Showing posts with label Massage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Massage. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

shin splints

shin splints

I play basketball and I've had shin splints for a while now. I stretch, ice them, take anti-inflammitories, whatever. even after I rest for a week or two and they go away, they always come back after a couple more times of playing. what more can I do to treat the shin splints? what exercises/stretches can I do to prevent them?

do you have flat feet? don't ice them!!! if anything, you want to add some heat to relax the muscle!!! looks like this is a defintely a WARM UP issue! if it does get better when you rest and it happens when you start playing again, you defintely need to wark up properly.. warm up first, and stretch gently before you start your actual game... that helps.. im assuming you also started to play basketball... its not like you were playing basketball all these time and all of a sudden your get shin splits! eventually, you won't need to do stretching and the shin stretching goes away.. but ur legs have to get used to it first... a lot of my clients suffer from this once they start running, jogging, etc, etc.. and most of the time, its from not warming up properly or they have flat feet, etc, etc my suggestion to you is to properly warm up and gently take time to stretch b4.. if you give me detail info, i can give u more suggestion........

I get the same thing when running. What do you mean by flat feet?

maybe you need more cushioned shoes

look at your shoes, get some more cushioning inserts

is the pain on the front or inside part of the shin?

I saw some McDavid neoprene braces specifically for that. Maybe you shoudl try it out.

wood is the pain on the front or inside part of the shin? inside most of the time

I got some insoles for my old shoes, that didn't help, so I got new shoes. these ones are cushy and feel fine.

devilangel do you have flat feet? don't ice them!!! if anything, you want to add some heat to relax the muscle!!! looks like this is a defintely a WARM UP issue! if it does get better when you rest and it happens when you start playing again, you defintely need to wark up properly.. warm up first, and stretch gently before you start your actual game... that helps.. im assuming you also started to play basketball... its not like you were playing basketball all these time and all of a sudden your get shin splits! eventually, you won't need to do stretching and the shin stretching goes away.. but ur legs have to get used to it first... a lot of my clients suffer from this once they start running, jogging, etc, etc.. and most of the time, its from not warming up properly or they have flat feet, etc, etc my suggestion to you is to properly warm up and gently take time to stretch b4.. if you give me detail info, i can give u more suggestion........ my feet are pretty flat icing them is the one suggestion I've gotten from everyone I know who has had shin splints (people who play basketball and people who play other sports). I always stretch my calves before playing. not sure what stretch I'd need to do to prevent the shin splints. MikeMurder I saw some McDavid neoprene braces specifically for that. Maybe you shoudl try it out. where could I get one? there's a GI Joes around my house that would probably have them, but I don't know of any places like that around school.

devilangel don't ice them!!! if anything, you want to add some heat to relax the muscle!!! Shin splints are on the bone, not any muscle.

You gotta do these walk exercises. Get an area where you can walk like 20 feet back and forth. Do each one of these walks back and forth: walk on your heals walk on your tip toes walk on the inside of your feet walk on the outsides of your feet We used to do them in track practice all the time for shin splints. They work great. You might feel a little weird doing them though.

Davo Shin splints are on the bone, not any muscle. No.

Davo Shin splints are on the bone, not any muscle. I decided to look it up: "Treatment for shin splits includes rest, massage, ice, stretching, and strengthening." I guess I'll keep icing them

Gamblor You gotta do these walk exercises. Get an area where you can walk like 20 feet back and forth. Do each one of these walks back and forth: walk on your heals walk on your tip toes walk on the inside of your feet walk on the outsides of your feet We used to do them in track practice all the time for shin splints. They work great. You might feel a little weird doing them though. does it matter if I have shoes on?

on the bone? Hell no.

raded inside most of the time this is most likely caused by overpronation (foot rolls inward). first thing you will want to do is get a shoe and/or orthotic that will support your arch and help keep your foot from rolling inward. do you have flat fleet or low arches?

Ilyusha No. Still considered a bone injury. Regardless, heat is not a good treatment.

wood this is most likely caused by overpronation (foot rolls inward). first thing you will want to do is get a shoe and/or orthotic that will support your arch and help keep your foot from rolling inward. do you have flat fleet or low arches? my feet are pretty flat. I'm going to go out and look for some orthotics later today.

do it without shoes on

we used to do then with a mat on the floor too

rest and better shoes.

