Showing posts with label computer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computer. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Exercise Times?

Exercise Times?

I was wondering, is it better to work out in the heat for a shorter period of time or work out at night when its cooler for a longer period of time? Because I have been running/biking to help build some endurance and drop a few pounds that I've gained from sitting behind the computer too much. Just trying to decide weather I should work out during the day where I would sweat more yet not last as long as I do at night when its cooler Also, its a lot more comfortable than the day time Florida heat and there are no cars on the road which is a big bonus because there aren't any sidewalks

Exercise Times?

Exercise Times?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Is this diet even going to do anything for me?

Is this diet even going to do anything for me?

I am currently 162 lbs about 6'1" and fed up with it. So I am fully commited to put some weight on. I have tried before, I lifted for 8 months really hard, I got stronger, but only a couple pounds bigger, I'm hoping because I never really added to my diet. So here is what I'm starting on now: Morning:25g protien shake 25g can of chicken breast Oatmeal or cream of wheat, a bagel, some fruit, whatever the caffeteria has Lunch:Whatever school is serving, usually a decent meal, hamurger or something. Dinner:Again whatever school is serving, pasta, pizza, chicken, whatever it is I can eat a lot of it. 50g protien shake Obviously I will be lifting throughout the week, I feel I have a good workout that gets my full upper body and some legs throughout the week. I am not worried about putting on fat, in fact I would welcome a few % more body fat. So if anyone has anymore suggestions on what I should be doing that would be great. Thanks for the help.

If you wanna gain weight stop eating like a pussy and start downing more than 2000 calories.

I'm pretty sure I get more than 2,000 a day. I eat tons for dinner, but thats really the only time I can eat till I can't eat anymore.

If you're a hardgainer you may have to take up to 4000-7000 calories a day, depends on your metabolism, start your calories out at 3500-4000 and eat that amount for a week and see if you gain any weight, if you dont, add another 500 everyday for another week and repeat the process until you start gaining, it ain't rocket surgery

Wow, 3 meals a day... try 6 or 7 full course meals.

That's a great meal plan for losing weight

Well its hard while living on a school campus. I have about 35 hours of classes a week, no fridge, and minimal food storage. I'm eating everything in sight though. I figure I'm doing about 3500 every day this last week. I just don't know what to eat, besides massive amounts of PB&J sandwiches.

...i'm pretty sure I'm no expert in bulking(trying to cut) but eat anything and're trying to get BIGGER...go stuff your mouth with burgers or something?

FlameBox Well its hard while living on a school campus. I have about 35 hours of classes a week, no fridge, and minimal food storage. I'm eating everything in sight though. I figure I'm doing about 3500 every day this last week. I just don't know what to eat, besides massive amounts of PB&J sandwiches. unless you have been counting calories for a while you dont have an accurate gauge as to "how many calories you ate." believe me, its very easy to stuff your face multiple times a day and be barely breaking 2k calories. find nutrition labels, get on fitday, whatever you have to do in order to track caloric intake. get familiar with the nutrition content of foods you eat daily and keep a list. gaining weight can be laborious but if you put in the time you will see results. good luck!

35hrs of class? How? How many credits is that? You are going to need to eat a lot more than that. Buy canned foods and keep your room stocked. If you want it bad enough you will make it work.

Going to school? Get a George Foreman grill and a membership to Costco. Boneless, Skinless chick breasts are you friend. While you're at it get some burgers, too.

do you feel hungry at any time of the day? if so, you could be eating more

xpinchx Going to school? Get a George Foreman grill and a membership to Costco. Boneless, Skinless chick breasts are you friend. While you're at it get some burgers, too. Like I said, no fridge room, so that means no freezer room. No where to even use a grill. But thanks for the help guys, I got some good ideas on what to be working on now.

FlameBox Like I said, no fridge room, so that means no freezer room. No where to even use a grill. But thanks for the help guys, I got some good ideas on what to be working on now. George Forman grill...Its tiny.

FlameBox Like I said, no fridge room, so that means no freezer room. No where to even use a grill. But thanks for the help guys, I got some good ideas on what to be working on now. can you take extra food fro the cafeteria? i mean say you go at alot..and take a plate to go for your next meal. then t dinner eat alot..and take another plate to go.

FlameBox Like I said, no fridge room, so that means no freezer room. No where to even use a grill. But thanks for the help guys, I got some good ideas on what to be working on now. You can get a moderate-sized Foreman Grill for around $10-$15 that will easily fit anywhere in your dorm. You can cook your shit on your computer desk if you want to. As for no room for a fridge, just how small is your dorm? Pics? IMO that would be most beneficial for you if you could eat in your dorm. It'd be better than the crap they serve at the cafeteria. Probably cheaper, too, but I don't really know.

