Showing posts with label cardio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cardio. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The harder I work out - the more hungry I am during the day

The harder I work out - the more hungry I am during the day

I was doing fine with a bowl of cereal and a glass of OJ in the morning and not eating until dinner time... but for the past few days I upped my workout to an extra hour of hard cardio and now i am voraciously hungry during lunch time A few minutes ago i was sitting at my desk, and i had the biggest craving for a salad or something green. Since i was running short on time, i settled for a subway sandwhich, but i havent eaten lunch for a while now. Is this normal or should i supress my desire to eat?

more hungry = hungrier

ryazbeck more hungry = hungrier yeah yeah... same difference

i dont think i've ever worked out early in the morning, but my friend does sometimes and he said hes really hungry all day. and your goals should determine whether or not you should be eating more or less. bulking, slimming?

ryazbeck i dont think i've ever worked out early in the morning, but my friend does sometimes and he said hes really hungry all day. i dont work out in the morning during the week, only during the weekend. But when i workout at night during the week - i work out hard. my goal is to have my shirt soaked in sweat and i have to actually ring it out like a soaked towel

ryazbeck i dont think i've ever worked out early in the morning, but my friend does sometimes and he said hes really hungry all day. and your goals should determine whether or not you should be eating more or less. bulking, slimming? slimming . I am trying to lower my bf%. I am doing pretty damn good too, just gotta stay on course and i dont want to derail it by giving in to hunger

Juggernaut I was doing fine with a bowl of cereal and a glass of OJ in the morning and not eating until dinner time... Is this normal or should i supress my desire to eat? How much do you weigh/how tall are you, what are your goals, etc? Starvation much? edit: damnit i took too long to respond

then if you're gonna eat that snack at lunch try to make it low cal. count your calories and eat around 2000 cals, with working out and cardio you should lose no problem.

My questions still remain valid. How many calories are you taking in per day though? 1 bowl cereal and a glass of oj is like a couple hundred calories.

ryazbeck then if you're gonna eat that snack at lunch try to make it low cal. count your calories and eat around 2000 cals, with working out and cardio you should lose no problem. i am doing calorie counting now actually. i am trying to do between 1300-1500 a day for intake

b-stevens My questions still remain valid. How many calories are you taking in per day though? 1 bowl cereal and a glass of oj is like a couple hundred calories. i have a bowl of special K cereal and a glass of OJ for breakfest. For dinner i usually have one of those healthy choice meals that is at a max 500 calories. Maybe some pineapple pieces of an apple when i get home from the gym. Plus more water than jebus to drink

b-stevens How much do you weigh/how tall are you, what are your goals, etc? Starvation much? edit: damnit i took too long to respond i dont know what i weigh now after 4 months of this crazy diet/workout plan i am on. I know for a fact i now can wear a 33 pant size and its loose as hell on me. Last i checked i was 6'0, 185lbs, but then again that was end of janurary

Juggernaut i dont know what i weigh now after 4 months of this crazy diet/workout plan i am on. I know for a fact i now can wear a 33 pant size and its loose as hell on me. Last i checked i was 6'0, 185lbs, but then again that was end of janurary What makes you want to slim down at that weight?

b-stevens What makes you want to slim down at that weight? soccer season. I play forward. The skinnier i am, the faster I get. PLUS - i want a 6 pack so bad

holy crap you need to eat more often!

damn son.. that doesnt even sound like 1000 calories

jonno damn son.. that doesnt even sound like 1000 calories

I just had 4 double cheeseburgers from Mcdonalds.

Girl_Next_Door holy crap you need to eat more often! I have a crappy metabolism .... if i eat it goes straight to my gut, and i really want a washboard stomach

jonno damn son.. that doesnt even sound like 1000 calories its between 1300-1500 a day. I burn probably 600-800 at the gym a night, so i have to intake something

Juggernaut I was doing fine with a bowl of cereal and a glass of OJ in the morning and not eating until dinner time... but for the past few days I upped my workout to an extra hour of hard cardio and now i am voraciously hungry during lunch time A few minutes ago i was sitting at my desk, and i had the biggest craving for a salad or something green. Since i was running short on time, i settled for a subway sandwhich, but i havent eaten lunch for a while now. Is this normal or should i supress my desire to eat? *suspicious* you're joking, right?

Elfling *suspicious* you're joking, right? no... why? edit: I wouldnt come looking for serious advice spouting off bullshit....

cereal and oj lightweight

sounds like you have a horrid diet

Ceaze sounds like you have a horrid diet how so? I am not usually hungry ?

The harder I work out - the more hungry I am during the day

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

well? whats it doing for me...any toning or fat burning?

Any physical activity is better than none Reults depend on if you are trying to speed skate around an ovel for 4 hours or just lazily douching around the park.

rollerblading is a hell of a workout

joy division Any physical activity is better than none Reults depend on if you are trying to speed skate around an ovel for 4 hours or just lazily douching around the park. about an hour of cruising around neighborhoods..going up some hills...going fast....very little lazy douching though

superbri007 no, but I heard that lollarblading is really good

yeees, it gives you nice tone man-glutes

will it burn any body fat, or do any overall toning? or just legs pretty much

it won't burn anything. it'll just give you an onion booty. no but seriously, if you do it with enough intensity, it could be a good cardio activity thats easy on the knees compared to jogging.

Rollerblading is horrible

great workout!

if you have to ask, then no

jackjohnson if you have to ask, then no well its definetely " a workout" since i sweat hard and can run out of breath when im skating hard. jw what it actually does for if it tones or burns any fat.

could be decent cardio.. it all depends on your intensity

I used to be an agro skater. Id skate every day for 6 hours or so in the summer. My legs and abs were crazy Though I doubt youll be jumping onto any rails or crazy business like that.

Do you have to say TONE in every god damn post. NO, it will not TONE your muscle. You will lose weight, uncovering what muscle you may have underneth -- giving the appearence of TONAGE (lol?). It is good cardio though (good on the knees), depending on your entensity.

just go to a damn gym

sr20wop just go to a damn gym I can't stand doing cardio in a gym so I normally rollerblade 2-3 times per week during the summer. Yes it is one hell of a workout if you make it. Actually a girl I work with use to speedskate and her and I would go every weekend and not quit till someone gave up. Some days we would end up doing 20+ miles. If you really want some fun basically skate upright for a couple of minutes and then crouch and try and get as far of a kick as possible for a minute or so and as hard as you can. If you have a friend who bikes try and draft them. Did that with a buddy of mine who raced and I could barely breath after a couple of miles. What muscles you work depend on your stance very similiar to an efx machine. If you are low you are going to notice it more in the whole leg if you are upright more in the middle of your legs.

iwishiwascool I used to be an agro skater. Id skate every day for 6 hours or so in the summer. My legs and abs were crazy Though I doubt youll be jumping onto any rails or crazy business like that. Use to aggressive to and it was amazing how much you really had to stay constrictinged and were squeezing your abs. Especially on rail grinds.

Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using?

Davo Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using? my bauer hockey skates......thats all ive ever used since i was a kid.

I used to go through 2 pairs per season. The set that I ended with were the Razor Cults. They were nice.

Davo Inline skating is my favorite cardio exercise. What muscles you work and how much you work them depends much on what kind of stance you use when skating and the intensity you skate at. Using proper speed skating form will work pretty much everything in your lower body and back. If you have paved recreation trails that you can just zone out in your skating form, that will be the best. What kind of skates are you using? I started rollerblading 12 years ago it was a b-day present from my parents since I wanted something else to supplment my cycling. I basically have sticked with rollerblade brand the whole way. Right now I am on the Rollerblade Aero 2 got an awesome deal on them at a local sporting store that stopped carrying the rollerblade brand. The only problem I have is the boot is uncomfortable and almost makes my foot go numb but after a couple of miles almost like it breaks in and I don't have a problem. I use to have K2 and that was a nice boot. If I could take the Aero 2 skate and add the K2 boot it would have been perfect. What you got?

iwishiwascool I used to go through 2 pairs per season. The set that I ended with were the Razor Cults. They were nice. Even when i was doing agressive I used rollerblade old school with the hard plastic boot. First skate I ever owned. Had a couple sets of wheels and bearing that I would switch depending if I was doing x-training, aggressive, or even playing hockey. God I miss that skate but man it would get hot. Ton of armor on it. Tore through grindplates like it was nothing.

jshively What you got? I have the Rollerblade Lightning 09 2004 model, had them for about a year. They're a five-wheel skate, built for fitness/speed. The boot is amazing, and even after a long (15-20 mile) skate, I hardly feel like I had them on. The only downside to having skates with such a long frame is that you can't do too many 'fun' things, other than going 25-30mph. They just aren't that agile. Plus, you have to pay to play: when my bearings wore out, it cost over $100 to replace them.

You guys are making me miss rollerblading, about 10 years ago I skated just about everywhere

is rollerblading beneficial at all?

Well its official...

Well its official...

i am going bald. doc said only thing he would recommend i do if im that attatched to my hair is hair plugs. im guessing the m5aa agravated it and now its on a role. so looks like i will be going to get some clippers soon. fuck it. he said rogain or propecia might help but im not even gonna bother wasting the time and money

Mike McDermott see if you can get steroids for it haha that would be awesome

If you're going bald,just shave off all your hair on your head. I hear women like it.

t3nchi If you're going bald,just shave off all your hair on your head. I hear women like it. thats what i plan on doin, i dont care if the women like it i dont think i will like it though

whaaat, post a pic first

gsteclipse97 thats what i plan on doin, i dont care if the women like it i dont think i will like it though i don't like it but the girls do. you get used to it... and getting checked out more often by girls, especially the cute cardio girls, doesn't hurt. i guess, in the end, all that really matters is that my parents hate it.

Shaved heads > *

Mass whaaat, post a pic first i will later no pics on the comp, its not that noticeable as of now cause i have a thick head of hair but i am losing probably 30-50 hairs a day it looks like when i shower

Ilyusha Shaved heads > * we will see, i know i have a few scars from fights and im white as hell so just another place to add sunscreen

just get on the propecia, if you know where to look you can get it super cheap, like 50 bucks for more than 8 months worth...

Mass just get on the propecia, if you know where to look you can get it super cheap, like 50 bucks for more than 8 months worth... i am mainly losing it in the front, he didnt think propecia would help a ton. i know you can get the powder from ibe. do you know how long it takes to see a difference?

start shaving your chest, and the first thing I noticed was my body hair started growing back at a much slower rate... thats when you know its kickin, for me, took about 3 weeks.

If you have a overseas source, you can get a gram of propecia for 10 bucks... yes thats a 1000 days worth of propecia for 10 bucks

there's very little you can do about hair loss in the front. You can shave it as much as you can and use dht and sebum removing shampoos.

Mass start shaving your chest, and the first thing I noticed was my body hair started growing back at a much slower rate... thats when you know its kickin, for me, took about 3 weeks. the ches tis nice and smooth had it waxed

Mass If you have a overseas source, you can get a gram of propecia for 10 bucks... yes thats a 1000 days worth of propecia for 10 bucks mind sendin me a pm?

how old are you? I started shaving my head a few years ago, I'm 23 now.

MikeTheVike1 how old are you? I started shaving my head a few years ago, I'm 23 now. 23

MikeTheVike1 how old are you? I started shaving my head a few years ago, I'm 23 now. wow, at what age did you start shedding?

evi1eddie i guess, in the end, all that really matters is that my parents hate it. that's clearly the most important thing

Invest in razors and a hat gsteclipse97 i will later no pics on the comp, its not that noticeable as of now cause i have a thick head of hair but i am losing probably 30-50 hairs a day it looks like when i shower Supposedly on average a human sheds 100 hairs from their head a day, the bald people are the ones that don't grow it back.

disblohs that's clearly the most important thing i was kidding

Mass wow, at what age did you start shedding? not really sure, but i thappened pretty quickly. I had a full head of hair when I started goigng out with my ex g/f, and by the time the 8 month relationship was over, I was using a mach 3 on it. I still have hair on the top, but I have a "culdesac" thing going. I also think its thinner than normal in the back. My dad started going bald at an early age also. He hasn't really lost much more since then, so hopefully I'll be the same.

evi1eddie i was kidding

Well its official...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

So you have just woken up, and you NEED to hit the gym right now, since it closes in two hours. You havn't eaten or drank anything since waking up. Do you go to the gym on an empty stomach? or eat some fruit? or some bread? or some protein?

rye bread & raspberry jam & down 30g of liquid protein or so.

dextrose + sucrose + free-form AA's (or whey)

if you are trying to lose weight/fat, then just go.. but make sure you drink water! but if you are trying to bulk up or maintain, then i would drink some protien drink, or eat a fruit..

ANIMALPAK VITAMINS. Thats all you need.

Get some carbs and some protein.

Ceaze dextrose + sucrose + free-form AA's (or whey)

what are you trying to do at the gym? heavy lifting, cardio(for how long), or yoga(empty stomach for sure),.. depends what you are gonna do.

devilangel if you are trying to lose weight/fat, then just go.. but make sure you drink water! but if you are trying to bulk up or maintain, then i would drink some protien drink, or eat a fruit..

tize go back to your myspace forums, did acura give you this address??? im a legit member here. and myspace forum sucks my ass!

tize <3 you mackin on me? hahhaha

prolly a weight gain shake 600 calories + 52 g protien + 15 ounces of water= win

What is the best thing to eat in this scenario?

