Tuesday, December 24, 2013

is this mental or what?

is this mental or what?

i have been changing my eating habits lately and working out. well i felt kinda weak at the gym this morning and it pissed me off and put me in a bad mood all day. Then i ate 3 ccokies at my moms because i was depressed and they were homeade and smelled so good and i'm such a fucking pussy for doing that. then i had a lean peice of steak and 1/2 a plain baked potatoe. well, ever since the cookies i've been feeling nauseated. so i ate the steak and potatoe because i still need to eat for energy. well, the nauseau hasen't gone away yet. is this just mental cause i fucked up my diet and i'm becoming a purger or something? i dunno. i feel stupid. it's just been a rough day i'd like to think it's mental. /rant


i've found that after not eating sweets.. when i finally do, they make me feel sick especially cookies. i've stopped eating them altogether try cookies another time if you want.. my guess is that they'll make you feel sick again

Maybe the eggs she used were bad

Maybe the cow had Mad Cow Disease

Dude, its 3 cookies. Get over it.

I could see them making you feel nauseous for a few hours if you havent eaten sweets in a long time but not the entire day. When I drink coke I always feel sick afterwards if I haven't drank it in a while.

probably a little bit of both. The gulit of eating cookies and probably not eating much.

AmCo probably a little bit of both. The gulit of eating cookies and probably not eating much. this is what i decided too. i really did feel nauseated after I ate them....but then 6 hours later when I posted this it had to hae been mental. I'm actually kinda glad that I felt that way because it shows I'm trying to be strict and hard on myself. Othertimes, I wouldn't have cared abit and just said...eh, i'll start over tomorrow, and went and binged. This time I pulled myself back together and ate right afterwards.

sprite Dude, its 3 cookies. Get over it. yeah yeah..it's 3 cookies..... it wasn't so much about the cookies, but more about how I let myself do it.

i ate a box of mac & cheese with 3 glasses of pepsi

Ceaze i ate a box of mac & cheese with 3 glasses of pepsi fuck you fat ass

nic379 yeah yeah..it's 3 cookies..... it wasn't so much about the cookies, but more about how I let myself do it. Don't get hung up on this. If it really bothers you that much, just try to forget it and move on. Take the day off from your diet, it sounds like you need to.

christophers OCD this is not dexterium

is this mental or what?

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