Thursday, December 26, 2013

OMG like... do i need to lose weight!??!!!!

OMG like... do i need to lose weight!??!!!!

It seems like every single person I know is saying how I'm getting fat and that I need to lose weight. My dad just saw the new shipment of whey and said to me "if you want to lose weight, just stop taking those things and you'll get your old shape back in no time!" He said it with this disgusted shameful look on his face too So i ask OT... which pic looks better. The three pics are each many, many months apart and randomly placed.

yeah... lose weight

and then go to the gym and work out

Why are asians so fucking do not need to lose weight. You need to gain muscle, stat.

Code:#1 19 44.19% #2 17 39.53% #3 3 6.98% 4. they equally 4 9.30% suck--it's a tie! So i did this same poll on and that was the result. The only person who isn't telling me to cut is christopher btw, i'm 135 in #2

superbri007 i say 3 for now, cause it looks like you could afford to keep bulking up and gaining some muscles Yea that's my current plan... bulk up til 180-200 and decide from there. But with literally everyone in real life telling me to go the other way, i'm getting confused as fuck. A close girl who's used to seeing me as skinny #2 saw me naked recently and told me I had really let myself go and that i should go on the treadmill with her. And here I am being so excited i finally hit #3.

For some reason my girl likes the extra pudge I've put on from bulking. In any case, if you're even considering "cutting", slap yourself.. No...slap yourself twice.

You need to bulk to 250 then cut.

please please please do not lose weight

christophers I made that one too many moons ago

i think you need to eat and lift weights. maybe buy a drum of synthol, or maybe 2? i

at pics

keep eating, the people around you are just used to everyone being small, they way they think is warped. everything you are doing is fine, just keep bulking

jonno at pics .

If you hang out with mainly asians kids, most likely you will look bigger than them without trying too hard. I know that feeling oh too well, but no keep eating and working out. Come back and ask the same question in 6-12 months.

dude how tall are you?

and the weight of each picture u posted!

i remember when my bulking went out of control. Im asian as well when i exploded from 160->210 man so many ppl started calling me crazy. keep up with it and cut.

AmCo i remember when my bulking went out of control. Im asian as well when i exploded from 160->210 man so many ppl started calling me crazy. keep up with it and cut. good fucking bulk. ketchup, if people are going to start calling you fat already, you might as well deserve it. start eating seriously and start lifting seriously. keep going till they call you obese.

1. 160 2. 135 3. 165 edit: @6ft


keep bulking still too skinny. people who say you need to cut dont know what they are talking about or what you're trying to achieve, only YOUDO

all 3 pictures look the same to me

i wouldn't cut...hit the weights harder and keep bulking

OMG like... do i need to lose weight!??!!!!

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