are always full of oatmeal and it makes me gag. thicker shakes. IE = more solid stuffs. but i make fruit shakes, most people round here make milkshakes and shit so i dont know what solids you would add other than peanut butter or more oats.

PurEvl I use it when cutting as well

fiber and it also lowers your cholesterol.. but not those quick instant oatmeals tho(too much sugar), it has to be the old fashioned one..

PurEvl I use it when cutting as well same

1) Very low GI 2) Good for calories 3) Contains GLA 3) Good source of soluble fiber 4) Contains more minerals then many other grains 5) Has atleast a little protein 6) Damn tasty is prepaired right 7) Can be very filling when dieting(a good thing)

whats so good about oatmeal?

Fat burner / Weight loss powder mix?

Fat burner / Weight loss powder mix?

Is there a powder I can mix with milk or fruit and water (blended) to aid in weight loss in conjunction with working out? thanks



shastaisforwinners meth dot

special K should work too... and it's cheaper than meth

thanks for all the suggestions guys!

Fat burner / Weight loss powder mix?

Friday, December 27, 2013

true protein custom protein

true protein custom protein

just got mine in the mail. reviews in a few i got morning mix with cherry berry & nighttime mix with orange cream & a green apple bsl flavoring for misc protein i have. if anyone wants to buy a pretty much new 5lb container of ON whey, lemme know. there's atleast 4.5lbs left.

i think i watered it down too much. doesn't taste bad though. no aftertaste.

whats with companies going with fruit flavors these days.

SpeedyGST whats with companies going with fruit flavors these days. BSL always had them AFAIK but they stopped offering protein or something.

now taht they are up here, I think I'm gonna try them when I run out of ON

Maybe I'll have to try the fruit flavors some time then. The TP chocolate I got was terrible.

where'd you order it from?

Filmboy44 where'd you order it from?

Hmm, I've been thinking of giving this a try. Could just get a bunch of the no-flavor protein and some flavors, then if I hate the flavors at least they're cheaper to buy again than the powder.

I will never order from them again and I haven't even received my order yet. I placed an order, emailed them 3 times and I didn't receive one response back. I needed to change the shipping address and it was shipped out anyway

god that place sucks, i was going to order 1 lb of isolate powder, cuz thats all i need, and its fucking $5.27 for the cheapest ground shipping. how can they possibly charge 5.27 to ship one god forsaken pound?

ryazbeck god that place sucks, i was going to order 1 lb of isolate powder, cuz thats all i need, and its fucking $5.27 for the cheapest ground shipping. how can they possibly charge 5.27 to ship one god forsaken pound? going as close as it gets, from NY to NY, ups ground business to busienss is 5.40 retail. & residential is 6.80. & even priority mail is 3.85 for the first pound, without tracking or insurance. so blame the price of gas, not the store

true protein custom protein

My 12 year old sister weights 155 lbs..

My 12 year old sister weights 155 lbs..

and i'm getting really concerned about her health. she doesnt exercise much, and spends too much time watching TV. she eats a lot of junk and snack food too. wot can i do to help? words dont seem to do much.. i can see her being obese if she carries on this way. by the way she's 5'6.

weighs what use apostrophes in your contractions That being said, there's not much you can do if she's not going to listen to you. More than likely your parents are contributing to her poor health. Talk to them and tell them to stop buying shit food. There was rarely any junk food around while I was growing up. No soda/pop, no fast food, no snacks. Parents bought lots of fruit and we had that as snacks. Occasionaly got treated with something once in a while. But I'm guessing there's junk food around all the time.

RotorBalls weighs what use apostrophes in your contractions That being said, there's not much you can do if she's not going to listen to you. More than likely your parents are contributing to her poor health. Talk to them and tell them to stop buying shit food. There was rarely any junk food around while I was growing up. No soda/pop, no fast food, no snacks. Parents bought lots of fruit and we had that as snacks. Occasionaly got treated with something once in a while. But I'm guessing there's junk food around all the time. Where are the parents? I commend you for caring and wanting to do something, but unless you are very close or are used to bossing her around, the parents have to do something. Like stop buying junk food and turn off the TV

my parents dont seem to be that concerned.. sometimes they'll yell at her for eating junk food and stop her.. but the next day its bak to normal. wot about exercising wise? wot is suitable for a 12 year old to do? i cud tag her along to my gym sometimes.. make her jog the treadmill or something?

If you can get her to the gym with you, then yeah have her do any kind of aerobic activities regularly. If you can pull her away from the tv for an hour a day she'll be fine. Go for bike rides with her, I was a bike riding freak growing up. You get tons of exercise and don't even realize it. I could ride for hours and hours and not even know it.

5'6" and 145lbs... She's not that overweight I don't think, she has some things men do not have (butt and boobs)...

