Sunday, December 29, 2013

Got a game tomorow, possible to recover faster?

Got a game tomorow, possible to recover faster?

I did a chest workout today, and I was wondering if I could do anything to help the soreness (should start to hurt tonight and in the morning) Obviously a warmup tomorow, but anything in the meantime?

ice packs?

sleep tons and eat well. Try to get some blood flowing through those muscles as well.

I can't do a single pushup...chest is just sore

protein and i've always heard stretch but it never does anything for me

time machine

Shaolin_sword36 I can't do a single pushup...chest is just sore I doubt that. If that is true you do to much chest stuff.

Glutamine usually helps my soreness for some reason..

Got a game tomorow, possible to recover faster?

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