Is this diet even going to do anything for me?

Good place to buy whey protein near Toronto/Guelph/Waterloo?

Good place to buy whey protein near Toronto/Guelph/Waterloo?

I don't want to buy my protein online, and I would like to get some ON Whey protein. I live in Guelph, but everywhere I look has other brands. I think I might get some Muscle Milk (, for taste) and some ON Whey...if I can find it. Any help?


Sport Nutrition Depot has ON whey. I dunno about prices though.

Sports Nutrition Depot in Waterloo. $41.99 canadian for a 5lb tub of ON whey

the internet?

Maestro Nobones the internet? hes anti internet.

ryazbeck hes anti internet. and yet he poses this question on an internet message board. the mind boggles.

Maybe he doesn't want to pay online.

timberwolf Maybe he doesn't want to pay online. oh you mean he has that paranoia thats like so 5 years ago?

ryazbeck oh you mean he has that paranoia thats like so 5 years ago? Actually saw on the news that many still are. Or maybe he doesn't have his own credit card. Though there is paypal though you still need a credit card to create an account.

yea, i work tech support for dial up and DSL and the only people dumb enough to call are the ones who still live out in the woods, hardcore rednecks and hicks and shit. they think there are hackers running rampant trying to access their computer and that they are stealing all their information from their computers etc. oh yeah, old people, ollllld.

Yeah, sport nutrition depot is where I get my has the best prices that I could find.

timberwolf Or maybe he doesn't have his own credit card. Though there is paypal though you still need a credit card to create an account. Bingo. edit: and I'm not "anti-internet" , ryazbeck besides, even if I could buy online, I'd still probably buy locally unless I could get really good savings online

there's a SND warehouse in the plaza right beside U Waterloo campus

online is the way to go for cheapest prices.

Good place to buy whey protein near Toronto/Guelph/Waterloo?

Friday, December 27, 2013

My 12 year old sister weights 155 lbs..

My 12 year old sister weights 155 lbs..

and i'm getting really concerned about her health. she doesnt exercise much, and spends too much time watching TV. she eats a lot of junk and snack food too. wot can i do to help? words dont seem to do much.. i can see her being obese if she carries on this way. by the way she's 5'6.

weighs what use apostrophes in your contractions That being said, there's not much you can do if she's not going to listen to you. More than likely your parents are contributing to her poor health. Talk to them and tell them to stop buying shit food. There was rarely any junk food around while I was growing up. No soda/pop, no fast food, no snacks. Parents bought lots of fruit and we had that as snacks. Occasionaly got treated with something once in a while. But I'm guessing there's junk food around all the time.

RotorBalls weighs what use apostrophes in your contractions That being said, there's not much you can do if she's not going to listen to you. More than likely your parents are contributing to her poor health. Talk to them and tell them to stop buying shit food. There was rarely any junk food around while I was growing up. No soda/pop, no fast food, no snacks. Parents bought lots of fruit and we had that as snacks. Occasionaly got treated with something once in a while. But I'm guessing there's junk food around all the time. Where are the parents? I commend you for caring and wanting to do something, but unless you are very close or are used to bossing her around, the parents have to do something. Like stop buying junk food and turn off the TV

my parents dont seem to be that concerned.. sometimes they'll yell at her for eating junk food and stop her.. but the next day its bak to normal. wot about exercising wise? wot is suitable for a 12 year old to do? i cud tag her along to my gym sometimes.. make her jog the treadmill or something?

If you can get her to the gym with you, then yeah have her do any kind of aerobic activities regularly. If you can pull her away from the tv for an hour a day she'll be fine. Go for bike rides with her, I was a bike riding freak growing up. You get tons of exercise and don't even realize it. I could ride for hours and hours and not even know it.

5'6" and 145lbs... She's not that overweight I don't think, she has some things men do not have (butt and boobs)...

Take a walk with her every once and a while or play a game that she likes to play. Telling her what to do and not to do wont help. You have to show her through things that she enjoys. But just get her outside and doin stuff. As for her diet, you have to get that junk food out of the house, ill assume taht your parents are overweight as well so that might be hard. But thats really gonna be the key to her bein healthy. Its great that you are concerned about her! There are to many people who just pass off obesity as being ok, especially in children, that can be devastating.

