Showing posts with label Bench press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bench press. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Morons at my gym....or mabe I'm the moron?

Morons at my gym....or mabe I'm the moron?

So yesterday afternoon, it was pretty dead, not a whole lot going on and not a whole lot of people at the gym. So usually, I'll see someone doing something kinda awkward once in a while....but yesterday I saw two guys doing odd stuff at the same time.... One guy is going curls with 10 lb plates on each side of a big barbell (bench-press bar)......and then this other guy is doing one arm 20 lb curls...with a fucking barbell. Now there was adequate equipment around that was being unused..... So are these guys morons or am I missing something here? Is there some kind of benefit to using a longer bar for balance or...???

1 arm curls with a longbar?

well the one arm curls with a barbell could be used to wrist strenght.

Grouch well the one arm curls with a barbell could be used to wrist strenght. every damn thread man, every damn thread!

Peal every damn thread man, every damn thread!

Peal every damn thread man, every damn thread! lots of people do one arm BB curls

ryazbeck 1 arm curls with a longbar? what the hell......1 arm curls with a bb?

deznutz what the hell......1 arm curls with a bb? it's a cool exercise

an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's...

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's...

deznutz what the hell......1 arm curls with a bb? Yeah, I was like wtf? And then the other dude is doing 65lb (10 lb plates) standing curls with a big ass bench press bar

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's...

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's...

Fabian Yeah, I was like wtf? And then the other dude is doing 65lb (10 lb plates) standing curls with a big ass bench press bar Yeah thats called a standing straight bar curl, whats your point?

hey when you dont have heavy dumbells, you gotta figure somethign out.

vettedude hey when you dont have heavy dumbells, you gotta figure somethign out. another advantage is that you can shrug in the cage, facing the side. put the safeties just below hand height and load the bar with weights. No worriest about DLing anything up

something i love to do is to use a BB for leg presses. i just lay backwards on a bench, balance the BB on the middle parts of my feet, unrack, and press that shit.

this is not strange

cavefish Yeah thats called a standing straight bar curl, whats your point? .

Fabian And then the other dude is doing standing curls with a big ass bench press bar that's only about the best biceps exercise that exists

i lay down in a leg press machine upside down and use it as an incline bench. it actually helps me learn how to lift with all the blood rushed to my head. it takes a lot of self control and discipline. not to mention years and years of experience. try it.

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's... do this after poping an animal pack

mtnbike4522 do this after poping an animal pack nigga plz, i'm animal withou the packs

why aren't they using the power rack for curls like most people?

vettedude an interesting one is using BB's as DB's for shrungs. IE take two BB's put em in a power rack, and shrug as if they where big huge DB's... I do rack deadlifts like that.

Morons at my gym....or mabe I'm the moron?

Friday, January 24, 2014

CrossFit - forging elite fitness

CrossFit - forging elite fitness have you guys seen this before? they put up a workout of the day everyday that i guess youre supposed to do. workout for the 21st is Three rounds for time of:Run 800 meters 25 L-pull-ups 75 pound Overhead squats, 30 reps

each of these is a different workout 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet: Deadlift: 1 ½ bodyweight Bench press: bodyweight Clean: ¾ bodyweight Set up three bars and storm through for time -------------------------------- Three rounds for time of:7 Muscle-ups 225-pound Deadlift, 15 reps Row 1000 meters their list of excercises

thats some pretty vigorous exercises. if i didnt already have a routine for a specific goal i'd consider doing that.

its ok, not exactly well laid out or periodized, but it is decent training for general strength and fitness

CrossFit - forging elite fitness

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Another dumb question from me

Another dumb question from me

So im at my gym doing my thing today mostly just farting around on the tredmill because I started Christophers routine in the middle of the week and I dont want to get super serious about it until monday where I can really go at it. Anyways im noticing my gym has about a 50/50 split when it comes to free weights versus machines. I know most if not all of yall lift with free weights so you can work your stabalizers. That being said since I have no work out partner and I wanted to find my max on like bench or squats could I get a accurate number from the bench press machine/leg press machine? Is there a disadvantage other than stabalizers to useing machines?


Why don't you use dumbbells I sometimes don't have a workout partner either and just use the dumbbells for most stuff.

no you can not get an acurate number, ask for a spot, i do all of the time.

Yeah your gym should have people that can help with a spot. If not, then your gym most likely blows.

squat in the cage and ask for a spot on your last set on bench

Another dumb question from me

Saturday, January 11, 2014



Or am I some kind of freak I'm 19, 5'7" and I weigh 145 lbs. I don't know what my body fat is. I am completely ripped though. I wouldn't lie as I want a legitimate answer, and I'm obviously not doing this to brag, but I'm really cut. I have never really worked out, and the only sit ups I have done were the ones I had to do to pass PE in HS, but I have really defined abs. Only recently have I started working out, I first started benching 130 30 times in sets of 10, and in a month I can comfortably bench 170 30 times and not get sore. My diet is terrible, whatever cereal is in the cupboard for breakfast, fast food/occasional deli sandwitch for lunch, and anything from spaghetti to steak for dinner with random snacks inbetween. I don't maintain a healthy diet at all, for now. Anyway, my main question is, is this genetics? I know not everyone can eat what they want, when they want and still ahve a body like mine. Is it all metabolism? I'm also kinda new to the working out thing, does anyone have any useful links to workout routines? I mainly want to do my upper body, but I want to keep my legs in proportion. Thanks in advance

uhh why are you doing 30 reps and 10 sets for bench. 300 reps on bench for a workout?

