Monday, January 27, 2014



Just ordered some as a back-up for some serious cutting (thank you Ceaze for teh help)..I'm anxious for it to get here, should be interesting! Day 3 of protein and veggies..I feel surprisingly good!

appetite suppresant

Where did you get it from? Im reading Lyle's crash diet and Ill be starting it Monday. Im gonna need something to kill my hunger. Ive looked at bulk's website and it seems to be getting bad reviews.

bulk nutrition sells it

Ceaze bulk nutrition sells it Bulk's has some pretty bad reviews.

Bromocriptine works better than anything OTC anyway

superbri007 wtf is hoodia? an extract from a south african cactus

People either love it or hate, there is no inbetween. We would offer it caps, but start to cause patent issues if we do that

tize wtf is this guy thats mike, owner of 1fast400

tize i dont believe tis true

It is true.

tize wtf is this guy tize, will you fucking think before you type? shit...

What kind did you get? There is quite a lot of hoodia that's going around that's not what is considered the proper "type."


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