Showing posts with label physique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label physique. Show all posts

Friday, November 29, 2013

What are the advantages of clean bulking?

What are the advantages of clean bulking?

I read through a bunch of the noob thread and it doesnt spell it out, but it seems that it helps you gain more LBM weight, and overall gives you better nutrition. Is that about right? What are everyone's experiences clean bulking vs. dirty bulking? Sorry if this is a repost, I can't search.

Clean bulk = Less work when cutting.

I know what they are, I'd like to know what the relative advantages/disadvantages are of each.

why would progress be slowero n clean foods? doesn't it just boil down to # of cals?

A lot of people think it doesn't make a difference. How much of the excess weight goes to lean body mass and how much goes to fat is mostly determined by genetics. 80%. Its your P-ratio.

So basically with dirty bulking you put on more fat and less muscle? Am I interpreting that right?

food is all comprised of the same chemicals, 'clean' foods are not some magical form of chemicals that adds muscle without fat. The greater the carloric surplus the greater the fat gain, but also the greater the muscle gain. Its just going to be easier going far over the caloric maintenance level on 'dirty' foods. If you counted calories on a dirty bulk and a clean bulk and ate the same level of calories, I'm quite confident the fat gains would be relatively unnoticable

Bulking:Dirty Bulk = More Fat, More Muscle, Less Time Clean Bulk = Less Fat, More Muscle, More Time Cutting:Dirty Bulk = Takes Longer to loose the bf, keep more muscle mass Clean Bulk = Less bf to cut, could loose more muscle mass during cutting process than dirty bulk

christophers I agree with wazzle26

clean bulking will result in either really slow/no gains. if you seriously want to put on mass and get stronger, just eat balls to the wall. enjoy yourself too, eat fries and hamburgers and pie and shit. that makes the subsequent cutting a lot easier.

Sweet, I think dirty bulking is the way to go for myself personally. I think I am just going to eat pretty much normally but just add in stuff like chocolate bars, burgers, more pop, pizza. Want to add 10 pounds by July. Edit: I assume you just mean it makes the cutting easier because you'll have only been on strict diet for 6 months instead of 12...I'm hoping it'll make cutting easier because I won't be gaining a bigger appetite, but rather just an addiction to sugar, therefore I'll get cravings but not hunger pains when I cut.

Clean bulking is a slow process no doubt...I believe its for people who have already achieved some sort of serious muscle mass though. I think most kids in here need to eat clean 3-4 days and pig out the rest. Kind of a 50 50 mix. EVeryones afraid of getting fat...well to get to were i am I got huge/strong bloated and fat. Then cut it all off with hardcore diets. You do this over a few times and you come back leaner/denser and better everytime at the same offseason weight. Thats how I get to 260 and still stay 12%ish nowadays. disclaimer... Pl'ers are exempt as usual

PurEvl Clean bulking is a slow process no doubt...I believe its for people who have already achieved some sort of serious muscle mass though. I think most kids in here need to eat clean 3-4 days and pig out the rest. Kind of a 50 50 mix. EVeryones afraid of getting fat...well to get to were i am I got huge/strong bloated and fat. Then cut it all off with hardcore diets. You do this over a few times and you come back leaner/denser and better everytime at the same offseason weight. Thats how I get to 260 and still stay 12%ish nowadays. disclaimer... Pl'ers are exempt as usual nah pl'ers aren't exempt, I plan on going hard until I hit around 230lb, then cut down and maintain strength.

So....what do you guys recommend us newbies do for bulking? Clean or dirty?

I like diry bulking

dirty bulking just sounds more fun

did you guys find you got a lot of stretch marks during your bulking phases?

Rebs clean bulk = looking skinny all the time.. fixed

and i agree with Pur, i think the clean bulking route is for people who are already fairly big and just want to maintain their lean physique while adding muscle and strength slowly. but for the vast majority of people here, i think "dirty" bulking is the way to go and it's not as if you eat nothing but saturated fat...i still ate oatmeal all the time, plenty of omega3's etc.