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing to be totally honest.

read the stickies. it is genetics that you got owned with such a short stature.

joy division read the stickies. it is genetics that you got owned with such a short stature.

you arent special you are skinny

joy division it is genetics that you got owned with such a short stature.


what a gay thread


DCCapen yea, you're a twig Uh, no shit. Why do you think I asked for advise?

i'm not sure i believe the 130 bench 30 times for sets of 10 at all when you first started working out at your size

What I meant was I put up 130 30 times, in 3 different sets, or whatever they're called. As I said before, I don't know what I'm doing.

Like 10 - 3 minute break - 10 more - 3 min - 10 more

A true freak of nature! 145 lbs RIPPED do your friends call you DIESEL and SWOLE?

P7 What I meant was I put up 130 30 times, in 3 different sets, or whatever they're called. As I said before, I don't know what I'm doing. yeah. what you said before was 130 lbs 30 reps for 10 sets...which means you would have done it 300 times. i understand you now

SteveO A true freak of nature! 145 lbs RIPPED do your friends call you DIESEL and SWOLE? dude i'm crunk but this is funny shita

+1 for more Bench Press, Curls and Ab workouts...

I don't know about you guys, but I'm obviously not doing this to brag, but I'm really cut made me laugh a little.

SteveO A true freak of nature! 145 lbs RIPPED do your friends call you DIESEL and SWOLE?

Gutrat I don't know about you guys, but made me laugh a little. me too. I immediately had the urge to quote it.

I guess I'll take my questions to a legitimate forum from now on.

this forum is legitimate. if you didnt post a bunch of BS for us to laugh at then we wouldnt make fun of you. i think your question was better off i'm really skinny and defined and i started working out and my bench has gone up and i have a shitty diet. how do i stay so skinny? is this genetics?

I wonder if he gets lots of girls.

ryazbeck this forum is legitimate. if you didnt post a bunch of BS for us to laugh at then we wouldnt make fun of you. i think your question was better off i'm really skinny and defined and i started working out and my bench has gone up and i have a shitty diet. how do i stay so skinny? is this genetics? your age. i ate TONS everyday, anything and everything, maybe like 4000 calories or somehting very high, my diet wasn't clean, lots of jack and mcd, drank a lot and smoked, etc. my body fat was 12-13% and had six pack.. and im a female. its not like that for me any more. obviously, many years have passed by.


Monday, January 6, 2014

so I started christophers routine...

so I started christophers routine...

Hey what's up guys, Been a long time lurker on the F&N forums...been lifting on/off for the past 4-5 years. When I started out I was 150ish at 6'. Bulked up to about 200 at one point about two years ago, but right now I'm at 180ish. I started christophers routine last night and let me tell you it was INTENSE. Squats, deads, bench, incline really kicked my a$$ and I almost puked when walking out of the gym. Good times! Will try to post some pics soon.

gat damn boyeeeeee

the first week killed me, now doing all 3 in one day is not as big a deal

how long were you in the gym for?

the day after the first routine really burned, but i've jacked up my bench by 50 pounds, my squats by 80 or so, and my dead lift by 50 since that first day (i'd never really done the 3 so i started out with 135 for each.) now it doesn't hurt as much the next day, kinda makes me sad. any reason why? my body adapts to the new weight? i'm doing the same 5x5 routine as christopher's posted.

Probably about an hour or so...I started off kinda light because I didn't want to jump into super heavy...didn't really know what to expect. Squats 95 x 5 135 x 5 155 x 5 185 x 5 205 x 5 Deads 95 x 5 135 x 5 155 x 5 185 x 5 225 x 5 Bench 95 x 5 115 x 5 135 x 5 155 x 5 185 x 5 Incline DB press 35's x 15 40's x 15 45's x 12

I'm also enjoying this program a lot, I"m in my 4th week and have been seeing really good gains.

I'm doing this program as well, its going really well.

Hope to start this on Monday. Did he mention anything about eating? Im trying to lose fat in the belly and am following his sticky thread on fat loss. 5'4, 150lbs.

I have been doing it for about a month and a half going really well so far.

johnson Hope to start this on Monday. Did he mention anything about eating? Im trying to lose fat in the belly and am following his sticky thread on fat loss. 5'4, 150lbs. eat.

where is the routine posted?

chris, I'd really like to know if you have something else to replace squats? my hips just aren't cut for it. I didn't workout today because the pain came back. Deads never seem to bother me, it's something about all that weight on my back. I see myself in the mirror and form looks dead on.

Is this routine in the stickies?

Kozzy McKoz Is this routine in the stickies? no

deznutz where is the routine posted?

vettedude no Then where may I view this routine?