Take a walk with her every once and a while or play a game that she likes to play. Telling her what to do and not to do wont help. You have to show her through things that she enjoys. But just get her outside and doin stuff. As for her diet, you have to get that junk food out of the house, ill assume taht your parents are overweight as well so that might be hard. But thats really gonna be the key to her bein healthy. Its great that you are concerned about her! There are to many people who just pass off obesity as being ok, especially in children, that can be devastating.

Da Hell's Oracle 5'6" and 145lbs... She's not that overweight I don't think, she has some things men do not have (butt and boobs)... She's 155, and yeah, that is pretty porky. My little sister (15) is 5'8 and about 110-115. That's pretty thin, but my girlfriend is 5'5 and 128, and would like to lose a few.

i think if she doesnt wanna exercise you'll just have to chase her around with a knife to make her run, and dont stop until she starts to sweat. After a while she'll just start running without any negative encouragement needed.

thanks for the input people. do fatter people tend to sweat more? cuz she sweats easily without even doing much work..

yes they sweat more easily

My GF is 5'6" and 113. At 155, she'd look pretty fat. My suggestion would be to try and get her interested in sports or other activities that will get her more active. Unlike boys, girls tend to not lose their "baby fat" when they hit high school. So you're right to be concerned for her now. Good luck.

Tell your parents to stop surrounding her with junk food. She's too lazy to be working, so I know she's not paying for it.

waylander Tell your parents to stop surrounding her with junk food. She's too lazy to be working, so I know she's not paying for it. and we have a wiener

she's 5'6 and 155? Damn for a 12 year old thats huge. I mean all around, tall and heavy. I can relate to this, my little bro is 12 and he's a tad overweight but he's active, he plays hockey. Actually when he's not playing hockey, he's on the computer or watching TV eating doritos and crap. Its my parents that put him on this diet. WHat can you do?

Filmboy44 she's 5'6 and 155? Damn for a 12 year old thats huge. I mean all around, tall and heavy. I can relate to this, my little bro is 12 and he's a tad overweight but he's active, he plays hockey. Actually when he's not playing hockey, he's on the computer or watching TV eating doritos and crap. Its my parents that put him on this diet. WHat can you do? Wiener? Frank and beans...frank and beans.

Filmboy44 she's 5'6 and 155? Damn for a 12 year old thats huge. I mean all around, tall and heavy. I can relate to this, my little bro is 12 and he's a tad overweight but he's active, he plays hockey. Actually when he's not playing hockey, he's on the computer or watching TV eating doritos and crap. Its my parents that put him on this diet. WHat can you do? I guess let him know that people will tease him for his weight, people won't want to talk to him, he won't get a job he's qualified for if a skinny person applies, only fat chicks will like him (and thats only if there isn't a drunk skinny guy willing to give it to her), you know...tell him the truth.

waylander I guess let him know that people will tease him for his weight, people won't want to talk to him, he won't get a job he's qualified for if a skinny person applies, only fat chicks will like him (and thats only if there isn't a drunk skinny guy willing to give it to her), you know...tell him the truth. ah I'm sure gog will be availible as the drunk skinny guy.

trancezj ah I'm sure gog will be availible as the drunk skinny guy. Gog's down with the fatties? I wonder if he will be my wingman. Wiiiingmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn!

being her big brother and all, i think you should just eat all the junk food in the house yourself, so she doesnt have any junk food to eat.

HOLY SHIT!!!! tell her to start respecting her body, the sooner she starts the better. and tell your parents to stop buying that shit and leaving it around the house.

This topic is 13 months old. My sister's weight has increased since from 155lbs to 170lbs

don't worry she is just bulking

kingfaz This topic is 13 months old. My sister's weight has increased since from 155lbs to 170lbs You have a panoramic camera? is so pics? Reguardless, this is bordering neglect/child abuse at this point. Hide the fucking little debbies! Do something, seriously.

you cant tell a 12 year old shit about dieting. basically its your parents fault for putting shit food in the house. wanna know my suggestion? accept it. shes going to get fatter and you're right, she'll eventually be obese and it'll probably be right around freshman year in HS. theres nothing you can do about it because if you nag her to get her to exercise and eat right she'll just get pissed at you. what your parents need to do is lay down some fucking guidelines and buy good food. allow 1 hour of TV per day, she chooses the hour and this must be very restricted, same should go for computer. or she can choose between computer/tv. she must limit her calories and start exercising 4 - 5 times per week. i think if your parents cared at all about hers and their own diets theyd stop buying shitty food but its obvious they dont, so theres nothing you can do but just accept it and live your own life

My 12 year old sister weights 155 lbs..



I just starting running to prepare myself for the citadel in the fall i have a question after i go about a mile i get pains/ cramps on my side directly across from my navel. anyone know how i can prevent this or know what this is. i drink about 6 bottles a of water + some gatoraide per day so i dont think i am dehydrated but i'm not sure thanks

Does it keep hurting or does it eventually stop while you're running?

