Showing posts with label Amino acids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amino acids. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2014

GNC Super Whey...

GNC Super Whey...

Is it any good? I am currently taking it. Its some blue berry flavor. It really tastes good. I just take it an hour after working out. It says I should be getting about 40g of protein. Should I take more throughout the day? Thanks for any info.

How much does it cost?

Draco How much does it cost? like $35 for 14 servings (the small tub) but i like the flavor so much, i might go back and buy the big tubs "Mega WheyT combines 40 grams of whey protein per serving with 5 grams of glutamine and 3 grams of branched chain amino acids BCAA. "

deznutz thanks for the input...

i picked some of it last month when GNC was having a big sale... I take it about an hour before my lift and about 30 minutes after... i got the multi berry flavor, or whatever... it was 26 bucks for the 5 pound jug... pretty much the only reason why i got it... i hate GNC

and how much do you way? you should be getting about 1.5-2g's of protein per pound of body weight

MaineSucks and how much do you way? you should be getting about 1.5-2g's of protein per pound of body weight i weigh about 180-185 lbs

illustrious like $35 for 14 servings (the small tub) but i like the flavor so much, i might go back and buy the big tubs " Bleh, way to much $.

Draco Bleh, way to much $. so whats a better alternative?

illustrious so whats a better alternative? optimum nutrition

aenz optimum nutrition dot only reason I bought the GNC whey is that it was on sale... and my parents gave me a GNC gift card for Christmas. I hate GNC. online store = your friend. best tasting protein IMO is ProLab's Advanced Whey... tastes like Chocolate cotton candy and only has 3g's of carbs, only 25g's per scoop, tho and its usually cheap... the Vitamin Shoppe by my house had 5lbs for 26 bucks...'s store is selling a 2lb jug for 18 right now. do some research on the net, there are so many protein companies/flavors/options out there. trail and error

best times to take are in the morning, since your body is depleted, and after your workout. if the protein is an isolate it will release throughout the day and you can take your whole server in the morning, then one after your workout. if it isnt an isolate you might want to take the servings in a broken up manner. i think the average person can make use of about 25g of protein per hour.

MaineSucks dot only reason I bought the GNC whey is that it was on sale... and my parents gave me a GNC gift card for Christmas. I hate GNC. online store = your friend. best tasting protein IMO is ProLab's Advanced Whey... tastes like Chocolate cotton candy and only has 3g's of carbs, only 25g's per scoop, tho and its usually cheap... the Vitamin Shoppe by my house had 5lbs for 26 bucks...'s store is selling a 2lb jug for 18 right now. do some research on the net, there are so many protein companies/flavors/options out there. trail and error does the pro lab's advanced whey mix well? this mega whey mixes so well with water, i dont have to add anything at all.

GNC Super Whey...

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

what happens if the majority of your protein are not from whole foods?

what happens if the majority of your protein are not from whole foods?

i'm looking at my food journal and i notice on a typical day, i get ~70% of my potein from shakes. i've been super busy at work and don't have time to prepare my meals or go to resturants, so i've been living off of deli (subway and quisnos) sandwhiches for about 2 months now, and rely on 4-8 servings of ON for protein. i'm at 190lbs and cutting if it makes any difference. the weekends are ok as i grill fish or chicken at least once a day, it's only during the week that the majority of my prortien comes from shakes. typical weekday meal plan looks like: oatmeal 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on throw in a pre and post shake on days i workout. i know it will be asked: no, i don't have time to make eggs in the morning. only reason i can even eat breakfast is because i make my oatmeal at work and shovel it down as i read my email in the morning

you can't cook some chicken or eat a can of tuna? Tuna- takes 2 seconds to open the can. Chicken- make it all at once in the oven, on sunday or whatever...there you have it, 3-4 pounds of chicken breasts to eat for the next few days. I'd just get sick from drinkin so much ON

infinite loop i'm looking at my food journal and i notice on a typical day, i get ~70% of my potein from shakes. i've been super busy at work and don't have time to prepare my meals or go to resturants, so i've been living off of deli (subway and quisnos) sandwhiches for about 2 months now, and rely on 4-8 servings of ON for protein. i'm at 190lbs and cutting if it makes any difference. the weekends are ok as i grill fish or chicken at least once a day, it's only during the week that the majority of my prortien comes from shakes. typical weekday meal plan looks like: oatmeal 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on throw in a pre and post shake on days i workout. i know it will be asked: no, i don't have time to make eggs in the morning. only reason i can even eat breakfast is because i make my oatmeal at work and shovel it down as i read my email in the morning At least 50-60% of my protein comes from shakes if I'm targetting over 200g per day. I don't worry about it...

