Sunday, December 29, 2013

digestive enzymes

digestive enzymes

anyone take them or know where to get a good price on them? I wanna give it a shot

whats it do

Try a non-retarded training program, I bet you start growing.

JuggetEQ whats it do turns your poo into blueberry muffins.

Ceaze Try a non-retarded training program, I bet you start growing. much? I personally think my split is fine, what could really be better?

christophers how about not training like a juiced up pro bb'r.. if you are not a juiced up pro bb'r? actually right now I sorta am. I have been on this S1 bullshit for 3 weeks now and it has kicked in. so? I just can't see what's wrong with the split, if it's taken me this far there obviously can't be anything wrong with it.

christophers dude.. you are training like people on boatloads of real drugs and you are on S1.. why not actually take his advice and try training differently instead of staying in the same place? maybe you are more content with having no progress than you think I train 5 days a week, how is that so damn intense? I've tried low volume stuff and it's taken me no where. I actually just recently upped the volume to see where it takes me. Personally I think it's something with my body just not digesting food properly.

my plan was changed. went from maybe 10-12 sets a day to 18-20 for bigger muscle groups

christophers i think you need to expand your training knowledge base, outside of working a bodypart once a week with high volume. ps: training days/week has nothing to do with having a retarded training program nor does it have anything to do with intensity btw, i still say you are more content with being 220 than you think I am at 228, but most of it probably is just bloat from the S1. Honestly all the training things I see just look flat out retarded. Intensity is not an issue, trust me. (yeah, everyone says that) just another little statement, majority of the workouts that (I have seen) the pros do are 1 body part a week. You might say they are all juiced up, but any juicer will tell you the style of training does not differ.

What kind of training program would you say to get on for someone like me? Everyone calls the 5 day/week split so retarded, but never has anything to recommend. I've tried splitting back/bi, chest/tri, etc and blasting them 2 days a week, but that didn't work either.

My first first year of high school I ran the mile in track and my sophmore year I went out for cross country. You ever see the guys that run those events? While running cross country we used to run by the football field and that's where my heart really wanted to be. This is when I started hitting the weights. I bought all those 'Muscle and Fitness' and 'Flex' magazines. I followed the their routines religously and bought all the crap that they advertised that would make you bigger. When I graduated high school I was 185 and by the time I turned 21 I was a mere 195. I was still training hard. Hell, I was training 6 times a week! And that was my problem. I thought more was better. Somebody a lot bigger than me told me that I was overtraining, that I needed to spend less time in the gym and hit the basics hard. I was up to 220 in 6 months. That was back in 1988. Since then, I've put on 130lbs and I'm the strongest I have ever been and getting stronger. If someone told me years ago that it would take this long to ahieve what I have done I would have probably given up. But there is no better feeling than being in the gym, throwing weights around, seeing what punishment your body can take and seeing the fruits of your hard labor. I found out what works for me and you will have to also. Once you do it will make you that much hungrier to obtain your goals. My advice to you is ask questions, experiment with different exercises and training schemes, and be persistent. Weight training has introduced me to the best sport in the world and experiences that I would never of imagined. -Mike Ruggiera

that guys neck is bigger than a tree stump. I guess trying 4 days a week wouldn't hurt, but it just seems like the muscles wouldn't get worked enough. I'd be interested to see how that guy was training during that time frame

SteveO What kind of training program would you say to get on for someone like me? Everyone calls the 5 day/week split so retarded, but never has anything to recommend. I've tried splitting back/bi, chest/tri, etc and blasting them 2 days a week, but that didn't work either. Full-body workouts, two to three days a week Upper body/Lower body split, four days a week Here's some links for ideas.

I don't like most of those splits, they almost all completely neglect shoulders which makes 0 sense to me

SteveO I don't like most of those splits, they almost all completely neglect shoulders which makes 0 sense to me You can just add some raises and overhead presses if you wish.

SteveO that guys neck is bigger than a tree stump. I guess trying 4 days a week wouldn't hurt, but it just seems like the muscles wouldn't get worked enough. I'd be interested to see how that guy was training during that time frame I think the key to the whole 4 days a week thing is Busting your ass. I dont possibly see how i could train anymore in a week, i would be completely dead.

Mike McDermott get rid of the kickbacks I don't do them very often, but never will completely toss them out

vettedude I think the key to the whole 4 days a week thing is Busting your ass. I dont possibly see how i could train anymore in a week, i would be completely dead. good rest and lots of calories can do wonders.

SteveO good rest and lots of calories can do wonders. I suggest taking up christophers routine and tell me you want to do more

Peal I suggest taking up christophers routine and tell me you want to do more u got the link handy? I can't find it anywhere. I will try it for 2 months and see what happens (i don't necessarily think its best for your goals though man, I was just making a point)

Peal (i don't necessarily think its best for your goals though man, I was just making a point) my goals are to be huge and strong, not asking for much. That really doesn't look like much. It might be harder than it looks, but it seriously isn't so mind blowing intense.

SteveO my goals are to be huge and strong, not asking for much. That really doesn't look like much. It might be harder than it looks, but it seriously isn't so mind blowing intense. its intense in a way you're probably not used to. Intensity =| lots of volume.

SteveO that guys neck is bigger than a tree stump. I guess trying 4 days a week wouldn't hurt, but it just seems like the muscles wouldn't get worked enough. I'd be interested to see how that guy was training during that time frame I was an extremely skinny kid when I started weight training. As I mentioned before I ran the mile in track and used to run 5 and 10k races. Hell, I even got talked into running a half marathon one time. That stuff had to go. I got my weight up to 185 by the time I graduated by doing alot of bodybuilding stuff that I read out of all those Joe Weider magazines. By the time I was 21 I had only gained 10lbs. My problem was that I always thought more was better. I was training 6 days a week and not getting anywhere fast. I looked great. Had the six pack and the pretty boy look. But I wanted size and strength. It wasn't until I took a trip up to Silver Springs PA just outside Harrisburg. I was living in York doing construction work... anyway, there was this flea market that had a booth that sold cheap nutritional supplements there. The guy that ran it was the biggest dude I ever met. A 'real' freak!!! I asked him about some bullshit I just read in Flex magazine. He chuckled and asked me what I wanted to get out of my training. I told him that I wanted to be big and strong. He started asking me about my training then laughed. "No wonder you're not putting any size on and you're all ripped up!", he said while laughing. Well, if he didn't make me feel like a dumbass. We talked for about an hour and a half. He explained that recovery and basics were the key. Also, I was not taking enough calories in to support my training and the line of work I was into. What I ended up doing was cutting the days I trained in half. Three days a week. I kept the amount of exercises I did per body part to three and no more. No more than three working sets per exercise. I trained everything heavy! And most important, I kept everything basic. No cable crossovers, no hack squats, no kickbacks, no pec deck... well, you get the point. I trained this way from 1988 up until I met Lou in 1998. I went from 195 to just over 300lbs in that time, so it didn't happen overnight. It was a lot of blood sweat and tears, not to mention McDonalds, milk and Chef Boyardee. LOL!!! Mike

interesting, so what's with all the talk about keeping your muscles shocked and not doing the same exercises all the time?

digestive enzymes

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