Da Hell's Oracle 5'6" and 145lbs... She's not that overweight I don't think, she has some things men do not have (butt and boobs)... She's 155, and yeah, that is pretty porky. My little sister (15) is 5'8 and about 110-115. That's pretty thin, but my girlfriend is 5'5 and 128, and would like to lose a few.

i think if she doesnt wanna exercise you'll just have to chase her around with a knife to make her run, and dont stop until she starts to sweat. After a while she'll just start running without any negative encouragement needed.

thanks for the input people. do fatter people tend to sweat more? cuz she sweats easily without even doing much work..

yes they sweat more easily

My GF is 5'6" and 113. At 155, she'd look pretty fat. My suggestion would be to try and get her interested in sports or other activities that will get her more active. Unlike boys, girls tend to not lose their "baby fat" when they hit high school. So you're right to be concerned for her now. Good luck.

Tell your parents to stop surrounding her with junk food. She's too lazy to be working, so I know she's not paying for it.

waylander Tell your parents to stop surrounding her with junk food. She's too lazy to be working, so I know she's not paying for it. and we have a wiener

she's 5'6 and 155? Damn for a 12 year old thats huge. I mean all around, tall and heavy. I can relate to this, my little bro is 12 and he's a tad overweight but he's active, he plays hockey. Actually when he's not playing hockey, he's on the computer or watching TV eating doritos and crap. Its my parents that put him on this diet. WHat can you do?

Filmboy44 she's 5'6 and 155? Damn for a 12 year old thats huge. I mean all around, tall and heavy. I can relate to this, my little bro is 12 and he's a tad overweight but he's active, he plays hockey. Actually when he's not playing hockey, he's on the computer or watching TV eating doritos and crap. Its my parents that put him on this diet. WHat can you do? Wiener? Frank and beans...frank and beans.

Filmboy44 she's 5'6 and 155? Damn for a 12 year old thats huge. I mean all around, tall and heavy. I can relate to this, my little bro is 12 and he's a tad overweight but he's active, he plays hockey. Actually when he's not playing hockey, he's on the computer or watching TV eating doritos and crap. Its my parents that put him on this diet. WHat can you do? I guess let him know that people will tease him for his weight, people won't want to talk to him, he won't get a job he's qualified for if a skinny person applies, only fat chicks will like him (and thats only if there isn't a drunk skinny guy willing to give it to her), you know...tell him the truth.

waylander I guess let him know that people will tease him for his weight, people won't want to talk to him, he won't get a job he's qualified for if a skinny person applies, only fat chicks will like him (and thats only if there isn't a drunk skinny guy willing to give it to her), you know...tell him the truth. ah I'm sure gog will be availible as the drunk skinny guy.

trancezj ah I'm sure gog will be availible as the drunk skinny guy. Gog's down with the fatties? I wonder if he will be my wingman. Wiiiingmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn!

being her big brother and all, i think you should just eat all the junk food in the house yourself, so she doesnt have any junk food to eat.

HOLY SHIT!!!! tell her to start respecting her body, the sooner she starts the better. and tell your parents to stop buying that shit and leaving it around the house.

This topic is 13 months old. My sister's weight has increased since from 155lbs to 170lbs

don't worry she is just bulking

kingfaz This topic is 13 months old. My sister's weight has increased since from 155lbs to 170lbs You have a panoramic camera? is so pics? Reguardless, this is bordering neglect/child abuse at this point. Hide the fucking little debbies! Do something, seriously.

you cant tell a 12 year old shit about dieting. basically its your parents fault for putting shit food in the house. wanna know my suggestion? accept it. shes going to get fatter and you're right, she'll eventually be obese and it'll probably be right around freshman year in HS. theres nothing you can do about it because if you nag her to get her to exercise and eat right she'll just get pissed at you. what your parents need to do is lay down some fucking guidelines and buy good food. allow 1 hour of TV per day, she chooses the hour and this must be very restricted, same should go for computer. or she can choose between computer/tv. she must limit her calories and start exercising 4 - 5 times per week. i think if your parents cared at all about hers and their own diets theyd stop buying shitty food but its obvious they dont, so theres nothing you can do but just accept it and live your own life

My 12 year old sister weights 155 lbs..

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Fitday...Calories Burned question.

Fitday...Calories Burned question.

Fitday is telling me that yesterday I burned 3297 calories broken down as follows: Basal: 1769 Lifestyle: 1086 Activities: 442 I have "seated work, some movement" as my 9-5 job routine. Does 3297 burned sound a bit excessive? Considering I worked out for an hour and walked 20 mins to and from work, and that only burned 442??

that does sound a bit excessive

lifestyle sounds really high, odd.

ryazbeck lifestyle sounds really high, odd. yeah...not sure what's gone wrong. I sit at a desk all day and look at computer screens.

fitday is all messed up. It says that you burn 0 calories no matter how long you sleep, when in fact it's something like 50 calories an hour... their food calories are pretty accurate though

I don't understand how the fatties lose weight with fitday. It has always seemed to me that they waaaay overestimate your basal and lifestyle calories.