joy division you can't cook some chicken or eat a can of tuna? Tuna- takes 2 seconds to open the can. Chicken- make it all at once in the oven, on sunday or whatever...there you have it, 3-4 pounds of chicken breasts to eat for the next few days. I'd just get sick from drinkin so much ON yeah, i could.. i guess i'd just prefer not to because i don't like reheated chicken and don't like the taste of tuna. i know, i'm being a bitch i've gotten used to the on, it doesn't bother me at all anymore. if by chance it gets to me, we have free coffee at the office so i can get that to chase away the taste.

fuck reheating it, i hate it warm..just eat it cold- I bring 2 pounds of chicken breasts with me to school. Just leave it in my bag. mmmmm mmmm

infinite loop i'm looking at my food journal and i notice on a typical day, i get ~70% of my potein from shakes. i've been super busy at work and don't have time to prepare my meals or go to resturants, so i've been living off of deli (subway and quisnos) sandwhiches for about 2 months now, and rely on 4-8 servings of ON for protein. i'm at 190lbs and cutting if it makes any difference. the weekends are ok as i grill fish or chicken at least once a day, it's only during the week that the majority of my prortien comes from shakes. typical weekday meal plan looks like: oatmeal 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on sammich 2 servings on throw in a pre and post shake on days i workout. i know it will be asked: no, i don't have time to make eggs in the morning. only reason i can even eat breakfast is because i make my oatmeal at work and shovel it down as i read my email in the morning I wouldnt worry about it. The only time I was ever told to make sure all my protein, or at least the majority of it, came from whole foods, was when a chinese herbalist told me my ying and yang and Chi was all out of wack. I changed my diet accordingly, and became sick and more tired and well all negative affects. I like the taste of food better, but sometimes its easier to make a shake and forget about it.

Getting a bunch from shakes is better than not getting enough. My only problem with relying on shakes too much is that they don't fill me up at all, so I do my best to get as much from whole foods as possible to keep my cravings down.

protein is protein but meat is sooo much more tasty....its true that different protein sources give different amounts of different amino acids but in my opinion it is all relevant

Shakes are ok but as Jugget said you wont be getting aminos and other nutrients that all help your body absorb and use up the protein. Also why are you having a shake before and after your workout? Your body can only digest so much at once and I may be wrong but Im guessing that 40g-1hour-40g is going to yield little more than lots of farting and protein turds. Protein wont help you work out it helps your body build muscle after you break it down working out so keep your post shake but re-consider the pre-shake IMO

Nothing wrong with the protein IMO; what's wrong is your veggies- or lack of it. That's a pretty bland diet for cutting to me Not to mention that a leetle more variety is good for the soul..unless you do well in the same routine , which honestly some of us do.

joy division fuck reheating it, i hate it warm..just eat it cold- I bring 2 pounds of chicken breasts with me to school. Just leave it in my bag. mmmmm mmmm hehe i used to do that, but everyone would make fun of me for eating "raw chicken" idiots

protein is protein. i see nothing wrong with it. if they dont fill you up I'd buy a bucket of mass gainer and throw in a couple of scoops. thats what I do and my shakes are ~400 calories, 45 grams of protien which fill me up pretty well

I get three of my meals from shakes and oats. Hasn't stopped me yet. You can only cook and eat so much. If we all had all the time in the world to cook, eat and workout then we wouldn't need shakes. Most of us have school and work.

what happens if the majority of your protein are not from whole foods?

Friday, December 27, 2013

Why Whey? Is Soy Protien not as good?

Why Whey? Is Soy Protien not as good?

