Friday, December 27, 2013

Free Biotest Spike supp

Free Biotest Spike supp

I am not really sure if this shit is the next coming of christ like biotest claims, but free is free and I guess I'll find out what its about. Free 8 caps of it. (top right)

Bulk Nutrition will have sulbutiamine shortly

I read a T-Nation article about this shit and they're seriously comparing it to amphetamines. WTF.

amps, awesome where do i sign up?

good find I'll give it a try

god i love amphetamines

GOGZILLA god i love amphetamines .

mine came today. anyone try theirs yet?

sinbon1 mine came today. anyone try theirs yet? .

haha yes, i got it today and took 1 cap. A few hours ago, i was in the shower, feeling fine, and suddenly i felt dizzy and nauseous and almost fell. I barely got out of the bathroom and into bed and i'm still there now related? i have no clue, but the other 7 are going straight to the garbage once i can get up again edit: nothing like this has ever happened to me before today

Chris3G haha yes, i got it today and took 1 cap. A few hours ago, i was in the shower, feeling fine, and suddenly i felt dizzy and nauseous and almost fell. I barely got out of the bathroom and into bed and i'm still there now mmm i'm anxious to try this one now

jonno mmm i'm anxious to try this one now

Anyone know what happened to Biotest's Surge? I used to like the taste of it...

superbri007 i'm lying in bed with my laptop right now...really wanted to go out tonight too

superbri007 no not that, the fact of what it did to you. What else happened? that's it, i just felt really weak like i was going to pass out. now i have a headache and i still feel weak but the dizziness is mostly gone. I don't know that it was the spike but wtf else could it have been?

I dunno, but since you're lying in bed I'll make the assumption that you haven't been drinking much water. Drag your ass to the kitchen and get something to drink if that's the case.

b-stevens I dunno, but since you're lying in bed I'll make the assumption that you haven't been drinking much water. Drag your ass to the kitchen and get something to drink if that's the case. i'm doing that now and eating as well, i was starving. i'm finally up and out of bed, feeling a little better now. the whole thing was just

just read this on is exactly what happened to me I also ditched it right into the trash can!! I tookd 2 pills, as I'm usually pretty good with stimulants...2 hours later I felt horrible!!!...I felt like I had the flu...I was dizzy, sweating, shaking, and had the worst muscleaches...It's finally starting to tone down now after about 4 hours...but I had to leave work, I couldn't barely stand, no more spike for me...I'll stick to my beloved neurostim! __________________

just for reference, i regulary take EC with no issues (not taking it now though, so that's got nothing to do with this), and (my lab rat) has done clen for a 3WK cycle also without problems, and i've never had something bother me like this before.

Sulbutiamine increases glutamic activity. Hypoglycemia is part of the body's response to excess glutamate. So you were probably hypoglycemic.

Ceaze Sulbutiamine increases glutamic activity. Hypoglycemia is part of the body's response to excess glutamate. So you were probably hypoglycemic. gonna look this stuff up

Ceaze Sulbutiamine increases glutamic activity. Hypoglycemia is part of the body's response to excess glutamate. So you were probably hypoglycemic. i think this may be it, would you say the effect would be made worse if my body is unusually low on carbohydrates at the time?

i dunno but i just ate a pizza (seriously, 8 slices ) and i'm finally feeling better.

I got mine yesterday. Going to try it out one day.

Free Biotest Spike supp

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