Chris, i am putting my lil bro on this routine he is 18, 6'2 and weighs 135 and needs to GFH, u think it would be k for me to have him do box squats after a few weeks, and maybee switch up the DL's from luiek sumo to SLDL, whatr about GHR's could i get those in there too for him? Monday Squats-5x5(Do four progressively heavier sets of 5 with the 5th set being your 5RM.) Deadlifts-5x5(Do the same) Bench Press-5x5(Do the same) Incline DB Press-2x12-20 Wednesday Light Squats or Lunges-4x8 each leg Good Mornings-3x8-12 Shoulder Press-5x5 or Dips-4xmax until you get 12 each time. then add weight. Pullups-4xmax Friday Squats-warmup to a 3 reps with 5 more lbs than you used on Monday. On the following monday use this weight for your 5th set. Bent Over Row-5x5 Incline Bench-5x5 Tricep Extensions-2x12-20

vettedude Monday Skittles-5x5(Do four progressively heavier sets of 5 with the 5th set being your 5RM.) Hohos-5x5(Do the same) Steak Press-5x5(Do the same) Incline Pepsi Press-2x12-20 Wednesday Light Pancakes or Waffles-4x8 each leg Good eatings-3x8-12 Donut Press-5x5 or Dips-4xmax until you get 12 each time. then add weight. Sweet rolls-4xmax Friday Skittles-warmup to a 3 reps with 5 more lbs than you used on Monday. On the following monday use this weight for your 5th set. Bent Over Vomiting-5x5 Incline All you can eat-5x5 Buffet line Extensions-2x12-20

christophers what's wrong with your hips? just pain? sharp pain, radiates to (or possibly coming from?) lower back, and sometimes to groin. I had a long post on it when it occured, and surprise - it came from SQUATS! Put me out for 2 months

Ilyusha :r ofl:

christophers this routine is too hard for ya buddy btw: What does this mean... Incline DB Press-2x12-20 2 sets, 12 reps? whats the 20?

deznutz btw: What does this mean... Incline DB Press-2x12-20 2 sets, 12 reps? whats the 20? maybee 12-20 reps depending on how u feel

deznutz btw: What does this mean... Incline DB Press-2x12-20 2 sets, 12 reps? whats the 20? 12-20 reps

deznutz btw: What does this mean... Incline DB Press-2x12-20 2 sets, 12 reps? whats the 20? between 12 and 20 reps

so I started christophers routine...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

workout tips?

workout tips?

I have a weider pro 9930 series gym set which has a max resistance of about 175 pounds. It has a bench press a butterfly and a few other things i dont use. anyway im 6'5 340 ive been using the gym about twice a week past 6 months. ive noticed muscle gain in my chest and arms. I use the max resistance doing about 3 sets of 10 on the butterfly and bench press. I want to work in some sort of fat burning excersies along with still building muscle. any tips or ideas. Im thinking about getting a set of 40 weight dumbells. also should i work in protein shakes with my workouts or will that just help add more fat.

elephant16 I have a weider pro 9930 series gym set which has a max resistance of about 175 pounds. It has a bench press a butterfly and a few other things i dont use. anyway im 6'5 340 ive been using the gym about twice a week past 6 months. ive noticed muscle gain in my chest and arms. I use the max resistance doing about 3 sets of 10 on the butterfly and bench press. I want to work in some sort of fat burning excersies along with still building muscle. any tips or ideas. Im thinking about getting a set of 40 weight dumbells. also should i work in protein shakes with my workouts or will that just help add more fat. Cardio?

workout tips?

Monday, December 30, 2013

Here i am Pic of me Rip me a new one

Here i am Pic of me Rip me a new one

well there i am tell me what I need to work on.


Start heading to the gym

yup everything, keep hitting the gym...... then cut , or you can diet now.

eliktronix everything .

Lol am i really that bad? DO you suggest more cardio. I currently am benching 240 and legs have been out of the picture i strain'd my quad in my alst rugby game. I weigh 175 give or take 3lbs both ways and i am 5.10. I am starting to head tot he gym on a mon tuesday thursday friday schedule now due to no more rugby and no more sports. I read up on the stickies and plan on doing the HIIT and limiting my calorie intake. I was wondering i still go to school and am not able to do 6 meals a day what kind of breakfast and lunches do you guys suggest?

you're really lacking in the chest and trap department. arms look decent i suppose

work on taking a still picture that isnt blurry. I still dont understand how some people can be so terrible at something as simple as taking a picture.

I don't even know about this one. Part of me wants to say cut for two months or so to get rid of the belly and another part of me wants to say that considering where you are now you might as well bulk.

Bulk to 400, than cut. /Christophers

ACURA TL-S I don't even know about this one. Part of me wants to say cut for two months or so to get rid of the belly and another part of me wants to say that considering where you are now you might as well bulk. I bet at this point if he lifts hard and doesnt alter his diet too much (calorie wise) he'll gain muscle mass like crazy

Shamrock well there i am tell me what I need to work on. chest is lacking and it would look worse if u cut at this point, otherwise you just look a little overweight, no biggie. you have more to start w/ than most people on here so thats a plus.

Shamrock Lol am i really that bad? DO you suggest more cardio. I currently am benching 240 and legs have been out of the picture i strain'd my quad in my alst rugby game. I weigh 175 give or take 3lbs both ways and i am 5.10. I am starting to head tot he gym on a mon tuesday thursday friday schedule now due to no more rugby and no more sports. I read up on the stickies and plan on doing the HIIT and limiting my calorie intake. I was wondering i still go to school and am not able to do 6 meals a day what kind of breakfast and lunches do you guys suggest? max?

deznutz max? that was my last max out, before i went to dumb bells and with those i do about 75 for about 8 reps for 3 sets. I'm really hoping to get stronger My current work out well what i have planned out is Monday: Dumbbell bench press 3x8 seated rows with a straight bar military press with dumbbells and lat pull down Tuesday: Squat calf raises abductors and this other thing for the lower back WEdnesday: HIIT Thursday: Incline on a hammer machine forearm curls the thing where u roll the weight up the rope don't know what it is called and holding the weights up in front of u, and to the sides of u ,don't know what thats called either friday dead lift leg curls leg extension and calf raises with the machine Critique please And i'm currently working on a eating schedule

Arms look good, but you need to eat right and start losing weight. Try doing cardio on your rest days or doing cardio-weight training circuit once a week.

