Sunday, December 29, 2013

So I need gain weight v.adviceforskinnybastage

So I need gain weight v.adviceforskinnybastage

First off, don't laugh guys Now honestly, I'm not too worried about bulking strictly muscularly, because I'm just really that goddamn skinny, but I would obviously prefer muscle over fat. I calculated it through stuff in the archives, and I need to eat roughly ~3000-3200 calories per day to maintain, and let me reiterate that I'm pretty skinny and I eat only 3 meals per day right now, which is a light breakfast before school (cause I'm always running late - ~200 calories max), a cafeteria lunch (I have no clue, maybe ~500-600 calories?), and finally a semi decent meal for dinner which would probably max at about 900 calories. So on a typical day, as you can see, I'm hitting about 2000-2500ish calories (including snacks and stuff). I know that's probably nothing compared to you guys Oh and also I need to point out that I don't have a workout routine right now, but I'm going to be starting that soon (more on that below). Here's where my questions/concerns come in. What kind of meals/etc can I make for myself that have high caloric content? I don't have very much time in the mornings, and even if I boil/fry myself some eggs that's still like 200ish calories yeah? As far as the cafeteria lunch, I don't have much of a choice there because of my meal plan/money constraints. Dinner, yeah. So by typing this out I've kind of answered my own question that I just need to eat more in between meals, which is going to be hard because it's hard for me to get myself to eat when I'm not hungry. Any suggestions there? I guess it's just a mental thing. Now this is going to seem dumb to you guys, but that's kind of my point, I want you guys to point out the flaw in my thinking here Since my main goal is to just gain weight, I'm hesitant to have a regular workout routine because that'll just be burning calories that I'm desperately trying to eat. Plus doesn't working out boost your metabolism? Mine's plenty fast right now Right now I was planning on trying to gain weight as fast as possible, and then work out to tone up/bulk up... is that stupid? As you guys can see I'm a pretty big noob, but I've been through the archives some and I'm still trying to figure out how I'm gonna do all this, so I appreciate any and all responses

newb thread/archives edit and since u have a subs, search for bulking foods, stuff like that


Ilyusha Height/weight/pics? 5'7" 115 maybe 120 I haven't weighed myself in a bit I don't have pics cause I'm self conscious

CaseLogic 5'7" 115 maybe 120 I haven't weighed myself in a bit I don't have pics cause I'm self conscious Eat until you vomit.

Ilyusha Eat until you vomit. That sentence implies you stop eating after you vomit. Not so. Swallow down your vomit and continue eating (Yes, I'm serious.)

KetchupKing That sentence implies you stop eating after you vomit. Not so. Swallow down your vomit and continue eating (Yes, I'm serious.) What was I thinking..

Wow I'm so excited about doing this

You're not going to lift?.. Have fun being as skinny as you are right now, with a massive gut. It's gonna look extremely funny.

Phlab You're not going to lift?.. Have fun being as skinny as you are right now, with a massive gut. It's gonna look extremely funny. Please leave the thread

CaseLogic Please leave the thread hes right... why do you want to pack mass on so quickly? sports? just eat a ton and lift, you'll be happy you did

NoXeN hes right... why do you want to pack mass on so quickly? sports? just eat a ton and lift, you'll be happy you did He's not 100% right because I asked you guys to tell me what was wrong with my thought process, not to tell me I'm a dipshit/flame me for not working out I was probably gonna be lifting anyways. And I'm not in a particular hurry, I just want to weigh more

CaseLogic He's not 100% right because I asked you guys to tell me what was wrong with my thought process, not to tell me I'm a dipshit for not working out I was probably gonna be lifting anyways. And I'm not in a particular hurry, I just want to weigh more I called you a dipshit? PS, if you want to put on a load of fat (which is exactly what those extra cals will turn into if you don't lift), then go for it. You'll gain "mass", just not any muscle. If you want to improve the way you look, then lift.

Just make sure to get some extra calories on days you lift, problem solved.

Phlab I called you a dipshit? PS, if you want to put on a load of fat (which is exactly what those extra cals will turn into if you don't lift), then go for it. You'll gain "mass", just not any muscle. If you want to improve the way you look, then lift. My point was you didn't have to seem like such an assbag, there are more polite ways of saying things But I appreciate your advice anyways.

Like everyone else said, eating more and not working out will just make you skinny fat. I know this from first hand experience . I like snaking on almonds. They don't fill me up and are pretty calorie dense. A half a cup of almonds has around 300 calories. They should also be easy for you to put in a baggy and bring to school. I also drink shakes for breakfast because I'm not much of a breakfast person. If you mix in the right stuff(oats, flaxseed oil, protein powder) you can get some easy calories.

So I need gain weight v.adviceforskinnybastage

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