Monday, January 27, 2014

need some serious help with my diet and lifting

need some serious help with my diet and lifting

ok. ive been lifting steadily for 1 year now. i am 5'9 and weigh 180 lbs. my stomach is some what flat, i have a good amount of muscle considering the time ive been lifting. incorporated cardio in my regiment and im doing good so far. my question i getting enough caloric intake? id estimate according to fitday that my caloric intake is around 2100 calories. ive tried to keep all the proportions correct, protein to fat to carbs. my daily protein intake is 296 grams., fat 50 grams, carbs 139 grams. all that comes to 2099 calories roughly. i feel like im not eating enough? i want to gain my muscle mass but would like to keep it lean. do i need to eat more and where do i need more of? im not getting any bigger or thicker. and my gains are slowing down. any suggestions? im open to anything. my routine involves heavy weights, 4 times a week with 3 days of cardio. 1 day of high intensity, 1 day low intensity and another day just to mess around on the punching bag or outdoors like biking on a weekend. keep in mind that my caloric intake on the weekends is much greater given that igo out and drink and party.


I'm sorry, but, somehow the numbers don't add up properly. Are you female? 2099 calories? What the hell? No, you should be eating more -- but your telling me that you get close to 300g of protein a day, which is good but hard to believe -- Where do you get all your protein from?

Gutrat I'm sorry, but, somehow the numbers don't add up properly. Are you female? 2099 calories? What the hell? No, you should be eating more -- but your telling me that you get close to 300g of protein a day, which is good but hard to believe -- Where do you get all your protein from? i used fitday and inputed all the RDA amounts into the tables. i get all my protein from chicken breasts, protein shakes and cottage cheese. im pulling this straight from the table. im a male. my only problem is if i were to eat more what do i eat more of without getting really fat?

what to eat more of? food. Doesnt matter what for the most part. You arent going to get really fat. Hell you arent going to get *somewhat* fat in a day. Eat more, assess your gains, cut as you feel is neccessary but dont be a pussy if you see a little bit of pudge.

need some serious help with my diet and lifting

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Its cutting time but I cant run

Its cutting time but I cant run

I messed up my knee about 8 months ago. Its getting better and I went out and ran a half mile last week. which just made my knee worse and sore for a few days. So no more running until its completely better. What else can I do for cardio? I used a rowing machine a lot last summer which helped a lot.

you could just keep diet in check and you could lose fat that way. you could also swim or possibly bike?

eliptical machine if you have access to one. Great cardio workout, but easy on the knees/shins etc.

Carnifex L I F T W E I G H T S

DCyamaha eliptical machine if you have access to one. Great cardio workout, but easy on the knees/shins etc. an AWESOME machine. i think that's probably the only machine i used during wrestling to cut weight.

8 months and your knee is no better? Did you have surgery on it? If not, then you probably need it. If so, then you must not have done any rehab. Don't hold your breath for it to get any better unless you have it checked out (possibly again) by a doctor.

I got the same problem. I have a messed up and knee and it is time to cut. I have found the only thing to do is have a strict diet and do what you can on the elliptical machine. Or I dont know if you have access to one of these, but in my school's gym there is this cardio machine that you only use your arms for, its like a bicycle machine for arms.

Its cutting time but I cant run

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

I started this new job about 3 months ago and just tried to keep a quiet cool attitude and not really discuss my outside interests too much because I really am more of a quiet person... anyways...the pregnant woman openly asked me about diet tips and exercises she can do to help with her pregnancy and weight gain. So...there were 6 girls around when they heard this..and the one girl asked me if I was a PT or certified or something. I said just "no" and the other girl stood up and said I am a bodybuilder. So thats all they needed to hear when they came around and started firing off all types of questions about weight loss and even weight gain. So I'm just spinning my head about all this and don't know who's talking about what. so shit I told them if they wanted 'personal attention' to talk to me later about it too bad I don't run this as a business...I'd clean up

Filmboy44 too bad I don't run this as a business...I'd clean up Start one on the side, contract yourself out to a gym or something.

tell them about a great form of cardio where you don't even need to leave the bedroom, as long as you have a workout partner

its a small office too...there are a few that I'd off the "personal" service too "lets work that fat off honey"

christophers i play PT for a lot of people and dont ask anything for it. for some reason i just like helping people. although i get stuff for it all the tme, including money. i'm not going to say no. 4 tubs of muscle milk + 150$ came today from someone i helped lose 25 lb's and get to 8% i actually woulda rather just had cash instead of that muscle milk but oh well thats rather generous. Most of the time my advice isn't they keep comin back. they don't want to hear dieting isn't easy and they actually have to work at it for a while before they see results. I don't mind. I like talking about it and helping them. THey aren't hurting me any by not listening so whatever

cavefish Start one on the side, contract yourself out to a gym or something. oh and don't forget to contact the IRS to report any extra income.

evi1eddie tell them about a great form of cardio where you don't even need to leave the bedroom, as long as you have a workout partner I think the pregnant woman figured that one out all by herself

cunninglinguist I think the pregnant woman figured that one out all by herself

The Cat RRRRAAAAAA is officially out of the bag

Saturday, January 25, 2014

starting weight training...

starting weight training...

hey guys, i'm 22, 5'7" and at 140lbs, i've never really done any weight training but i would really like to start...i'm kinda in shape at the moment, i like to run a lot, i do anywhere from 10-15 miles a week...i know it's a long shot but i'm kinda hoping to have the build of a running back or something close... also, what kind of supplements are good for someone starting out? i'm a full time college student so I can't always eat healthy (or eat at all ) thanks guys!

TruBloodTransAm i know it's a long shot but i'm kinda hoping to have the build of a running back or something close... then don't run so much

TruBloodTransAm i'm a full time college student so I can't always eat healthy (or eat at all ) That won't cut it, and it's also not true. A good tupperware set is your best friend. I'm a full-time college student and it can work.

well what kinda routine do you'll recommend for someone starting out?

Ceaze then don't run so much Yeah, focus on speed exercises if you want to be or look like a running back.

speed exercises?

TruBloodTransAm well what kinda routine do you'll recommend for someone starting out? I'd recommend hills or incline treadmill training for the speed, and wind sprints for endurance. If you have access to resistance bands and someone to help you, you can do that as well. That's for the running part, I'll let someone more knowledgable on the weights advise you there.

Davo Yeah, focus on speed exercises if you want to be or look like a running back. He might've meant don't do as much cardio

starting weight training...

Cardio? Shirt available

Cardio? Shirt available

Since i only posted this somewhere in the t-shirt sticky and i have a feeling people haven't seen it, those of you that wanted the Cardio? Is that Spanish? shirt can get it at for whatever the cafepress base price is. I also made a no gym for home shirt, but because you are only allowed 1 design per shirt type, i had to mix up the type of shirts that are available. If anyone really wants a specific type of shirt, let me know.

Chris3G Since i only posted this somewhere in the t-shirt sticky and i have a feeling people haven't seen it, those of you that wanted the Cardio? Is that Spanish? shirt can get it at for whatever the cafepress base price is. I also made a no gym for home shirt, but because you are only allowed 1 design per shirt type, i had to mix up the type of shirts that are available. If anyone really wants a specific type of shirt, let me know. NGFH in a babydoll tee?