Shamrock that was my last max out, before i went to dumb bells and with those i do about 75 for about 8 reps for 3 sets. I'm really hoping to get stronger My current work out well what i have planned out is Monday: Dumbbell bench press 3x8 seated rows with a straight bar military press with dumbbells and lat pull down Tuesday: Squat calf raises abductors and this other thing for the lower back WEdnesday: HIIT Thursday: Incline on a hammer machine forearm curls the thing where u roll the weight up the rope don't know what it is called and holding the weights up in front of u, and to the sides of u ,don't know what thats called either friday dead lift leg curls leg extension and calf raises with the machine Critique please And i'm currently working on a eating schedule more volume perhaps

sr20wop more volume perhaps volume as in reps sets? or just overall more lifts?

ACURA TL-S I don't even know about this one. Part of me wants to say cut for two months or so to get rid of the belly and another part of me wants to say that considering where you are now you might as well bulk. did you happen to see the thread i made with progress pictures? what would you have recommended for me? i'm bulking now, but i'm just curious what you thought

beer.. less of it

Shamrock volume as in reps sets? or just overall more lifts? add some more exercises

i'd cut until your 13-14%.. then bulk

so what are a few more excerices i like to keep it purely upper body for the days and legs other days i don't like mixing legs and upper body

DCCapen you're like tize....but with clothes oh man that's fucked up.

Here i am Pic of me Rip me a new one

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

what's your favorite exercise?

what's your favorite exercise?

I don't know what it is about deadlifts, but I absolutely love 'em. I can't pull much weight, but I just like the movement. What's yours?

straight barbell curls - only because I can curl at least twice the amount of anyone else why...but I always could

deadlifts also

deads and supine tricep extensions

Lately its been overhead squats. Not strong at them either but improving and still enjoy doing 'em.

Accordinly Done supine tricep extensions what are these?

front squats

crucialkc what are these? lay on your back, take 2 dumb bells, point elbows to the roof, extend dumb bells toward roof.

crucialkc I don't know what it is about deadlifts, but I absolutely love 'em. I can't pull much weight, but I just like the movement. What's yours? id like deadlifts alot more if my back wasnt so shitty

incubimmer id like deadlifts alot more if my back wasnt so shitty same

Decline DB Press quite satisfying

pull ups and rows right now. incline DB is really fun except that the DBs at my gym only go up to like 85 because the 90 95 100 is broken.

between squats and pull ups

i like incline DB bench press alot too

kronik85 lay on your back, take 2 dumb bells, point elbows to the roof, extend dumb bells toward roof. oh, same thing as tate press then right?

Bench and military press are fun to me, just something about pressing heavy weights over yourself/head. I used to really like deadlifts until I started getting moderately heavy and now they're just a pain in the ass. And my back is in a world of shit after I do them so they're not really something I look forward to.

i like cable crossovers...


deadlifts and reverse hypers. cannot live without em.

Squats, and deads

decline bench i can feel the blood gushing to my head and making me broly !!



deadlifts and front squats

tricep kickbacks nah just kidding, incline cable flyes

what's your favorite exercise?

Thursday, December 19, 2013

discussed gaining weight......

discussed gaining weight......

with one of the janitors here at my work. I was kicking it in the lucnh room feeding my face. I told him that i was trying to gain some weight, so I was feeding my face every few hours. he went ahead and told me that if i really wanted to gain weight that i should just eat one huge meal before bed and do lots of low impact bench press I did not argue. i just got up and left

unless the janitor is billy blanks from whatever the hell movie that was, he probably is full of shit.

I know this guy is full of shit.

Plato Spaghetti unless the janitor is billy blanks from whatever the hell movie that was, he probably is full of shit. I believe it was called Showdown

discussed gaining weight......

my benchpress is the same as my squats

my benchpress is the same as my squats

why is that?

my squat > bench press

because you have been benching longer than you have been squating

I don't know why my squat sucks, I rep 410 on the leg press but can barely do 225 when squatting.

Kozzy McKoz I don't know why my squat sucks, I rep 410 on the leg press but can barely do 225 when squatting. i think squat uses more muscles and you have stabilzers and shits

jonno because you have been benching longer than you have been squating tru.dat but i mean i walk and run and stand up and shit, i think i should be able to do more than 115

yur weak

My squat sucks balls (lower than my bench press) but that's because I've squatted < 5 times in my life. And in the few times that I have squatted, my max reps (4-5) went up about 100 pounds.. in like a 2.5 week time period. So if I continued to squat, I am sure that it would be above my bench in no time.

squats are unless you want chicken legs there is no reason to not do them

Kozzy McKoz I don't know why my squat sucks, I rep 410 on the leg press but can barely do 225 when squatting. Bent you dont do a full ROM leg press.

