Friday, December 13, 2013

So can anyone give me some advice?

So can anyone give me some advice? I'm just wanting to make sure that I'm doing ok. Any suggestions would be great.

looks good but what are your goals? height? weight? bulking slow or fast?

Eat more. 1600 cal/day is nothing. 90 mins-2 hours is a long time; shorter and more intense workouts will probably do more for you. No need to warmup on the treadmill before lifting. I'd also save the stretching until you're done lifting. As far as your routine goes, you're focusing on isolated movements way too much. To build a good base strength you need compound movements involving your whole body. This routine is awesome for beginning: I would do cardio on off days only or at least at a different time of the day, not at the same time as lifting.

You're strength is not bad at all for a girl. 90 mins of cardio is quite a lot though.

girl you say? I must see a picture before any help is provided to ensure authentic and proper advice

Leb_CRX girl you say? I must see a picture before any help is provided to ensure authentic and proper advice I will post pics as soon as I get to where I want to be. I'm 5'7" and I want to weigh approx 120-130 lbs. (I would ideally like to weigh 120 but for the look I'm going for 130 is a more idealistic goal) I want to have muscle, muscle you can see. Not just muscle that's there when I flex. Basically I want to look like a "cut" girl but not a roid freak Right now I'm in what I will call the fat loss/basic muscle build stage.

Soularis You're strength is not bad at all for a girl. 90 mins of cardio is quite a lot though. I'm really intent on loseing weight

nic379 I will post pics as soon as I get to where I want to be. I'm 5'7" and I want to weigh approx 120-130 lbs. (I would ideally like to weigh 120 but for the look I'm going for 130 is a more idealistic goal) I want to have muscle, muscle you can see. Not just muscle that's there when I flex. Basically I want to look like a "cut" girl but not a roid freak Right now I'm in what I will call the fat loss/basic muscle build stage. respek! I wish more girls thought like you I hope you achieve your goals and in-turn satisfy my appetite of looking at picture of sexy looking woman

isnt 90 minutes on the treadmill a little too much? I would just do a little higher intensity and lower the time.

ok so I updated with my diet info for today.

BuckNut isnt 90 minutes on the treadmill a little too much? I would just do a little higher intensity and lower the time. i don't know if it is or not. is it hurting me? should i stop doing so much cardio???????

Read the two stickies about fat loss by christophers. His first post in both threads are gold mines. I still think your total cals for a day are low but that really depends on your own body. I'd up the protein to help you keep the muscle on while losing fat. This becomes even more important the lower your total cals go. Good luck!

Nick Read the two stickies about fat loss by christophers. His first post in both threads are gold mines. I still think your total cals for a day are low but that really depends on your own body. I'd up the protein to help you keep the muscle on while losing fat. This becomes even more important the lower your total cals go. Good luck! awesome thanks. i guess i'll have to start eating more eggs and tuna. and i was suprised at how low my total cals were for today. i'm usually around 1600-1800. and yes a big part to me is keeping the i will take your advice and eat more protein. can anyone explain to me why this will help me keep the muscle though?

nic379 awesome thanks. i guess i'll have to start eating more eggs and tuna. and i was suprised at how low my total cals were for today. i'm usually around 1600-1800. and yes a big part to me is keeping the i will take your advice and eat more protein. can anyone explain to me why this will help me keep the muscle though? why do we need it? Protein is a nutrient made up of amino acids. There are two types of amino acids. Non-essential Amino Acids can usually be synthesized by a healthy body from the foods that we eat each day. The Essential Amino Acids however, must be obtained through the daily diet. Protein has a number of important roles in the body, including: ----Repair of body cells ----Build and repair muscles and bones ----Provide a source of energy ----Regulate many important metabolic processes in the body Taken from:

Hip Hippo why do we need it? Protein is a nutrient made up of amino acids. There are two types of amino acids. Non-essential Amino Acids can usually be synthesized by a healthy body from the foods that we eat each day. The Essential Amino Acids however, must be obtained through the daily diet. Protein has a number of important roles in the body, including: ----Repair of body cells ----Build and repair muscles and bones ----Provide a source of energy ----Regulate many important metabolic processes in the body Taken from: this i understand..i took anatomy and physiology a while back but have forgotten alot of it but i remember this stuff.

So can anyone give me some advice?

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