Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Need some advise about drinking creatine.

Need some advise about drinking creatine.

Should I drink my creatine all before I workout or should I drink some of it then the rest during my workout. I"m thinking maybe if I drink alittle in the begining and then the rest during my workout I'll have energy all throughout my workout.

Creatine = STEROIDS!!!!!

After your workout, tho i take it during and after

cbrpimp [img]images/smilies/gtfo2.gif[/img] you suck at the image linking. But anyways.. I take my creatine about 30min before my workout

mtnbike4522 you suck at the image linking. But anyways.. I take my creatine about 30min before my workout Cool. I just want to know what other poeple do. I don't want to run out of energy so that why I started taking some before my workout and some during.

If you don't want to run out of energy so bad, work out more.

I drink it during

Isnt it best to drink some before, and some after the workout? This way you have the muscles being able to regenarate faster during the work out, and after your done they heal super fast.

damiand Isnt it best to drink some before, and some after the workout? because of all the conflicting information, that's what i do.

Drink it immediatly after. Along with a Protein shake. And eat too. Heres some info. Research it yourself. http://bodybuilding.com/fun/bbinfo.php?page=Creatine

im pretty sure the creatine isnt going to give you energy on the spot bro. i take mine after.

i dunno but once when i took creatine it made me an angry person! but other times i was perfectly fine. dont take any advice from me though =p

i take mine before my 7 am work out and after my night work out

I drink it immediatly after. Follow up with a protein shake and food. Dont forget the food. Your body will absorb all that shit because it needs to be re-fuled.

I take it about 45minutes before. AmCo i dunno but once when i took creatine it made me an angry person! but other times i was perfectly fine. dont take any advice from me though =p

Need some advise about drinking creatine.

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