My squat numbers are impressive. my benching is weak like a little girl. god I need to work on triceps

Ilyusha My squat sucks balls (lower than my bench press) but that's because I've squatted < 5 times in my life. And in the few times that I have squatted, my max reps (4-5) went up about 100 pounds.. in like a 2.5 week time period. So if I continued to squat, I am sure that it would be above my bench in no time. why the hell arent you squatting then

Your legs suck is the simple answer

and why the hell would you post this in both forums

Its probably more that your body isnt used to the movement rather than your legs arent as stong as your chest. If you keep doing it your numbers should go up.

sans_pants why the hell arent you squatting then he's a weenie

Ceaze he's a weenie

my squat #'s are awful starting to go parallel now instead of ass to grass

Kozzy McKoz I don't know why my squat sucks, I rep 410 on the leg press but can barely do 225 when squatting. that sounds about right, maybe just a little low on the squat. it sounds like you don't do them often.

christophers if wrx squats everyone should squat

Squats rock

Aluyminyum that sounds about right, maybe just a little low on the squat. it sounds like you don't do them often. Well yeah, the first time I've squatted was about a month ago, and I've done it like 7 times since then.

Kozzy McKoz I don't know why my squat sucks, I rep 410 on the leg press but can barely do 225 when squatting. That's not that bad, I've seen people load up the leg press with 700lbs rep that and can't squat 225 parallel. I've always had strong legs but I recently partially tore my patellar tendon squatting 405.

my benchpress is the same as my squats

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christophers, about your Core strength routine.

Christophers, about your Core strength routine.

I did my squats and DL today as well as BB Bench press I am assumeing this is what you meant not DB BP, and my Incline DB press. I know what you meant with everything except the squats Should I be doing a conventional squat, or what? On the DL should I be doing Romanian, conventional, sumo or what Bro? When it comes time for me to do lunges should I be doing them bare ( i doubt this ) with a DB, or BB. Should I be doing a short stroke lunge or just a standard lunge? Im sorry for the questions, and I am sure I am overthinking this I just want to make sure I do it right.

Silver85327 I did my squats and DL today as well as BB Bench press I am assumeing this is what you meant not DB BP, and my Incline DB press. I know what you meant with everything except the squats Should I be doing a conventional squat, or what? On the DL should I be doing Romanian, conventional, sumo or what Bro? When it comes time for me to do lunges should I be doing them bare ( i doubt this ) with a DB, or BB. Should I be doing a short stroke lunge or just a standard lunge? Im sorry for the questions, and I am sure I am overthinking this I just want to make sure I do it right. Romanian deadlift is different then conventional and sumo.

Gutrat Romanian deadlift is different then conventional and sumo. No shit really ( Sarcasim )

Coventional and Sumo seem pretty similar to me other than the wider stance with the Sumo. Anyways. Romanion is off the wall I dont really want to try it unless I am supposed to be doing it.

I don't get how RDL's are "off the wall"...

Silver85327 No shit really ( Sarcasim ) Well, if you know, then why On the DL should I be doing Romanian, conventional, sumo . Well if it's different, so why compare them all? It would have been better if you asked, Should I be doing conventional or sumo? Also, should I be doing Romanian? Well, I don't want to argue or anything but do whatever you feel is good. For me, sumo is alot easier then conventional. Anyways, your not supposed to do anything. Just ease up on the weight a bit (for romanian), since it is a tiny bit harder on the back (anecdoctal evidence). Are you tall?

5'11" - 6'0" I havent measured in forever since like 10th grade. Sorry about the wording in my first post. I though you were just trying to be a smart ass in your first post hence the no shit. Sorry Bro.

D-GUy I don't get how RDL's are "off the wall"... They just look really difficult on this site I mean they show the dude bringing the weight about a foot out from his body looks like its a good way to get hurt.

summo or conventional should work, it should nto matter, be sure to rotate the two, do bothg, not one or the other. Squats should be box or normal. use a BB or DBs, either will work, i dunno the difference in lunges, i never do em, i would say do whatever u feel works the best.

Since you brought it up what is the point of the box in the box squat? Is it just used as a " stop your just right go back up " type thing or what?

The new AV kicks ass Vettedude

Silver85327 Since you brought it up what is the point of the box in the box squat? Is it just used as a " stop your just right go back up " type thing or what? go to articles, click on loue simons, and read his box squating article.

yeah basically read every article on elitefts

Christophers, about your Core strength routine.

back arch and chest involvement in bench press

back arch and chest involvement in bench press

if a powerlifting arch is used on a bench press is there less chest and more shoulders involved or what? i am hearing varying things from people at the gym, bbers and plers alike

someone explain quick!

This article is your friend.

flat back holla!

back arch and chest involvement in bench press

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hi, my name is

Hi, my name is

Hi, my name is filmy. i'm posting this from jail or something. look for my new thread "made peace in my gym part 11tybillion", which hopefully nobody really reads anyways

hi my name is bateman and i say im at 192.. but im clearly at 165

hi my name is a shitload of people and we're all MIA

Hi my name is tize and I don't know how a hi my name thread works

hi my name is chizzle. i cant bench press.

tize i just thought it was quite redundant being as last thread starter was who this thread starter hi my name is's and that other one had same hi my names is's as this one is gonna have if i dont break the cycle of gaydom hi my name is tize and english is obviously not my first language

nukegoat hi my name is tize and english is obviously not my first language beat me to it..

hi, my name is nukegoat and i enjoy a good ot bandwagon.