Girl_Next_Door Does it keep hurting or does it eventually stop while you're running? it stops if i when i slow my pace to a brisk walk

i used to get that when i ran for soccer. our coach told us to put our hands behind our head while we were running and take deep breaths. seemed to work for me

disblohs i used to get that when i ran for soccer. our coach told us to put our hands behind our head while we were running and take deep breaths. seemed to work for me thanks ill try that

Grandpa Cramps can be caused by a couple of things. It's a myth that putting your hands over your head helps. It's actually the deep breathing that helps. And like stated above, don't drink an exceptional amount before running. Except movement from the weight in your stomach also causes the cramps. I think the underlying cause of both is pressure on your diaphragm, but don't quote me on that. thanks

i wonder if strengthening your core muscles would help?

Exercise related transient abdominal pain, or stitches have alot of myths surrounding them. I found this in a snopes article, citing Engel & Malloy, 1993 A form of muscle cramp, stitches are caused by the blood supply to the diaphragm being shut off by pressure from the lungs above and the abdomen below, like a bomb and a submarine attack at the same time. So what does this have to do with food? Well, if you have food in your stomach you are likely to develop stomach cramps. Here's why: To aid digestion the heart pumps a large volume of blood to the stomach. During exercise, the heart pumps blood to the muscles, and the flow of the blood to the stomach is greatly diminished. Without the blood supply, the stomach muscles suffer from lack of oxygen and, like any muscle without oxygen, develop cramps. I also looked at PubMed, a bloke named Morton DP has done a fair bit of research on ETAP, he has reached several conclusions The results indicate that in order to avoid ETAP, susceptible individuals should refrain from consuming reconstituted fruit juices and beverages similarly high in carbohydrate content and osmolality, shortly before and during exercise. Further, the mechanism responsible for the heightened experience of ETAP in the FJ trial extends beyond a gastric mass explanation. CONCLUSION: Training status alters the frequency of occurrence of ETAP but has little effect on the incidence or severity of the pain. Further, ETAP and STP decrease with age but are not related to gender or BMI. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of the present study provide perspective on previously suggested etiologies of ETAP, which include diaphragmatic ischemia and stress on the visceral "ligaments," and form the basis for examining alternative etiologies such as cramp of the musculature and irritation of the parietal peritoneum. He has also highlighted that ETAP is unresearched, These findings may indicate that efforts to optimise spinal integrity may be important in the management of ETAP. Indeed, many questions relating to ETAP remain unanswered and numerous research opportunities exist. Although ETAP is an old complaint, its study is relatively new. I hope that increased research attention in the future will provide clearer insights into the cause of the pain as well as innovative strategies for its management. The article where he quotes this is available for free here

edd, great post my australian friend.

In order to fix the cramps in your sides: 1) Do not eat 2 hours before you run. (May vary) 2) Do not drink for about an hour and a half before you run. (May vary) 3) If you follow 1 and 2, and you get a cramp, run anyway, your body must learn the hard way.

you guys rock. thanks a ton, on a side note where could i get info on core muscles and how to excersice them is reliable. there isnt much focus on that topic here.

ehh i eat and drink right before i run sometimes.i always though pains in the side was from being out of shape

there are core type of excercises.. it's pretty much similar to yoga


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My plan to get Big in teh next month....... *Opinions Please*

My plan to get Big in teh next month....... *Opinions Please*

Eating Plan: 7am: Breakfast 2 Cups of Oj 2 Scops of NLarge2 2 Pork Roll and Cheese on english muffin 40 g's protein 10am:10 oz Apple Cranberry Juice 1 Extra Peanut Butter Sandwich 20 g's protein 12:30pm: Lunch Time 2 Chicken Break Sndwich 1 Glass of milk Probably some other filler foods 30 g's protein 4:00pm 10 oz Apple Cranberrry juice 1 Peanut Butter Sandwich 20 g's protein 5:45-6:00pm 2 Scoops Nlarge2 25 g's protein 8:00 Dinner whatever mom makes for dinner. Usually 25 g's protein at least 10:30 2 scoops Nlarge2 shake 25 g's protein Workout: Christophers Base routine Supplements: Nlarge2 Multivitamin Superdrol half bottle 4ad trans Stats:6'1 185lbs goals:205 lbs Whats everyones opinion????? Also, fix anything i fucked up.....

how many calories is all that?

Dragon how many calories is all that? No clue i know its about 180 g's protein tho......

protein is good, but if you need to make sure your getting a lot of calories too. you should be aiming for at least 3500cal, and that 180g of protein is only 720 calories.

how many calories do you think i have so far????? What can i do to increase my caloric intake?

being that you'll be taking superdrol, i don't think you need to go too crazy with calorie intake. What are you doing for PCT?

superbri007 correct me if i'm wrong but superdrol is legal right? for now, yes.

superbri007 correct me if i'm wrong but superdrol is legal right? Correct. let me know if you need a link..