Fitday...Calories Burned question.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

I ate pretty good today.

I ate pretty good today.

I'm not even done yet. I haven't had dinner. Do these numbers look all right so far? Don't mind the Windows 98 - my computer's broken and I'm on my mom's.

whats your height weight?

Mines better I need alot more calories before the day is up

Dunken whats your height weight? 6'2" 190lbs - bulking.

id say eat more ;x but numbers are looking good.

Dunken id say eat more ;x but numbers are looking good. Thanks for the input. I'm about to down some rice and a chicken breast. I'll probably eat a baked potato, some more cottage cheese, and some yogurt before bed.

i had no idea a banana had so many calories

I ate pretty well today*

Atenza6i i had no idea a banana had so many calories lol seriously, 217 calories for 1 banana? i didnt think they had 55g of carbs either.

read again, it says 2 servings (unless it counts 1 banana as 2 servings which i think is a lil ridiculous) so it's really like 100 cal a banana.

Yeah, that's two bananas.

I ate pretty good today.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

In a few years, the muscle man may be obsolete :eek4:

In a few years, the muscle man may be obsolete :eek4:

GucciGucci ---------- Bionic suit offers wearers super-strength 11 April 2005 Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition John Boyd A ROBOT suit has been developed that could help older people or those with disabilities to walk or lift heavy objects. Dubbed HAL, or hybrid assistive limb, the latest versions of the suit will be unveiled this June at the 2005 World Expo in Aichi, Japan, which opened last month. A commercial product is slated for release by the end of the year. HAL is the result of 10 years' work by Yoshiyuki Sankai of the University of Tsukuba in Japan, and integrates mechanics, electronics, bionics and robotics in a new field known as cybernics. The most fully developed prototype, HAL 3, is a motor-driven metal "exoskeleton" that you strap onto your legs to power-assist leg movements. A backpack holds a computer with a wireless network connection, and the batteries are on a belt. Two control systems interact to help the wearer stand, walk and climb stairs. A "bio-cybernic" system uses bioelectric sensors attached to the skin on the legs to monitor signals transmitted from the brain to the muscles. It can do this because when someone intends to stand or walk, the nerve signal to the muscles generates a detectable electric current on the skin's surface. These currents are picked up by the sensors and sent to the computer, which translates the nerve signals into signals of its own for controlling electric motors at the hips and knees of the exoskeleton. It takes a fraction of a second for the motors to respond accordingly, and in fact they respond fractionally faster to the original signal from the brain than the wearer's muscles do. While the bio-cybernic system moves individual elements of the exoskeleton, a second system provides autonomous robotic control of the motors to coordinate these movements and make a task easier overall, helping someone to walk, for instance. The system activates itself automatically once the user starts to move. The first time they walk, its sensors record posture and pattern of motion, and this information is stored in an onboard database for later use. When the user walks again, sensors alert the computer, which recognises the movement and regenerates the stored pattern to provide power-assisted movement. The actions of both systems can be calibrated according to a particular user's needs, for instance to give extra assistance to a weaker limb. The HAL 4 and HAL 5 prototypes, which will also be demonstrated at Expo 2005, don't just help a person to walk. They have an upper part to assist the arms, and will help a person lift up to 40 kilograms more than they can manage unaided. The new HALs will also eliminate the need for a backpack. Instead, the computer and wireless connection have been shrunk to fit in a pouch attached to the suit's belt. HAL 5 also has smaller motor housings, making the suit much less bulky around the hips and knees. HAL 3 weighs 22 kilograms, but the help it gives the user is more than enough to compensate for this. "It's like riding on a robot, rather than wearing one," says Sankai. He adds that HAL 4 will weigh 17 kilograms, and he hopes HAL 5 may be lighter still. Sankai has had many requests for the devices from people with brain and spinal injuries, so he is planning to extend the suit's applications to include medical rehabilitation. The first commercial suits are likely to cost between 1.5 and 2 million yen ($14,000 to $19,000). Why bust your ass to get strong when you can just put on a robot suit. Weight lifting will go the way of swording fighting (fencing) or horse riding (equestrian)... for a bunch of weirdos no one cares about. Discuss

the reason we will continue to lift weights is presented clearly in that picture. No one wants to look super scrawny like that kid..

Some people lift for asthetics as well.

spazntwich "Hay baby check out my 10" bionic penis, LOL"

Believe it or not, some people lift for their own health, which a Bionic suit won't help.