~*Pogovina*~ NGFH in a babydoll tee? sure, do you want the small "NGFH?" text on the front pocket area also, or just the large text on the back?

Just For The Record. That Was My Idea! lc

man that no gym for home shirt sucks

cardio spanish! loving it!

i'm poor as fuck, but i may have to buy one of those

Chris3G sure, do you want the small "NGFH?" text on the front pocket area also, or just the large text on the back? on the front too, please (any other color options? )

looks like they only have white in the baby doll style

Chris3G looks like they only have white in the baby doll style that's ok, better than lime green

NGFH? N**** get fuckin huge?

drunknmunky NGFH? N**** get fuckin huge? no gym for home

~*Pogovina*~ no gym for home

any chance there could be a cardio/spanish shirt with the whole phrase on either the front or the back?

wtf? i thought the no gym for home shirt was going to have the long ass paragraph on the back side

i would make your graphics a lot larger or else they won't look nearly that good when printed on a shirt

i do like the idea of spanish/cardio on the same side.

do they have black or grey shirts? I dont wear white

My hero...

christophers for fucks sake who cares about the no gym for home shirt. i would put money on about 1 to 2 people ACTUALLY buying them. make the text all on 1 side on the cardio shirt and ill buy one i just made one like this with the full text on the back, all lettering same size. that's as big as it gets.

christophers ringer T? does it cost you anything to add shirts? the problem is they only let you have 1 type of each shirt in the store at the same time. So, if you want to order it, i'll make that design as a ringer t , delete the one that is there, and then you can go in and put the order through.

christophers ok well if u make a ringer ill order 1 now. ill order a plain 1, but would prefer a ringer ok i made it a ringer for you

Do they ship to Cananda? How much does it cost?

ringers annoy me

Cardio? Shirt available

Tricep/Shoulder exercises with a broken wrist?

Tricep/Shoulder exercises with a broken wrist?

Are there any decent tricep or shoulder exercises with minimal/no wrist involvement? Ive got a broken wrist so i dont want to put any unnecessary pressure on it, but i want to keep the tris & shoulders progressing...

kekekekekeke. no. well theres this machine where the pads rest on your elbows and work your side delts. example:

You could do the same with bands if your gym doesn have machines

Keep working your uninjured arm

Ceaze Keep working your uninjured arm !!

ryazbeck !! Training the uninjured arm helps to maintain strength and size in the injured arm. It's called the cross-training effect.

hise shrugs upper body sled dragging (you wont have to support the weight) other than whats been mentioned, use this as a time to develop something that you usually neglect, ie neck, balance, cardio, whatever.

Tricep/Shoulder exercises with a broken wrist?

Friday, January 24, 2014

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

I know it's a topic here every day but i wanted to get some advice. I'm doing good with my cut but would like to do better. :impatient: I think i have my diet done pretty well. im getting 2000-2500 cal a day 200-300g protein and about 70%/30% carbs/fat. I lift MWTF and 7 days befor i hit the same groop cardio on that days off and nothing on sunday, i also cheat for sunday dinners. is the stack going to help me alot of am i doing enough as is? again im happy with the results but if the stack is going to speed it up considerably ill try it. what do ya guys think? clifffs for the lazy: my diet/workout is good, is the stack worth it?

im saying if im getting my 2-3 pounds a week, is this going to increase that by any real amount?

Demize im saying if im getting my 2-3 pounds a week, is this going to increase that by any real amount? 2-3 pounds sounds a bit ghigh, the ECY does not burn the fat so much as it decreases hunger...

i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE

wtf dude

Demize i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE i went with vasapro, Mistich recomended it, alot of people are out of it ATM, I went with yohimbine from bulk nutrition, and cafiene from them aswell.

Demize i think ill try it for a cycle. so what should i get? id like to go with most pure shit. links to products PLEASE Clcik here

Demize I know it's a topic here every day but i wanted to get some advice. I'm doing good with my cut but would like to do better. :impatient: I think i have my diet done pretty well. im getting 2000-2500 cal a day 200-300g protein and about 70%/30% carbs/fat. I lift MWTF and 7 days befor i hit the same groop cardio on that days off and nothing on sunday, i also cheat for sunday dinners. is the stack going to help me alot of am i doing enough as is? again im happy with the results but if the stack is going to speed it up considerably ill try it. what do ya guys think? o clifffs for the lazy: my diet/workout is good, is the stack worth it? How much do you weigh? How much carbs and how much fat do you have per day?

I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein.

well i ate some pizza today lol weight= 190

just stick with your diet..

Neo22 I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein. I don't think he has *too much* protein at all.

should i do some e just to get bonkers on the weights once a week? one week i go bonkers on arms/abs next week legs etc ect. @ once a week will i build a tolerance?

i love teh protein, eat some raw eggs and red meat, flip out and kill some weight!

GilgaMesH I don't think he has *too much* protein at all. Compared to his fats and carbs he does.

Neo22 I think you need more fats in your diet. Too much protein. he's right, this will be an unsuccessful cut without dietary changes. you may find that you end up with less lbm/fat mass. according to your fitday log, your ratios are 10%fat, 27%carb, and 63% protein. if you're adding protein powder on top of that, the ratios are more skewed with way too much protein. you need more carbs and fat if you want to lose fat instead of muscle. even with that much protein, your body will be burning it as the primary fuel instead of releasing fat to burn.

i think you're asking for low blood sugar problems and i'd be surprised if you can maintain your current lbm thru this cut with the thermo

Well today im going to add some home made cookeis to my diet infact im eating one right now! would adding some friut and nut throughout the day get my carb/fat levels where they should be?

Demize Well today im going to add some home made cookeis to my diet infact im eating one right now! would adding some friut and nut throughout the day get my carb/fat levels where they should be? I'd go for between 60-80g of fat daily. YOU need fat when you are cutting. It should be around 25% of your intake.

vettedude 2-3 pounds sounds a bit ghigh, the ECY does not burn the fat so much as it decreases hunger... it increases lipolysis

Ceaze it increases lipolysis

Neo22 I'd go for between 60-80g of fat daily. YOU need fat when you are cutting. It should be around 25% of your intake. are you serious? for women too? i'm taking lipo 6 and i've been more concious about eating more protein and cals...but i'm still trying to cut down on my carbs/ fat. is this wrong? god im so confused

BrickTamland i started it today im pretty fucking jittery from the last 200mg of caffeine but i'm supposed to take another 200mg with ephedrine now give it a few days. my first day i was cracked out. now i can feel the energy, but i dont feel the sides at all.

thinking about starting an ECY stack V.11tybillion repost i know

I am immune to cutting. :wtf:

I am immune to cutting. :wtf:

I have been cutting for 2 weeks now. I have about one cheat meal per week (usually when I am out with my gf). I have had 2 alcoholic beverages in these 2 weeks. Out of the 14 days, I have been at 2500 calories/day +/- 200 calories. My diet has been basically 40-50% protein, 25% fat, and the rest carbs. I haven't lost a fucking pound. This doesn't make sense..