Chris3G being that you'll be taking superdrol, i don't think you need to go too crazy with calorie intake. What are you doing for PCT? Most likely be taking 6oxo..... from what i have heard about the taste of nolva, i dont think i should take that. it will probably mess up my eating habbits. I have a weak stomach.

superbri007 link not that i want to do it, but i just want to learn about it. Oh, just go to There are 198279127 threads per day about it. Everyone raves about it over there

3 pound water an fat

20 pounds in a month? ha, you'll look like a fatty besides, you wont gain shit on the little girl diet.

oh btw do you have any illegal anabolic steroids that you can sell to me illegally?

only illegal ones.

PurEvl 3 pound water an fat From what I've heard, you really don't retain water much water on SD. On the 4ad, yes, but if he's only got a half a bottle, i don't even know why he's bothering.

GilgaMesH From what I've heard, you really don't retain water much water on SD. On the 4ad, yes, but if he's only got a half a bottle, i don't even know why he's bothering. i was referring to the shit diet

PurEvl i was referring to the shit diet Ah, well then....yeah you're probably right then

that diet sucks and would be a cutting diet for me.

If you want to get BIG you need at least 7k calories.

You aren't going to put 20 pounds in a month with that diet

if he adds layers of clothing everyday he may add 20 pounds of weight in clothing.

ryazbeck if he adds layers of clothing everyday he may add 20 pounds of weight in clothing.

dirtysouthboy that diet sucks and would be a cutting diet for me. you cut on fruit juice eh...apparantly our definition of cutting is very different

How about some suggestions rather than critism Ill definatly up the food intake... Maybe mor e Nlarge scoops per drink

PurEvl you cut on fruit juice eh...apparantly our definition of cutting is very different haha, dirtysouthboy, mike, doesnt do cutting diets, all he does it cut his diet down under 3000 calories and he'll lose like 5 pounds a week, no joke, i see him everyday and i see it. he went from like 16%BF to like 11% in 2 weeks just by cutting down to like 2200 cals from 6000. he was like fuck this shit, and just started bulking again.

My plan to get Big in teh next month....... *Opinions Please*

Monday, December 16, 2013

Detrimental to lift when hungry?

Detrimental to lift when hungry?


yeah you'll implode.

dmaestro yeah you'll implode.

why would you want to?

eliktronix why would you want to? The only time I really have to lift is before dinner.

Any serious answers?

pokesteve you need to at LEAST eat right away afterwards.... I usually eat within 30 minutes after working out.

I prefer lifting on a slightly-empty stomach, honestly. I can't function if I'm full, I get pukey. Ditto for running. I usually have a piece of fruit and a bit of string cheese an hour or so before I workout, just so I don't crash.

My numbers go to shit if I don't have enough food before working out

im horrible if im even remotely hungry

Elfling I prefer lifting on a slightly-empty stomach, honestly. I can't function if I'm full, I get pukey. Ditto for running. I usually have a piece of fruit and a bit of string cheese an hour or so before I workout, just so I don't crash. I have to be kinda hungry but not starving to be ok. If I am to full I feel bloated and like I am gonna puke while doing anything

christophers "Bloated? Bloated helps my squat" -Owner of Diablo Barbell I try to bloat up when I am gonna wear my shirt to get it to fit as tight as possible

I ate a large pizza before training today, around 2000 cals. Just after doing lunges I had to bolt upstairs and hang a turd, the cleaner had just finished cleaner the cubicle and he was in the one next door. I could just imagine him hanging himself after hearing what I did in there. personally I like having something to eat before hand, just not tha large.

Detrimental to lift when hungry?

Hi F&N I'm back after 2 months off OT and I wanna thank you

Hi F&N I'm back after 2 months off OT and I wanna thank you

This very board put in my head the idea that a skinny guy who's been plagued by the can't-gain-weight syndrome can, with good diet and workout, start to see gains, and then see them stick. It's only been a few months but I'm seeing more gains than I ever did previously, and when I didn't work out for the last week because I have been moving, the muscle and weight I put on actually stuck. Any time previously in my life my body would have eaten my muscles away in that time. Getting a proper diet with plenty of protien does wonders for us skinny guys! And get this - I have the double benefit that a well balanced diet, of as much whole healthy food as possible, is one of the best things I could do for my Multiple Sclerosis. So thanks F&N, you guys really inspired me to push myself hard in a time in my life (after my first MS attack) when I doubted my ability to get by from day to day.

awesome man

great job

fuck yer mate!

what exactly did you do? just eat tons of carbs/cals/protein and giv'er?

I went from an average 20-something's diet to eating 6 times a day, with protien, carbs, and fruit/veggies at every meal, and started a good workout routine.

I was wondering what happened to you the other day, I thought maybe you had given up.

b-stevens I was wondering what happened to you the other day, I thought maybe you had given up. nope, my life has been insane, just learning to live with my disease, working out like crazy, training in a great new fighting style, moving to round rock, and planning a wedding.