I probably could find this in another thread but I felt like making one. The protien shakes I have been using are Soy protien. I've heard vague "bad stuff" about whey but never any substantiation or even specific bad things. What are the different benefits of different kinds of protien shakes? I see everyone on here is nuts about whey. How come? Get through the jokes in the beginning...and there are some good links to research on the types of Protein and how your body uses (or doesn't) them.

here we go again

sorry, I know, I'm a dumb broly noob.

soy protein is fine, but at least to me whey seems a lot more available and studies, most of which have been disproven, showed it could raise estrogen levels.

Maestro Nobones I probably could find this in another thread but I felt like making one. The protien shakes I have been using are Soy protien. I've heard vague "bad stuff" about whey but never any substantiation or even specific bad things. What are the different benefits of different kinds of protien shakes? I see everyone on here is nuts about whey. How come? soy protein isnt so much bad as it isnt as good as whey, whey is an animal protein. plant proteins are incomplete and dont give you all the essential amino acids necessary for muscle growth. one shouldnt live off plant protein alone, that is why we are omnivores. it will help suplement but definitely dont just eat beans or soy protein shakes if you want to make real gains. thats why vegetarians are such vagina McGinasteins

ok I read that other thread. so how about this, what's a good whey shake that doesn't have a bunch of other crazy additives/suppliments in it? I can't take stuff like stimulants, and I'm trying to stay away from too many synthesized chemicals in my suppliments (part of my MS diet). I like the soy shakes that I do because they are soy and spirulina, just protien and nutrition.

just drink the whey shake, maybe add some natty stuff, fruits, pb, milk

no, I eat a complete diet. I just like to add a scoop of protien to my smoothies. I'm also not building for true broly status, just strength and performance (for martial arts).

Why Whey? Is Soy Protien not as good?

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Does taurine have any real effects?

Does taurine have any real effects?

Or is it all psychological. I am to lazy to look up actual studies on the subject.

ur eyes be made up of it. so good for the eyes

Timothy C. Birdsall, ND. Therapeutic applications of taurine. Altern-Med-Rev. 1998 Apr; 3(2): 128-36 SARWAR GHULAM. Et al. PROTEIN-FREE AMINO ACIDS IN MILKS OF HUMAN, OTHER PRIMATES AND NONPRIMATES. USDA/ARS CHILDREN'S NUTRION Jacobsen JG, Smith LH. Biochemistry and physiology of taurine and taurine derivatives. Physiol Rev 1968;48:424-511. Nara Y, Yamori Y, Lovenberg W. Effects of dietary taurine on blood pressures in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Biochem Pharmacol 1978;27:2689-2692. Satoh H, Sperelakis N. Review of some actions of taurine on ion channels of cardiac muscle cells and others. Gen Pharmac 1998;30:451-463. Mizushima S, Nara Y, Sawamura M, Yamori Y. Effects of oral taurine supplementation on lipids and sympathetic nerve tone. Adv Exp Med Biol 1996;403:615-622. Reiter, Joel, Epilepsy: A New Approach, Walker and Company, N.Y. 1990, pp172-174.

what did that answer? it's probably all psychological. I've been taking 1000mg for a pretty long time and don't know what it's doing.

you said you were too lazy to look up for studies on it, i gotcha the studies. now read up

to me, doesn't really matter if it's psychological. physiological or psych, if it "works," by all means... when i was a kid, my lil sis was terrified of dogs, so i gave her these little beads and told her they were special and that if she threw them at a dog she was scared of, it would back off... and she stopped getting scared but then again, it would have been pretty bad if she had thrown them at a pitbull and gotten mauled...

nonplus but then again, it would have been pretty bad if she had thrown them at a pitbull and gotten mauled... that thought just popped in my head, dogs don't like shit thrown at them

