Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's Legs Day :wtc:

It's Legs Day :wtc:

I desperately want bigger legs but I hate working them out because I pay for it the next couple days . I'm just going to man up and hit them hard, pray for me .

Dr. Feel Good I desperately want bigger legs but I hate working them out because I pay for it the next couple days . I'm just going to man up and hit them hard, pray for me . Just man up and do it. The pain goes away after a couple of workouts.

gosideways Just man up and do it. The pain goes away after a couple of workouts.

leg day for me too

I have chicken legs so I am starting to work them twice a week. I love doings legs now.

leg day is the best day

my legs still feel like murder after monday's workout. i just will myself through the next days until they don't hurt anymore.

last time i worked out legs i had a horrible pain behind my thigh, but only on my right leg....was this due to not stretching enough or incorrect form?

sounds like form

They dont really hurt anymore after youve been working out for a while, they'll get sore but it wont be the pain like the day after your very first leg workout

squats > *

evi1eddie squats > *

eliktronix last time i worked out legs i had a horrible pain behind my thigh, but only on my right leg....was this due to not stretching enough or incorrect form? I usually warm up for a minute or two on one of the cardio machines

Just got back from the gym and I'm exhausted! I hit everything really hard today but my legs aren't quivering like they did last week so I don't think I'll be quite as sore as I was last week. I do love the feeling I get after a good legs workout though!

eliktronix last time i worked out legs i had a horrible pain behind my thigh, but only on my right leg....was this due to not stretching enough or incorrect form? i'd go with incorrect form

It's Legs Day :wtc:

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