If I wanted to get maintain/improve my health, lifting weights would be at the bottom of that list. I'd spend all week running, cycling, and shuttling.... Which incidentally, is how I wound up being 120 in the first place

Looks comfortable.

that'll go great with the lazy sex chair

spazntwich Am I the only one who's not surprised at all the guy wearing the damn thing in the picture is Asian? I was thinkin the same thing

Am I the only one creeped out by the fact that they named this thing HAL?

Robotic limbs are still legal at PL meets, right?

@ this thread

spazntwich Am I the only one who's not surprised at all the guy wearing the damn thing in the picture is Asian? did you even read the article? It was developed in Japan

Can anyone say siezure + ripped off legs? Wireless network on a computer controlling people's movements? I smell puppetmasters.

wouldn't it be hilarious if it ran out of battery and he was too weak to get out of it?

In a few years, the muscle man may be obsolete :eek4:

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think?

there's a ton of literature on the positive effects and general safety of creatine

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? Apparently you haven't read any studies.

ACURA TL-S Apparently you haven't read any studies. Hence the question.

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? You mean, you never bothered to educate yourself before forming your opinion... wtg

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? You didn't look very hard.

yes, yes i do.

christophers i dont understand the question. what "supplements"? aas? Stuff like 'natural growth hormone,' shit that you see at GNC. I mean, I would think that if the supplement in question actually worked it would be advertised as having clinically tested etc.

Creatine and protein is it. The suppliment industry is not regulated by the FDA, who knows what you are getting, they can say whatever they want in advertising and claims. Most studies done were performed by the company selling the product so draw your own conclusions.

christophers you have to be specific wrt what supplements yiou are asking about. "natural gh" = shit. but creatine = good, 1 of the most researched supplements out there in general, literature doesnt support very many supps. this is basically all literature supports in most cases: -creatine -whey -post workout drinks -fish oils -ephedrine + caffeine what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's what works the best evar: -aas. in most research aas provides better gains in FFM than training does. i can't wait! Oh ya, I wasnt reffering to ephedrine or creatine or even whey or fish oils. I watched TUF the other night and there wa this hilarious ad with chuck lidell promoting some 'xyience' supplements, and I checked some of it out and they have like 'fat burning mix' but its ephedrine free.

DCCapen This thread is like someone going into a political debate and asking the people there to tell them about politics before he has anything of his own to say I would actually compare it more to reading a newspaper about politics before jumping to conclusions. A guy like christophers could tell me more in a couple minutes than I could possibly learn over hours and hours of research. I'm sorry, but your analogy is terrible.

pass the test please

christophers you have to be specific wrt what supplements yiou are asking about. "natural gh" = shit. but creatine = good, 1 of the most researched supplements out there in general, literature doesnt support very many supps. this is basically all literature supports in most cases: -creatine -whey -post workout drinks -fish oils -ephedrine + caffeine what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's what works the best evar: -aas. in most research aas provides better gains in FFM than training does. i can't wait! read this, then read it again, then write it down, then read it tomorrow

christophers most otc supps have minimal at best effects, just get some tests if you want a real effect Where do I sign up for studies like this?

assuming the black spots are motor neurons, look at how much more robust they are in B than A; also the fiber's area has increased considerably. gonna be a lot more power generated after the test en..

what are the side effects of test?

christophers what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's well, there is some research in support of leucine (and its role in signaling the mTOR pathway)

Ceaze well, there is some research in support of leucine (and its role in signaling the mTOR pathway) AV

iCe AV

GTPBR what are the side effects of test? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!! Get the fuck out and never ever come back. In fact forget that you have ever been on F&N, reformate you computer and go back to using AOL.

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

When you have children...

When you have children...

Will you make them eat healthfully now that you've learned from your mistakes? I know I will. My parents let me eat anything I wanted (luckily I was a hyper kid with a high metabolism.) I remember my mom would take me to taco bell and I'd eat 6 soft tacos (Over 1,200 calories ) or I'd eat 5 bowls of lucky charms as an "after dinner snack" (another 1,000+ calorie 'snack') I won't put my kids on a hardcore cutting diet or anything, but I'll make sure they eat right.

I will steer my children far away from what i do

5 bowls of lucky charms? Holy crap! The most cereal I could ever eat was like 3-4 bowls of fruity pebbles. Were you a big kid?