SpeedyGST Timothy C. Birdsall, ND. Therapeutic applications of taurine. Altern-Med-Rev. 1998 Apr; 3(2): 128-36 SARWAR GHULAM. Et al. PROTEIN-FREE AMINO ACIDS IN MILKS OF HUMAN, OTHER PRIMATES AND NONPRIMATES. USDA/ARS CHILDREN'S NUTRION Jacobsen JG, Smith LH. Biochemistry and physiology of taurine and taurine derivatives. Physiol Rev 1968;48:424-511. Nara Y, Yamori Y, Lovenberg W. Effects of dietary taurine on blood pressures in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Biochem Pharmacol 1978;27:2689-2692. Satoh H, Sperelakis N. Review of some actions of taurine on ion channels of cardiac muscle cells and others. Gen Pharmac 1998;30:451-463. Mizushima S, Nara Y, Sawamura M, Yamori Y. Effects of oral taurine supplementation on lipids and sympathetic nerve tone. Adv Exp Med Biol 1996;403:615-622. Reiter, Joel, Epilepsy: A New Approach, Walker and Company, N.Y. 1990, pp172-174.

Does taurine have any real effects?

Friday, December 13, 2013

So can anyone give me some advice?

So can anyone give me some advice? I'm just wanting to make sure that I'm doing ok. Any suggestions would be great.

looks good but what are your goals? height? weight? bulking slow or fast?

Eat more. 1600 cal/day is nothing. 90 mins-2 hours is a long time; shorter and more intense workouts will probably do more for you. No need to warmup on the treadmill before lifting. I'd also save the stretching until you're done lifting. As far as your routine goes, you're focusing on isolated movements way too much. To build a good base strength you need compound movements involving your whole body. This routine is awesome for beginning: I would do cardio on off days only or at least at a different time of the day, not at the same time as lifting.

You're strength is not bad at all for a girl. 90 mins of cardio is quite a lot though.

girl you say? I must see a picture before any help is provided to ensure authentic and proper advice

Leb_CRX girl you say? I must see a picture before any help is provided to ensure authentic and proper advice I will post pics as soon as I get to where I want to be. I'm 5'7" and I want to weigh approx 120-130 lbs. (I would ideally like to weigh 120 but for the look I'm going for 130 is a more idealistic goal) I want to have muscle, muscle you can see. Not just muscle that's there when I flex. Basically I want to look like a "cut" girl but not a roid freak Right now I'm in what I will call the fat loss/basic muscle build stage.

Soularis You're strength is not bad at all for a girl. 90 mins of cardio is quite a lot though. I'm really intent on loseing weight

nic379 I will post pics as soon as I get to where I want to be. I'm 5'7" and I want to weigh approx 120-130 lbs. (I would ideally like to weigh 120 but for the look I'm going for 130 is a more idealistic goal) I want to have muscle, muscle you can see. Not just muscle that's there when I flex. Basically I want to look like a "cut" girl but not a roid freak Right now I'm in what I will call the fat loss/basic muscle build stage. respek! I wish more girls thought like you I hope you achieve your goals and in-turn satisfy my appetite of looking at picture of sexy looking woman

isnt 90 minutes on the treadmill a little too much? I would just do a little higher intensity and lower the time.

ok so I updated with my diet info for today.

BuckNut isnt 90 minutes on the treadmill a little too much? I would just do a little higher intensity and lower the time. i don't know if it is or not. is it hurting me? should i stop doing so much cardio???????

Read the two stickies about fat loss by christophers. His first post in both threads are gold mines. I still think your total cals for a day are low but that really depends on your own body. I'd up the protein to help you keep the muscle on while losing fat. This becomes even more important the lower your total cals go. Good luck!

Nick Read the two stickies about fat loss by christophers. His first post in both threads are gold mines. I still think your total cals for a day are low but that really depends on your own body. I'd up the protein to help you keep the muscle on while losing fat. This becomes even more important the lower your total cals go. Good luck! awesome thanks. i guess i'll have to start eating more eggs and tuna. and i was suprised at how low my total cals were for today. i'm usually around 1600-1800. and yes a big part to me is keeping the i will take your advice and eat more protein. can anyone explain to me why this will help me keep the muscle though?

nic379 awesome thanks. i guess i'll have to start eating more eggs and tuna. and i was suprised at how low my total cals were for today. i'm usually around 1600-1800. and yes a big part to me is keeping the i will take your advice and eat more protein. can anyone explain to me why this will help me keep the muscle though? why do we need it? Protein is a nutrient made up of amino acids. There are two types of amino acids. Non-essential Amino Acids can usually be synthesized by a healthy body from the foods that we eat each day. The Essential Amino Acids however, must be obtained through the daily diet. Protein has a number of important roles in the body, including: ----Repair of body cells ----Build and repair muscles and bones ----Provide a source of energy ----Regulate many important metabolic processes in the body Taken from:

Hip Hippo why do we need it? Protein is a nutrient made up of amino acids. There are two types of amino acids. Non-essential Amino Acids can usually be synthesized by a healthy body from the foods that we eat each day. The Essential Amino Acids however, must be obtained through the daily diet. Protein has a number of important roles in the body, including: ----Repair of body cells ----Build and repair muscles and bones ----Provide a source of energy ----Regulate many important metabolic processes in the body Taken from: this i understand..i took anatomy and physiology a while back but have forgotten alot of it but i remember this stuff.

So can anyone give me some advice?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

from a fucking email I got, so don't ask me for a fucking link! Exposed: The Top Ten Diet Fallacies - And The Truth to Set You Free By Ori Hofmekler, author of :ol('');" target=_blank>The Warrior Diet Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day When you wake-up, your body is already in an intense detox mode, clearing itself of endotoxins and digestive waste from the past evening meal. During the morning hours, when digestion is fully completed (while you are on an empty stomach), a primal survival mechanism, known as fight or flight reaction to stress, is triggered, maximizing your body's capacity to generate energy, be alert, resist fatigue and resist stress. This highly geared survival mode is primarily dominated by part of the autonomic nervous system known as the SNS (sympathetic nervous system). At that state, the body is in its most energy-producing phase and that's when most energy comes from fat burning. All that happens when you do not eat the typical morning meal. If however you follow what "normal guys" do and eat your morning bagel and cereal and egg & bacon, you'll most likely shut down the above energy producing system. The SNS and its fight or flight mechanism will be substantially suppressed. Instead, your morning meal will trigger an antagonistic part of the automatic nervous system known as the PSNS (Para sympathetic nervous system), which makes you sleepy, slow and less resilient to fatigue and stress. Instead of spending energy and burning fat, your body will be more geared towards storing energy and gaining fat. Under this state, detox would be inhibited. The overall metabolic stress would increase with toxins accumulating in the liver, giving the body another substantial reason to gain fat. (Fat tissues serve as a biological storage for toxins) The overall suppressing effects of morning meals, can lead to energy crashes during the daily (working) hours, often with chronic cravings for pick-up foods, sweets, coffee and tobacco. Eating at the wrong time, would severely interrupt the body's ability to be in tune with the circadian clock. The human body has never adapted to such interruptions. We are primarily pre-programmed to rotate between the two autonomic nervous system parts: the daily SNS and the nightly PSNS. The SNS regulates alertness and action during the day, while PSNS regulates relaxation, digestion and sleep during the nightly hours. Any interruption in this primal daily cycle, may lead into sleepiness during the day followed by sleeping disorders at night. Morning meals must be carefully designed not to suppress the SNS and its highly energetic state. Minimizing morning food intake to fruits, veggie soup or small amounts of fresh light protein foods, such as poached or boiled eggs, plain yogurt, or white cheese, will maintain the body in an undereating phase, while promoting the SNS with its energy producing properties. *Note: Athletes who exercise in the morning should turn breakfast into a post-exercise recovery meal. Such meals should consist of small amounts of fresh protein plus carbs such as yogurt and banana, eggs plus a bowl of oatmeal, or cottage cheese with berries. An insulin spike is necessary for effectively finalizing the anabolic actions of GH and IGF1 after exercise. Nonetheless, after the initial recovery meal, it's highly recommended to maintain the body in an undereating phase by minimizing daily carb intake in the following meals. Applying small protein meals (minimum carbs) every couple of hours will keep sustaining the SNS during the daily hours while providing amino acids for protein synthesis in the muscle tissues, promoting a long lasting anabolic effect after exercise. In conclusion, breakfast isn't the most important meal of the day. The most important meals are post-exercise recovery meals. Saying that, for a WARRIOR every meal is a recovery meal helping to recuperate from either nutritional stress (undereating) or physical stress (exercise). It's when you eat that makes what you eat matter. Discuss. ...and no, I do not know what the other nine are.

every meal is important

i eat all my meals like im breaking from a fast

fuck that. I love food in the morning.

dumbest shit ive ever heard...try doing any kind of morning practice on an empty stomach

I'm guessing the gimp that wrote that never did any sports in highschool

I've been wondering about the Warrior Diet... Coincidentally I never eat breakfast before my workout though I have tried to before.

timberwolf I've been wondering about the Warrior Diet... Coincidentally I never eat breakfast before my workout though I have tried to before. and look how ripped you are...except that you puke up blood

wtf last sentence?

