Showing posts with label thinner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thinner. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Well its official...

Well its official...

i am going bald. doc said only thing he would recommend i do if im that attatched to my hair is hair plugs. im guessing the m5aa agravated it and now its on a role. so looks like i will be going to get some clippers soon. fuck it. he said rogain or propecia might help but im not even gonna bother wasting the time and money

Mike McDermott see if you can get steroids for it haha that would be awesome

If you're going bald,just shave off all your hair on your head. I hear women like it.

t3nchi If you're going bald,just shave off all your hair on your head. I hear women like it. thats what i plan on doin, i dont care if the women like it i dont think i will like it though

whaaat, post a pic first

gsteclipse97 thats what i plan on doin, i dont care if the women like it i dont think i will like it though i don't like it but the girls do. you get used to it... and getting checked out more often by girls, especially the cute cardio girls, doesn't hurt. i guess, in the end, all that really matters is that my parents hate it.

Shaved heads > *

Mass whaaat, post a pic first i will later no pics on the comp, its not that noticeable as of now cause i have a thick head of hair but i am losing probably 30-50 hairs a day it looks like when i shower

Ilyusha Shaved heads > * we will see, i know i have a few scars from fights and im white as hell so just another place to add sunscreen

just get on the propecia, if you know where to look you can get it super cheap, like 50 bucks for more than 8 months worth...

Mass just get on the propecia, if you know where to look you can get it super cheap, like 50 bucks for more than 8 months worth... i am mainly losing it in the front, he didnt think propecia would help a ton. i know you can get the powder from ibe. do you know how long it takes to see a difference?

start shaving your chest, and the first thing I noticed was my body hair started growing back at a much slower rate... thats when you know its kickin, for me, took about 3 weeks.

If you have a overseas source, you can get a gram of propecia for 10 bucks... yes thats a 1000 days worth of propecia for 10 bucks

there's very little you can do about hair loss in the front. You can shave it as much as you can and use dht and sebum removing shampoos.

Mass start shaving your chest, and the first thing I noticed was my body hair started growing back at a much slower rate... thats when you know its kickin, for me, took about 3 weeks. the ches tis nice and smooth had it waxed

Mass If you have a overseas source, you can get a gram of propecia for 10 bucks... yes thats a 1000 days worth of propecia for 10 bucks mind sendin me a pm?

how old are you? I started shaving my head a few years ago, I'm 23 now.

MikeTheVike1 how old are you? I started shaving my head a few years ago, I'm 23 now. 23

MikeTheVike1 how old are you? I started shaving my head a few years ago, I'm 23 now. wow, at what age did you start shedding?

evi1eddie i guess, in the end, all that really matters is that my parents hate it. that's clearly the most important thing

Invest in razors and a hat gsteclipse97 i will later no pics on the comp, its not that noticeable as of now cause i have a thick head of hair but i am losing probably 30-50 hairs a day it looks like when i shower Supposedly on average a human sheds 100 hairs from their head a day, the bald people are the ones that don't grow it back.

disblohs that's clearly the most important thing i was kidding

Mass wow, at what age did you start shedding? not really sure, but i thappened pretty quickly. I had a full head of hair when I started goigng out with my ex g/f, and by the time the 8 month relationship was over, I was using a mach 3 on it. I still have hair on the top, but I have a "culdesac" thing going. I also think its thinner than normal in the back. My dad started going bald at an early age also. He hasn't really lost much more since then, so hopefully I'll be the same.

evi1eddie i was kidding

Well its official...

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

In terms of muscle formation, ease of building it, etc. For example, if you notice, a lot of Asian people have massive calves. I don't lift my calves at all but they're still pretty big and defined. My arms and chest on the other hand I work at but gains are very minimal and small.


that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition

my arms don't get any bigger

talksick that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition yeah, right. Every asian I know is strong as hell

bruce lee? or was he part asian, part freak?

SteveO yeah, right. Every asian I know is strong as hell too much starcraft but seriously... i heard we lack the natual creatine that other races have more naturally

talksick too much starcraft but seriously... i heard we lack the natual creatine that other races have more naturally I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too?

i guess we all have our pros and cons one the great things about being broly is when asian twigs see this 6'2'' monster walking by.. they just stare at me with this look in a way it's a good thing to be the stereotypical small size imaged race

I think asians generally have the worse genes in terms of bodybuilding. Higher estrogen levels for one... I recall reading something like that before. Of course there are always exceptions.

