Friday, December 27, 2013

found an old picture of me :wtc:

found an old picture of me :wtc:

Damn I was huge(FAT). I went form 240 to 180, from there I hovered around 185-190 for a while. I've been bulking and I'm at 200 right now. I decided I'm at a good size so I'm going to try and get to about 8-10% bf @ 190. I would try and get larger but with my future career ahead of me, I'm not going to be able to maintain a large size. This was me, about is July 2002 - 240 lbs and this is me recently at 185lbs This is me now at 200lbs, cold yes yes, the angle is odd on the last one. Its not that flattering taking a front shot Maybe I'll post again when I get to around 10% bf Now-a-days I workout 5-6 times a week. Couple weeks ago did a 7 mile run. I've gone through military training, I have a new girlfriend/fiancee. Sure beats sitting around eating cheezits and moutain dew all day. in other news, I put up 100lb DB's on incline today for the first time, 8 times

no chest no care. pics! Looking great though! Looks like a new person.

Socrates no chest no care. pics! Looking great though! Looks like a new person. My chest is the best part of me, except for the fatty lower pec Yes, I know I am teh suck at posing. I was just goofing around with my fiancee when these pics were taken - a few weeks ago.

worst chest shot, redo that shit yo

lol yeah horrible chest shot

ryazbeck worst chest shot, redo that shit yo show me a proper pose, and maybe I'll do it

ManinCamo show me a proper pose, and maybe I'll do it Sorry, I figured you would figure out on your own that a good chest show is NOT having your hands in front of your chest. Also, unless your boobs droop down like that, don't push your bicep up with it.

Socrates Sorry, I figured you would figure out on your own that a good chest show is NOT having your hands in front of your chest. Also, unless your boobs droop down like that, don't push your bicep up with it. I'll get on that pic in a few minutes don't laugh at the fat!

ManinCamo I'll get on that pic in a few minutes don't laugh at the fat! Trust me, if you've seen my picture, you would know I have no room to laugh at anyone.

Good stuff.

ManinCamo show me a proper pose, and maybe I'll do it anyposethatbicepsdontblockthechest.jpg

yea, my traps need some work suggestions? comments?

240, that top pic is about as fat as I got went form wearing XL shirts to mediums and from 36" pants to 30-32" pants

Mike McDermott congrats nice bod on her thanks and she has a smokin body, visible abs, nice muscle tone. She ran XC in high school, but doesn't run anymore due to two knee surgeries She still maintains her weight with ease AND her mom is attractive and looks younger than she really is = my fiancee will maintain the hotness

tize link for nonblues? I did that on purpose i posted a pic of her in the main forum a week or two ago.

I dunno, you tell me. Two blondes walk into a bar... You would have thought at least one of them would have seen it. ok, no not terribly funny. We just get along very well.

tize i smiled so how long you think until she cheats on ya? you know they all do that DIAF hopefully never

I'm off to bed. I await broly responses when I awake

good shit. keep it up

tize id bone her; you must be funny or something

okay, hmm, you got good arms, but you could definately work those delts and your chest. and i dunno about your lats but i bet they are lacking like your shoulders. arent you going into the air force soon? do you have time to do some bulking?

Much improved.

someone get this man some decline presses! chest looks weird but arms look good to me, not that I know shit or have any room to comment.

1. you REALLY need to learn how to pose better 2. Say "fat" not "huge", huge imply big. 3. Build more muscle. 4. you fiancee has a nice ass 5. good work

Maestro Nobones someone get this man some decline presses! chest looks weird but arms look good to me, not that I know shit or have any room to comment. I do decline just as much as flat and incline, with similar weight. what else can I do besides decline press and decline butterfly to target my lower pecs? Even when I was 180 I still had gyno type fat. My chest really is my strong point, in person at least.

found an old picture of me :wtc:

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