Great Article...

deznutz Great Article... for the love of God, I hope your avatar is fake.

breakfast > * at least while dieting...i've read stuff where they follow successful weight losers and find two things in common in like 95% of them: eating breakfast and getting enough sleep

brolli for the love of God, I hope your avatar is fake. HOLY DUMBASS ALERT, BATMAN!

this thread can suck my phallusy

GOGZILLA dumbest shit ive ever heard...try doing any kind of morning practice on an empty stomach I cant eat breaky in the morning if I'm going to train straight away because I'd just puke it up anyway. Most I would have before hand would be a coffee or a shake then have my oats when I'm finished.

Anytime I read an article that vaguely talks about "toxins" & detox I am automatically skeptical.

thats great, if you want to get your energy by breaking down your muscle for energy

All Warrior-diet stupidity aside.. Breakfast is important so are the other 4 meals of the day.

Elfling All Warrior-diet stupidity aside.. Breakfast is important so are the other 4-15 meals of the day. fixed for those who are bulking

Dragon fixed for those who are bulking

and this is why the internet sucks....cut an paste gurus who read to much. I will be sure to use my fight or flight tomorrow before cardio

superbri007 fuck that shit, breakfast = winnar lets talk about the word breakfast for a minute break + fast = breakfast to break your fast from sleep, so you eat breakfast, to replenish your blood sugar, etc. i'd say thats very important I don't see the word morning anywhere in breakfast. If breakfast means just breaking a fast, then if I didn't eat until 5pm I'd be eating breakfast.

ralyks I don't see the word morning anywhere in breakfast. If breakfast means just breaking a fast, then if I didn't eat until 5pm I'd be eating breakfast. In which case you would definitely be breaking a fast, hmm?

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I fucking love the gym! v.repost?mebbe

I fucking love the gym! v.repost?mebbe Posted: 4/15/2005 by: Chad Zumock I can't wait to workout today! I'm going to do Chest & Biceps, actually I think I'll do Tris and Lats, or maybe Legs and Abs. Fuck it! I'm lifting everything! I'll do 16 sets of everything today. It doesn't matter. I love weights! I fucking love lifting them! I love the gym; I'm probably going to stay here for six hours today because I love working out so much! Alright time to get busy. I'm going to make incredibly obnoxious noises so the whole entire gym knows I'm lifting heavy weights. I can bench press 350 lbs. I can squat 500 lbs. Everyone will know this before I leave the gym today. Jesus, my tan looks great under these lights! I think I'll step it up to four times a week and a couple extra minutes in the bed. I tan naked! I'm so tan everywhere! I love being tan! I love protein shakes more than anything in life! I drink 50 protein shakes a day. I'm drinking one right now. I want to shit protein! I fucking love this shit! Is that a mirror? I'll look in it from the corner of eye so no one knows I'm looking at myself. God, I wish I could look dead-on at myself right now because I look that fucking good! LOOK AT MY BICEPS! They look so huge today. I know other people are looking at them, and I'll just let them look. I don't blame them one bit. My arms are enormous! Shit! My batteries in my CD player are running low. Fuck! How am I supposed to listen to my Korn CD? How am I going to get pumped up without it? Damn, my arms look huge today! Check out that chick. She fucking wants me. You can tell. I don't blame her. I look great! . She wants to touch these ARMS! I will let her touch them if she asks nicely. My penis is so small. It doesn't really matter, I'm so 'cut' everywhere else. My chest and my arms are ripped! Besides, my penis gets a little bigger when it's hard. It doesn't matter, I'm HUGE everywhere else. JUST LOOK AT THESE BICEPS! I need a more supplements RIGHT NOW!! I'm going to GNC after the gym and I'm going to spend $800 on bullshit pills with this shitty gold card that proves I go to GNC. I'm going to buy Amino Acids, and everything else just to buy it! I just want to spend my money there so bad! I think I'm done working out for the day. I could work out all day if I wanted too, but my HUGE muscles need to rest. I feel so swoll! I'm going to go get another protein shake. It helps my muscle recovery. I love protein so much! God, my penis is so small.


