Sunday, December 29, 2013

question about ephedrine..

question about ephedrine..

i was looking through the archives and was reading about the yohimbine hcl/ephedrine/caffeine combination and was curious about ephedrine. i'm a college athelete and ephedrine is on the ncaa's banned substance list. how long does ephedrine stay in the body? and when i quit using it (in season) will my body fat loss remain, or will i bounce back to my original bf% (i'll still be dieting/working hard)?

not sure about lifespan, but you won't lose teh gains you made while on ephedrine. As long as your diet doens't go to shit, the fat burned off will stay off. If you have the time and aren't grossly out of shape for your sport, I'd suggest skipping teh ephedrine, just in case. As an athlete, don't you get tested in teh offseason as well, or is that just the pro's?

I believe the half life is only a few hours.

i swam division III and we got tested once, for like physicals and shit. never again for the rest of the season. i'm transfering to a division I school and gonna swim there as well as possibly run track (sprinting). i duno how the drug testing is done there, but here we were told we might randomly be tested... but never were (besides that initial testing)

Not sure about half life either but you will look softer after going off ephedrine...

isnt it hard to find stuff with ephedrine in it these days?

oh... my b... not really up on stuff like that...

question about ephedrine..

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