Gutrat I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too? blacks actually have been shown to have higher natural test levels than most white males.

timberwolf I think asians generally have the worse genes in terms of bodybuilding. Higher estrogen levels for one... I recall reading something like that before. Of course there are always exceptions. and a small... aren't you asian?

SteveO and a small... aren't you asian? Yep.

just look at the penis size black >

longest study ever

Gutrat I don't know if your wrong...but that sounds like total bullshit. Oh, and I suppose black people have an extra muscle in their legs too? black people tend to have more fast twitch fibres and thinner hips

talksick that's why i hate being asian takes forever to gain strength.. takes a century to gain definition I have a decent amount of strength and definition...just no bulk.

bioyuki I have a decent amount of strength and definition...just no bulk. how many cals a day

Yeah, but they dont have an extra muscle... do they?

I build strength and muslce easily and have long sexy legs.

I believe that they are somewhat genetically predetermined, but I've seen that it's the easiest to defy genetics during the period where your body grows the most: puberty. If you start lifting around 15-16 and develop good habits and discipline, the results seem like they're easier to obtain since you're training your body while it's still taking shape and before it's fully developed. Plus metabolism is usually better around those years for most people. I could be wrong It just seemed that way to me when I was playing sports.

The more I eat, the better my genetics get. Something along those lines.

Shaolin_sword36 how many cals a day he's a swimmer (and gay ), which gives reason to him being so.....defined.

while determining whos got the best/worst genetics, you can use that time to make the best out of it i know my being a smartass here, but i believe everyone has at least one good gene to work with..

devilangel while determining whos got the best/worst genetics, you can use that time to make the best out of it i know my being a smartass here, but i believe everyone has at least one good gene to work with..

Are muscles somewhat genetically deteremined?

Friday, December 20, 2013

I went running today

I went running today

I'm going to start going in the mornings now, becuase it's getting too hot, even at 5pm, to go running at night at a reasonable time. Ran between 4 and 5 miles (don't know for sure, it isn't measured) in about 35 minutes. My late June 10k goal time of 40 minutes is within reach

i went for a run yesterday also. got a nice tan its best to do cardio in the morning on an empty stomache anyway.

jonno i went for a run yesterday also. got a nice tan its best to do cardio in the morning on an empty stomache anyway. Very argumentative.

I do cardio on an empty stomach (well except for the morning vitamins and HEAT stack) and then later in the evening a few hours after lifting. I just tend to walk an hour at a time though as opposed to running long distances.

I get a much better workout if I have eaten something for energy

Ran again this morning, and both mornings on an empty stomach. When I'm training, I usually wake up and, less than 20 minutes later, I'm running, so I don't worry about empty stomach. The morning before a race, though, I usually have some toast and a banana or something to give me a little extra energy while still being easy on the ol' stomach. NEVER have pancakes before a race, though. (Learned that the hard way...)

I wish I had never stopped running. I find it hard to get myself back into the grind of things, but the New England weather seems to be very demotivational when it comes to wanting to go out in the cold. I'm heading to boot in Parris Island in September though and want to have a good endurance base. Right now I'm only at about 3-4 mile runs. It's a good feeling though.

40 minutes for a 10k? That's a mean pace man, good luck Something very relaxing about running. When I need to think about things or relieve stress, nothing really does it for me like just going for a smooth 5 miler and letting my mind wander wherever it needs to.

how much do you guys weight...after i passed ~175 lbs running became so hard

christophers eating before hand = better performance = moe calories burned. it doesn't have to be a huge meal. thats what my swim coach used to say..before 5:30am practice i would eat a plain bagel and sometimes a protein shake...the days i did that i had a much better workout than the days i didn't eat anything.

willg133 how much do you guys weight...after i passed ~175 lbs running became so hard 5'9" 182 give or take a few, haven't done shit for awhile but in the past couple weeks I've done a few 2.5-3 milers no problem at all

toconnx 40 minutes for a 10k? That's a mean pace man, good luck Something very relaxing about running. When I need to think about things or relieve stress, nothing really does it for me like just going for a smooth 5 miler and letting my mind wander wherever it needs to. My 10k PR from high school is 38:37 I'm just trying to get back into the groove after my freshman year of college, not eating very often and not working out. Running most definitely does it for me (relieves stress). willg133 how much do you guys weight...after i passed ~175 lbs running became so hard I'm 155 lbs at 5' 11.5". I got down as low at 145 during my freshman year, but have gained almost 10 lbs since the beginning of May. Running has brought my appetite back. Well, that and home-cooked meals