im so offended, im never working out again

at looking in the mirror part. i hate douchebags who masturbate to themselves in the gym mirrors

this is your worst post ever


I'm not sure if I should , , , or , so I'm just going to for the hell of it

JoeyCrack this is your worst post ever Oh come on! Haven't you ever seen the one like this about the striped shirt dude?? It made me laugh, there's so many asses like this at my gym.

girls dont lift weights!

Elfling Oh come on! Haven't you ever seen the one like this about the striped shirt dude?? It made me laugh, there's so many asses like this at my gym. sorry this one made my head hurt

I cant helpt it if my cannonball delts mesmerize all the fat menopausal sea cows on the ellipticals...

Mass I cant helpt it if my cannonball delts mesmerize all the fat menopausal sea cows on the ellipticals...

Illll give you a protein shaaaakeeee mothafuckaaaa.

i think it's clearly and obviously a satire/joke column?


I suck I can't believe I missed this...


I fucking love the gym! v.repost?mebbe

Monday, November 25, 2013



just got low carb GROW! chocolate today...tastes great that is all

I hear it tastes like cake batter. Truth?

christophers a lot of products have dumb names. muscle milk should just be called 'add heavy cream and chocolate flavoring to whey and milk, milk' I know you ain't be dissing MM. I don't really mind muscle milk as a name. I find it to be infinitely better than products like JACKED! and SWOLE! and TURBO POWER ANABOLIC BOMB!111

christophers no i like muscle milk i'm just not blind to the fact that the reason why it tastes so damn good is because its got a lot of fat in it. fat tastes awesome. i lovered heavy cream in my shakes when i went 180 220 Hey, there's nothing wrong with fat

I was referring only to product names.

christophers he never goes above 150g/carbs a day now, or when he was GROWING!

and another question, if you don't need to go over 150g of carbs, yet earlier this week it was said that going over 1g of protein/lb isn't good, am I supposed to get all of my calories from fat? too much contradicting shit lately

christophers nah you just use whatever you want as a ballast most people will just do much better eating a bunch of carbs and others with protein?

christophers and just cuz you dont "need" more than 1g/lb protein doesnt mean yo ucant get more cals from it if you want to when gaining weight itll jus be converted to carbs, no big deal yeah, but some people were laughing at the fact that people consume more...

i got the low carb one because people on the site said it wasnt as thick and tasted better i think i get enough carbs anyway with all the bread and rice i eat

Low carb Grow! really is the tastes like quik

ya it does taste damn good

meh, I don't think it's that great

tize elementary biology my friend What is the name of the process in which amino acids are converted to fatty acids?


blam gluconeogensis gluconeogenesis is the conversion of amino acids (or lactic acid or glycerol) to GLUCOSE

I never had low carb grow but I love the regular grow. Good stuff

Ceaze gluconeogenesis is the conversion of amino acids (or lactic acid or glycerol) to GLUCOSE Yar, I read your post wrong. Only a retard would think something that begins in gluco involves converting something to fat.

blam Yar, I read your post wrong. Only a retard would think something that begins in gluco involves converting something to fat. is this sarcasm? or are you trying to diss tize?

is going on?

no I wasnt dissing him, I was more covering up for my own retarded statement due to reading the thread to fast :-|


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weight gain tips for underweight/skinners

Weight gain tips for underweight/skinners

This is for Hard-gainers. A hard-gainer is somebody who is underweight with a low percentage of body fat and usually very little muscle and definition. It's a stringy and emaciated physique. Hard-gainers don't like the way they look because they feel they're too skinny. And if you're not a goth, you probably want to put on muscle and look like a fitness model.

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