Ilyusha I have been cutting for 2 weeks now. I have about one cheat meal per week (usually when I am out with my gf). I have had 2 alcoholic beverages in these 2 weeks. Out of the 14 days, I have been at 2500 calories/day +/- 200 calories. My diet has been basically 40-50% protein, 25% fat, and the rest carbs. I haven't lost a fucking pound. This doesn't make sense.. how much cardio are you doing?

ummm your body wont even start to lose until its adjusts to the diet, it takes me 4 weeks to get into the burning zone. Also you have been cheating your first two weeks in and drinking? Ummm let us know when you start cutting for real

gsteclipse97 how much cardio are you doing? 1-2 times/week, ~20 mins each time. I'm easing into it..

PurEvl ummm your body wont even start to lose until its adjusts to the diet, it takes me 4 weeks to get into the burning zone. Also you have been cheating your first two weeks in and drinking? Ummm let us know when you start cutting for real I thought that as long as I keep my calories at ~12x body weight, I should be fine. That's what I've been doing, and my cheat days haven't been very bad at all (maybe 3500 calories, or maintenance). What should I do?

Ilyusha 1-2 times/week, ~20 mins each time. I'm easing into it.. i didnt see anything till i was doing at least 4 days at 30 mins. now after about 6 weeks of 5 days 30 mins weight loss has slowed. up the cardio, drop the cheat meals and alcohol if you really wanna see results. if i can do it you can, i havent drank but once this year

Ilyusha I thought that as long as I keep my calories at ~12x body weight, I should be fine. That's what I've been doing, and my cheat days haven't been very bad at all (maybe 3500 calories, or maintenance). What should I do? i would suggest lowering your cals. but thats just my opinion

gsteclipse97 i didnt see anything till i was doing at least 4 days at 30 mins. now after about 6 weeks of 5 days 30 mins weight loss has slowed. up the cardio, drop the cheat meals and alcohol if you really wanna see results. if i can do it you can, i havent drank but once this year Hmm.. well the reason I had alcohol and one of the 2 cheat days is because I had my 4 year anniversary this past weekend.. I will try and up the cardio. I haven't even had that "water weight" dramatic loss that everyone says they have in the first couple weeks.

lower callories more

vettedude lower callories more That's gonna suck.

Ilyusha Hmm.. well the reason I had alcohol and one of the 2 cheat days is because I had my 4 year anniversary this past weekend.. I will try and up the cardio. I haven't even had that "water weight" dramatic loss that everyone says they have in the first couple weeks. i didnt have any dramatic loss at all when i got goin steady, just 2lbs a week or so. try to go at least 2-3 weeks with no cheating to see if the diet etc is working correctly.

Ilyusha That's gonna suck. indeed

gsteclipse97 i didnt have any dramatic loss at all when i got goin steady, just 2lbs a week or so. try to go at least 2-3 weeks with no cheating to see if the diet etc is working correctly. Alright, I'll see if I can do that. I was aiming at 1.5-2lbs/week loss.. and I didn't even get that. It's disheartening..

Ilyusha That's gonna suck. i wouldnt lower them yet, i have been cutting at 12xbw for 6 weeks and its been fine. i think if you up the cardio to at least 30 mins 4-5 days and no cheating you will see results

Ilyusha Alright, I'll see if I can do that. I was aiming at 1.5-2lbs/week loss.. and I didn't even get that. It's disheartening.. you will if you do that, i have been except for the last 2 weeks but that was after a 12lb or so loss. liek i said if i can do it you can i have never been a lean guy and i am on my way.

gsteclipse97 i wouldnt lower them yet, i have been cutting at 12xbw for 6 weeks and its been fine. i think if you up the cardio to at least 30 mins 4-5 days and no cheating you will see results how much do u weigh? u clould be leaner than him, I am at about 228, and i dont think i am eating 2400 cals a day..

gsteclipse97 you will if you do that, i have been except for the last 2 weeks but that was after a 12lb or so loss. liek i said if i can do it you can i have never been a lean guy and i am on my way. I didn't think cardio was as important as diet, if I was pretty serious with the diet (which I think I was). I guess I have to rethink how to lose this excess weight..

Ilyusha I didn't think cardio was as important as diet, if I was pretty serious with the diet (which I think I was). I guess I have to rethink how to lose this excess weight.. i rarely do cardio...

vettedude how much do u weigh? u clould be leaner than him, I am at about 228, and i dont think i am eating 2400 cals a day.. i was at close to 230 when i started now around 215. i have been eating close to 2600+- cals a day. i didnt think the cardio was as big of deal either till someone gave me some insight and next thing you know big difference. i went from 18 to 14% bf in like 6 weeks

i am just recommending what i am doing because from seeing you it seems like you have a little more muscle mass than me but similar amount of fat and body type

gsteclipse97 i was at close to 230 when i started now around 215. i have been eating close to 2600+- cals a day. i didnt think the cardio was as big of deal either till someone gave me some insight and next thing you know big difference. i went from 18 to 14% bf in like 6 weeks I was quite a bit higher than 18% when i started...

vettedude I was quite a bit higher than 18% when i started... so was i, i was at least 30%

gsteclipse97 i was at close to 230 when i started now around 215. i have been eating close to 2600+- cals a day. i didnt think the cardio was as big of deal either till someone gave me some insight and next thing you know big difference. i went from 18 to 14% bf in like 6 weeks I'm ~235 right now, closer to 230. I'll keep going with the diet and try to add in more cardio and see if that helps.

once you get going if you have to cheat once i a while ok, but i would try very hard to not for the first 2-4 weeks so that your body can adjust

Lower calories. or Increase cardio. And what exactly are you eating? Are you keeping a food log or are you just guessing?

I am immune to cutting. :wtf:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cyclic diet question...

Cyclic diet question...

Is a cyclic diet pointless if you're not going to do "depletion" workouts and all that shit? My fat losss is stalling out so I need to change something up, but I'm happy with my lifting routine (more/less westside) as it is and would rather not fuck with it. From what I understand the whole goal of the cyclic diets is to amplify positive hormonal responses to food... so that even though you may be in a glycogen depleted, caloric deficit most of the time, the relatively brief windows when you are in a replenished, caloric surplus is sufficient to product the hormonal responses necessary to keep your metabolism chugging along... or am I missing the concept completely? Why can't you just manipulate the system through calorie intake and macro ratios? Why all the special workouts and shit? Is it oversimplifying it to just do a repetitive cycle of 2-3 no/low carb days followed by a high carb day? Any links to good cyclic plans that don't require special workouts? I've read a lot of stuff at since that seems to be the defacto reference for fat loss around here, but it seems most of the people there are doing the depletion workouts and cardio schedules.