I'm 6'1" 190lbs. I've been picking up my running in prepartion for the Army. I can do about 4.2 miles in the 36min range. Its not too bad. It's a fairly hilly route. If you run enough weight is gonna play a smaller role. I'm sure there are 200+ lb guys that can run sub 6min miles. My MOS is 18x which is Special Forces Recruit. The SF guys are incredible shape. I got much room for improvement.

Well... I ended up running that race in 41:53 I had shin-splint problems and wasn't able to run much in the weeks leading up to the race. I AM, however, planning to run the race again this year, and based on recent workouts, I will be aiming for the 38 minute range

warm Well... I ended up running that race in 41:53 I had shin-splint problems and wasn't able to run much in the weeks leading up to the race. I AM, however, planning to run the race again this year, and based on recent workouts, I will be aiming for the 38 minute range still a decent time, 10k is like 5 miles right?

SteveO still a decent time, 10k is like 5 miles right? 10k is 6.2 miles. I ultimately want to get down to below 36 minutes so that I can join the cross country team at Georgia Tech when I go back this fall, but we'll see. Baby steps.

I'm 205 lbs and can still bust a sub 6 minute mile. It felt a little easier when I was 165 lbs through high school though. I think I'm around 9% bodyfat but I think I'd like to drop to about 185 lbs this summer. For what I like to do I think being thinner would be better even with losses in muscle mass.

I went running today

Friday, November 29, 2013

Is it normal to bloat up a little bit while losing weight?

Is it normal to bloat up a little bit while losing weight?

I've been losing weight at a fairly steady pace of 2-3 lbs per week for the past 4 weeks. I've lost roughly 10 lbs total. I feel a lot healther, and I can tell my pants are fitting better. I can comfortably move up to the next notch on my belt, which I couldn't previously do. However the fat I still have seems to be a lot softer and squishier, and my love handles appear to be sticking out quite a bit more than they were the past couple weeks from my initial slimming down. Is this normal? Here's the rate I've been losing weight : 3/30/05 - 226 lbs 4/6/05 - 222 lbs 4/13/05 - 219 lbs 4/20/05 - 216.5 lbs

what does your diet look like? Just wondering because you are losing weight but is it fat? Makes me wonder because of what you said.

jaymode what does your diet look like? Just wondering because you are losing weight but is it fat? Makes me wonder because of what you said. Main things: Chicken breast (with seasoning, sometimes with a tbs of BBQ sauce, but most of the time I just eat it plain) Deli sandwich (shaved turkey breast with swiss cheese on whole wheat bread. Sometimes a thin slice of hard solami) Oatmeal Yogurt Cottage cheese Peanuts Raw fruits+veggies And I drink nothing but water and propell fitness water. I've been eating pretty clean.

love handles are the usually the last to go! how i hate thee!

AmCo love handles are the usually the last to go! how i hate thee! hell yeah.

It seems you might be losing weight a little too fast. You could be burning some muscle along with the fat, which is why you feel a little more squishy and 'soft'. Also, don't let your mind think you are thinner than you really are because you've lost some weight.

Davo It seems you might be losing weight a little too fast. You could be burning some muscle along with the fat, which is why you feel a little more squishy and 'soft'. Also, don't let your mind think you are thinner than you really are because you've lost some weight. Yup, I am thinking you are losing a little to fast also. What do your calories and protein intake look like? How many cals below maintenance?

how do you figure out mainenance calories? is it 12X your body weight??

Could be retaining some water weight. How much are you drinking?

its normal to retain more water when you begin cardio. Water volume in plasma increases.

