Monday, January 27, 2014

Is the "cookies and creame" ON 100% Whey Protein worth trying?

Is the "cookies and creame" ON 100% Whey Protein worth trying?

I've heard mixed things about it. I'm about to make my first order on 1fast400 and I don't know which flavor to get. I've heard that Vanilla is nasty shit and regular Chocolate is the way to go. Just wondering if the C&C tastes absolutely rancid or something.

its grosss, i'd stick with chocolate if you want ON

Mistich its grosss, i'd stick with chocolate if you want ON Are there any other brands/flavors worth mentioning? I'd like to keep it kinda cheap.

On Sugar Hill I like the cookies and cream. That's what I'm taking right now. What exactly does the taste resemble? Like, chocolate chip cookies dipped in milk? Sandwich cookies with cream in the middle?

xpinchx What exactly does the taste resemble? Like, chocolate chip cookies dipped in milk? Sandwich cookies with cream in the middle? I hear it resembles feces.

ON is your best bet for price since BSL bit the dust...ive heard most people liking vanilla and strawberry too from ON. i recently got hooked on syntrax nectar, its more expensive though, mucle milk is good too.

It's ok not worth going out and buying though

I'll just go with chocolate I guess. It should taste good mixed in with peanut butter, bananas, and milk.

On Sugar Hill Kinda reminds me of an oreo. So it does have chocolate flavor in it?

its freakin nasty tasting and the consistency is way too lumpy. you'd be better off with chocolate, it mixes the best

Crunge its freakin nasty tasting and the consistency is way too lumpy. you'd be better off with chocolate, it mixes the best You had the old one; the new one is GREATLY improved, best mixing as well.

I just ordered some Chocolate Mint from Hope it's good... I got 10lbs of it :-p

Strawberry ON gave me horrible stomach sticking with chocolate

If you are mixing with other fruits in a blender, go with strawberry.

I am taking it right now and it's not bad at all, I do belive it mixes better than the chocolate one.

ON tastes like watered down <insert flavor>... The only Protein powder I've tried and liked is Muscle Milk with Myoplex being second. I just got a tub from True protein and it tastes like ON, based on flavor alone there is nothing special about it & its the same price if not more expensive than ON.

I wouldn't call Muscle Milk protein powder

the original ON cookies and creme was rancid. However, I guess they figured it out and reformulated it, from what I hear it actually tastes pretty decent now.

i like the chocolate and mint chocolate (tastes like chocolate mint chip ice cream) However, I never tried the other flavors of ON since I started with these and like them a lot.

Dude....cookies and cream is by FAR the worst flavor ON has to offer Chocolate > Vanilla > *

I'm on strawberry right now. Goes well with milk..but sucks with water

I guess I'll just stick with chocolate.

does anyone else here absolutely hate protein shakes? ON is definitely better tasting than nitro tech, but still sometimes when chugging it, when i feel a chunk on my tongue i gag and throw up in my mouth. btw, i do 12oz water + 2 scoops ON, shake in nalgene, and chug.

try Their stuff is top-notch and the chocolate is great

It's ok... a little sour. Chocolate is good. Cytogainer > *

Is the "cookies and creame" ON 100% Whey Protein worth trying?

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