I think I will be doing a hybrid of clean/dirty bulking as I want to keep a steady ratio of fat and muscle. Here is the kicker, I bet I could do it fast. For instance, me, who is currently doing 2200 calories, will be going to a 5000 calorie diet to do it crazy fast. The way that I would do it is with steel cut oats, protein powder, dextrose/other sugars, egg whites, tuna, fish oil/flax seed oil pills, no fruits, daily vitamins to make sure I got all of my stuff, cassein protein, skim milk instead of water on steel cut oats and a good 5 litres of water a day. You see, all you have to do is know some shit about insulin and how to use the bodie's most anabolic hormone. By adding dextrose to every meal, you make sure that your food is "absorbed faster". Holy shit I can't wait till I start my bulking phase.. sugar... that is one of the problems though, you get cravings.

dexterium I think I will be doing a hybrid of clean/dirty bulking as I want to keep a steady ratio of fat and muscle. Here is the kicker, I bet I could do it fast. For instance, me, who is currently doing 2200 calories, will be going to a 5000 calorie diet to do it crazy fast. The way that I would do it is with steel cut oats, protein powder, dextrose/other sugars, egg whites, tuna, fish oil/flax seed oil pills, no fruits, daily vitamins to make sure I got all of my stuff, cassein protein, skim milk instead of water on steel cut oats and a good 5 litres of water a day. You see, all you have to do is know some shit about insulin and how to use the bodie's most anabolic hormone. By adding dextrose to every meal, you make sure that your food is "absorbed faster". Holy shit I can't wait till I start my bulking phase.. sugar... that is one of the problems though, you get cravings. are you shitting me?

dexterium I think I will be doing a hybrid of clean/dirty bulking as I want to keep a steady ratio of fat and muscle. Here is the kicker, I bet I could do it fast. For instance, me, who is currently doing 2200 calories, will be going to a 5000 calorie diet to do it crazy fast. The way that I would do it is with steel cut oats, protein powder, dextrose/other sugars, egg whites, tuna, fish oil/flax seed oil pills, no fruits, daily vitamins to make sure I got all of my stuff, cassein protein, skim milk instead of water on steel cut oats and a good 5 litres of water a day. You see, all you have to do is know some shit about insulin and how to use the bodie's most anabolic hormone. By adding dextrose to every meal, you make sure that your food is "absorbed faster". Holy shit I can't wait till I start my bulking phase.. sugar... that is one of the problems though, you get cravings. Sugar to every meal and no fruits...let me know how that works out.

good point.

christophers ya, its up to you. however the person who gains mroe muscle/fat will pretty much always be the one to progress faster, especially if he lose fat fast ala werdna or the kid in our gym. also due to: more weight gain -> more strength -> more strength = more microtrauma = more muscle again, its individual.. but most people simply cannot think long term. its all short term. thats the biggest fault i see daily. shit I think my bodyfat varies with what I've eaten in the last 2 hours. no joke.

What are the advantages of clean bulking?

Friday, November 15, 2013

Recommend exercises for a pregnant woman please

Recommend exercises for a pregnant woman please

again I didn't get anyone pregnant. A woman I work with wants to knwo what she can do going into her 3rd trimester. She has been walking 3 miles a say, but wants to know what else she can do. any suggestions?

I thought pregnant women were not supposed to excersise?

ask doctor

stationary bicycle would probably be best, but wouldnt that cause her to burn calories meaning less for the developing child. i would assume the developing child would need as many calories as possible to develop as much as possible.

KingGargantuan ask doctor Dear Dr. Leach, I was wondering what would be a safe and effective way for a pregnant woman to train. I told her to stop the deads and squats but she isn't listening to me. So if you can please recommend how much she should be squating and deading that would be great. your asshat, A buck twenny dipped in shit

In the military pregnancy fitness programs they start to gravitate more towards water aerobics in the 3rd trimester. Pregnant women should exercise, just not with a lot of intensity. OB/GYN should recommend a fitness program.

Hmm wouldn't touch that with a 20ft pole. Tell her to ask her ob/gyn. Don't want to be at fault if she miscarries or something.

box squats w/bands speed deadlifts clapping widegrip chins

dmaestro box squats w/bands speed deadlifts clapping widegrip chins perfect

Title Exercise in pregnancy: how safe is it? Source Sports medicine and arthroscopy review (Hagerstown, Md.) 10(1), 2002, 15-22 Total No. of Pages: 8 English Abstract The role of exercise in pregnancy (EIP) is widely debated. Pregnancy produces marked changes of several physiologic variables of the mother. Regular EIP limits the increase in O2 requirement and produces an increase in the absolute anaerobic threshold, which persists for up to 36 weeks. Exercise in pregnancy reduces the incidence of muscle cramps, lower limb edema, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Increased knee cruciate ligament laxity does not normally produce any instability. Exercise in pregnancy reduces the increase in baseline maternal heart rate that occurs in pregnancy. Heart rate and stroke volume increase more markedly with exercise in pregnant women than in nonpregnant controls. Noradrenalin response to EIP is lower than in nonpregnant controls. Blood glucose levels decrease more promptly and to lower values with exercise in pregnant women than in nonpregnant controls. Glucose tolerance normally decreases in pregnancy, but increases during EIP. Regular EIP improves glucose tolerance in diabetic mothers and reduces total maternal weight gain and subcutaneous fat deposition toward the lower end of the normal range. Regular EIP produces higher plasma endorphin levels during labor and better pain tolerance than in sedentary controls. Women who undertake regular EIP have a lower incidence of 3rd- and 4th-degree vaginal tears. Children of exercising mothers have similar birth-weights as children of sedentary mothers, and mental performance at age 5 is higher. If there are no specific obstetric or medical contraindications, fit pregnant women can safely maintain the same level of fitness during pregnancy, although exercise schedules may have to be reduced.

