Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Anyone have experience with patellofemoral degeneration and weightlifting?

Anyone have experience with patellofemoral degeneration and weightlifting?

I can't run track much for the next four to six weeks to heal, and I'd love to get more lifting in. But will it stunt my recovery?

Shit man I have. Mine wasn't too bad, all I really needed was to wear orthotics. I lifted regularly while I waited for my knees to get better. For me, as long as the orthotics were in, I wasn't doing any more damage. I still figure that bending my knee 20 or 30 times to do a bunch of squats will do a lot less damage than all the times you bend it while running.

Rummy Shit man I have. Mine wasn't too bad, all I really needed was to wear orthotics. I lifted regularly while I waited for my knees to get better. For me, as long as the orthotics were in, I wasn't doing any more damage. I still figure that bending my knee 20 or 30 times to do a bunch of squats will do a lot less damage than all the times you bend it while running. How long did it take you to get back to running? If you were a distance runner, how long till you got up to a good weekly mileage? (50+)

James O'Leary How long did it take you to get back to running? If you were a distance runner, how long till you got up to a good weekly mileage? (50+) Yeah thats the thing. I was never a distance runner. I think 3 miles is the furthest I've ever run. I developed enough pain just doing like 90 minutes a week on an elliptical machine. My deal was really my overpronated feet. They caused a misalignment in my leg, which caused the degeneration. Once I corrected the foot, my knees felt better pretty quick.

My knees got better after I damaged them doing long-distance running; I gave up running, picked up lifting, and after I learned to do squats and other stuff right I think my knees are better now. I haven't gone back to long distance, longest I've gone since is 8 miles..but my goals are different and I'm just happy I can run at all.

Anyone have experience with patellofemoral degeneration and weightlifting?

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