Right...but what is the percieved positive benefit of the changes that make up the cycle, be it changing macros, total calories, whatever? I thought it was becuase the cyclic nature of it helped avoid the metabolism slump caused by extended periods of caloric deficit. Is that wrong?

Hmm... shit. Thanks for your help.

the positive benefit as i understand it from cycling is to avoid homeostasis (the survival mechanism). basically the body gets used to the changes and down-regulates any over-expressed enzymes it doesn't need. anytime that enzymes are downregulated due to a perceived surplus, your body is going to be in a catabolic state. that's the point of both carb and protein cycling - in carb cycling, your body figures out either that it's not getting carbs and stops producing so much amylase and in protein cycling, the body stops producing so much protease. if you keep eating a lot of carbs or protein when there are less enzymes to process the substrate, it just takes longer to process (which the body sees as an energy savings). if you vary your amounts of carbs and protein, the body never gets to set a point of energy savings since it cannot predict how much will come at once.

the depletion workouts are simply to lower glycogen levels (and keep them low) since that will be burned before any stored fat and the UD2 is for athletes looking to lose weight (and maybe add lbm) you need stored glycogen to be low to get the glucagon response and insulin is mutually exclusive so if there is sugar, you cannot activate the enzymes to burn fat

this is the point of bulking or cutting, because the success of one is the failure of the other due to the hormonal responses and enzymes involved

Cyclic diet question...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

slim jims ok for atkins diet?

slim jims ok for atkins diet?

I want to start the atkins diet, but I only know the basics, like no bread. Are slim jims accetable?

read more

OverLamer calories out > calories in

If you really want to do Atkins proper, go buy the book. I would suggest looking more into a standard "good" nutritional base and exercise first though.

kingmagus I want to start the atkins diet, but I only know the basics, like no bread. Are slim jims accetable? Atkins is the stupidest diet ever the body needs carbs

Why don't you actually do a little research on a diet before you start it?

PorscheRacer Atkins is the stupidest diet ever the body needs carbs Technically the body does need carbs but it doesn't need dietary carbs, it is capable of creating enough glucose on it's own to supply the parts that need it from other substances.

Don't go on the atkins diet. There is no magical way to lose weight quickly. Do cardio every single day. Lift weights every single day, and just watch what you eat.

PorscheRacer Atkins is the stupidest diet ever the body needs carbs Actually, it doesn't.

Your body just runs better with carbs. If you want to feel shitty, go right ahead. But don't come crawling back when you pass out and hit your head on the sidewalk. Oh, yeah, and once your off the diet -- the weight usually comes back.

brolli Don't go on the atkins diet. There is no magical way to lose weight quickly. Do cardio every single day. Lift weights every single day, and just watch what you eat.

superbri007 slim jims aren't good for any diet

brolli Don't go on the atkins diet. There is no magical way to lose weight quickly. Do cardio every single day. Lift weights every single day, and just watch what you eat. i tried atkins for a couple weeks and lost a measly 4 pounds. Then i just went on a low calorie diet and added cardio to my workout (as opposed to just lifting) and in a little more than a month ive lost nearly 20 pounds And that was with a couple days off that set my diet back like 4 days basically all im doing is eating a sald for one meal and just a normal sized meal for the other. no snacks, only diet sodas. ive also started to get meal bars which help (in replacement for a meal, not as a snack fatty)

slim jims ok for atkins diet?

Monday, January 20, 2014

What have you consumed today?

What have you consumed today?

Breakfast: 1 cup of oatmeal, 2 slices whole wheat toast, 2 eggs, 3 strips of bacon. snack: scoop of vanilla ON whey and water with half a cup of organic milk lunch: 2 slices of flax bread with natural peanut butter, small spinach salad with crab meat snack: half scoop of vanilla ON whey and half a scoop of RPC and water with half a cup of organic milk dinner: grilled rosemary garlic marinated trout filets, red beans and rice. Water: 48 oz so far how about everyone else?

christophers 4 person boston market meal a beer a bag of m&m's a big skittles a bag of peanut butter m&m's a slurpee a cheesecake i want your diet.

the fatted calf and a pitcher of wine

Salad with turkey and hard boiled eggs at Saladworks, wheat roll. 2 slices dried pineapple. 1 panda licorice bar. 1 sugar-free fudge bar. 3 low-carb pitas with apple butter. 1 apple. I'm slacking

breakfast: 6 egg whites w/ pepper, 2 pieces of toast, cup of brown rice with 3/4 cup of mixed veges lunch: 2 cups brocolli, 3/4 cup oatmeal, 7.5-8oz chicken, natty pb&j sandwich, handfull mixed nuts, handfull golden raisins pre work food: casein protein shake(40g protein), 3/4 cup oats w/ 1 cup fat free plain yogurt and nutrasweet @ work: protein bar(20g) and 2 big ass pieces of birthday cake(boss's b-day) diner: cup of brown rice, 7oz chicken breast, 1.5 cups of brocolli, 3/4 cup of mixed veges all mixed together with some hot sauce, handful of nuts probably going to eat something else before bed. God I love not being on a diet. edit: mom just called and is bringing me home a 4 meat pizza.

According to fit day, not even close to enough Banana, raw 217 1 55 2 Pro Rated Whey Protein: Alpine Vanilla 120 2 4 22 Orange, raw 57 0 14 1 Oats, raw 233 4 41 10 Orange juice, NFS 113 0 27 2 Strawberries, frozen, unsweetened 30 0 8 0 Yogurt, plain, NS as to type of milk 78 2 9 6 Milk, cow's, fluid, 1% fat 306 8 35 33 Chicken, thigh, with or without bone, NS as to cooking method, NS as to skin eaten 347 22 0 35 Rice A Roni: Chicken 180 1 38 5 Corn, raw 66 1 15 2 ARCHWAY Home Style Cookies, Iced Oatmeal 123 5 18 1 Corn dog (frankfurter or hot dog with cornbread coating) 273 18 20 9 Steel Cut Oats 300 4 52 8 Margarine, stick, unsalted 77 9 0 0 Roll, white, soft 103 2 18 3 Totals 2623 77 354 141

8 oz milk + whey + oats eggs + turkey + rice thai bbq chicken + rice another shake

pizza, carrots,corn, turkey, omelet, sausage patties, salad, taco bell bean burritos, ice cream, cake, and some protein

6 wheat bix , just woke up

Peal 6 wheat bix , just woke up what is a wheat bix?

