Friday, January 24, 2014

Is anyone actually using bromocriptine?

Is anyone actually using bromocriptine?

What are your current goals? Cutting/maintaining? With an EC stack I don't feel the need to eat less than the bare minimum requirements I need. I think I am around 14-15%. Would this be unbearable at 10% or something? I think my setpoint is a bit higher, so without the EC I would be hungry all the time.

you'll have better luck at avant or lyle's board

Yeah, I do searches there and read through all sorts of stuff. A lot of the information is conflicting so I wanted to get a different opinion. OT is more or less neutral. If you go to Avant, they pimp their own products more. If you go to Lyle's board, people pimp Lyle's books more (which is well deserved anyways). But OT doesn't seem to talk about stuff like this that often, so I don't know.

that's because 99% of OT doesn't know anything about it or has never heard of it.

Is anyone actually using bromocriptine?

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