Title Exercise during pregnancy: A maternal and fetal responses. A brief review. (L' exercice physique pendant la grossesse: les reponses physiologiques de la mere et du foetus. Une breve synthese.) Source Medicine and science in sports and exercise (Baltimore, Md.) 17(4), Aug 1985, 407-416 Total No. of Pages: 10 English Abstract The exercise-induced cardiopulmonary changes are essentially normal or slightly exaggerated during pregnancy. The energy cost of cycle exercise is unchanged during pregnancy; however, the increased weight bearing, especially evident in late pregnancy, adds to the exercise effort during walking, climbing, or jogging. Aerobic work capacity remains unchanged during pregnancy, and typical training adaptations can be found during pregnancy. Hypoglycemia occurs more easily during exercise in pregnant women, even though lipid provision is exaggerated during late pregnancy. The influence of maternal exercise on the fetus is evident in changed heart rhythm and breathing patterns of the fetus. Birth weight is unaffected when healthy well-nourished mothers participate in mild to moderate exercise programs during pregnancy.

It seems exercise is alright if she was fit before getting pregnant. Aquatic exercise seems a good recommendation

reverse hypers

from those ive spoken to, walking is the way to go

I call this one "down the stairs". It's where you throw yourself down the stairs. There is also one in the works called "the coat hanger", not sure what its about tho. ibhell

Neo95gt I call this one "down the stairs". It's where you throw yourself down the stairs. There is also one in the works called "the coat hanger", not sure what its about tho. ibhell

Recommend exercises for a pregnant woman please

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How would u describe this body? *pics*

How would u describe this body? *pics*

What do you think of this guys physique? It's Ryan Reynolds btw.. from blade trinity, amityville horror, van wilder etc.. Few pics.. hard to find good ones.. but if u watch his movies when he takes his top off.. ya get to fully appreciate him: It think he's in great shape.. nothing OTT but very well defined and proportioned.. and with his top on he's very undercover.. my role model / inspiration. Anyway, are there any names for that sort of physique? Would you say he's slim yet toned? Or could u describe him as built? His waist is probably only around 30inches I'm guessing..

he has a good diet, and appears to do a little lifting. More of an athletic build then a bb build.

He's very, very lean with better-than-average arms.

Here are some more pics: I just bumped the thread so it didn't get purged.

athletic more muscle wouldnt hurt?

good ab genes.. mine are not aligned well could be thicker in the chest though

no pics of legs no care

I don't understand how people classify others as having athletic builds ... Football players have athletic builds, basketball players, tennis players, long distance runners, I mean wtf? Pretty much anybody without an excessive amount of body fat has an "athletic build" and I think that doesn't even completely encompass the term. Oh and I think he looks thin... but then again I would probably look that thin if I cut down, which I don't plan on doing for the next year or so.

this is like a brad pitt from fight club thread. Plz don't post again. most people who lift seriously are a lot bigger than those pansys.

In the magazine article it claims he dropped his bf% down to 3%. Thats gotta be bs.

N.A Honda In the magazine article it claims he dropped his bf% down to 3%. Thats gotta be bs. he also says something like "dont do any of that low carb nonsense" and then look at the diet they list for him


could use a bit bigger of a chest to fit his arms. but he's a pretty realistic & better than brad pit body for the average person to be going for.

Perplexed "easily attainable"? He's bigger and more defined than the majority of people on this board are now and will ever be.

tize hes not very big prolly 6'0 170lbs Appearing bigger than weight > your fat ass nude pics

That little fagmo needs to learn GFH.

Easily Attainable is probably right. He said in a magazine interview that it took him 3 months of daily DEDICATED (not sure if this is the right word...but he worked like from 9-5 or some crap) hard work to get there. That would probably equal to about 7 months of average work of almost dedicated (i.e. 3months a week)?

Neo22 He's bigger and more defined than the majority of people on this board are now and will ever be. .