Hi my name is nukegoat and I want to suck off Alan Greenspan.

jonno hi my name is bateman and i say im at 192.. but im clearly at 165 dood who are you to talk you are like 130 if that, and if you ever want proof of my weight i welcome anyone to train with me, i dont bullshit like 97% of this board about lifts, weights or anything else for that matter.

im in jersey, if anyone from this fuckin board ever wants to train with me and weigh up, ill be more than happy to i could use a spotter some days.

hi my name is cavefish and i've had the same av/usertext for eleventy billion years

Hi my name is Patrick Bateman and I take Hi, my name is threads WAY TOO SERIOUSLY. And I'm too cheap to buy a new avatar. I'm not paying money for that shit.

Hi my name is mEds and people think Im crazy because I excercise everyday and lift 4-5 times a week. Yet i still have these skin flaps (around waist) from being a fat fuck so I don't take my shirt off in public.

jonno hi my name is bateman and i say im at 192.. but im clearly at 165 Hi my name is jonno and I like subway but I do not use "teh coupons."

Hi my name is zeromagnus and I think I just caused a trainwreck.

Hi my name is b-stevens and I live in a suburb of Chicago where they card people who are over 75+ years of age.

Hi my name is UncleJohn and if you look outside you will see me standing in your front yard wearing a cute red hat.

ACURA TL-S Hi my name is UncleJohn and if you look outside you will see me standing in your front yard wearing a cute red hat.

Hi my name is HP_84 and you guys are all weak and have horrible form if you cant standing shoulder press your body weight.

ACURA TL-S Hi my name is UncleJohn and if you look outside you will see me standing in your front yard wearing a cute red hat.

Patrick Bateman Hi I'm a metrosexual douche bag.

Mike McDermott lol

ACURA TL-S Hi my name is UncleJohn and if you look outside you will see me standing in your front yard wearing a cute red hat. You win the thread.

hi my name is immortal and... what? you don't remember me? seriously i used to lift weights. oh well, ima get high

Hi, my name is

Friday, December 6, 2013

db bench question

db bench question

whenever I do db bench press my biceps get sore (not triceps) am i doing something wrong or is this possibly normal? i worked out for the first time yesterday in awhile and my biceps hurt more than anything and all I did was db bench and some flies but my biceps felt exhausted after the db presses

I'm guessing your biceps were sore from the flyes, if you weren't arcing the DBs out enough on their way up. Don't know why you'd feel your bis during the press.

try pushing with your chestmore instead of your arms is that even possible

jonno is that even possible that's how I feel every time I use db for benching.. come to think of it.. the sort of feel tired when I bench with a bar too. i must be doing something really wrong

maybe bicep = tricep in canada?

sr20wop maybe bicep = tricep in canada? my biceps never hurt or get sore when doing db bench press....if anything maybe my shoulders?

db bench question

Bloody noses while deadlifting

Bloody noses while deadlifting

The last three times (last 3 weeks) I've deadlifted I've gotten bloody noses. Only happens when I go heavy and at the top of the rep. I don't know if I am holding my breath too much or what. I usually take a deep breath at the bottom and steadily blow it out on the way up. It's usually just like a little geyser of blood that squirts out, it's not an ongoing bleed like say from allergies or something. I usually just shove some tissue up there and keep going. Anyone else experience this? Doesn't happen when I go heavy with squats/bench press so I

I'm no doctor, but I'd be willing to go out on a limb and say that's not good.

Nick I'm no doctor, but I'd be willing to go out on a limb and say that's not good. Wow... You must be putting a lot of stress on the veins in your nose

maybe try not straining your face while you lift. i used to get REALLY bad pains in the back of my head when i did overhead press, so i try relaxed my face and neck and it wouldnt hurt so bad

I'd say that that doesn't seem good. But in light of the situation (take a vid...) I think it would be freaking awesome to see someone DL at my gym and have blood gush out of his nose like a chemtrail or something.

Shit happens when you lift heavy

Are you breathing right during the lifts?

christophers lol, you guys must not lift very hard. after a hard deadlift day, my entire face is flushed and there are some signs of broken blood vessels. it loosk like im sunburnt. this happens to everybody in my gym. underneath our monolift, there are blood stains from squatting. its very common if you actually lift hard. ok, then I am ok. Even though I am not lifting "powerlifter heavy." Was just afraid I had a tumor in my nose or somethng.

Elfling Are you breathing right during the lifts? pretty sure I am It always comes out of my left nostril, so I think there is a vein in there that is real weak/close to the surface or something. I've heard of people going to the doctors to get the inside of their noses cauterized to stop constant nose bleeds. Maybe I should do that

christophers lol, you guys must not lift very hard. after a hard deadlift day, my entire face is flushed and there are some signs of broken blood vessels. it loosk like im sunburnt. this happens to everybody in my gym. underneath our monolift, there are blood stains from squatting. its very common if you actually lift hard. thats fucking gangsta

christophers lol, you guys must not lift very hard. after a hard deadlift day, my entire face is flushed and there are some signs of broken blood vessels. it loosk like im sunburnt. this happens to everybody in my gym. underneath our monolift, there are blood stains from squatting. its very common if you actually lift hard. this is what happened to me the last time i upped the weights for my squat workout. (this past week) and thats after a few days of it clearing up.

I've blown a blood vessel in my eye squatting before back in the day. blood pressure>*

christophers lol, you guys must not lift very hard. after a hard deadlift day, my entire face is flushed and there are some signs of broken blood vessels. it loosk like im sunburnt. this happens to everybody in my gym. underneath our monolift, there are blood stains from squatting. its very common if you actually lift hard. damn, thats hardcore, i just get light headed and see stars

I love how everyone in this thread is like "yeah, when I do (insert lift here) heavy, blood squirts out of my (insert orifice here)"

Can someone bump the animal thread?