I'd let me kids eat whatever they want and look however they want

I am definately going to make my kids (if they are boys) start lifting weights in the 7th grade. My middle school and first 2 years of high school were miserable because I was always worried about being chubby. Always. They will thank me after seeing results!

nathanbx I'd let me kids eat whatever they want and look however they want kit kats for breakfast, snickers for lunch, and butterfingers for dinner? be honest with yourself, you aren't going to let them eat whatever they want. obviously you want your children to make choices for themselves, but you have to give them a healthy eating base so their overall health will benefit as children and as they grow.

disblohs kit kats for breakfast, snickers for lunch, and butterfingers for dinner? be honest with yourself, you aren't going to let them eat whatever they want. obviously you want your children to make choices for themselves, but you have to give them a healthy eating base so their overall health will benefit as children and as they grow. No, I will let them eat whatever they want. If they want kitkats for breakfast, more power to them, I'm not gonna be having all that shit in the house, but if they get ahold of it, I'll let em eat it.

nathanbx No, I will let them eat whatever they want. If they want kitkats for breakfast, more power to them, I'm not gonna be having all that shit in the house, but if they get ahold of it, I'll let em eat it. that's a great attitude. "hey, my kids got ahold of some cocaine! more power to them!" do society a favor and don't have children....ever

disblohs that's a great attitude. "hey, my kids got ahold of some cocaine! more power to them!" do society a favor and don't have children....ever Believe me, I don't plan on it. And you're comparing cocaine to chocolate snacks, do society a favor and /yourself.

nathanbx Believe me, I don't plan on it. And you're comparing cocaine to chocolate snacks, do society a favor and /yourself. your nonchalant "they can do whatever they want" attitude will carry over into other things. don't act like you would let them eat whatever they want because it's their life and then you would take it upon yourself to control every other aspect of their life. if you do have children, i hope they learn proper nutrition (among other things) in school because they obviously aren't going to get the guidance they need at home.

oh goodie, it's lunch time. i think i'll go have a bowl of chocolate syrup with baby ruths mixed in

I have the ultimate solution....I'm not having any.

I was thinking about this the other day, my parents (my mom really), always tried to get me to eat right, and stop eating all that candy shit, but of course me being stubborn, didnt listen to her and I turned into a fatass If I were to/when I do have children (not literally, but you catch my drift ) I will do my best to try and keep them on a straight path, and eating healthy. Introducting healthy foods early in life so they are used to them, and eat them. I'd also have my children start weight lifting when they are young (~middle school), and thats if they're boys of course. If they are girls, I still would want to keep them on a healthy nutritional path, and introduce some other exercise into their lifes. They wont become a couch potato, like I was

xpinchx Will you make them eat healthfully now that you've learned from your mistakes? I know I will. My parents let me eat anything I wanted (luckily I was a hyper kid with a high metabolism.) I remember my mom would take me to taco bell and I'd eat 6 soft tacos (Over 1,200 calories ) or I'd eat 5 bowls of lucky charms as an "after dinner snack" (another 1,000+ calorie 'snack') I won't put my kids on a hardcore cutting diet or anything, but I'll make sure they eat right. holy shit. sounds like your parents were fattening you up for Thanksgiving dinner I have kids. I let them eat candy and sweets. they are limited in the quantity that they are allowed to eat though. for the most part they eat healthy, and reasonable quantities of food. I've only cut my oldest off a few times, when she has gone back for more and more and more...

superbri007 I know that i'm only 21, but I'm already thinking about family, and I'm still in college. I can't wait to get out get my job, get a wife, and then have kids. Is that like, natural in our genes, to want to settle down so early? Am I weird? hahahah thats sweet. wait until you're ready though- financially and mentally/emotionally

superbri007 I'm scared to have sex with any girl here at Quinnipiac University. Yale University has parties called "Quinnipiac Party's" wear the girls wear next to nothing, and the guys wear popped up collar pink shirts so you can tell what im dealing with at school. too many hoes here

i will control what my kids eat. since i'm eating healthy, so will they. i don't keep snacks or chocolate in the house, except for my protein shakes. i think it's very important to learn good eating habits early on so that you have a strong base for the rest of your life. i will also never use food as a reward for my my mom did with me.

nic379 i will control what my kids eat. since i'm eating healthy, so will they. i don't keep snacks or chocolate in the house, except for my protein shakes. i think it's very important to learn good eating habits early on so that you have a strong base for the rest of your life. i will also never use food as a reward for my my mom did with me.

I'd rather borrow kids from my friends and spoil them so I can be the cool uncle, then return them at teh end of the day. they're great for pickin up hotties cause it shows you like kids, but aren't tied down by one of your own. but back on topic, if I ever have kids, and thats a BIG IF (caue I like my freedom and having disposable income) I won't be anywhere near as anal about there diet as I am about mine, but somethings, like what we decide for on dinner would be an obvious carryover from my diet to their's.

I won't be too strict on what my kids eat, overall I eat pretty well anyway, I just will make sure the junk doesn't get out of control. However, I will make sure they stay active. No sitting in front of the tv/computer all day doing nothing. If they are into sports, great, if not that's ok but they're helping me in the yard once in a while.

