Thursday, December 26, 2013

My 1-ad experiment....

My 1-ad experiment....

When I did 1-ad before I took a dosage of 300mg in the first week and finished off at 500mg in the last week or two...going through 2 bottles. Went from 167-180 first time... and from 173-178lbs second time. First time, was terribly lethargic and libido went south by second week. Second time I took 4-ad along with it so really experienced no sides. This time I tried taking only 200mg throughout and experienced no sides. Despite eating relatively clean 4-5 days per week, my weight went up to 181lbs this morning. I was 178lbs before I started but weight did keep fluctuating to as low as 173lbs.

god you're so disgustingly fat........... Looking great man. I only had luck with 1ad the first time I tried it, the second time I kept increasing the dose to really high and didn't get anything but being really tired. Same with m1t. If I ever lean out again, I may look into doing the real thing.

i noticed no sides on m1t but i didnt get very good gains, i cut for week 1 and then bulked alot the last 3 weeks. i forgot my dosage but it was 3 pills a day when the recommended was 2 a day. i went from 216 down to 209 after week 1 then back up to 214, i worked out hard, but i think my main downfall was not sleeping enough.

trancezj god you're so disgustingly fat........... Looking great man. I only had luck with 1ad the first time I tried it, the second time I kept increasing the dose to really high and didn't get anything but being really tired. Same with m1t. If I ever lean out again, I may look into doing the real thing. And I only went through 1 bottle to boot. On other boards, most said 200mg is too low for most and would likely only cause shutdown w/o any of the benefits. Again, it was only 3 lbs but I didn't even want to gain but was trying to see if I could maintain and lean up above 175lbs.

This was last june at 170lbs. I actually prefer how I look here. Oh well... I'll be back there soon enough.

what do your arms measure?

gsteclipse97 what do your arms measure? I thnk he said they are 17.5. It is amazing what being cut does.

ryazbeck i noticed no sides on m1t but i didnt get very good gains, i cut for week 1 and then bulked alot the last 3 weeks. i forgot my dosage but it was 3 pills a day when the recommended was 2 a day. i went from 216 down to 209 after week 1 then back up to 214, i worked out hard, but i think my main downfall was not sleeping enough. So you used it for 4 weeks straight? At what dosage? I have some potential blood problems that's congenital so methyls aren't an option. 4-ad is still my favourite in terms of how I felt on it overall though maintaining a low dose of 1-ad makes me feel pretty good as well moodwise etc.

god i need bigger arms

ACURA TL-S I thnk he said they are 17.5. It is amazing what being cut does. This morning 17 5/8". Unfortunately my waist is up almost an inch. 28" this morning.

Timberwolf, everytime you post a new picture, I feel like shit and motivated to lift at the same time. Argh!!! Lookin' good though! I might have to try that stuff if it keeps working good for you!

timberwolf This morning 17 5/8". Unfortunately my waist is up almost an inch. 28" this morning. i wish i had your problem

Socrates Timberwolf, everytime you post a new picture, I feel like shit and motivated to lift at the same time. Argh!!! Lookin' good though! I might have to try that stuff if it keeps working good for you! oh god

jonno oh god seconded with an additional forehead slap followed by a heavy sigh

no, he thinks ur a fucking tool bag

My 1-ad experiment....

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