Fucker Could be retaining some water weight. How much are you drinking? A shit load. I don't know exactly how many ounces, but I fill up my Gatorade water bottle about 6 times a day or so.

jaymode Yup, I am thinking you are losing a little to fast also. What do your calories and protein intake look like? How many cals below maintenance? My maintenance calories are about 3844 and I consume anywhere from 2000-3000 a day. A large majority of this is proetin (chicken, cottage cheese, peanuts, turkey breast, etc.)

xpinchx A shit load. I don't know exactly how many ounces, but I fill up my Gatorade water bottle about 6 times a day or so. You're probably a little swolen from all the water. I usually drink a 1.5 Ltr bottle on weight days at the gym. A little less on cardio days. Anyway, I get a little swolen after.

I notice the same thing and even posted it a few days ago except I notice that my love handles sometimes appear bigger and then go back down. I do drink about a 1.5 gallons of water a day. My clothes feel alot looser so I must be doing something right . I'm down to a 34 from the 36 when I started. I'm on week 5 of my excercise and diet.

xpinchx My maintenance calories are about 3844 and I consume anywhere from 2000-3000 a day. A large majority of this is proetin (chicken, cottage cheese, peanuts, turkey breast, etc.) Going down to 2000 from 3844 is not gonna be good for retaining muscle mass. Even going down to 3000 is pushing it. If your goal is to lose fat and not weight I am pretty sure you only want to eat about 500 or so calories below maintenance. It is good however that most of them come from protein sources as that will help retain muscle.

jaymode Going down to 2000 from 3844 is not gonna be good for retaining muscle mass. Even going down to 3000 is pushing it. If your goal is to lose fat and not weight I am pretty sure you only want to eat about 500 or so calories below maintenance. It is good however that most of them come from protein sources as that will help retain muscle. Honestly, I usually eat on the upper end of 2000 calories depending on the day. I'd say an average of 3,000, plus I'm lifting 3-4 times a week. Muscle loss isn't a huge issue for me, but the less I lose the merrier.

xpinchx My maintenance calories are about 3844 and I consume anywhere from 2000-3000 a day. A large majority of this is proetin (chicken, cottage cheese, peanuts, turkey breast, etc.) Your maintenance should be no where near 3844. It should be like 2500-2800

Grouch Your maintenance should be no where near 3844. It should be like 2500-2800 Baseline calorie needs then? It's the number I got from the Harris-Benedict formula + activity factor.

xpinchx Baseline calorie needs then? It's the number I got from the Harris-Benedict formula + activity factor. I thought it was body weight x 11. maybe I'm wrong for one.

i always lose a shitload of water when i begin to cut. i hold alot when i bulk

Grouch I thought it was body weight x 11. maybe I'm wrong for one. Find your BMR: Women: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years ) Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year ) Then multiply that by your daily fitness level: If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2 If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375 If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55 If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725 If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9 I come up with about 3.8k. This is your baseline calorie needs, in other words, that's about how many calories you will burn in a day by just sitting around breathing, chewing food, walking to your car, shopping, etc. Body weight x 11 would give you about the amount of calories you need to eat to lose weight healthily.

xpinchx Find your BMR: Then multiply that by your daily fitness level: I come up with about 3.8k. This is your baseline calorie needs, in other words, that's about how many calories you will burn in a day by just sitting around breathing, chewing food, walking to your car, shopping, etc. Body weight x 11 would give you about the amount of calories you need to eat to lose weight healthily. [/list] by those calculations, im around 800 cals in deficit, yet havent lost a pound in 2 weeks

yo nizzle by those calculations, im around 800 cals in deficit, yet havent lost a pound in 2 weeks The number you get is sort of a ball park figure. There's a lot more variables such as metabolism, how often you're eating, how clean you're eating, etc.

xpinchx The number you get is sort of a ball park figure. There's a lot more variables such as metabolism, how often you're eating, how clean you're eating, etc. eat 3 times a day, eating pretty clean wheat bread, turkey slices, chicken breast, white rice, protein shakes

xpinchx The number you get is sort of a ball park figure. There's a lot more variables such as metabolism, how often you're eating, how clean you're eating, etc. I soaped down my fries twice before I ate them last night, is that clean enough?

Is it normal to bloat up a little bit while losing weight?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

How to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches

How to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches

how to get thinner and get your waist down 2 to 4 inches. Right now it is impossible to target fat loss in one specific area. My waist is 32 inches and I'm 6'6". You have a trainer and you do a lot of Olympic training. I'm guessing your cardio is sport specific, you run the field, laps around the track, plyometric endurance, etc.

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