Phlab Can someone bump the animal thread? searching now..

I bleed out of my ass on chest day

Bloody noses while deadlifting

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Too much volume for one day?

Too much volume for one day?

For the past month and a half I have been working out twice a day on fridays. Around midday I do:Squats 3x8 Box Squat 1x20 Bench Press 5x5 Deadlift 5x5 About 6hrs later I go and do. Calf Thinger 3x20 weighted wide grip chins 3x10 DB Press 5x5 and then finish w/2 or 3 sets of tate presses or curls () It hasn't been a problem, I only feel it on Sundays. I get 5k+ calories (1 shake after each workout, rest is whole foods). And I'll get about 10hrs of sleep tonight. Too much for my CNS or no? Like I said I only "hurt" (just slightly sore) on Sundays.

the way i see it (and i know il be disputed on this) everyone is different and you need to find what works for you, last summer before i knew what i was doing, id work out 3 times a day an hour each, 2 times lifting and 1 hour of cardio (and i ate hardly anything, what i did eat was protein and well below maintenance cals). that was definitely what would be on this board or anywhere considered over training, but i gained significant muscle strength durring this time as well as i lost 40 lbs of mostly fat. i wouldnt be as strict as i was but it all has to do w/ your metabolism and your body's predisposition to make gains, and of course what you eat. id personally suggest taking a month or so eating where you think your maintenace cals are and see if you gain or lose weight, then tweak your food as needed. im no expert but i would venture to say thats a little excessive for one day. il let christophers feild that one.

whats the rest of your week look like?

Undefined whats the rest of your week look like? Have the whole weekend off, usually just lounge around the house. I don't lift again til Monday afternoon.

you're just doing the same workout once a week?

dmaestro Have the whole weekend off, usually just lounge around the house. I don't lift again til Monday afternoon. youre dedicated arent u.

Shaolin_sword36 you're just doing the same workout once a week? no, i workout mon, tues, wed, and fridays. thurs and the weekend i have off. fridays I workout twice though

Undefined youre dedicated arent u. yeah im obsessed.

Too much volume for one day?

So what do you guys think of this split?

So what do you guys think of this split?

Day 1: Chest/Tris/Abds Inclinde DB bench 3x10, 1x6, 1x4 CG bench 2x10, 6x1, 4x1 Superset: DB flies & DB bench press 3x8 Decline Weighted Situp 3x10, 2x6 Day 2:back/bis Wide Lat pull downs 3x10, 1x6, 1x4 Pull ups 2x10 DB Shrugs 3x12 DB curls 3x10, 1x6, 1x4 DB Hammer curl 3x10, 1x6, 1x4 Day 3: legs/shoulder Squat 2x10, 1x6, 1x4 Deadlift 4x6 Good Morning 2x10 BB militiary press 3x10, 1x6, 1x4 Superset: DB lateral raise & Rear delt flies 3x10 About 20-22 sets a day. day 4 is rest, and day 5 starts all over, so this is done twice every 8 days. It's template of what i'll be doing for the last few months, except I'll be alternating between (2-3x10, 1x6, 1x4) with (3-4x6, 2x10) every month to spice things up.

What is with the 1x4 and 1x6?

to maintain the strength at 4 and 6 rep range.

personally I prefer the higher burnout sets at the end you might want to add BB bench and dips

Why bother with the 10 rep sets then? If you want to maintain strength and LBM, 4-6 reps should be right up there

Elfling Why bother with the 10 rep sets then? If you want to maintain strength and LBM, 4-6 reps should be right up there then i wouldn't be builing up my strength in the 10 rep range, and i wouldn't be in the optimal hytrophy rep range.

i dont even think youll be tired from that. let the 2nd and third sets follow the first. even if you lower th4e weight on the 3rd set, it gives you something to strive for next time around. also squat dead and gm on the same day is rough. do gms first, then squat to tire the muscle. alternate every few weeks b/t squat and dl. well, looking at the whole thing, just follow a max-ot program or something. itll be easier. why do CG bench b4 db bench? why superset with flies? also on back day, add a mid back movement.

So what do you guys think of this split?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

how to become a pt?

how to become a pt?

Ive thought of becoming a personal trainer next year or the year after so I could get a nice summer job or something. What exactly does it take to become a personal trainer?

lack of ambition


i have also been wondering something similar, im thinking about studying kinesiology as either my minor or as a double major, what kind of promising good jobs are there for someone interested in this feild? i really dont know alot about that, any help?

steel cut oats

knowing how to recommend circuit training and doing every exercise with a swiss ball

simply post on OT with uneducated stupid comments, then you'll be like pt

dmaestro steel cut oats you fucking asshole you beat me to it

Mike McDermott DAMMIT, you beat me haha w3rd

sans_pants Ive thought of becoming a personal trainer next year or the year after so I could get a nice summer job or something. What exactly does it take to become a personal trainer? just annoy me and eat your oats

All the male pt's are some of the most out of shape people I've seen at my gym. 40" waists, flab, double chins - it always makes me wonder who is willing to pay $67/hour to get training from these people. They may "know" how to train, but if they are too lazy to have a decent body themselves, they are worthless to me.