I make sure my daughter eats a well balanced diet. At the same time I don't deprive her of candy and junk food. Thats part of being a kid.

xpinchx I won't put my kids on a hardcore cutting diet or anything, but I'll make sure they eat right. same here.

Fucking I'd be having them on a nazi regime. Big bowl of proddige mixed with flaxseed oil and protein powder for breakfest, school packed lunch is a salmon sandwich with 2 pieces of fruit and a bottle of water. For dinner it's either salmon or stake, drenched in olive oil, with potatoes and a side salad with fruit for desert. Snacks: Fruit, Walnuts or Water If they don't like it, THEY'RE OUT OF THE FUCKING GENE POOL

i will just make sure they get exercise and eat in moderation. Nothing too extreme unless they are getting to be real fat

I am going train my kids up to be ultimate athletes, good strength speed and agility. I am not teaching them through my mistakes, I have always been very health concious. Right now I just hope I don't have pansey kids, but when the time comes I am sure i would like them anyways. Right now whenever I think about kids, I never think about a girl. I would not know what to do.

When you have children...

Monday, November 18, 2013

Jay Cutler - Ripped to Shreds (DVD)

Jay Cutler - Ripped to Shreds (DVD)

There is a torrent out there for Jay's new documentary. Download will finished in 6 hrs. "Jay's "right before contest preparation"; Filmed February - March 2004 right before his third consecutive win of Arnold Classic 2004. (Contest scene is not included.) Whole body routine with extreme condition. 210 minutes in total length." Sounds interesting.

hmm i was hoping for the vid

and the link to the torrent is???

dmaestro and the link to the torrent is??? .

PNHWrestler hmm i was hoping for the vid

i will host

why wont you post it PM?

ttiwwop OT hub name

POST THE TORRENT lc Im willing to host to for all the Broly's :noitsnot:

KetchupKing:noitsnot: .

Link posted

i searched for ripped, shreds, and cutler

I would rather have Dexter's pre-contest prep, I'm sure it was more intense.

Works for me but i have bitlord

tize Cool, is it better than ronnies shit? It's precontest training, so not as hardcore as ronnie's offseason/preshow training. Still jay looks damn good, a little too much posing for my tastes(can only take so many of the same exact poses). Was entertaining still more seeing what jay had to say about certain subjects and how he lives.

in for nontorrent download

you know you have a problem when you delete porn to make room for this vid


cunninglinguist you know you have a problem when you delete porn to make room for this vid Ill upload to my webspace when the download finishes.

niXon Ill upload to my webspace when the download finishes. what kind of file will it be? aka...i don't know anything about torrents

cunninglinguist you know you have a problem when you delete porn to make room for this vid

cunninglinguist you know you have a problem when you delete porn to make room for this vid that's why i have 7 hard drives connected to my computer

Man, I wish someone would host the actually video. Anyways, tell me how it is!

Jay Cutler - Ripped to Shreds (DVD)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Help out a newbie?

Help out a newbie?

Well I've been on for a while now, mainly lurking the Hot Deals section, but now I have entered the Fitness & Nutrition section in need of some guidance. Im 16 years old, about 5'7/8, 120lbs, pretty much im scrawny. Ive decided I want to get in better shape, I have pretty much only 2 goals, gain some weight and some muscle. This is where you guys kick in. I dont have any equipment and I dont have any time to go to the gym (with school & work). What would be the best way to achieve these goals? I want to workout my bicepts/abs, pretty much have a decent body overall. Are there any excersises without equipment that I can do as a starting point? (pushups, situps, pullups?) Also what would be the healthiest way to gain some weight without getting 'fat'? Sorry for any stupid questions, but like I said I dont have much experience with any of this stuff. Any input is appreciated.

No. You need to devote time to this. Not that much time, but time. To see any real gains, you will need equipment of some sort. Any other basic advice will be found in the archives and your questions answered there.

you're going to have to hit the gym

Pretty scrawny? My friend, I've wrestled 5'7-5'8" 135pounders, and they were skinny. You are a stick. Like Shaolin said, you have to hit the gym.

knucks Pretty scrawny? My friend, I've wrestled 5'7-5'8" 135pounders, and they were skinny. You are a stick. Like Shaolin said, you have to hit the gym. lol its true i guess... i dont have much time to hit the gym, so i guess i could focus my time on gaining some weight, any suggestions? ill probably end up buying some equipment in the future to start.

I see a couple outcomes to this story: 1) You will make time to work out and better yourself, 2) You will be scrawny. I can't imagine, at 16, not having 45-60 free minutes a day. Can't imagine that at any age.

