Monday, December 23, 2013

so the summer's comin up fast...

so the summer's comin up fast...

who's gettin them beach muscles primed and prepped? [sex muscle crew sign in ]

eh why would this be locked, it's a fun thread for the people cutting for summer. no community up in this bitch no mo' oh well, thread failure.

im still a bit flabby, dont care though my gyno has gone down though and it doesnt stick out like a sore thumb anymore so goin to the beach this year will be the first time in years..

Using the term "sex muscles" should be grounds for a ban.

cutting here, not so much for the beach cuz imma be taking 12 units in summer school im just trying to get quicker for basketball though.

Zaffir Using the term "sex muscles" should be grounds for a ban. that's what they're jokingly referred to jackass. even around here.

NoXeN im still a bit flabby, dont care though my gyno has gone down though and it doesnt stick out like a sore thumb anymore so goin to the beach this year will be the first time in years.. grats on the gyno. mine doesn't seem to be affected by the nolva yet, only been a month though. how long did it take you for some noticable results?

Im getting ready.Lost about 15 pounds in the last 3 weeks all i do is eat about 1300 Calories a day i was at 210 and yesterday it said im down to 192 so im doing good so far. Working out 4 days a week and on my 5th day is abs and run thats it for about 50 min or so.

I'm actually in fullon bulk mode

nathanbx I'm actually in fullon bulk mode in on bulk mode, this summer doesn't mean shit. my 21st birthday summer is when it all counts. Next january is the cut

im at the end of of my cutting cycle too . I have a shore house for the summer so i'll be spending every weekend on the beach

Bulking starts in three weeks, FUCK Summer

nathanbx I'm actually in fullon bulk mode holla

aenz that's what they're jokingly referred to jackass. even around here. Your post sure didn't seem like a joke p.s. cutting here too

Zaffir Your post sure didn't seem like a joke i was talking about "prepping" and "priming" my beach muscles. how could that NOT be a joke.

I have been cutting since Jan.

Erik_sr20 Can still see my abs you suck @ teh bulking

XxBoNexX Im getting ready.Lost about 15 pounds in the last 3 weeks all i do is eat about 1300 Calories a day i was at 210 and yesterday it said im down to 192 so im doing good so far. Working out 4 days a week and on my 5th day is abs and run thats it for about 50 min or so. just so ya know, 210-192=18... you're doing better than you thought =)

bulking until at least june, probably mid june.

i'm 5'8'', 215, and i'm going to be anorexic until i can see my sex muscles. until then, only water for me. gosh, i'm so excited. i wanna see my sex muscles.

Atenza6i i'm 5'8'', 215, and i'm going to be anorexic until i can see my sex muscles. until then, only water for me. gosh, i'm so excited. i wanna see my sex muscles. I though so too, then after I got them I realized I needed to get bigger again.

kronik85 just so ya know, 210-192=18... you're doing better than you thought =) uh, you're congratulating him for losing 15 pounds in 3 weeks, while he's doing 50 minutes of cardio at a time eating 1,300 calories a day?

Down 27lbs as of a few days ago. However, I really can't wait to bulk again.

I'm gonna cut just enough for my clothes to start fitting again.

Mike McDermott what have you been doing for the gyno? taking tamoxifen (nolva) it works really slowly, so its hard to tell when it really starts to work..

so the summer's comin up fast...

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