Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Bow flex any good?

Bow flex any good?

I have a gym membership, it cost me $30 a month, And i dont find time to go there when i would prefer when they are open. So I was looking into getting something like bowflex or another system if recommended. I could do it on my own time and save money over all. Ideas?

It's a machine weight. No.

It's a machine weight. No. edit : posted on my brothers account as paintballer, switched to my account and posted the same, and remembered I don't know his pw to delete comment

Plastic piece of shit

delete thread RUN

Dad bought one and I use it every once in awhile. Works alright but no where close to real weight. However it does do one thing that I havent noticed free weights do it make you might for complete control of the movement. but id stay with a gym membership

My girlfriend's dad bought one. I couldn't tell you how well it works because they only used it for the first week they had it.

better than nothing......but the gym is the best

you better off with a rack, bench and DBs

xpinchx My girlfriend's dad bought one. I couldn't tell you how well it works because they only used it for the first week they had it. isnt that what they all do?

...I think they're great!!!!! .....for hanging your clothes on

if you can't find the time to go the gym, then you're not motivated enough to do this. It's not so much of an equipment problem, i'm sure it's possible to make decent gains on a bowflex...but you just don't have the right attitude to do it. Most likely you'll buy the thing, use it for 2 weeks, and then it will sit collecting dust.

Contrary to popular belief here in OT, it is a decent system IF you are A BEGINNER. That said, anything is decent if your a beginner. I used to have one and it no doubt helped me build a decent base back starting out days. You have to bust your butt on it to get sore and I pretty much only used it for benching. Real free weights and a gym are the best by far though.

resistance will get you stronger. Doesn't really matter where it comes from.

they key isnt what machine, its how often you use it.

Kotchy or another system if recommended. I could do it on my own time and save money over all. Ideas? power rack, bench, barbell, weights, dumbells.

Beason However it does do one thing that I havent noticed free weights do it make you might for complete control of the movement. engrish?

Bow flex any good?

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