Quite good. All kidding aside, that is the body that most not-so-serious people want, and hell, most of the people in here don't even have it. He obviously has the money and time to dedicate to this, so he has a step up from Joe Average...

Oh, and really nice delts.

not my cup of tea but i give him credit he busted his ass to pack on a little more mass than brad pitt.

I wouldn't mind looking like that at all

Heck give Noxen a few more months and he'll end up looking like that.

y0gfx Heck give Noxen a few more months and he'll end up looking like that. Not even close.

y0gfx Heck give Noxen a few more months and he'll end up looking like that.

How would u describe this body? *pics*

Monday, July 15, 2013

Great body without using any chemical substances

How to have a great body without using any chemical substances

Great body without using any chemical substances

To get the body you dream of you need dedication and determination. You need to be open-minded and accept that the greatest things in life, like a great physique, take a lot of time and a lot of effort. To be honest, it usually takes a year to 2 years of really hard training, eating, sleeping and cardio to get a chiseled physique if you're starting from nothing.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Step by Step Guide - Lose Weight And Gain Physique

How to lose weight and then gain a decent physique (Step by Step Guide)

Step by Step Guide - Lose Weight And Gain Physique

Hello, I am 17 years old. My height is 5'6 and I am 154 pounds. I have been training for about 4-5 months on and off. I want to lose weight and then gain a decent physique. I have been using the routine below since I started off. My diet is all over the place, not controlled - I would like some information on that too. I am taking no supplements what so ever at the moment.

Day 1 - Back and Bi's :-

- Deadlift 3 x 10
- T-Bar Row - 3 sets - 10, 8 , 6
- Seated Row - 3 sets - 10,8,6
- Dumbbell Curls - 3 sets - 12,10,8

Day 2 - Rest

Day 3 - Chest and Tri's :-

- Bench Press - 3 x 10
- Incline - 3 sets - 10,8,6
- Dumbbell Fly's - 3 sets - 10,8,6
- Tricep Pushdown - 3 sets - 15,10,6

Day 4 - Rest

Day 5 - Legs and Shoulders :-

- Squats - 3 sets - 12,10,8
- Leg Press - 3 sets - 10,8,6
- Calf Raise - 3 sets - 20, 10, 6
- Arnie Presses - 3 sets - 12,10,8

Day 6/7 - N/A

Does that seem alright? I would also like to know if taking Creatine is good or not because I am considering that. And also, what food is good to eat and what should I avoid eating?

Your workout plan seems very decent, what I would do if I were you, on those days you have marked as Rest. Replace them with 45 minute cardio workouts, such as jogging, bicycle, jump rope, or if you dont feel like doing this, you can try performing the hardest Cardio workout of them all (Gorilla Cardio aka Hiit). This is a 15 minute intense cardio workout, if you want to know more PM me and I will explain what it is.

As far as your diet, you should try to eat less fat and fat calories, body builders eat 5 times a day, small meals but protein rich. All your meals should consist of 40% protein, 30% Fat, and 30% carbohydrates. The meals should me small in size and you should eat 5 times a day, up to 2 1/2 hours between meals.

As far as creatine goes, I would wait until you are 18 years of age before using it. Remember creatine does not help everyone, there as many people who use it and see no benefit from it, but there are those who do use it and see results. Creatine helps in ATP production which then helps increase muscle strength as well as mass. But remember using creatine will cause muscles to use water from the body, I read a few articles saying that using extensive creatine will in the long run cause you to lose fluid in the spinal cord and then you end up taking vaccines once your like 50. I read this, some say its a myth but I dont know. Personally I stay away from creatine, I just find it useless, but to you it might help. Again wait until your 18, thats my recommendation.

To gain a nice looking body were ur muscles are defined u need to start cardio, you cant just work out your muscles and expect them to stand out since fat will cover them. You will then just look like a really muscular chubby guy. SO in order to get into shape and look good, having all muscles defined your body fat needs to be at least between 6-8%.

I recommend you make a diet plan for urself, cut out fried foods, bad fat (fat from animals), fast food, and eat more veggies, fruits, protein bars, and protein rich foods. Switch from white bread to whole wheat.

Also get a protein supplement, you body once it has been worked out needs protein to rebuild the ripped muscle, if you are not supplying your body with protein you are just hurting yourself and not accomplishing much. I recommend getting Optimum Nutrition 100% Golden Whey protein, its one of the best with very low calories, and sugar. If you need help with preparing the 5 meals a day with the right %'s of protein, fat and carbohydrates PM me and Ill help you out.

How to lose weight and then gain a decent physique

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