Its great to hear that you aren't letting the disease beat you down and you're out there kicking life in the ass. Keep it up.

congrats man

Keep it up! And let me just say I wish I had the gaining weight problem instead of the trying to lose fat problem grats on your gains.

Great work. Keep it up.

Glad to know not everyone on OT became totally heartless while I was gone. Thanks for the support kids, once I get back on my schedule I'll post before and after progress. I also wanna get some calipers and continue to track my bf% too.

that's awesome. good job!!


Hi F&N I'm back after 2 months off OT and I wanna thank you

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I need food ideas

I need food ideas

Today was the first day starting my routine for summer to bulk up. Throughout the course of the day I ate 6 sloppy joes, 3 pieces of pizza, 4 eggs, 2 protein shakes and a lot more too. I've never eaten this much Anyway, my moms going to the store tomorrow and I need ideas for really good munchie foods (with minimal preparation) that I can eat whenever I'm hungry. I'd prefer to stay away from full out cooking meals (ie. steaks) but minimal cooking is ok. So far I have -eggs -protein shakes -tuna

zaphod Today was the first day starting my routine for summer to bulk up. Throughout the course of the day I ate 6 sloppy joes, 3 pieces of pizza, 4 eggs, 2 protein shakes and a lot more too. I've never eaten this much Anyway, my moms going to the store tomorrow and I need ideas for really good munchie foods (with minimal preparation) that I can eat whenever I'm hungry. I'd prefer to stay away from full out cooking meals (ie. steaks) but minimal cooking is ok. So far I have -eggs -protein shakes -tuna Cake, Oreos, poptarts, Milk, Beef jerkey, mashed potatos, hamburger helper, frozen crap like skillet sensations, piza, TV diners, at my grocer, they have lots of pre cooked meat there, that stuff is ok. but dude if u got a mom, get her too cook u shit Chickenfried steak steak chicken cassaroles BBQ Stick a bunch of chicken in a crock pot, and add some salsa, or BBQ! sauce, and let it cook all day Fish I could list more

peanut butter on wheat crackers or regular crackers nuts (almonds are great) fresh fruit and veggies yogurt cottage cheese oatmeal cereal whole milk v8 juice orange juice with alot of pulp EDIT: lol hell me and my friends took a shot of olive oil the other burned lol

Cake, oreos, poptars?? I thought it was supposed to have protein and be healthy..

my personal fav: peanut butter jelly sandwich and sweet potato

zaphod Cake, oreos, poptars?? I thought it was supposed to have protein and be healthy.. gotta eat them carbs too

breaded cheese sticks!

I need food ideas

Friday, December 6, 2013

Help me put together my first grocery shopping list :D

Help me put together my first grocery shopping list :D

I'm going grocery shopping at Costco sometime tomorrow. I'm also going to get some supplements to get me started. Here's what I have so far: Cottage Cheese Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breast Fish Fillets(what kind is good/cheap?) Natural Peanutbutter Yogurts (what brand is good?) Propel Fitness Water Eggs Tuna Whole grain bread (this is good, right?) Lettuce Tomatoes Assorted fruits (apples, bananas, oranges, cantaloupe Assorted veggies (carrots, celery, broccoli, stir fry mix) Rice Sliced turkey (from the deli, not lunch meat) Swiss cheese For supplements all I can think of is Fish Oil and Whey Protein. What else will I be needing? Feel free to mention any foods I shouldn't get that are on my list, and what foods I should get that aren't on there. For protein shakes I'm just thinking skim milk/whey/peanut butter/banana. I already have oatmeal for breakfast. My main plan for getting into shape is weight lifting (so lots of protein is good) and light-medium intensity cardio every day (jogging with the dog, recreational sports, bike riding, etc.) I'm not getting nearly enough protein for the amount of calories I'm eating on my diet, so I need cleaner foods with more protein. Again, any input is very welcome. I need all the help I can get. Thanks.

cbrpimp Your plan is good. Good choice of foods. Might want to add some lean steak to the diet, its up to you. I do it because eating chicken and fish as the main meal every night gets boring. I have a large collection of spices to mix things up a little . I think the Costco-proportioned bags of chicken breast/fish should last me long enough until I'm sick of it, at which point I'll get some beef to mix things up. I also have some frozen hamburger patties I can grill up if I need some spontaneous variety.

tize I got a lot of canned fruit bananas and applesauce. Lean ground beef, tuna+spaghettyos, sheeeeeeet good sheeeeeet Do the spaghettioes mask some of the tuna taste? I actually hate the way most fish taste, especially tuna. I plan to grill fish fillets with chicken seasoning and dipping them in BBQ sauce. I just don't like fish

Help me put together my first grocery shopping list :D

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Make Oats Taste Better

Make Oats Taste Better

I bought some Rolled Oats (all my store had ) yesterday and cooked them in microwave with water like it said and ate them. Man, they are nasty. Any ideas to make them taste better? How do you guys eat your oats?

I throw in some sliced almonds and a bit some cinnamon and sugar. Various fruit is good too.