Beef jerky 129 8 3 10 Berries, raw, NFS 45 1 11 1 granola cereal 190 3 44 5 Yogurt, vanilla, lemon, maple, or coffee flavor, lowfat milk 209 3 34 12 Peanuts, roasted, salted 74 6 2 3 Beef jerky 129 8 3 10 Tuna, canned, water pack 132 1 0 29 Salad dressing, KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP LIGHT Dressing 49 4 3 0 Pickle relish, hot dog 14 0 4 0 Bread, whole wheat, 100% 138 2 26 5 Cheese, Swiss 213 16 2 16 Chicken, breast, with or without bone, broiled, skin not eaten 275 6 0 52 Broccoli, cooked, from fresh, fat not added in cooking 43 1 8 5 Carrots, cooked, from fresh, fat not added in cooking 70 0 16 2 Rice, brown, long-grain, cooked 216 2 45 5 Sherbet, all flavors 133 2 29 1 Totals 2060 62 230 157

egg sandwich bagel 3 donuts turkey club can of tuna 2 beefaronis 1 met rx protein bar i worked ~10 hours today so it wasnt all that bad of diet considering

polish hot dog on bun diet pepsi teaspoon of CEE pepper beef on rice and some chow mein some ice cream cottage cheese orange been slacking off today

an ice cube

SpeedyGST what is a wheat bix?

bowl of fruit 2 MRP shakes bag of beef jerky 6" steak/bbq sandwich bag of doritos 100oz water chicken breast baked potato

SteveO an ice cube fattie

3 slices of mixed grain bread 2 Slices of Mozzeralla 2 eggs 2 egg whites Protein Shake 1/2 a Cup of almonds Couple of Fish Oil capsules

wtf iCe and Chutups, that seems like it would be a inbetween meal snack.

my diet DUDE Meal DP Blizzard w/ butterfuinger and reeses Wendies DBL cheaseburger meal Junir Bacon Cheseburger Lots of cookies more DP

for april 24th 2 scoops of whey, 1 cup of oats, 2 tbs of olive oil, 2 eggs about 15-18 beers a few jellow shots a few strips of beef jerkey a few bites of a turkey sandwich 1/2 lb of shredded brisket, 6 slices of bread, 1/2 cup of potato salad 2 scoops of whey, 1 cup of oats, 2 tbs of olive oil, 2 eggs

yesterday I had jabalaya pasta with blackened chicken/sausage and garlic toast from applebees, 3 chickens strips and some fries off this one bitches plate, an oreo shake, 2 arby bacon cheddar melts, a pound of hamburger, 2 hotpockets, 2 pieces of cherry cobler, a chicken breast, a bowl of cereal, protein shake, 3 fruit and nut trailmix bars, a few handfuls of sunflower seeds and half a piece of some shitty cake

yesterday: Meal 1: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 2 scoops whey protein shake (pre-cardio) Meal 2: 4 egg whites, 3 whole eggs(7), Whole Wheat Bagel Meal 3: 1 chicken breast, brown rice, green beans Meal 4: 2 scoops whey protein shake, almonds Meal 5: 1 chicken breast, noodles, veggie Meal 6: 1 Hemilayan chicken curry, nan bread, white rice Meal 7: 1 sesame chicken breast, rice, from korean resteraunt

What have you consumed today?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Southbeach diet

Southbeach diet

thoughts, opinions?

christophers another way to control calories. nothing magical. there is no magic to fat loss.. its more about adherance and consistency. the vast majority of diet books are designed to simply get you to eat less. Okay, so sum up what I need to do to loose weight? Eat less junk, more protien, less calories and carbs, cardio and lifting weights?

soo much reading Okay, I'll get started....

Inferno69 Okay, so sum up what I need to do to loose weight? here's a good summary on what to do to lose weight. It's called Sticky: Basic Newb Guide to Fat Loss ( Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ) I can see how you missed it since it was all the way at the beginning of the forum edit: that won't help you "loose" weight though... it will only help you LOSE it

Southbeach diet

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Most effective way to do HIIT while running?

Most effective way to do HIIT while running?

How can i burn the most fat possible while doing HIIT running? I've read numerous articles, websites, and threads, but i'm confused. One site for example said: 5 minute jog (warmup), run 90-95% max speed for 1 minute, slow down to jog until you can do it again. another said to do the same thing except only sprint for 20 seconds... a third of what the first site said. Others still said sprint then walk, compared to a jog. I'm just confused! someone point me in the right direction please. again my goal is just to burn as much fat possible, while increasing stamina/endurance.

My understanding was that HIIT is supposed to be most effective doing sprint/jog splits of about 30 seconds each, but I haven't done it so I can't tell you based on experience. I'm inclined to say that it really doesn't matter as far as burning more fat. Fat loss is 99% diet, and doing cardio isn't the magic fat burner that everyone makes it out to be. Read the fat loss sticky 2nd from the top for good info.

ah ok cool thanks. anyone have any advice from experience? I'm by no means out of shape i can jog 4-5 miles without stopping or being too dead at the end. I'm about 195lb at 6"0 right now and want to get down to 180-185.

unless you specialize in the 400m it's going to be pretty hard to run 90% for a minute. even 30 seconds is unrealistic if you follow up with a 50% jog. you want to be at about 70% for the sprint and 30% for the jog.

t-nation had a good article, but now the link seems to be dead. I have the chart printed out on how to follow hiit. I can scan it if anyone wants.

superbri007 i jog for 45 seconds to 60 seconds, then all out sprint balls to the wall for about 15 seconds that's about what I do. 45 second jog followed by 15 seconds of all out run for your life sprinting.

45 jog/15 sprint: After the 15 seconds of sprinting do you go back to 45 seconds of jogging and then repeat? or go even slower.. or what. and for how many minutes do you do this for?

i go back to jogging. Its hard at first but you slowly build up a longer time that you can do it. Bush77 45 jog/15 sprint: After the 15 seconds of sprinting do you go back to 45 seconds of jogging and then repeat? or go even slower.. or what. and for how many minutes do you do this for?

superbri007 good shit huh? especially when its summer time, 90 degrees and humid do i actually burn more calories/fat when it's hot out? i jogged 10km today (not HIIT) and it was 27* celsius... i was dripping.

unrealii t-nation had a good article, but now the link seems to be dead. I have the chart printed out on how to follow hiit. I can scan it if anyone wants.

thanks alot edmang

I just mix it up to not get bored. My partner and me went to the field and basically found a midpoint in it and sprinted to it then jogged to the end and then sprinted back so it alternated sprint jog same distance. Another that I think it good to do is sprint backwards and sideways. I read an article that said you burn more calories going backwards and sideways basically cause your muscles were not as efficent at it. Makes me feel like more of an athlete also.

thanks alot for the help/advice guys. i'm in a 10km race a week from this sunday and after that i'll start the 8 week program in the "Good Shape" row. Hopefully see a noticable improvement by the time i'm done in july. So a routine like that, mixed with a decent diet i'll be burning fat and building up stamina/endurance?

Most effective way to do HIIT while running?