Don't tell me that you don't have 45 minutes at least 3 times a week. You have to goto the gym. Your in high school right? There is no way you are overloaded with work. That's just not possible. People some how get this idea in their heads that anyone that is relatively "buff", that they go to the gym 24/7. Check out the stickies, and start eating. Posting pictures will help evaluate how scrawny you really are...but...for the moment eat somethign and start making a routine.

Eat. Eat. Eat. Get a gym membership, stop posting on OT and watching cartoons, and go spend 45minutes in a gym on the weekends and one day of the week.

I'm assuming you are in high school, most high schools have some sort of weight room for the athletic program. At my school it was open in the mornings before school mainly for athletes but also for anybody who was interested. Find out when it is open or take a "strength and coditioning class" (a common high school elective). If for some reason they say you have to be an athlete to use the weights druing non-school hours tell them you want to wrestle and need to get in shape, but that means when tryouts come around you will probably have to go out for it. Thats not a bad thing though, its more exercise and of all the sports I played in high school, it was my favorite. Cliffs: Man up and find a way, you're in high school and always have free time.

Gutrat Don't tell me that you don't have 45 minutes at least 3 times a week. You have to goto the gym. Your in high school right? There is no way you are overloaded with work. That's just not possible. People some how get this idea in their heads that anyone that is relatively "buff", that they go to the gym 24/7. Check out the stickies, and start eating. Posting pictures will help evaluate how scrawny you really are...but...for the moment eat somethign and start making a routine. I go to school from 830 to 230, after school I work from 3-8. I get home do my hw or whatever I have to do and usually end up calling it a day. Im sure gyms are open late but I dont have any method of transportation other than walking and the closest gym is probably a half hours walking distance. The only option I see available is as mention my school does have a weight room and im not too sure but I do believe its open in the morning. For now im going to try go gain some weight before hitting the gym, what routines would you guys suggest? Normally I have a small breakfast in the morning, lunch around 12, then dinner at 8 and occasionally ill eat something at work. Any foods in particular I should focus on?

what do u do saturday and sunday?

vettedude what do u do saturday and sunday? Saturday I work from 9-6 sunday I dont really do much, hang out with friends or whatever.

Your mornings are open, possibly lunch, a good chunk of saturday and all sunday, "not enough time" is no excuse.

Ix dOc xI lol its true i guess... i dont have much time to hit the gym, so i guess i could focus my time on gaining some weight, any suggestions? ill probably end up buying some equipment in the future to start. In the time you sat at your computer to wait for a response, you could have finished you workout. Get a cab, ride a bike, do what it takes. Get motivated. Excuses are the product of a weak will and mind. GOGOGOGO. house -----> -----> Outside

you work mon - fri from 3 - 8? If you just take one day off say wednesday you could get a nice schedule going. Every wed and sun you could hit the gym hard while eating a lot during the week. Maybe instead of taking wed completely off you could arrange to leave around 4 or 5. Tell your bosses its something you have to do, like help your parents out with their business or somthing. If you want it bad enough you can do it. Believe me, once you start getting used to hitting the gym youll becaome addicted to it. I dont feel right anymore if I miss a workout day, it bothers me. But its a fabulous feeling. 100 times better than not cutting a day off from work.

Hoodoo In the time you sat at your computer to wait for a response, you could have finished you workout. Get a cab, ride a bike, do what it takes. Get motivated. Excuses are the product of a weak will and mind. GOGOGOGO. house -----> -----> Outside Ok that was just retarded, I posted it a bit before midnight, im not going to be going to the gym that late...

guestDJ you work mon - fri from 3 - 8? If you just take one day off say wednesday you could get a nice schedule going. Every wed and sun you could hit the gym hard while eating a lot during the week. Maybe instead of taking wed completely off you could arrange to leave around 4 or 5. Tell your bosses its something you have to do, like help your parents out with their business or somthing. If you want it bad enough you can do it. Believe me, once you start getting used to hitting the gym youll becaome addicted to it. I dont feel right anymore if I miss a workout day, it bothers me. But its a fabulous feeling. 100 times better than not cutting a day off from work. Thank you, this is by far the best reply as of yet. I thought it over and I talked to a friend of mine and looks like we might be hitting the gym sat evening and sunday, and possibly tues or wed (gotta talk to my boss first). What would be a good starting point once I hit the gym? How long is the average workout?

Help out a newbie?

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Get in shape at work/home during a computer break

Quick way to get in shape at work/home during a computer break

Get in shape at work/home during a computer break

I can be found most of the time behind a computer screen, for my study as well as for my job. What would you recommend as (an) exercise(s) to perform daily to keep fit and healthy? Something special for the back? A diet?

Here's a quick way to get in shape at work/home during a computer break. get in shape at work

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