7th Ninjai All the male pt's are some of the most out of shape people I've seen at my gym. 40" waists, flab, double chins - it always makes me wonder who is willing to pay $67/hour to get training from these people. They may "know" how to train, but if they are too lazy to have a decent body themselves, they are worthless to me. Im a PT, i dont have a 40" waist, or a double chin, infact im sure im bigger than you, whos worthless now

Jeff Coleman Im a PT, i dont have a 40" waist, or a double chin, infact im sure im bigger than you, whos worthless now you suck at reading comprehension

i didnt get one serious answer

just get some worthless cert, really thats all most pt's have anyway. Oh and good people/salesman skills.

I love reading that story

best story ever.

good stuff...

christophers what story is the one when timmy comes to the compound?

shastaisforwinners you suck at reading comprehension

Jeg1983 what story is the one when timmy comes to the compound?

good read, although most PT's wouldn't do it

While our verbal efforts of "Stay tight" were obviously unsuccessful, Jim found a much brasher but effective way for Timmy to stay tight throughout the lift. As Timmy gripped the bar awaiting his hand-off, Jim took the two board and smashed it across Timmy's chest. So much so that Timmy's hands left the bar, curled up and began hugging his sternum. Timmy began wheezing and it was obvious that he didn't want us to know that he had gotten the wind knocked out of him. After about 30 seconds, he was about to take the weight off the bar when Jim told him to stop. Jim lifted the board and made the motion as if to hit him again and Timmy froze and began wincing. Jim stopped short and said; "See how tight you are now? Feel how tense your muscles are now that you are expecting to get hit? That's how every set and every rep has to be. You came here to learn how to bench press and if you can't handle the methods then don't expect results." Timmy finally got it, and did not have a problem the rest of the workout. This is how everyone should learn how to stay tight under the bench.

seems needlessly cruel

how to become a pt?

I fucking love the gym! v.repost?mebbe

I fucking love the gym! v.repost?mebbe Posted: 4/15/2005 by: Chad Zumock I can't wait to workout today! I'm going to do Chest & Biceps, actually I think I'll do Tris and Lats, or maybe Legs and Abs. Fuck it! I'm lifting everything! I'll do 16 sets of everything today. It doesn't matter. I love weights! I fucking love lifting them! I love the gym; I'm probably going to stay here for six hours today because I love working out so much! Alright time to get busy. I'm going to make incredibly obnoxious noises so the whole entire gym knows I'm lifting heavy weights. I can bench press 350 lbs. I can squat 500 lbs. Everyone will know this before I leave the gym today. Jesus, my tan looks great under these lights! I think I'll step it up to four times a week and a couple extra minutes in the bed. I tan naked! I'm so tan everywhere! I love being tan! I love protein shakes more than anything in life! I drink 50 protein shakes a day. I'm drinking one right now. I want to shit protein! I fucking love this shit! Is that a mirror? I'll look in it from the corner of eye so no one knows I'm looking at myself. God, I wish I could look dead-on at myself right now because I look that fucking good! LOOK AT MY BICEPS! They look so huge today. I know other people are looking at them, and I'll just let them look. I don't blame them one bit. My arms are enormous! Shit! My batteries in my CD player are running low. Fuck! How am I supposed to listen to my Korn CD? How am I going to get pumped up without it? Damn, my arms look huge today! Check out that chick. She fucking wants me. You can tell. I don't blame her. I look great! . She wants to touch these ARMS! I will let her touch them if she asks nicely. My penis is so small. It doesn't really matter, I'm so 'cut' everywhere else. My chest and my arms are ripped! Besides, my penis gets a little bigger when it's hard. It doesn't matter, I'm HUGE everywhere else. JUST LOOK AT THESE BICEPS! I need a more supplements RIGHT NOW!! I'm going to GNC after the gym and I'm going to spend $800 on bullshit pills with this shitty gold card that proves I go to GNC. I'm going to buy Amino Acids, and everything else just to buy it! I just want to spend my money there so bad! I think I'm done working out for the day. I could work out all day if I wanted too, but my HUGE muscles need to rest. I feel so swoll! I'm going to go get another protein shake. It helps my muscle recovery. I love protein so much! God, my penis is so small.


im so offended, im never working out again

at looking in the mirror part. i hate douchebags who masturbate to themselves in the gym mirrors

this is your worst post ever


I'm not sure if I should , , , or , so I'm just going to for the hell of it

JoeyCrack this is your worst post ever Oh come on! Haven't you ever seen the one like this about the striped shirt dude?? It made me laugh, there's so many asses like this at my gym.

girls dont lift weights!

Elfling Oh come on! Haven't you ever seen the one like this about the striped shirt dude?? It made me laugh, there's so many asses like this at my gym. sorry this one made my head hurt

I cant helpt it if my cannonball delts mesmerize all the fat menopausal sea cows on the ellipticals...

Mass I cant helpt it if my cannonball delts mesmerize all the fat menopausal sea cows on the ellipticals...

Illll give you a protein shaaaakeeee mothafuckaaaa.

i think it's clearly and obviously a satire/joke column?


I suck I can't believe I missed this...


I fucking love the gym! v.repost?mebbe

Friday, November 29, 2013

bench press

bench press

my left shoulder gets a sharp pain when i bring it all the way down to my chest, if i go like4 inches about my chest, it doesnt hurt, any way to fix this or what should i do

yea i have this problem too, didnt know that tucking your elbows in would fix it though gotta try that next time at the gym

I am not a fan of benching.

tize i bet you're a fan of listening to APC in a dark closet how did you guess?

2 board press

bench press

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