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

I have gotten a bit out of shape, need to lose body fat and put on muscle mass... I'm about 5"10 / 5"11 @ 180-185lbs, not much muscle defintion due to body fat, when I was 165 pounds I have much better defined muscles. Anyways I used to work out every day with random breaks, chest/biceps back/triceps shoulders/legs however I hit a plateau pretty quick because I was overworking myself I've since expiremented with different routines, lately i've been doing 0 legs.. I want to do a routine for 6 days a week... Sundays I work a f'd up schedule and cant make it to the gym. I was considering Day 1 - Chest, biceps, triceps, abs Day 2 - Cardio Day 3- Back, Shoulders, traps Day 4 - Cardio, abs Day 5 - Legs, lower back, abs Day 6 - Cardio Day 7 - Off However i'm a bit edgy on doing a muscle group only once a week so i'm confused and having a hard time figuring out what I should do...... I think a muscle group once a week isn't enough, I like to get really sore then I recover usually on third day so hmmm.... any ideas??? P.S dont gimmi any shit about doing chest with tricep instead of bicep or viseversa, it makes no fucking diff; everyone does it differently and i've tried all combinations finding little difference. before, about 165 pounds now about 180

great, your avatar made me not as hungry.


you gonna get hit wif the sticky stik, boyo

Too much cardio, not enough lift.

~stangzorized~ Too much cardio, not enough lift.


christophers rountine, drop down calories, drop down cardio

Whats wrong with cardio?

nothing, I just think theres a bit to much of it in his routine

hmm so maybe limit cardio to twice a week? or even once a week?

how about a rotation of Day 1 - Chest, biceps, abs Day 2 - Back, triceps, abs Day 3- Legs, Shoulders, Lower back Day 4- Cardio with random days off?

baghrhrg decent, dunno why the hell I wrote descent..

I dunno, I do cardio 3 times a week. But I am just looking for something to do I guess. :-x

Day 1 - Legs Squats Leg Press Quad Extension Hammy Curl Standing Calf Raise Day 2 - Chest/Tri Flat Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Incline Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Pec Deck Dips Tricep Rope Pull Down on Cable Machine Skull Crushers CG Bench Day 3 - Back/Bi Deadlifts Pullups (palms out, wide grip) Bentover BB Rows Seated Cable Rows Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Hammer Curl with Rope attachment on Cable Machine Day 4 - Shoulders DB Press Rear Raises Lateral Raises Shrugs

mike Day 1 - Legs Squats Leg Press Quad Extension Hammy Curl Standing Calf Raise Day 2 - Chest/Tri Flat Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Incline Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Pec Deck Dips Tricep Rope Pull Down on Cable Machine Skull Crushers CG Bench Day 3 - Back/Bi Deadlifts Pullups (palms out, wide grip) Bentover BB Rows Seated Cable Rows Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Hammer Curl with Rope attachment on Cable Machine Day 4 - Shoulders DB Press Rear Raises Lateral Raises Shrugs Thanks, i've however never done deadlifts yet, should I start doing them? Also any advise? Also whats Pec Deck? and Bent over BB rows?

What's your av all about?

Ilyusha What's your av all about? A little sumptin sumptin I did for a uni project... went out on the town scaring the fuck out of people, cars stopped, people crossed the street and tripped over themselves falling, umm no one asked him for any help and did their best to avoid him, wouldn't even let him on the bus. part 2 is coming soon.

chlywly A little sumptin sumptin I did for a uni project... went out on the town scaring the fuck out of people, cars stopped, people crossed the street and tripped over themselves falling, umm no one asked him for any help and did their best to avoid him, wouldn't even let him on the bus. part 2 is coming soon. That's fuckin dope..

If you asked me I would say you should lift more weight less often. What youre doing now obviously isnt working, so how much could it hurt to go 3-4 times a week? When I started doing that I saw instant strength gains because when I was going 6 times a week I was overtraining. Maybe you should cut out some ab stuff as well, some compound movements such as squat will work your abs, so just have an ab day on a different day than your legs day. By the way, make sure you actually have a leg day. In my opinion, probably the most important day. But thats just my opinion.

chlywly Thanks, i've however never done deadlifts yet, should I start doing them? Also any advise? Also whats Pec Deck? and Bent over BB rows? pec deck: bent over row (sorta): do deadlifts.

That bent over row pic sucks ass. The bar is going too high up in the chest area.

ok cool, any good sources on doing a proper dead lift?

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

Post your cardio here

Post your cardio here

yo guys ive been on a interval plan for a while now and im getting pretty bored of it, wanted to see what kind of cardio interval workouts you guys would recommend. here are some that im currently doing in my cardio workouts: (on an intense scale of 1-10 ex. 5 being jogging, and 10 being all out sprinting) cardio 1:min /level of intensity first 15 mins /5 (then ill start an interval cycle of sprint/jogging):next 20 seconds /10 next 40 seconds /6 etc... (and i'll repeat this interval 8 times) cardio 2:min /level of intensity 1-2/ 5 3 / 6 4 /7 5/ 8 6 /9 ...(one interval cycle) 7/ 5 8/ 6 etc.... (four interval cycles= roughly 20 mins)

why is this thread in spanish?

I ride the stationary bike 4 times a week at a HR of 160bmp for 30 min.

forum95 why is this thread in spanish? they only decent cardio is sex

i run 4-10km 4-5 nights a week. i play hockey/shinny. bike riding randomly... yea

Post your cardio here

Thursday, January 16, 2014

n00b needs advice on supplements

n00b needs advice on supplements

Alright, I'm trying to get in shape for the summer; loose fat primarily, since i want to get 'toned' more then I want to gain large muscle mass. Right now I do lifting 3 times a week and cardio 4 times a week. I'm pretty okay with that, but was asking for advice on supplements. (Also, I am taking a complete multivitamin) Here is what I'm thinking about getting... LIPO-6 (750mg) x 6 daily Flax Oil (1000mg) x 9 daily Fish Oil (1000mg) x 20-30 daily Amino 2222 ??mg x ??? daily For the Amino2222, it isn't clear how often I should be taking that, but I'm sure the bottle will specify. Is this too much, not enough, enough but of the wrong stuff?

wow, thats an awesome amount of fish oil.

chocolate syrup

blueapple Alright, I'm trying to get in shape for the summer; loose fat primarily, since i want to get 'toned' more then I want to gain large muscle mass. Right now I do lifting 3 times a week and cardio 4 times a week. I'm pretty okay with that, but was asking for advice on supplements. (Also, I am taking a complete multivitamin) Here is what I'm thinking about getting... LIPO-6 (750mg) x 6 daily Flax Oil (1000mg) x 9 daily Fish Oil (1000mg) x 20-30 daily Amino 2222 ??mg x ??? daily For the Amino2222, it isn't clear how often I should be taking that, but I'm sure the bottle will specify. Is this too much, not enough, enough but of the wrong stuff? I'm more of a simple person when it comes to cutting. In my opinion if I were trying to lose weight I would go for the following: EC = for me it was twice a day, but I guess others could do it 3x Fish oil X 9 Calcium = 2000 mg Multi Other things that some people like:Sesathin Lean Extreme If you know what the fuck you are doing:Clen DNP Bromo I don't know, I think its mostly diet. But I don't know much.

blueapple i want to get 'toned' more then I want to gain large muscle mass. btw go cubs

n00b needs advice on supplements

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