I have Whey Protein Shake(chocolate) too. What do you guys put in those to make them taste better. Apparently Blender works best, but I'm not sure what to throw in with it.... maybe fruit?

rebel I have Whey Protein Shake(chocolate) too. What do you guys put in those to make them taste better. Apparently Blender works best, but I'm not sure what to throw in with it.... maybe fruit? banana yoghurt natural pb olive oil ramen . . .

water or milk, 2 scoops chocolate whey, 1 banana, cup of oats, and 1-2 tbsp peanut butter. Obviously you'll need a blender for this, should taste pretty decent.

1.5 packets of splenda and a little vanilla flavoring. it won't taste good, but it will be tolerable

i just put a teaspoon of sugar, it's bearable.

rebel I bought some Rolled Oats (all my store had ) Such as Quaker? that big ass can? What is the issue with rolled oats?

mattyballgame72 Such as Quaker? that big ass can? What is the issue with rolled oats? Most people say Steel Cut Oats is better. I looked for 10 minutes It's a 2lb bag. I gotta start somewhere

Orange Juice Strawberries Bananas 1/4 Cup Whey Protein In Blender Tastes pretty damn good. I guess I could've added ice and it would've tasted a little bit better. edit: maybe I should add Oats next time?

rebel Orange Juice Strawberries Bananas 1/4 Cup Whey Protein In Blender Tastes pretty damn good. I guess I could've added ice and it would've tasted a little bit better. edit: maybe I should add Oats next time? of course it tastes good, you basically made a fruit smoothie with a bit of added protein use more whey, 1/4 cup isn't even 1 scoop of most proteins.

i chop up a banana, and put some cinnomon and 1 packet sucralose. Taste good.

i use very little water. I cant stand it all soupy, ugh

infinite loop 1.5 packets of splenda and a little vanilla flavoring. it won't taste good, but it will be tolerable you got it, sometimes i use raisins

TheMentor i just put a teaspoon of sugar, it's bearable. im gonna give that a shot

so many threads about oats must kill self

grind up oats in mini food processor (could just use a blender) until they are a fine powder, put that + natty PB +banana + ice + 2 scoops chocolate ON whey in a blender, blend, enjoy

jonno so many threads about oats must kill self

I just pour in water. I literally gag uncontrollably and have to stop eating rolled oats after half a serving or I will puke. I can eat steel cut oats all day long. I think it goes back to my boy scout days and the endless week-long camping/backpacking trips where oatmeal was a staple of our diet and I hated it . Wish I had known about steel cut oats when I was 14 .

Chris3G of course it tastes good, you basically made a fruit smoothie with a bit of added protein use more whey, 1/4 cup isn't even 1 scoop of most proteins. Hmm.... should I boost up to like 1/2 cup? or a whole cup? I got ripped on this protein stuff. I got like a pound...maybe less for $15. Bullshit. HEB sucks. Where can I get cheaper Whey Protein? Where can I buy Steel Cut Oats?

rebel Hmm.... should I boost up to like 1/2 cup? or a whole cup? I got ripped on this protein stuff. I got like a pound...maybe less for $15. Bullshit. HEB sucks. Where can I get cheaper Whey Protein? Where can I buy Steel Cut Oats? Yeah $15 for a pound is pretty bad. Optimum Nutrition whey is pretty popular around here because it's decent nutritionally and it's pretty cheap, even it if it isnt the best tasting..around $30 for 5lbs. I just took a scoop of ON and put it in a measuring cup and 1 scoop is about 1/3 cup...most people use 2 scoops per shake so that's around 2/3 cup assuming the stuff you have is similar. Do you have any serving size/nutritional data?

in for where to buy steel cut

Vitamin cottage (not sure if its local to colorado only ) has steel cut oats for $2 for 24 oz.

Opi in for where to buy steel cut Local healthfoods store Local grocery store Cook them if possible.

pt Local healthfoods store Local grocery store Cook them if possible. I checked the local Giant (grocery store) they only had rolled I guess I need to try the healthfood store

Make Oats Taste Better

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Need some exercise help! Wanna get into a bikini quickly...

Need some exercise help! Wanna get into a bikini quickly...

Please give me advice on some good exercises to do. I also have changed my eating habits. I only eat fruit in the morning and fresh veggies for lunch, then not too big of portions of regular dinner. thanks for the help! Pics of exercises also helpful (I always feel like I dont know what Im doing)

newb thread in archives stickies

are you the same faithless with the pieced boobs? Cause you sure as shit look fine to me

Faithless Pics of exercises also helpful (I always feel like I dont know what Im doing) Pics of you to fully evaluate the situation would be helpful.

dread Pics of you to fully evaluate the situation would be helpful. it's funny cause its true

for pics of exercises check out and as for excercises, check the stickies at the top of the page and in the archives. A good combo of compund exercises and a proper diet (calories ~Body weighth x 12 to start and adjust from there) will be you best bet to losing fat and minimizing muscle loss, though it may take some time.