Carnifex Shin splints can be caused by the separation of your calf from the muscle in front, generally because the calf is much stronger, so walk on your heels or find something to strengthen the muscle of the shin. It could also be micro fractures but it doesn't sound like it in your case. Also, it could just be shitty shoes / lack of proper stretching and warm up. thank you! thats exactly what i mean on my original post... proper stretching, warm up, building necessary muscles, proper shoes, etc.. about the iceing... if you gonna do that, you have to alternate with heat as well, the more blood goes through the problem area, the better off you will be.. but since i really dont' know the exact detail of your problem and how and when it all started and goes away, etc.. so you figure out accordingly with the information below... generally:Ice treatment is most commonly used for acute injuries. If you have a recent injury (within the last 48 hours), where swelling is a problem, you should be using ice treatment. Ice packs can help minimize swelling around the injury. Decreasing swelling around an injury will help to control the pain. Ice treatments may also be used for chronic conditions, such as overuse injuries in athletes. In this case, ice the injured area after activity. Never ice a chronic injury before activity. Heat treatments should be used for chronic conditions to help relax and loosen tissues, and to stimulate blood flow to the area. Use heat treatments on chronic conditions, such as overuse injuries, before participating in activities. Do not use heat treatments after activity, and do not use heat after an acute injury. good luck!

I've been looking into calf/shin braces. are there specific ones I could wear while playing or could I use any of them while playing?

raded where could I get one? there's a GI Joes around my house that would probably have them, but I don't know of any places like that around school. any sports/atheltic store.

shin splints

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Clothes worn during Weightlifting/Running or Jogging

Clothes worn during Weightlifting/Running or Jogging

anyone know if it's good better to workout in sweatpants and sweatshirts compared to say a wife beater (aka a-shirt) and shorts? you sweat more. your body temperature is higher so your muscles are warmer. does this help lose fat? or does it also help lose muscle? do you lose more calories this way? i imagine it would be better to wear warm clothes if your trying to lose weight, but how about if your just trying to tone your abs, and stay cut, but add muscle mass?

oh my. yeah the ONLY way to TONE your abs is to do around 500-890 crunches a day, otherwise you will just have a flabby tummy all the time. You can also spot reduce fat, like in your love handles, by using special massage oils. But be careful, if you eat too much protein your muscles will eat away and you will be left with nothing but bone and fat. Muscles can be eaten away and grown really easily but its really a fine line. watch out for that- check the noob sticky on how to turn FAT right into MUSCLE!

No, you don't lose more calories by bundling up or wearing anything to help you sweat more. All you're doing is sweating off water weight which will come RIGHT back and you risk dehydrating yourself or making yourself pass out or worse. The reason you DO see people doing this at all is they're wrestlers/boxers trying to make a weight cut; they sweat off a lot of weight very quickly, do their fight, and it comes right back the next day. They do this *hopefully* under supervision with their coaches though. Dress for the weather/gym..shorts, tshirt, pants and tshirt, whatever; clean up your diet and lift heavy.

joy division oh my. yeah the ONLY way to TONE your abs is to do around 500-890 crunches a day, otherwise you will just have a flabby tummy all the time. You can also spot reduce fat, like in your love handles, by using special massage oils. But be careful, if you eat too much protein your muscles will eat away and you will be left with nothing but bone and fat. Muscles can be eaten away and grown really easily but its really a fine line. watch out for that- check the noob sticky on how to turn FAT right into MUSCLE! If you're going to be sarcastic, at least give some sort of hint. Noobs get confused easily.


i've been told that spot reduction does not work. u cant lose weight or fat in one area of the body by targeting them. fat comes off evenly from all the fat stores in the body. 500-800 crunches seems excessive. i do about 50 ab rolls, 50 crunches, and 50 leg lifts (roman candles), a day. i hope this will work, do you other guys agree? along with running a mile or two a day. PS: im not fat or nearly overweight at all. im 5'11" and i weight 160lbs. i do have a 6 pac, but its not as defined as i want. and it only appears when i flex. otherwise its really faint. my top 4 pacs are alright, I need to shave that fat from the bottom two pacs located right below my belly button. anyone have suggestions.

Elfling No, you don't lose more calories by bundling up or wearing anything to help you sweat more. All you're doing is sweating off water weight which will come RIGHT back and you risk dehydrating yourself or making yourself pass out or worse. The reason you DO see people doing this at all is they're wrestlers/boxers trying to make a weight cut; they sweat off a lot of weight very quickly, do their fight, and it comes right back the next day. They do this *hopefully* under supervision with their coaches though. Dress for the weather/gym..shorts, tshirt, pants and tshirt, whatever; clean up your diet and lift heavy. thus why boxers usually gain 8-15lbs between the time of the weigh in and the time of the fight.

