Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My plan to get Big in teh next month....... *Opinions Please*

My plan to get Big in teh next month....... *Opinions Please*

Eating Plan: 7am: Breakfast 2 Cups of Oj 2 Scops of NLarge2 2 Pork Roll and Cheese on english muffin 40 g's protein 10am:10 oz Apple Cranberry Juice 1 Extra Peanut Butter Sandwich 20 g's protein 12:30pm: Lunch Time 2 Chicken Break Sndwich 1 Glass of milk Probably some other filler foods 30 g's protein 4:00pm 10 oz Apple Cranberrry juice 1 Peanut Butter Sandwich 20 g's protein 5:45-6:00pm 2 Scoops Nlarge2 25 g's protein 8:00 Dinner whatever mom makes for dinner. Usually 25 g's protein at least 10:30 2 scoops Nlarge2 shake 25 g's protein Workout: Christophers Base routine Supplements: Nlarge2 Multivitamin Superdrol half bottle 4ad trans Stats:6'1 185lbs goals:205 lbs Whats everyones opinion????? Also, fix anything i fucked up.....

how many calories is all that?

Dragon how many calories is all that? No clue i know its about 180 g's protein tho......

protein is good, but if you need to make sure your getting a lot of calories too. you should be aiming for at least 3500cal, and that 180g of protein is only 720 calories.

how many calories do you think i have so far????? What can i do to increase my caloric intake?

being that you'll be taking superdrol, i don't think you need to go too crazy with calorie intake. What are you doing for PCT?

superbri007 correct me if i'm wrong but superdrol is legal right? for now, yes.

superbri007 correct me if i'm wrong but superdrol is legal right? Correct. let me know if you need a link..

Chris3G being that you'll be taking superdrol, i don't think you need to go too crazy with calorie intake. What are you doing for PCT? Most likely be taking 6oxo..... from what i have heard about the taste of nolva, i dont think i should take that. it will probably mess up my eating habbits. I have a weak stomach.

superbri007 link not that i want to do it, but i just want to learn about it. Oh, just go to anabolicminds.com..... There are 198279127 threads per day about it. Everyone raves about it over there

3 pound muscle...rest water an fat

20 pounds in a month? ha, you'll look like a fatty besides, you wont gain shit on the little girl diet.

oh btw do you have any illegal anabolic steroids that you can sell to me illegally?

only illegal ones.

PurEvl 3 pound muscle...rest water an fat From what I've heard, you really don't retain water much water on SD. On the 4ad, yes, but if he's only got a half a bottle, i don't even know why he's bothering.

GilgaMesH From what I've heard, you really don't retain water much water on SD. On the 4ad, yes, but if he's only got a half a bottle, i don't even know why he's bothering. i was referring to the shit diet

PurEvl i was referring to the shit diet Ah, well then....yeah you're probably right then

that diet sucks and would be a cutting diet for me.

If you want to get BIG you need at least 7k calories.

You aren't going to put 20 pounds in a month with that diet

if he adds layers of clothing everyday he may add 20 pounds of weight in clothing.

ryazbeck if he adds layers of clothing everyday he may add 20 pounds of weight in clothing.

dirtysouthboy that diet sucks and would be a cutting diet for me. you cut on fruit juice eh...apparantly our definition of cutting is very different

How about some suggestions rather than critism Ill definatly up the food intake... Maybe mor e Nlarge scoops per drink

PurEvl you cut on fruit juice eh...apparantly our definition of cutting is very different haha, dirtysouthboy, mike, doesnt do cutting diets, all he does it cut his diet down under 3000 calories and he'll lose like 5 pounds a week, no joke, i see him everyday and i see it. he went from like 16%BF to like 11% in 2 weeks just by cutting down to like 2200 cals from 6000. he was like fuck this shit, and just started bulking again.

My plan to get Big in teh next month....... *Opinions Please*

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