PurEvl are you the same faithless with the pieced boobs? Cause you sure as shit look fine to me What he said.

hey faith Last time i saw pics of you, you were in a bikini... so I'm not sure what you're looking for exactly improvement-wise. I'm gonna guess abs though, since that's what most women fuss over when it comes to bikinis. I am currently doing these exercises for my belly and it is shrinking fast: edit: otherwise, I'm doing a ton of various exercises, based on what muscle group I'm working for that day, and I do Cardio (elliptical or swimming) 3x a week.

Perplexed None of those exercises are making your belly shrink. no, but the other exercises she does, bench, dip, etc, do help. and once it has shrunk, she'll have abs

Perplexed None of those exercises are making your belly shrink. that's what you think. they are tightening my abs, which were previously quite stretched out from 3 pregnancies.

eat protein

PurEvl Cause you sure as shit look fine to me

Also there is no quick fix it takes time and motivation so if you go out and expect to be super thin in a week quit now otherwise do it and stick with it so that your body stays the way you want it

are you saying the bikini you wore from last year no longer fits? You were doing good on your own with working out. What's going on now?

pics pls

so like, wheres the pics /OT

Girl_Next_Door are you saying the bikini you wore from last year no longer fits? You were doing good on your own with working out. What's going on now? it does, but I wasnt really comfortable in it last year either.

Honestly... Pics would help, because it makes what your problems are more clear. I can understand if you dont' want to post them for this pack of wolves, but it would helpl. What time frame are you looking at here?

trancezj Honestly... Pics would help, because it makes what your problems are more clear. I can understand if you dont' want to post them for this pack of wolves, but it would helpl. What time frame are you looking at here? Definitely get more replies if you post pics. Not that the replies would necesserily all be constructive. 70-80% of them would be ... or Jonno does the latter even in my journal.

trancezj Honestly... Pics would help, because it makes what your problems are more clear. I can understand if you dont' want to post them for this pack of wolves, but it would helpl. What time frame are you looking at here? Amen, I 2nd that.

timberwolf Definitely get more replies if you post pics. Not that the replies would necesserily all be constructive. 70-80% of them would be ... or Jonno does the latter even in my journal.

trancezj Honestly... Pics would help, because it makes what your problems are more clear. I can understand if you dont' want to post them for this pack of wolves, but it would helpl. What time frame are you looking at here? well, in about a month

this was me last year. I have lost a little weight since then, in fact, about 10 lbs, but I still have this weird area under my breasts that pokes out (where my ribs are, and my stomach isnt flat yet either.

You look fine. If anything I'd suggest that you get a new diet, 40/40/20 ratio perhaps, and hit the gym. I like girls with a bit of muscle on them so I'd suggest getting some weight training in. It'll take work but you look great now so any improvements would be a bonus.

If I'm not mistaken I think she's worried more about her abs and glutes.

Need some exercise help! Wanna get into a bikini quickly...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

When you have children...

When you have children...

Will you make them eat healthfully now that you've learned from your mistakes? I know I will. My parents let me eat anything I wanted (luckily I was a hyper kid with a high metabolism.) I remember my mom would take me to taco bell and I'd eat 6 soft tacos (Over 1,200 calories ) or I'd eat 5 bowls of lucky charms as an "after dinner snack" (another 1,000+ calorie 'snack') I won't put my kids on a hardcore cutting diet or anything, but I'll make sure they eat right.

I will steer my children far away from what i do

5 bowls of lucky charms? Holy crap! The most cereal I could ever eat was like 3-4 bowls of fruity pebbles. Were you a big kid?

I'd let me kids eat whatever they want and look however they want

I am definately going to make my kids (if they are boys) start lifting weights in the 7th grade. My middle school and first 2 years of high school were miserable because I was always worried about being chubby. Always. They will thank me after seeing results!

nathanbx I'd let me kids eat whatever they want and look however they want kit kats for breakfast, snickers for lunch, and butterfingers for dinner? be honest with yourself, you aren't going to let them eat whatever they want. obviously you want your children to make choices for themselves, but you have to give them a healthy eating base so their overall health will benefit as children and as they grow.

disblohs kit kats for breakfast, snickers for lunch, and butterfingers for dinner? be honest with yourself, you aren't going to let them eat whatever they want. obviously you want your children to make choices for themselves, but you have to give them a healthy eating base so their overall health will benefit as children and as they grow. No, I will let them eat whatever they want. If they want kitkats for breakfast, more power to them, I'm not gonna be having all that shit in the house, but if they get ahold of it, I'll let em eat it.

nathanbx No, I will let them eat whatever they want. If they want kitkats for breakfast, more power to them, I'm not gonna be having all that shit in the house, but if they get ahold of it, I'll let em eat it. that's a great attitude. "hey, my kids got ahold of some cocaine! more power to them!" do society a favor and don't have children....ever

disblohs that's a great attitude. "hey, my kids got ahold of some cocaine! more power to them!" do society a favor and don't have children....ever Believe me, I don't plan on it. And you're comparing cocaine to chocolate snacks, do society a favor and /yourself.