BlissWitMyBlizz! i've been told that spot reduction does not work. u cant lose weight or fat in one area of the body by targeting them. fat comes off evenly from all the fat stores in the body. 500-800 crunches seems excessive. i do about 50 ab rolls, 50 crunches, and 50 leg lifts (roman candles), a day. i hope this will work, do you other guys agree? along with running a mile or two a day. PS: im not fat or nearly overweight at all. im 5'11" and i weight 160lbs. i do have a 6 pac, but its not as defined as i want. and it only appears when i flex. otherwise its really faint. my top 4 pacs are alright, I need to shave that fat from the bottom two pacs located right below my belly button. anyone have suggestions. have lots of sex

scrawny guys who wear wife beaters in the gym make me sad actually, any guy that wears a wife beater out in public makes me sad....

Alt+F4 If you're going to be sarcastic, at least give some sort of hint. Noobs get confused easily. What's the problem with that

Your shoelaces matter more than your clothes when working out.

Clothes worn during Weightlifting/Running or Jogging

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Im starting to hate BB'ing cause of people like this

Im starting to hate BB'ing cause of people like this

I would fucking bitch slap these kids if I ever saw them..seriously

Looks like the kid did an oil change right into his fucking arm. 10w-30 guns.

haha, i like the band aid over his bicep in that last picture

is that a fucking chop or synthol useage out of control?

he looks like a plastic sculpture that got really really hot and melted

that loosk rediculous

but the ladies are all over him!!!

Synthol much?

its all legal down there..

NoXeN its all legal down there.. Legal and smart are two different things.

Thats fucking ridiculous. I definitely wouldn't be going out and smiling if I looked like that.

NoXeN its all legal down there.. Synthol is legal here. Its a "massage oil"

some one translate

WTF?? Looks photoshopped.

It's probaly true. There is some guy at my gym. He's about 5'2 and has bigger arms than anyone I have seen at my gym or in real life but the odd thing is, the rest of him is normal sized. He has to have custom shirts made for a 5'2 torso and the arms of a 7'4, 400 pound Viking, his arms are beyond big.

NoXeN its all legal down there.. Maybe he meant all as in all type of drugs. Kind of a generalization thing ya know.........


Question: When people do that oil garbage does it make their biceps weak as fuck?

joed1228 It's probaly true. There is some guy at my gym. He's about 5'2 and has bigger arms than anyone I have seen at my gym or in real life but the odd thing is, the rest of him is normal sized. He has to have custom shirts made for a 5'2 torso and the arms of a 7'4, 400 pound Viking, his arms are beyond big. But does he have definition in his arms. You can tell the difference when someone is using synthol and when they just beach bodybuild.


Can you inject that shit in your dong?

cavefish Can you inject that shit in your dong? yes please do it and get back to us

I'll be the most popular guy in Brazil.

Im starting to hate BB'ing cause of people like this

Friday, June 28, 2013

Feel Great After Your Workout

What to do so You Feel Great After Your Workout

Feel Great After Your Workout

Exercise should, technically, make you feel more energized, toned and fit -- not tired or sore. And while a little bit of fatigue and aches are normal, if you feel awful after you workout it's a surefire way to quickly give up your routine. Here are 14 simple tips that you can use before, during and after your next workout to make sure you feel the way exercise is intended to make you feel: great!

1. Make sure your body has fuel. Eating a small snack about an hour before your workout may help give you energy.
2. Get enough sleep. If your body is truly tried, your workout will only exacerbate this feeling.
3. When you start a new exercise routine, or increase intensity/duration, do so gradually.
4. Take a few minutes to warm-up before your workout.
5. After you workout, stretch your muscles.
6. Don't exhaust yourself. If you're feeling completely out of breath or extremely fatigued, decrease the intensity of your workout.
7. Give yourself time to recover. Avoid training the same muscle groups two days in a row.
8. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can lead to fatigue.
9. Eat something after your workout. Eating a mixture of protein and complex carbs within 90 minutes of working out will help repair your muscles and give you energy. Some great snack ideas include nuts and fruit, yogurt or cheese and whole-grain crackers or a tuna sandwich on whole-wheat bread.

If you've already worked out and now feel sore, here's what you can do to soothe your achy muscles:

10. Massage the area.
11. Apply a cold pack to the area.
12. Use BlueStop MAX Arthritis Pain Gel, a natural, proven topical gel that will relieve your pain in minutes.
13. Give it time. Muscle soreness should go away on its own in a few days.
14. Do some low-impact exercise. This increases blood flow to your muscles and can help to relieve soreness.

What to do so You Feel Great After Your Workout

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