nathanbx Believe me, I don't plan on it. And you're comparing cocaine to chocolate snacks, do society a favor and /yourself. your nonchalant "they can do whatever they want" attitude will carry over into other things. don't act like you would let them eat whatever they want because it's their life and then you would take it upon yourself to control every other aspect of their life. if you do have children, i hope they learn proper nutrition (among other things) in school because they obviously aren't going to get the guidance they need at home.

oh goodie, it's lunch time. i think i'll go have a bowl of chocolate syrup with baby ruths mixed in

I have the ultimate solution....I'm not having any.

I was thinking about this the other day, my parents (my mom really), always tried to get me to eat right, and stop eating all that candy shit, but of course me being stubborn, didnt listen to her and I turned into a fatass If I were to/when I do have children (not literally, but you catch my drift ) I will do my best to try and keep them on a straight path, and eating healthy. Introducting healthy foods early in life so they are used to them, and eat them. I'd also have my children start weight lifting when they are young (~middle school), and thats if they're boys of course. If they are girls, I still would want to keep them on a healthy nutritional path, and introduce some other exercise into their lifes. They wont become a couch potato, like I was

xpinchx Will you make them eat healthfully now that you've learned from your mistakes? I know I will. My parents let me eat anything I wanted (luckily I was a hyper kid with a high metabolism.) I remember my mom would take me to taco bell and I'd eat 6 soft tacos (Over 1,200 calories ) or I'd eat 5 bowls of lucky charms as an "after dinner snack" (another 1,000+ calorie 'snack') I won't put my kids on a hardcore cutting diet or anything, but I'll make sure they eat right. holy shit. sounds like your parents were fattening you up for Thanksgiving dinner I have kids. I let them eat candy and sweets. they are limited in the quantity that they are allowed to eat though. for the most part they eat healthy, and reasonable quantities of food. I've only cut my oldest off a few times, when she has gone back for more and more and more...

superbri007 I know that i'm only 21, but I'm already thinking about family, and I'm still in college. I can't wait to get out get my job, get a wife, and then have kids. Is that like, natural in our genes, to want to settle down so early? Am I weird? hahahah thats sweet. wait until you're ready though- financially and mentally/emotionally

superbri007 I'm scared to have sex with any girl here at Quinnipiac University. Yale University has parties called "Quinnipiac Party's" wear the girls wear next to nothing, and the guys wear popped up collar pink shirts so you can tell what im dealing with at school. too many hoes here

i will control what my kids eat. since i'm eating healthy, so will they. i don't keep snacks or chocolate in the house, except for my protein shakes. i think it's very important to learn good eating habits early on so that you have a strong base for the rest of your life. i will also never use food as a reward for my my mom did with me.

nic379 i will control what my kids eat. since i'm eating healthy, so will they. i don't keep snacks or chocolate in the house, except for my protein shakes. i think it's very important to learn good eating habits early on so that you have a strong base for the rest of your life. i will also never use food as a reward for my my mom did with me.

I'd rather borrow kids from my friends and spoil them so I can be the cool uncle, then return them at teh end of the day. they're great for pickin up hotties cause it shows you like kids, but aren't tied down by one of your own. but back on topic, if I ever have kids, and thats a BIG IF (caue I like my freedom and having disposable income) I won't be anywhere near as anal about there diet as I am about mine, but somethings, like what we decide for on dinner would be an obvious carryover from my diet to their's.

I won't be too strict on what my kids eat, overall I eat pretty well anyway, I just will make sure the junk doesn't get out of control. However, I will make sure they stay active. No sitting in front of the tv/computer all day doing nothing. If they are into sports, great, if not that's ok but they're helping me in the yard once in a while.

I make sure my daughter eats a well balanced diet. At the same time I don't deprive her of candy and junk food. Thats part of being a kid.

xpinchx I won't put my kids on a hardcore cutting diet or anything, but I'll make sure they eat right. same here.

Fucking I'd be having them on a nazi regime. Big bowl of proddige mixed with flaxseed oil and protein powder for breakfest, school packed lunch is a salmon sandwich with 2 pieces of fruit and a bottle of water. For dinner it's either salmon or stake, drenched in olive oil, with potatoes and a side salad with fruit for desert. Snacks: Fruit, Walnuts or Water If they don't like it, THEY'RE OUT OF THE FUCKING GENE POOL

i will just make sure they get exercise and eat in moderation. Nothing too extreme unless they are getting to be real fat

I am going train my kids up to be ultimate athletes, good strength speed and agility. I am not teaching them through my mistakes, I have always been very health concious. Right now I just hope I don't have pansey kids, but when the time comes I am sure i would like them anyways. Right now whenever I think about kids, I never think about a girl. I would not know what to do.

When you have children...

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